That Strange Stallion

by Gunther the Green

The Strange Question

That Strange Stallion

The Strange Question

While the day flew by without incident, the night would soon overshadow it. The evening sun was dipping past the horizon and the library party was in full swing. Everypony who was anypony had arrived for Pinkie's latest bash. She knew how to throw parties, and not one of those party goers was disappointed. Well except for the guest of honor, Twilight Sparkle. Spike however enjoyed the party to its fullest, somehow getting a lampshade on his head. Not entirely sure how or why.
One party goer, Rainbow Dash, flew over to her good friend Pinkie Pie, the host. "Awesome party like always Pinkie."
That got a smile out of the pink mare. She continuously bounced up to eye level with Rainbow, "Thanks Dashie, I just wish that new pony in town was here."
Rainbow gave Pinkie a confused look, "Didn't she just run upstairs? We could drag her down here if we really wanted to," she gave a mischievous grin.
But Pinkie shook her head in the negative, "No, I'm talking about the NEW new pony, not the old new pony. He's a green stallion with brown mane and tail with a cutie mark that kinda looks like a hoof shake. OH, I wonder if he were to lay upside down on the grass he'd be totally camouflaged. He must be the best hide-and-seeker ever in tall grass. He could lay ANYWHERE and still hide. We should totally play with Martin later. It could be a picnic. He could bring sandwiches, I could bring cupcakes-" but Rainbow interrupted her rant.
"Woah, woah, woah, Martin? The weirdo stallion that poked me with a stick?" Her question elicited a gasp from Pinkie who then grabbed Rainbow and squished their faces together, floating in the air as they stared at each other.
"You met him too? This makes it so much easier," but gravity disagreed with their contact and dropped them to the ground with a 'thud'.
"Hey, watch it," Rainbow grunted while standing back up, shaking Pinkie off her.
"Whoops," Pinkie giggled, "Sorry about that Dashie. But never mind that, I've got a prank that we NEED to do that'll be amazing." After that, she told Rainbow the plan she had that required her help. Though they wouldn't get to enact it in a few days.

The other party goers continued to enjoy the party to its fullest. Some ate cake, some played games, some just socialized with a little gossip. Apparently the most recent gossip is that Mayor Mare had set up a bulletin board. But the party came to a halt when there was a resounding 'thunk' against the door.
The partiers looked at each other with a questioning glance. That didn't sound like a hoof hitting the door. Was somepony trying to break it down or did they crash into it? They wondered briefly if they should be worried for themselves or the pony on the other side of the door. However, for two certain ponies, the sound seemed almost familiar. Rarity and Applejack gave an intense stare at the door.
"It couldn't be, could it?" Rarity whispered to herself. Only one way to be sure. She used a bit of magic to open the door. In a familiar scene, a green stallion fell face first into the floor. Everypony at the party stared at the downed stallion. Before they could wonder if he was alright, he sat up with a hoof raised into the air.
"Sorry I'm late to the party. I was trying to figure out if this tree was alive and it left me STUMPED," after saying that he fell over backwards onto his back. The partiers were stunned at the stallion's entrance and subsequent joke. A sharp laugh came from the back of the crowd breaking the silence.
"Thank you Pinkie!" he called falling into a fit of chuckles. That seemed to break the ice easily enough and a few other ponies chuckled with him. Everypony went back to their respective activities except Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, who made their way towards the stallion.
"Martin, what did I tell you about headbutting trees?" Applejack asked while dragging him to his hooves, her face stern with irritation. He said he wouldn't do it again and yet here he was.
"That was a door," he affirmed using a loophole in her argument while closing said door.
His answer made Rarity sigh, "I just cannot understand your fixation on assaulting doors with your head."
Applejack looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "What do ya mean? This has happened before?" That stallion just can't seem to stay out of trouble.
"Yes, and I take no pleasure in saying that this is the second time I've had to open a door for him because he has crashed into it," Rarity said while leveling a stare at Martin. You would think he'd know better after the first time. Once is an accident, twice was on purpose.
But he just grinned back at her, "Thank you for that, Rarity," he gave his gratitude.
