Derpy And Carrot Top: Friends Till The End

by Rtrotten

Rip in Time

Carrot Top pounded on the ice wall as she shouted "You have to stop this Derpy will get killed!"

Acheron turned to Carrot Top walked over and put her hoof on the ice and said, "Your friend Derpy already has plans to kill me."

Carrot Top leaned back and chuckled "Derpy isn't a killer and, to be honest, the only time she killed something was when she tripped and landed on a mouse."

Acheron laughed and said, "Anyways she won't be killed at the start of the invasion she already has allies."

Carrot Top started to think about Acheron and asked, "Why are you so well like you, evil?"

Acheron turned to her one again and said, "I was hoping you would ask." Acheron ran over to the ice and put her hoof on it. Suddenly Carrot Top and Acheron were surrounded by a swirling wall of snow the faster it turned the more colors Carrot Top saw. Soon Acheron faded into the wall of snow. Carrot Top had moved and somewhere and noted that the ice wall was gone and she could move freely. She had been teleported onto a mountain or hill that was covered in snow.

Carrot Top heard noises of metal clanking off in the distance so she said to herself "There are ponies over there and they can help me get home after we find Derpy." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something blue, when she turned her head she saw Acheron.

Carrot Top nervously walked over to her when Acheron said "You don't have to be afraid I can't physically hurt you here."

Carrot Top walked up beside Acheron above a giant field and asked, "Where are we, what is this battle." Acheron smiled and said "This is a memory and this was the battle for Acheron, I had just come out of the city and was greeted by Celestia's and Luna's army. Carrot Top looked up at her and asked, "What is the name of the battle?"

Acheron sighed and frowned and said, "It's the battle of Snowdrop."

Carrot Top shot her a confused look and said, "Those were the two words snow and drop, but why would this make you mentally stable?"

Acheron turned to Carrot Top and started walking quickly at her while yelling, "You think this is why, do you think this was...". Acheron sighed and collapsed upon the ground. She looked up at Carrot Top and said, "This is all my fault." Carrot Top was confused but she didn't want to make her, even more, angry so she watched the battle.
As she looked over the battle she noticed a giant spider with armor. It had a cape that was white as the snow around her, It had a black cross on it too. The spider had four swords and was walking on its middle four legs two in front and two in the back. The armor came to sharp points in middle arms which it was using to keep back the snow creatures. There was another hill on the other side from which more and more snow creatures came. Then a massive one came into view. The spider turned and started heading right towards it. They fought for a few minutes until the snow creature fell down. All of a sudden Acheron appeared on the other side and was leading the creatures. The princesses came down from out of the sky and froze her in the cone. The wind picked up and started swirling around Carrot Top. Once again the colors changed and she teleported. Carrot Top looked up to find herself in the cone again.