//------------------------------// // Singing Shadows // Story: Deadly Silence // by snowolfgirl //------------------------------// When I woke up I was still on the floor and the door was still open.Everything was the same except there was another pony in my room. This time instead of a filly it was a colt. "Your awake.Finally. When i heard the machine go crazy, none of the nurses came to check so i did" This colt was black with a black and blue mane and tail. I didn't have enough courage to look up at his eyes because i was scared i would scare him away. "why wont you look up?" There was curiosity in his voice now. He started to lower his head to look at me so i turned my head away. "If i look up," i whispered, "I'll scare you away too." He laid down in front of me and i shivered, scared. I slowly lifted my head to meet his eyes. His eyes were an electric blue, that were filled with the curiosity that was in his voice. When our eyes finally met he just smiled. "Your eyes are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." I blushed and looked away. "Could... could you help me with something please." I was still whispering. "Sure," he smiled again,"what is it?" i raised my head and started standing up. He stood up before me and reached out a hoof to help me. "I was trying to shut the door before i fell and i was going to brush out my mane and tail, but I don't know if i can actually close the doo." He looked at me and smiled. "Sure, I'll help you. Oh and by the way my name is Singing Shadows." "I don't remember my name." He looked at me confused but didn't say anything more. I walked over to the door and started pushing it shut with my hooves. As i did this Singing shadows hunted down and brought me a mane brush. "Wait don't you need to go back to your room?" I ask once i have the door shut. "No the nurses never check on me much and i figured i should help you get back in bed. And besides I don't want to leave you here all alone." He blushes as he says this and it makes me giggle. "Well ok but i don't think I'm going to be very exciting." I say. I take the brush from him and start brushing my tail using my mouth to hold the brush. "What are you doing?" he asks staring at me with his head tilted. "Rushin meh ter." "why with your mouth though? Your a unicorn. Why not use your magic?" I drop the brush and stare at him. "A what?" "A unicorn. Here watch this." His horn began to glow faintly then gain brightness as my mane brush started to drift into the air. I stared, my mouth hanging slightly open, I batted a hoof at the floating object and watched it drift away from me "that's amazing." I looked at his face and giggled. his eyes were tightly closed and his tongue was slightly sticking out of his lips. He dropped the brush and he stared at me, "what's so funny?" "Nothing. Nothing" still giggling. "Um could you help me up onto my bed? I'm kinda tired." I fake yawned and then he smiled. We walked over to the bed and we both looked up at how high it was. "Oh i have a stool in my room they gave me so I could get in and out of my bed." He opened the door and cantered off down the hallway while I looked up at how high it looked from the floor. I heard a loud noise and turned around to see Shadow panting from effort. He pointed his hoof at the step-stool and i quickly went over to him and helped him push it towards my bed. "Go...go ahead and... see if you can climb up." "Why are you so tired it wasn't that hard to push?" He looked at me and he seemed to have regained control over his breathing. "Well uhm," he blushed. "I was uh trying to show off and lift it with magic." I giggled and climbed up the stool and onto my bed while he went to shut the door again. When i had gotton onto my bed i turned and realized he had climbed up behind me. I laid down on top of my blanket and turned to him. "Do you think you could make a promise to me?" "Yeah, what is it?" "I'v lost everything in my life before now and I don't even know how but could you promise to never leave me even if i do scare you?" I couldn't see his face because i was looking down but I could feel tears starting to run down my cheeks. I felt something touch my cheek and i looked up to see his hoof wiping at my tear. His gaze wandered to meet mine "I wont ever leave you alone. I promise." He laid down next to me and nuzzled my cheek. I snuggled closer and sniffed in his scent that was its own unique mix of boy and the sterile smell of the hospital. I curled into the space he had made and rested my head on the curve of his back. I lifted my head slightly toward his ear and whispered "thank you." I rested my head back down and closed my eyes drifting slowly into an easy sleep.