Her stare eased a bit, "You're quite welcome Martin, but I just wish you'd be more careful." He seemed to move to give her a response but a pink blur came to a stop in front of him.
"Martin! You made it, I'm so glad! Are you having fun? Did you eat some cake? Did you play some games? Did you, did you, did you?" her eyes were bright with excitement and anticipation.
He smiled back at her, "I haven't tried the cake or played any games but I'm already having fun because the friends I made today are here," he then proceeded to call and wave at each of these new friends by name, "Hi Applejack, hi Rarity," the both of them raised an eyebrow at his antics. "Hi Pinkie, hi Rainbow," Pinkie giggled while Rainbow greeted him back with a 'yo'. "Hi Fluttershy, hi Spike," he called past them towards the pegasus and dragon. Fluttershy gave a small wave while Spike lifted the lampshade off his eyes and waved back at the green stallion with a 'Hey there'. He then called into the rest of the crowd at the remainder of his new friends, "Hi Carrot Top, hi Roseluck, hi Time Turner, hi Lyra, hi Bon-Bon, hi Bulk Biceps," he got a 'YEAH!' in response, "Hi Clear Skies, hi Open Skies, hi-" he paused with his next call looking through the crowd, "Where's Twilight Sparkle? I thought she'd be here with Spike," he asked the girls. Pinkie volunteered herself to answer.
"Oh she was here, this is a party for her after all, a surprise party no less. But after a few minutes she decided to go upstairs to her room. Spike's still here though, so he counts as the guest of honor as well," she explained.
Martin looked towards this ceiling, "This is a house? I thought it was a library."
"It's both, lot of homes 'round here double as a place of business. Like my farm, Rarity's dress up shop," Applejack started.
Said pony decided to correct, "Boutique, if you please. But she is correct, even Pinkie Pie here lives above a bakery."
"Yep, Sugarcube Corner with Mr. and Mrs. Cake," Pinkie decided to add in.
"Wait, was that the one building that looked good enough to eat?" Martin asked with a little drool in his mouth.
"Yep! But don't try to eat it, plaster doesn't taste very good. The bakery is where I get to make yummy treats for all my friends, but I also get to eat and sleep there. Hey, even Dashie lives where she works," Pinkie said while pointing up at the pegasus.
However Rainbow frowned, "What? No I don't, my house has nothing to do with my job," she denied.
"Ya huh, your house is a cloud in the sky and you work with clouds in the sky, so you totally live where you work too," Pinkie argued back.
Rainbow blinked at the counter argument and rubbed a hoof on the side of her head, "Huh, well when you put it like that, I guess it's true. Nothing wrong with that, even Fluttershy does her stuff at her house."
"Huh, I guess it's not such a weird thing here in Ponyville," Martin said looking around at the library.
"Is there nothing like that in Broken Depths?" Rarity asked which got a weird look from the rest of the girls. They'd never heard of Broken Depths.
"What kind of name is Broken Depths? Is that some kind of hole in the ground?" Rainbow questioned the other mare.
Rarity gave an irritated glance at her, "It happens to be where he's from." A look of understanding crossed each of their faces.
"Oh so that city of his that ain't got farms," Applejack said.
Pinkie gave her input as well, "And where all his other friends are at." She still wanted to see some of Director's toys.
Martin had a proud grin on his face, "That's right, home sweet home," he looked over at Rarity, "And no, I don't think any of the shop owners actually live in their shop. The closest I think is Tim, but I've never actually seen that guy eat or sleep. So I'm not completely sure." The new name got some curious looks from the girls.
"And who might that be?" asked Rarity.
"Honestly, and I don't mean this in a bad way, I think he's the weirdest resident of our town. And that's saying something. He has something we call a 'condition', we don't know if it's because of a curse or magic, or something else entirely. But this condition let's him be at ANY cash register in the ENTIRE town all at the same time. Like, if you were in between two shops, he'd be at the one you were looking at but if you turn around, he would be there too. We've confirmed it's not clones, mirrors, projection, or even teleportation. We just don't know how he does it. Even better, if you and a friend were to look at the two different shops at the same time, he would be at both." What the hay kind of pony does that?
