Ninja Pikachu

by Raichu

The Fight

Rainbow Dash studied the cake. It was large, round and seemingly impossible to fit outside the door, at least if she didn’t want to have half of the cake fall to the floor. Pinkie had given her an almost impossible task. Why did Scoots even order a cake so large? Perhaps Rainbow could take her the cake piece by piece? But what if the cake was for something important? Rainbow didn’t know how to put a cake back together.

Suddenly, Pinkie burst through the door. She shoved a little yellow rodent out of her pink mane and into Rainbow’s face with a wide smile.

“I caught a Pikachu!” She said happily. Rainbow raised an eyebrow. Pikachu seemed sad, like it had given up defeat and hope. Rainbow took it gently and Pikachu only stayed limply in her embrace. She would have thought the thing was dead if she hadn’t felt its heartbeat.

“Why is… he,” Rainbow decided it was probably a guy since there was no way of knowing, “so sad?”

“He says that his friends nearly killed his new friend, Scootaloo.” Pinkie said. Rainbow nearly dropped Pikachu.

“They did what?” She asked then held up Pikachu who stared down at her. “Who are your friends?”

“They live in the Everfree Forest.” Pinkie stated. Rainbow flapped her wings and flew out the nearest window. That was all she needed to hear. “I’ll drop off the cake with Scootaloo!” She called after Rainbow.


Rainbow dumped Pikachu off at her cloud house. Pikachu somehow didn’t fall through the clouds which would have surprised Rainbow if she didn’t want to know who hurt her little sister so badly. These friends of Pikachu were going to pay! Nobody hurt Scootaloo!

She flew off immediately with hope that Pikachu could take care of himself. She flew over the forest and immediately spotted a clearing. She wished she had gotten directions from the Pikachu as to where his friends were located so she didn’t have to look everywhere. That didn’t seem to matter, however, as she dove down into this clearing and saw two creatures. They both seemed out of place even for the Everfree. She figured those had to be his buddies.

“Hey! Did you hurt my sister?” She asked angrily and flew up to the one that stood on its hind legs. It frowned at her and spoke back… in her mind.

“What are you talking about?” It asked.

“My sister is a pony who has an orange coat and a purple mane!” Rainbow yelled. “Did you hurt her?”

“She was in our way. She would have told somepony about us and-” Rainbow punched the creature in the face. It fell to the ground. Rainbow didn’t pause for a second. She flew in quickly.

“How dare you hurt my sister!” She yelled, but he punched her with a force that knocked her into the nearest tree. She sat up. The creature was strong, but she wasn’t giving up. She flew up and bucked the creature with both hind legs. He tumbled back and growled at her. Literally. It sounded like a dog growl but with a deeper and more sinister tone added to it.

“Bring it on!” Rainbow shouted. It somehow brought one of its long hind legs up to reach her and quickly kicked her into the ground. She winced as pain shot through her body. What was this thing? It felt like she might have broken something. However, at the same time, Rainbow could also feel a massive adrenaline rush hit her. This thing could not hurt her like it hurt Scootaloo. She was stronger than that.
She flew up as the creature pounded a fist into her place. She began to fly around him in order to confuse it. It reached out and grabbed her tail. It began to drag her down, no matter how much Rainbow struggled to fly away. It brought her down to eye level then held up a fist. Then it slammed his fist into her face. One time, then two times, then three, then four… the numbers kept growing and Rainbow began to see dark spots. It then slammed her into the ground as she soon as she began to feel faint. She laid in the ground, breathing heavily.
She rolled over as the thing slammed another fist in her spot. She flew high into the air and dived straight at him despite the fact that she could barely see. Suddenly, her wings froze. She was somehow being levitated down however and she wondered if this was the creature’s doing.

She floated down beside the creature she was fighting. He seemed to be froze too.

“Well, I think I’ve seen enough.” A small creature said, walking out of nowhere and clapping her paws. She was the second creature that Rainbow had seen. Rainbow wondered why she didn’t fight Rainbow either. She had a very feminine voice so Rainbow knew it was a she. She floated Rainbow and the other creature into the air. Her voice spoke in Rainbow’s mind too and her mouth didn’t move. “You two are acting like children. Steel is sorry, Rainbow.”

“How do you know my name?” Rainbow croaked, finally able to speak.

“I am Tufts.” Tufts said. “And I read your mind. The mind is like an ID to me. I read it, I know things. Tell me, is your sister badly hurt?”

“Yes! You guys hurt her for no reason!” Rainbow said and struggled to break free of the invisible grip still holding the rest of her up.

“That was Steel, who acted without thinking. He was scared and attempted to protect himself.”

“Scared of Scootaloo?”

“Tell me, have you seen any creatures like us before?” Tufts asked. Rainbow would have shook her head, but she still couldn’t move.

“No.” She replied.

“We don’t want to be discovered by ponies because we don’t want to caged and studied. We want to go home. Steel was only doing what he thought was best. Is it really necessary to fight him because of it?”

Rainbow paused in thought for a second. “No.”

“That’s right. It simply isn’t.” Tufts said. “Steel is sorry. He only did what he thought was right. Again, he’s sorry. I’m sorry. We don’t want to get caught.”

“Ok.” Rainbow said as she gave up the fight. Scootaloo would have forgiven him if she had known. “So you’re not from here, right? You’re friends of Pikachu.”

“Yeah.” Steel’s voice entered her mind. “He’s in big trouble.”

“He’s back at my place actually.” Rainbow said. “I can go get him.”

“No need.” Tufts said. “I can do it.”

“So why are you talking in my mind?” Rainbow asked.

“It is called telepathy.” Tufts said. “We don’t speak your language so we are speaking into each other’s mind in whatever language you speak.”

“Cool.” Rainbow said. “So… how do you guys plan on getting home?”

“We have our ways.” Tufts said with a grin at Steel. Tufts raised her tiny paws and Rainbow was set on the ground. Steel and Rainbow Dash unfroze. Rainbow shook out her limbs. It felt as though she had been cramped up for hours. He turned to Rainbow reluctantly and held out a paw. Rainbow shook it.

“Sorry.” He muttered.

“Right.” Rainbow muttered back.

“Alright. I’ll get Pikachu. Thank you, Rainbow Dash.” Tufts said and disappeared.