//------------------------------// // In which revelations and plans take form // Story: Pony Terrestrial // by Arcanel //------------------------------// Attention readers! I have something to say!...Thank you!...Yeah, that’s it XD. Nah, you’re awesome. CPM here. I have been able to post a new chapter before going full study mode! YES! I’m not dead (yet…XD). So, last time the music palooza ended, which also had the little dance within Rarity and Spike that I enjoyed so much writing, and I hope you enjoyed reading, and with it, the moment that some of you were waiting is now here! It’s time to show the show! (LAME joke FTW! XD). And so I distract no further. Here’s the next chapter of The misadventures of MLP: FIM, In which revelations and plans take form! If you look up on the sky, you’ll see that Rainbow Dash is flying with a banner saying “carsnprognmlp owns nothing but the story. I am awesome!” (Sigh), when will she not say so?... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ If you ever had the pressure of consequences that could change the world and your life in your shoulders, and literally breathing behind you on your neck, then you know how I felt. I had been trying to avoid this particular moment as much as I can. But after Rainbow’s little explosion, and after seeing Celestia’s “I’m watching you” face when “A Thousand Years” ended…yeah, there’s little I can do. Well, if anything goes wrong, then all I need to say is this…Spike, if you treat Rarity wrong, then I’ll come back from the dead, and kick your ass because of it! “Ok then. It’s only fair I explained this moment by now” I told them, preparing myself, for a LONG chat. Rainbow had yelled a “FINALLY!” and Twilight had her ever present notepad ready for scribbling. The rest were abnormally quiet, even Pinkie…well, if that isn’t a sign for attention, then I don’t know what it is. “(Sigh) Well…here goes. You see, we do know about you because…you could say that we “recorded” your adventures around Equestria, in a sense. Although, I am not sure how that even works now that you’re here” I told them. Let’s see who raises a hand/hoof and/or asks a question first. And it’s…Princess Celestia?...I think I should have expected this one anyway. “What do you mean by “recorded?” She asked. “Well…I think it’s best if I show you” I answered her, which left everybody with a “Huh?” face. Show and tell apparently is still at its position. With those words I went and opened Youtube for them to see what I meant…and I put the first chapter in. “…What…What is the meaning of this?!” Princess Luna exclaimed. More than one pony seemed surprised…although Pinkie and Spike were all with their jaws dropped…and as much as I enjoy that image, this is not the moment of fun. “T-T-T-That’s me!” Twilight exclaimed, pointing a hoof to the screen “(Sigh) Like I told you, we know everything, Princess Luna. We know about how you were imprisoned, how Twilight and the rest freed you, how Twilight lived in Canterlot before going to Ponyville and Princess Celestia sent her there to make friends. We know about her first day, we know what ensued after, even as long as the battles with Discord and Queen Chrysalis” I explained to them, saying of what we knew that was important. If I was expecting the next question, then I didn’t know, and I’m a very self-conscious person. “Queen who?” Rainbow asked. Oh yeah, now that I remember, she never DID introduce herself with her name, right? Silly me, I’m just nervous as hell… “(Sigh) I mean the Queen of the Changelings” I told her. Honestly, you’d think she‘d at least know what I’m- Excuse me brain, why the hell are you making me think now? This is not the time! Leave it for when I’m playing Eternal Poison, not just about to MAYBE get a horn thrust into my neck! “Ohhhh…wait, even HER!?” The cyan Pegasus exclaimed. Prepare yourself ears. Shouts are coming. “We have been…w-w-w-watched?” Fluttershy stuttered. “Ouch…yes, even her. I know. It’s somewhat enraging to know that someone else knows all about you, without you even knowing. In that sense, we were kind of like a stalker. We know all about that because, like I said, supposedly, the creator, Lauren Faust, “created” you and thus came all of the knowledge we have of you. She put on a show that was about your adventures that told almost everything that has happened that we know of. She called the show “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” based on what you do on the show and, excuse me if this offends you, I think the title suits quite well what your stories have been” I told them. You know, I was kind of expecting by now getting bucked and therefore, getting my PC destroyed but if anything, they were all in a state of…wonder, not rage. I can LIVE! ‘Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Stayin’ alive! Stayin’ alive! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Stayin’ ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!’ (For Robin Gibb, may he rest in peace). “I have to admit that it DOES fit…however strange it may be” Celestia admitted. Ok, we’re still good. “And…this wasn’t the first time it was done” I told them…should I really be going this far? “What do you mean?” Twilight asked. Haaaaalellujah! At long last she asked something! I was beginning to get worried. “Well…Equestria was not the first world per se that has been watched like this. Princess Celestia, do you by any chance now of the world known as “Ponyland”?” I asked, starting to go further even with previous generations of ponies. I just hope this will go alright. “Ponyland?...No…I do not think so. Why?” She answered me. Okay, so this won’t be as awkward as I think…maybe… “Well…another world we had “recorded” was called Ponyland. It did feature ponies, as of course the name implies, and some of them even had some of your names. Here we call them that they were “generations”. This means, that for example, Twilight, Rarity, you have been on Ponyland as far as we know” I explained. This brought the obvious retaliation. “But we haven’t been on “Ponyland”! Twilight exclaimed. “Indeed. I cannot recall ever been to such a place before” Rarity reassured. “I see…well then that confirms that “Ponyland” is indeed another world, especially because if neither Princess Celestia nor Princess Luna have heard of it, then that means it IS another world. I’m sorry, I know this is a lot to take in. I really don’t know what’s going on now. I’m not even sure HOW are we doing this if, Equestria and Ponyland, are indeed other worlds and not just the figment of someone’s imagination. To tell the truth, I really was scared because of how you would have reacted. And I must say that…I was kind of expecting a bit of physical damage on my behalf heh…” I told them, starting to stutter at the end. Here comes the questioning, second part. “But why? You know we would not hurt you” Princess Celestia asked, hurt by my previous statement. I am an idiot! Please hit me! OWWW! Thank you brain for discreetly stomping my foot. “(Sigh) Well…it’s kind of difficult. I know I trust you but, here’s the thing. I have shown you that a completely different world from yours has been watching what you have been doing for…almost two years now? Anyway, my point is, I was worried that your reaction would have been far more aggressive, especially after finding out that someone told us that they created YOU! It’s not that I don’t trust you, of course not, but I was however worried that, even if you didn’t mean to, you might have reacted with justified anger” I exclaimed at the end. I don’t know if I was far more worried than I should have been, but right now, it was of no interest to me. I had to be honest, even if it meant to be not that much of the best thing to say at the moment. “I…see” Was all Celestia could say in response to my previous explanation. Okay, if there is a moment to say anything good, now is the time for it! “Let me say this though. Lauren Faust may have created the show saying she “created them”, but she did it for a good reason, or at least I think she did” I told them. “An’ what in tarnation would that be?” Applejack asked, with a tiny bit of annoyance, anger, and curiosity. Huh, never thought I’d see that combination before. “Well…the main part of the “show” is to show the lessons of friendship. What having friends can teach us. We…can see what the letters to you Princess Celestia have…” I awkwardly finished. Immediately, Twilight reacted. “What?! But those are…how could you even know!? Only me, Spike, or whoever is writing the letter and Princess Celestia can see what the letters have!” Twilight protested. Celestia was just as surprised as I was, but she preferred to stay quiet. “I…don’t know. I really don’t. All I know is that at the end of the show, if there was a letter being written, we would learn what it had, so as to see what was the moral of the episode. The show has been divided in, so far, 52 episodes. Almost all of them have a lesson that we learn according to what happened in the episode, and with that, what happened to you” I told them. This was starting to get even weirder than it was before…and I didn’t know that was possible. “However…you could say that, it was because of you that you are getting more known in my world, so to speak” I explained to them. This of course, ensued the general wonder face. This is getting common by now…and why the hell do I feel the need to clarify that? “What do you mean by that?” The white alicorn asked me. “Welllllll…you see, here in my world, “Ponyland” created a series of things based upon it here. And when I say that, I mean that the “creators” of it, released some stuff that was based on it. Mainly, toys. Lots of toys. And when that happened, they also released the show. The problem was that at the time…only little girls were interested in the show, the toys and all that” I told them…wait a minute…why do I think that I just said something wrong…? “OH OH, can you show us how we look? Do we have teeny tiny figures of us? Can we see?” Pinkie almost begged, really excited. I was wondering where she was. She had been awfully quiet. “Emmm…Pinkie? I don’t have any to show you here, but I can through this little thing. But tell me this, why were you so quiet now?” I asked the pink pony, at to which, while giving me looks of uncertainty, the rest of the bunch also looked at. “Oh! I was just thinking what type of cupcakes your people would like!” Pinkie answered me. There was a moment of silence, where all suddenly slowed down. And then, came a moment of epicness that will be registered in history. Me, and the rest of the mane six facepalmed/faceclawed/facehooved and said “Oh, Pinkie…” at the same time, while Celestia and Luna just giggled. I like the fact that Pinkie is thinking of us…but apparently she didn’t hear anything I just said. “Pinkie, did