"Ooooh, spooky," Pinkie said with a giggle. The other girls found it creepy.
"What the hay? Is he some kind of ghost?" asked Rainbow. Applejack and Rarity were equally weirded out. What kind of place was Broken Depths?
"Nope, he's very much alive. He's a good employee too. Although, he's very monotone, hardly ever changes his tone," Martin said only deepening the mystery to his home. "Well, I'm gonna make some more friends, you girls have fun with the party." He walked away from the mares who were trying to imagine the 'condition' of the pony he talked about.

Roseluck was talking with her friends, Lily Valley and Daisy, about the latest gossip. They were close friends that dealt in various forms of flower care, gaining the nickname of the Flower Sisters. Today their gossip was that bulletin board Mayor Mare put up. Apparently, with one bit for admission, a pony can post a request for assistance for all to see and hope for some takers. Easy money and doesn't require any real hiring process.
"I'm telling you, Mayor Mare is gonna run us dry with this move," Lily proclaimed. Lily felt that the bulletin was the start of a conspiracy to run the town dry of bits.
Roseluck and Daisy rolled their eyes at their friend, "It's one bit, Lily. I think we can spare that much in order to seek help," Roseluck told her.
"Why do we have to pay for that? I could just ASK for help or better yet, post some of my own papers around town, how about that?" she asked.
"Wouldn't you have to use some bits for those papers and ink?" Daisy pointed out, "I have to agree with Rose, it's better to just pay the bit. At least then it's somewhere ponies are actually seeking some work, instead of just some ignored paper all over the place."
Lily felt her resolve weaken, "Well ya, but I just don't like hoofing over a bit with no guarantee that I'll get the help I'm asking for," she explained.
"Nopony is forcing you, it's just there for your and their convenience," Roseluck told her. "I've already made a request on it. Ya, I'm one bit light, but if I can get some quick, easy, and cheap labor, then I'm fine with that."
"Doing what?" a voice asked from beside them. The three of them screamed in fright, whirling around to look at the intruder. Roseluck recognized stallion immediately.
"Martin, don't scare us like that," she scolded the stallion. He just smiled in return, not looking the least bit sorry for scaring them. The other two calmed down, reassured that Roseluck knew this pony.
"Who is this, Rose?" Lily asked.
"This is Martin, he's a new pony in town. Martin, these are my friends, Lily Valley and Daisy," she introduced them. Martin and Roseluck had met briefly when she was watering her garden. They had introduced themselves and had some small talk. He mentioned that the last time he saw something that looked like a rose, it had tried to eat him. She had laughed at such a joke seeing as that was extremely unlikely.
"It's nice to meet you Martin," Daisy said first.
"Likewise, are all 3 of you gardeners?" he asked them.
"Yep, each of us specialize in a different series of flowers," Lily mentioned. "We are also the leading provider for the most delicious flowers in town," Daisy added.
That seemed to get a confused look out of Martin as he stared at the flower in Lily's mane. "The flowers are that good?" he asked.
"Pay up and we'll show you," Lily said brazenly not liking him insinuating their flowers weren't good.
Roseluck bumped her with her flank and gave a stare while Daisy corrected, "What she meant to say was, you should stop by one of our shops, we'll be glad to sell you some," she said much more delicately.
"Well if you're confident in their taste, then I'll definitely try some before I leave town." The 3 of them smiled at a successful future sale. But Lily felt her curiosity peek out.
"How long do you plan to stay in town?" asked Lily.
"I'm actually waiting for a friend to come and get me so it can be anywhere between tonight and a few months," he looked over at Roseluck, "That's why I was interested in that bulletin you three mentioned. I could use some money to hold me over until then."
"Well if you do good work, I can definitely help you with that, I need some assistance with my tool shed," she told him. He was asking for her help and willing to work for it, she had no reason to refuse, "You can come over tomorrow, near the place we had a chat. Sometime after lunch maybe?" Martin nodded in agreement before Lily butted in.
"Ya, you could totally help me too, so I can completely bypass Mayor Mare's rigged system." Lily giving her own reasons for wanting to help the stallion as well.
