Derpy And Carrot Top: Friends Till The End

by Rtrotten


Derpy had just woken up from a nap when Ration came in and asked her to take a shift at the front wall. Ration was just about to leave when he turned around and said "Sorry I didn't say good morning but today is busy for all of us.

Derpy asked, "I wasn't told anything, what is happening?"

Ration spoke in a serious voice "Were moving the army out, were attacking today."

Ration started walking out of the room when Derpy ran up to her. "Is there anything I can do to help out the army."

"Derpy I appreciate that you want to help but the shift at the wall is all we need." Ration replied just as quick as her question. Derpy sat back down and sighed.

Ration was walking quickly through the hall when the spider with the staff accompanied him in his walk and said "The cooks have packed seven days worth of food for all of the spiders.

Ration replied, " I see your back in work Rosemary, are you all healed up?"

Rosemary looked up at him," I am and the doctor said I will be able to fight soon."

Ration nodded and asked, "Are the fire birds loaded up on ammunition and inside the gates?" "They have ammunition but not all are at the gate."

"Get them to the gate and have troop 2.32 load the banners onto the cart at the second wall another thing, I'm really glad your back because you are the best scribe we have ever had."

"Thank you, sir, see you at the wall at noon."

Ration ran past some spiders that were wearing armor and into a room that was full of brass tubes. There were two skeleton ponies standing in front of some of the pipes, one of them turned around and said "Troop 2.32 have placed the banners at the second wall the firebirds are all loaded up and Edgar has supplied all of the spiders and skeletons in his group with armor."

Ration nodded a thank you, "Ok, I need to send a message to the main wall." The pony stepped out of the way and pointed to a pipe. Ration leaned up to the pipe and said in a loud voice " Derpy are you at the wall?" A few seconds past when Ration heard a quiet voice. Ration spoke again "Derpy are you at the wall?"
Ration heard Derpy say through a large pipe nearer to the top of the room, "Oh is this an instant message thing?" Ration sook his head and smiled a tiny bit. "Derpy just speak into the pipe if you need anything, but I'm coming over to the wall."
Ration ran out of the room when he heard a loud voice overhead say "Attention every pony every skeleton and every spider we are meeting at the main wall in twenty minutes." This made Ration run even faster.

As Ration reached the wall Derpy hugged him and said, "Did you come to watch the wall with me?" Ration replied quickly "No I have a very important mission for you." Derpy looked at him with a scared expression. The time had come the army was heading out of the walls. There were massive fire birds flying above the army while Ration was at the front. The frozen lake was beside the army with Rosemary standing on a boat above them. Derpy was nowhere to be found.