you hear anything of what I just said?” I asked the party pony. I don’t mind this moment though. Somehow, now I feel a bit less nervous. “Of course silly! I did hear about you watching us since the day Twilight came to Ponyville and that some other actually did a show that teaches you what Twilight here got in her letters to Celestia, and that this wasn’t your first time, because you did of some other world called Ponyland!” She answered me. Words fail to get in mouth now. This is the last time I question her knowledge EVER AGAIN. Suddenly, Rainbow seemed like she had an epiphany. “The toys I can understand but-wait…you said this “show” too..hmmmm…wait a minute! You are calling US for little girls TOO!?” Rainbow accused me, absolutely enraged. Ohhhhh…there was the error I committed! Not the best time for me to be even more nervous. ‘Of all the moments for her to connect the dots…was this really necessary now!?’ The problem was that the damage was done. This instantly made Applejack and Spike look VERY threatening. Oh yeah, I am so royally, epically and totally SCREWED! “WAIT! Before you buck me to the other side of the world, please let me explain!” I begged them with all the submission I could show in my body, voice and everything else. It seemed to work, because they took a step back, but they were still looking very scary. Meanwhile, the rest of the ponies had been watching intently. I’m not surprised though, since I think that they would be less insulted by this, though they were still wary of the situation. Okay, time to try and not get bucked. “In my world…normally, the ponies that are here, are related to the little girls and their dreams of having a pony. That is because here, the ponies CAN’T talk. They are as if they were normal animals. So we ride on them for transport and the more common way, for fun, you could say. However, at that time, the show WAS at indicated at the little girls and all the stuff related with love, friendship and stuff, but the way it was shown, very little people outside of that “demographical target”, which what type of people the show is aimed at, were watching it. The second show based on Ponyland came and that didn’t change…and then, you came” I explained to them. All the faces were of wonder now, although I think I still see Spike, Applejack and Rainbow with some hints of anger yet. Okay, I’m not in safe zone yet. “When the show came out, nobody was expecting anything else than what happened before. However there was a change. I don’t know what Lauren Faust did to know about your adventures and stories, but that aside, as she has told the world, she wanted to “break” that image of “too girly”, and thus made a show that put your stories in a way that was appealing. In a way that it could reference some stuff we humans have. Surprisingly, a lot of your adventures have, by a stroke of sheer luck, referenced things we have in our world. Couple that with the fact that with how look is quite cute, and that you with your personalities are just awesome, a new…culture form, in a sense” I explained to them. By now, if there was any anger, it had been replaced by a small blush on all of their faces. All of them, Celestia, Luna, Spike and Rainbow included. Like I had stated, CUTE! “What do you mean by a new…culture?” Twilight asked in wonder. Ah, she didn’t miss a beat…that’s my Twilight! “Ehm…I’ll get to that in a second Twilight. So I ask you now. Does this answer all of your questions?” I asked them, with all the hope in my voice that the response is positive. “Well…I must admit that these revelations have been quite a lot to take in. However, you did explain how you had possession of your knowledge. Although, I must say that I am still a bit…unsure of the situation as a whole. I am also however, glad that somepony else is has appreciated the lessons and importance of friendship” Was what Celestia sentenced. ‘We are in the clear for now. I’m not surprised though. She is as cautious as she should be, considering the whole situation. Not to mention, that she likes when others can learn of something she did. She didn’t directly do it herself, true, but she was still a participant of it’ “I agree with my sister. This situation is quite…strange. And I am a bit skeptical too on it. However, we thank you for trying to answer our questions” Luna told me, I think going back a bit on the whole “royal we”. ‘Luna…I am pleased that you are pleased’ “This is very strange. I mean, we have been watched by a different race, and that somehow we have made an impact? That’s both creepy and interesting. I’m also wondering how did this “Lauren Faust” human got to see what we were doing…” Twilight commented. ‘Well, looking at the logical side, that was kinda the answer I was looking for her. And besides, she’s not the only one wondering that. How DID Lauren saw Equestria’ “Indeed…this certainly something…different. However, this could be a great opportunity to expand my designs to another world! This is a one-time chance in a lifetime! Not to mention that they have SURELY appreciated my own style” Rarity exclaimed, grabbing her mane as she usually does when referencing to her style of fashion. ‘(Giggle) Oh Rarity…you have no idea how this world could use people like you. Although, I’m sure that could be a little difficult given this world’ “So…you don’t think I’m girly, and you see that I’m awesome? HAH! My kind of watchers! They see how AWESOME I am” Rainbow boasted. ‘Always looking at the positive side, no? Oh well, right now, that’s what I needed!’ “Well ah’ll be…tis’ kind of new. Being watched by some folk out there without you knowing…makes me feel a bit paranoid. But it’s okay sugarcube. We’re not mad at ye’. I’m interested in how y’all got to see us” Applejack said. ‘That was…normal, to say the least. Although I really have no idea how exactly she should be feeling’ “So…all this time, we have been watched?...I…this is too weird. You know everything about us?...Uhhhh…oh, haystack! They know everything about me!” Spike almost shouted. ‘Paranoid Spike is paranoid. Then again, he IS a baby. He could be the most affected by this. Don’t worry Spike! You have fans that think you’re awesome, myself included!’ “Ohhhh…do you think all those people watching can join us in a party? (GASP) That would be soooo great! We could tell different things from each world to the other while sharing cupcakes and telling stories and lotsa stuff! And I made more people smile, YAY!” Pinkie suggested. ‘Heh. There’s NOTHING she can’t relate to a party. And I like that. A lot. Although I wonder what would happen if we release Pinkie to the world…hmmmm, maybe she can make Cristina make a party with Obama and Zilma with a banner saying “America UNITE!” While Pinkie is dancing Conga with the vicepresidents and in the meanwhile shooting from her party cannon...No…I don’t think that would work. Although the sole image is HILARIOUS!...But I don’t think I should mix Pinkie with politics…yeah, not a good idea. Fun idea, but not the best idea. ARGH! Politics, why are you no fun!’ “Um…they were watching us….(meep)” Was all Fluttershy could say before shrinking and curling into a ball with an eye going left to right. ‘Oh Shy’…Okay, my cuteness overload aside, how the hell do I make someone who can be afraid of her own shadow NOT panic at the prospect of aliens watching her daily moves?...Oh Shy’…why must you be so freaking cute that even when it’s difficult to make it more comfortable for you, I can’t even begin to be mad at you…I’ll do what I can, I Pinkie promise’ “I’m glad you didn’t take it worse. As for you Spike, Fluttershy, Applejack, please don’t worry. We aren’t doing anything wrong with what we know. Besides, I think I’m the only one who knows you really exist, so…you’re safe on that one. I know it’s all a matter of trust, but please, believe me on this one. I would never allow myself to do something bad with what I know, unless it was for your sake” I told them, trying to reassure them that there wasn’t any trouble. Spike and Applejack SEEMED to be more relaxed, but I really wasn’t sure. Fluttershy was still curled and “hidden” but she was a bit more relaxed…or something like that. From here I couldn’t tell in that adorable bundle of cuteness. “I know this is not the most reassuring thing, especially coming from a guy who “watches” you, but honestly, it’s all I can offer. You have my word that I won’t do anything bad or the like with what I know” I told them, trying to be as firm and sincere in my voice as possible. What I didn’t expect was what Pinkie said after. “You have to Pinkie promise!” She told me. Oh of course. Silly me, forgetting the best promise phrase and stuff. “You’re right! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” I recited, doing all the moves as they were. Pinkie was surprised…for like, half a second. Then she went all “(GASP)”, and started shaking my hand and as in saying “Good job!”. Honestly, that was a happy moment. However I got interrupted by one white co-ruler “Mr. Arcanel? I have would like to tell you a request, if it is not too much to ask” Celestia said, with a very calm yet firm voice, as in letting me know that she is asking for my permission, but that it is very important. Then again, she doesn’t need to ask. If she gives the word, I’ll do it anyway. “By all means, please do tell Princess Celestia” I told the white alicorn. At my approval, she righted herself in her posture before beginning. What is it that she needs to ask that is so important anyways? “Thank you and please, call me “Celestia”. It is tiring to hear my full name all the time” She giggled. Oh…yeah, time to feel honored and stuff. It will be weird to just call her Celestia. Like, the name feels empty when I speak it. “Very well then. I will do so” I said, returning a giggle to her. “Thank you. But as I was saying I have a request to ask of you. Would it be possible to meet this “Lauren Faust” person? So that we could try and learn how was she able to watch into our world?” Was the request of the monarch. ‘I…did not expect that…WHAT DO I DO?!’ This will not be easy. “Ummm…Prin-I mean Celestia? That may be a bit of a problem. You see, as far as I know, Lauren Faust lives thousands of kilometers of away from where I am. So that means that I would need a “plane”, which is a type of fast aerial transport. The problem is, I don’t know how to take you out without making too much of a fuss, and more principally, I must not let anyone see you. Yes, some of you may know about you, but when I met you, I was panicking to the point of being like a statue, until I could recover. And my reaction could have FAR worse. Not to mention, I know you but because of this machine, that allows me to see videos that are put in the machine from a long distance, thanks to something called the Internet, that allows us to be connected if we have this machine, not to mention that we have “sites”, that are like a board, where we can put on things that everybody can see. However, not many in my country now of you. Add that to the fact of you being talking ponies, which in my world do not exist, we would have a LOT of panic around, and more than probably, be calling the security so that they can “protect” them from you” I explained to her. Celestia however, recoiled from my statement. “But I would never hurt somepony else on purpose unless they were attacking me or my ponies with no reason!” The ruler of the sun retaliated, raising her voice a bit. I think my comment hurt her more than I could have ever expected. (Sigh) I must stop being so careless! “Celestia, I know you wouldn’t. Please don’t take my statement as an offense. It’s just that, if you see something that is out of your world, you tend to be a bit prejudging, no matter who you are. And sadly, my world is not all love and tolerate as yours. Mine, on that matter, is more paranoid, and dark. So believe me when I say, that most people would be terrified of you, regardless of anything. It’s about trusting the right people that will first think before acting. Something that doesn’t happen a lot here sadly” I told her. At my words she seemed to go back to her self, but she was still a bit shaken. “Don’t worry though. I will try to find the way to make it happen. I too am curious as to HOW did Lauren managed to watch your world. I want to know what in the world is going on here. Just, let me think for a bit so I can plan this better. Besides, I want to show you a bit of my city, if it is possible to” I told her. She seemed now more calm and more relaxed after my words, as to which she responded. “Thank you. We appreciate it Mr. Arcanel” Were her words of compliment. “You are very welcome, Princess Celestia. I know you told me to just call you by “Celestia”, but to me, it is weird to me to just call you that. Feels like I’m disrespectful” I told her, giggling a bit, which made her giggle too and say “Very well”. Okay, so far everything went smoother than I thought it could. “Well…it’s getting late. It must be like…let’s see…8:00PM? Huh…I thought it was a bit later…oh well, better for me! Before we do anything else, Twilight, remember when you asked me about the “culture” that you, and with you, the show created?” I asked the studious purple pony. After my words, she nodded her head, and I continued with my original intention. “Well…the new show attracted other people from this “target” that I mentioned you before. Mainly, people like me. Males of 18 and more years old. I am, if you want to know, 18 years old. Aside from the toys that I’ve mentioned before, these fans created something else. They have done music in honor to you, and even stories based on you!” I almost screamed at them, which made them go all “What?!”. The time has come for us to show them what just happened here. “We have fans from another world!? AWESOME” Spike and Rainbow yelled at the same time. Oh yeah, they MAY enjoy this…hopefully. The rest were still with the “Woah” face. Apparently, this was NOT expected…and who would anyway. “Would you like me to show you, what you have created that we people have followed in such a way that we have done many different things?” I asked them, as calm as I could, trying to hide my excitement. I have to admit, that phrase sounded in a more badass say than I thought. After I spoke, they all slowly nodded, apparently as excited as I was. It’s…the…time…for…BRONIES! ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And here it is! Well, I have to admit, that I felt that this was my most important chapter, and so I did my best effort to make it so that it would represent what I have in mind for this. The explanations for Lauren will come in due time, more importantly, when they MEET her in person XD. Yes, this will happen eventually. I have all that part planned out. However, even now, I’m not sure that I have everything as down as I thought. There could be that I have missed something important. I have checked, But I haven’t missed anything as far as I can see, only grammar mistakes could be in. I have also not seen the previous generations of My Little Pony, but since they existed, I felt that they should be in here too as a reference. I at least know that Twilight and Rarity had previous incarnations. Do correct me if I’m wrong on anything of this whole thing. For those who wanted me to finally tell this part, here it is. I hope I please you. Remember to follow the catchphrase if you need to ask or something like that. It’s not there to decorate, ya know? XD. Anyway, now the next chapter, will be the, as I call it, the brony chapter, because I will show some of the stuff that we have done for the show. It’s time to send the IDEAS! Remember, send anything from PMV’s to animations, to music, to etc. But I will ONLY do one chapter, because I don’t want to delay too much. I don’t know how long I’ll do it, but I can’t make neither it too long, nor too short. Maybe it will be as long as the last chapter. I don’t know. So send what you think MUST be in this next chapter, okay? Anyway, my rant is over, I want to go to sleep XD. Here’s the catchphrase: Comment, R&R, let your inner Grammar nazi out, throw WHATEVER ideas you have at me, haters ignored, flamers abhorred, etc, etc. CPM out.