"Lily," Daisy sighed in slight irritation, "I can't think of anything right now, but if there is something I need done, I'll be sure to come to you first," she offered her assistance as well.
Martin gave them a heartfelt smile, "Thank you for the generous offers, that really means a lot," he turned to leave, "I think I've bothered you three enough. I feel like meeting some of these other ponies."
"It was no bother Martin," Lily said, "it was nice meeting you."
"You too," he said walking away.
They each waved at him as he went through the crowd. "I bet if he cleaned up a bit, he'd look amazing," Daisy suggested. Which made Lily sigh in irritation at her while Roseluck rolled her eyes at her friends.
There were no more incidents for the rest of the party so everypony moved to the town hall to celebrate the Summer Sun Celebration and see Princess Celestia raise the sun.

"And now the night shall last forever!" Nightmare Moon laughed at her cowering subjects. Twilight looked up at her in horror. This was bad, this was very bad. With the constant distractions today she wasn't really able to get much time to study on the Elements of Harmony. What with the preparation, the crazy ponies, the party. And now the creature of nightmares was here and no pony was prepared. Princess Celestia was missing as well, so they couldn't rely on her to protect them. She had to get back to the library and find the book on the elements.
Her train of thought was interrupted when somepony raised their hoof somewhere to her left. She looked over and saw a familiar green stallion.
"Martin, what are you doing?!" she whispered at him. Spike had mentioned that he had showed up at the party after she left it. He also mentioned that he apologized to the stallion in her stead. Which he apparently accepted without hesitation. But WHAT WAS THAT CRAZY STALLION DOING NOW?!
Nightmare Moon seemed to notice him, "Oh? Do we have a pony who wishes to challenge my rule?" she chuckled menacingly.
"I have a question," he called up to her.
"Really? And what might that be?" she ushered him to continue. But he didn't answer immediately and just waved his hoof in the air.
"I have a question," he called again.
Nightmare Moon lost her smile, "Yes?"
"Down here," he continued to wave his hoof.
Nightmare Moon was now frowning, "You, ask your question," she said pointing at him.
"The green one waving his hoof," he called.
Nightmare was now scowling, "The idiot down in front,"
He finally dropped his hoof but he didn't ask his question, "Drat, I wanted my question answered." Suddenly a dark blue aura surrounded him and brought him up to Nightmare's eye level.
"What is your question, fool?!" she yelled at him. He blinked at her and looked around himself as if looking for another pony before pointing at himself with a questioning look. She grit her teeth and her starry mane billowed violently behind her in response to her anger.
The royal guard felt that now was the time to interfere, "Stop right there!" Three pegasi in gold armor flew up to Nightmare, "Release that civilian at once!"
"Stand back you foals!" she said before hurling Martin into the pegasi knocking all of them into the wall with enough force to crack it. They all slumped to the floor in a pile.
Martin's head was embedded into the chest plate of one of the royal guards, "Ball four, take your base," his voice slurred.
"That was terrible," groaned the guard Martin's head was stuck to.
Nightmare Moon's mane wrapped around herself and she disappeared into a mist that flew past the crowd and out the doors. Rainbow Dash gave chase, Twilight ran off towards the library with Spike, and Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy followed her. Everypony that was left panicked. A living legend had declared night time forever, what are they gonna do?
Mayor Mare took charge of the situation, "Everypony please calm down!" While it didn't silence them, it did lower the volume. "Until this crisis is averted, I will ask all of you to return to your homes and lock your doors. We shall have the royal guard deal with this situation." The ponies filed out of the building but Mayor Mare stopped one particular one. "Nurse Redheart, a moment please," Mayor Mare called while walking towards the downed guards.
The named earth pony quickly trotted up to them, "Are there any injured?" she asked.
"The both of us are fine but I'm afraid Private Dust Bowl broke his wing, and it seems the civilian is stuck on his armor," the eldest pegasi reported.
"I'm sorry, sir" the younger pegasus apologized while trying not to move his misshapen wing.
"There's no need for that private, we ALL are at fault here."
Nurse Redheart looked both Dust Bowl and Martin over, "I'm afraid there's not much I can do here, we're going to have to bring the both of them to the clinic."
