The Diverse Operatives, Assembling Team

by Gentleman Blaze

Chapter 1 The gentleman in disguise

At Canterlot Castle
The light shone upon the beautiful city of Canterlot. The huge marble pillars made the castle look regal and majestic. Inside this castle, an equally regal pony was pacing around in front of the captain of the royal guard. “So you are saying that Canterlot has become… Hectic?” Asked Celestia nervously as she awaited the captain’s answer.

Shining armor paused for a second before nodding “Indeed, I would have sent the royal guard out... But that would cause a scene.” He looked at Celestia with a serious glare “We need to be more discreet.” Shining Armor turned around and motioned for a guard to approach him.

The guard walked up to him and gave him what looked like a folder. Shining Armor levitated the folder to Celestia “I have found three qualified for the job and one of them is actually in Canterlot right now,” Said the white stallion as Celestia observed the files. The sun goddess nodded

“Alright, you have my permission Shining Armor. Go find Sappy Lappy”

At a café in Canterlot

A blue dragon with crimson scales, spikes and eyes sat and enjoyed his morning tea. His top sat snugly at his head and his jet-black tuxedo gave him a look of superiority. He leaned back in his chair and let out a calm sigh. He stroked his mustache Ahh… Canterlot. Ponies were not lying when they said how majestic you are Thought Sappy as he subconsciously kept stroking his mustache. He opened his eye when a waiter walked by him “Excuse me sir, but could you be a real chap and lead me to this wonderful café’s owner?” Asked Sappy with a satisfied smile.

The waiter beam “Yes of course sir! I’ll lead you right to him, this way!” Said the young stallion eagerly as he walked ahead of the dragon. Sappy tipped his hat as a thank you.

The young stallion brought him to a door were there was a sign labeled ‘Office’ “You’ll find him in here, sir” Said the waiter. Sappy smiled “Thank you young lad. I’ll be sure to give you a good tip,” Said Sappy as he opened the door. The stallion adopted a massive smile and galloped off.

Sappy went inside the office. A smell of wood and vintage wool assaulted his nostrils as went inside. The owner looked up from a book he was reading “Hello! Welcome to my Office, my name is-“The stallion was cut off when a talon buried itself into his heart.

He could not scream since Sappy was covering his mouth. His eyes slowly closed and he fell down on the ground. “My apologies sir, but these were my orders,” Said Sappy with a somber look.

He took the lifeless corpse and burned it, leaving a stench of burned flesh in the room. Once he was done, nothing was left of the stallion. Sappy took out some form of deodorant and sprayed the room until you could not smell what had happened in here. He left through the back door and took flight. Another victim has perished from my flames… Thought Sappy with a frown. And here I thought that being an assassin was easy.

Sappy landed on a street near Canterlot. He walked straight forward. Deep in thought I should not have taken this job from the gold hoof’s… But what choice did I have?

A dragon walked through Canterlot. His tuxedo was cut to pieces and he was losing conscious. A stallion approached the dragon “My my, what a terrible situation you are in” Said the stallion.

He had a blonde mane and a red coat and what looked like an expensive tuxedo “How about an offer young drake. I can save you from public execution, if you take on a job for me.” He paused for a bit “I have a list of ponies that I want… Eliminated” He walked up to Sappy’s face “So what do you say?” The dragon looked in the eyes of the pony that was responsible of his family’s death and said…

Sappy snapped out of his thoughts and headed inside another bar. A new victim awaited him. The doorbell rang as Shining armor entered the room. He instantly spotted the semi big dragon drinking his tea “Hello Sappy. I got an offer for you” Said Shining as he sat down next to him.

Sappy's eyes widened "How do you know my name Shining Amor? Last time i remembered i wasn't on any database known to ponies" Said Sappy.

His usually cool demeanor was completely replaced by a cautious and nervous one. “What offer do you have, Shining Armor?” Asked Sappy carefully, he was ready to run.

He spied two exits he could use for his getaway. I wonder if he had found out about my… Job Shining Armor laughed, “I can offer you a place in the ‘Diverse operatives’ it’s a group that will clean up the criminal activities in our city” Explained the white stallion.

Sappy thought for a moment. A group that vanquishes criminals? That is most certainly tempting… Nevertheless, I would probably be assassinated. The gold hoofs would take my head if I did this… Shining Armor spoke up again “Oh, and don’t worry about the gold hoofs. If you accept, you will be under Celestia’s protection. Therefore, this is a rare opportunity for you to do what is right. I can tell that your life is miserable right now.”

Shining Armor got up “If you want to join, you know where to find me. I bet I was one of the targeted victims” Said Shining and left the building, leaving Sappy with his own thoughts.

He took out his list and saw that the captain was indeed a target. Sappy looked up again “Bollocks” Muttered the dragon as the normally calm and collected dragon slammed his face on the table

Shining armor rook out his folder. The next candidate was Blaze pulse, a DJ in Spectrum city. “Well, looks like this will be a long journey for me” Muttered Shining Armor disappointingly

“I should have chosen someone who was in ponyville! Not someone who is on the other side of the damn globe” Shouted Shining. He was definitely going to hate this ride