Conflict of Embers and Souls

by Lord of Flies


When the Inferno Empire fell after the Fire Queen's Death Nova, the five Pony races split from each other and formed their own empires.

The Earth Ponies, the mightiest of the Mortal Races, formed the Earth Kingdom with agricultural and industrial strength unmatched by the other three. They are renowned for producing mighty war hammers and heavy armors that are extremely durable and excellently crafted, along with produce that is held to be the most delicious in all the world. The Immortals, the mightiest of their heavy infantry, are reputed to never number less than fifteen thousand warriors.

The Unicorns, the most intelligent of the Mortal Races and skilled in the manipulation of magic, created the Empire of Canterlot, an empire of magical might hidden away in the Basalt Valley. Renowned for mighty spells, runes, talismans, amulets, and enchantments, the Unicorns bear an unfortunate curse. For those who are lucky, the overload of their magic results in death. Those that are not lucky are transformed into abominations and either exiled or destroyed by the Heralds, a force of seven thousand and five hundred of the mightiest of the Unicorn battlemages and executioners of magical abominations.

The Pegasi, the most agile of the Mortal Races and skilled in the art of flight, utilized their innate cloud manipulation to create a Cloud Hegemony floating high above those that would seek to destroy them. With the ability to control the weather, the Pegasi create mighty tempests and lightning storms to aid them in battle. Pegasi are the most fragile of the Mortal Races, however, their agility allows for swift, graceful strikes in combat. The Spectres, five thousand of the greatest warriors of the Pegasi, are renowned for their dragonslaying ability.

The Crystal Ponies, the largest and most robust of the Mortal Races, journeyed into the Far North, simultaneously isolating themselves from the rest of the world and providing them with a climate better suited for them. The occasional expedition force from the Far North proves that they still exist. Due to their unwavering faith, the Crystal Ponies are known for their Chaplains, who are both preacher and warrior-priest.

The Alicorns, the mightiest of all five Pony races, disappeared months after the Inferno Empire’s fall, taking their eldritch knowledge and natural unification ability of the Mortal Races with them.

The Three Empires of the Earth Ponies, the Unicorns, and the Pegasi at an uneasy peace for two millennia, were reunited by six ponies, two from each race.

Hurricane Iscariot, Golden Pansy, Leafed Clover, Twinkling Platinum, Chocolate Puddinghead, and Smart Cookie, these six ponies, the Unifiers, used the Power of Harmony to drive the Windigos into extinction and purge the land of Equestria, ancient homeland of the five Pony races, of the Forces of Chaos. United Equestria, formed in the aftermath of the Great Purge, stood for ten years before it was shaken to its core.

However, even the mightiest heroes fall. Hurricane Iscariot, Commander of the Pegasi forces, betrayed Leafed Clover, striking her down as the mare prepared to present her latest combat spell to the United Equestria Military Council. Only Hurricane and Smart Cookie, the first Matriarch of the Apple Clan, were witnesses to this event. Smart Cookie, however, denied witnessing the event three times, before breaking down upon hearing the call of a nearby raven.

Hurricane was arrested and found guilty of attempting murder, stripped of his rank, and exiled from United Equestria. Before leaving the country he helped create behind, Hurricane vowed to oppose United Equestria with all his might.

Twenty five years have since passed. Without the guidance of Commander Hurricane, United Equestria’s military has weakened and grown content. A new threat is rising, and new heroes must rise to defend United Equestria, or lose everything that the peaceful nation stands for and become subject to the new threat…