Abruptly, the green stallion stood up carrying the armored pegasus up into the air who gave a 'woah' at the sudden movement. The armor clung to his head with a vice grip, covering his eyes completely. "Don't worry lady, I'll get him there in a jiffy." He galloped forward where he thought the door was.
"No no no!" Dust called but they crashed into the wall anyway, "Ow" Dust groaned at the new injury.
"I can do this!" Martin turned and galloped again.
"Left! Left!" Dust called which Martin complied this time and turned out the door, "AHHHHHH!" Dust screamed in terror as he was carried off into the night.
The remaining ponies stared in stunned silence at what had just happened.
"I-I think I'd better go after them," Nurse Redheart said, "Mayor Mare, if you'd please get Doctor Horse, I believe I will need his assistance." With that she galloped after them.
Mayor Mare coughed a little, "Yes well, I'd best get on that, I wish you gentlecolts luck in this endeavor." She walked past the still stunned stallions.

Nurse Redheart was able to successfully retrive and guide the temporarily blinded stallion into the clinic where Doctor Horse was waiting. "Good job in getting them here, Nurse Redheart. But have you attempted to separate the two of them?" he asked his nurse.
She shook her head, "I've tried but the armor is stuck on tight, to the both of them. I thought it be best to put the wing in a cast before we attempted to more forcefully remove the armor, as not to aggravate it any further."
"Hmm, I agree with your assessment. Now Mister..." Doctor Horse gave a pause so the green stallion could give his name.
He did not seem to catch that so Dust poked him from on top of his head, "Hey he's talking about you."
"Oh, my name's Martin, nice to meet you," he called smiling at the doctor, or he would if he was facing the right way.
"Mister Martin? Alright, I'm going to have to ask you to move your head into slightly hurtful positions so we are able to properly x-ray Mister Dust Bowl's wing and properly put a cast on it. Are you prepared for such events?" Doctor Horse told him in detail.
"You got it doc," Martin said without hesitation.
The doctor nodded, "Good, Nurse Redheart, please get the x-ray ready, I'll head back and get the supplies for setting the cast." Both nurse and doctor left the room leaving the patients alone.
Dust Bowl sighed, "This sucks. Bed time legend comes to life, I embarrass myself and my squad in front of all those ponies, I broke my wing, and now I'm stuck to you."
"Well it's not all bad," Martin called up to the pony on his head.
"Oh ya? What good has come up, hmm? How am I even stuck to you? This doesn't seem physically possible," he asked. His second question would go unanswered though.
"You guys saved me after all," he said naming one thing.
"Ya, a lot good that did us, we've still both been sent to the hospital," Dust said slightly upset.
"You also made a new friend."
"What, really?" he asked surprised.
"Of course, you guys helped me, of course I'd consider you my friend," Martin said as if it was obvious.
"Oh well, uh, we were just doing out duty sir," Dust said trying to play it off.
"Well thank you," he said lifting Dusty's mood. "I figure we're going to be stuck like this for a while. So I gotta ask, what exactly is the royal guard?"
"You don't know?" Martin shook his head but that jostled the pony on it, "Woah, easy there, just verbally answer alright? Well the royal guard is basically an elite group that protects the peace of Equstria, we're the best of the best."
"So like the police?" Martin guessed.
"Eh, kinda? We do capture criminals and lay down the law but our orders come directly from the crown. So we have a lot more duties to uphold," Dust explained.
"Huh, we kinda have a group like that in my home town. They're called the Militia," Martin said.
"You have a militia in your town?" he asked.
"Not 'a militia', THE Militia. It's an organization run by my inventor friend Director. They use his inventions to help keep the peace of the town. We have an actual police force but when they need a little more power, the Militia is at the ready."
"That, actually sounds really cool, using experimental equipment to fight crime," Dust admitted, "But aren't they ever worried about one of the experiments going wrong?"
"Well they have plenty of training but I don't think they have to worry about that," Martin gave a light shrug, "They kinda never get called to action, anything the town MIGHT have needed their help with would usually already be dealt with."
Dust sighed, "Ya, I know how that is sometimes." He thought back to the countless times he's had to 'guard' different places.
Doctor Horse and Nurse Redheart chose that moment to come in. The scans took no time and the wing was quickly set and put in a cast. Martin put his head down on the raised mat so they could more easily do it. While the cast was being put on, Dust decided to question Martin a little more.
"You were going on about asking Nightmare Moon a question, what were you actually going to ask her?" he asked genuinely curious. Doctor Horse and Nurse Redheart were equally as curious but didn't show it.
Martin smiled sheepishly, "It's a little embarrassing the way she blew up at me, but all I wanted to know was how would we know what time we would sleep."
"What do you mean?" Dust asked.
"Well she said it was going to be night forever, so I was wondering how we would know when to sleep. There wouldn't be a day-night cycle anymore so there's no physical representation of sleepy time," Martin explained.
"Huh, I guess that would be a concern. But shouldn't we be more worried about the whole, freezing nights and no sunlight for plants for food," Dust pointed out.
"Actually, I don't think you'd have to worry about that, cause couldn't magic solve both of those problems?" Martin asked. The ponies that could still see looked towards the resident unicorn.
Doctor Horse blinked at the sudden attention, "Oh uh, well she has control of the moon so I'm sure she could do something about the warmth. As for the plants, MAYBE there's something that will let them use moonlight instead of sunlight. I mean if anypony could do something like that, I'm sure an alicorn could." The two ponies nodded in agreement with his statement, Martin however was confused.
"Is that what she was?" he asked.
"Of course, did you not see the wings and horn on her? Both are the signs of an alicorn." Nurse Redheart explained.
"Huh, so she did. I didn't notice at first, it was really dark." With the cast in place, the doctor and nurse pried the armor off the guard and used some tools to free Martin.
"Thanks a lot doc for freeing us," Martin told the yellow unicorn.
"Ya, thanks. I better get back to my unit, even if I'm disabled, they could probably use the extra hooves. Good bye Martin, it was interesting to chat with you." With that, Dust Bowl left, galloping off into the night.
"You're quite welcome Martin, but we'd best clean up here and return to our homes as Mayor Mare ordered. You can show yourself out, can't you?" Doctor Horse asked.
"Of course, and don't worry, I'm sure this will all work out in the morning, thanks for bringing us Nurse Redheart," Martin answered before walking out himself.
"No problem dear," she called after him, "if that morning ever comes."
"Did you notice anything odd, Nurse?" Doctor Horse suddenly asked.
"Odd?" she questioned.
"That stallion Martin, he was smashed into that armor hard enough for it to deform around his head. And yet, when we removed it, there was only a very small bruise there, it didn't even need a cold pack," he explained.
Nurse Redheart's eyes widened in realization. It was true, but what could it mean?

Morning had finally come. The new Elements of Harmony had vanquished Nightmare Moon and restored her to her true form of Princess Luna, sister of Princess Celestia and co-ruler of Equestria. The returning party for the two princess showed the ponies relief of their returned princess and their forgiveness for what Luna had done. Twilight smiled at that forgiveness for Luna. Happy for both Princesses.
"Wait, so is this like a reverse growth spurt?" a familiar voice suddenly asked. Twilight's mouth twitched in an attempt to keep from frowning as Martin stood in front of the rulers with no proper respect. "Also, hi, I'm Martin, it's nice to meet you," he introduced himself casually. Shouldn't he be at the hospital or SOMETHING?!
Luna seemed surprised at his upfront approach and hesitated in answering him. Celestia gave her a small nudge and gestured towards the smiling stallion. Luna took a breath, "We-we wish to apologize to you, sir Martin. For our insulting words and assault on your form. We ask for your forgiveness."
"Aw, it's no trouble," he dismissed it with a wave of his hoof, "I won't hold it against you. You definitely deserve a second chance," his smile lowered a bit, "Because not all can get one." Twilight gave a questioning look at the lowered smile. Had something troubling happened to him before?
"We thank you for your kindness," Luna told him.
"You're welcome," his smiling returning full force.
And with that, the party returned full force. Twilight was glad everything had worked out in the end. But there was one thing she had to do first. She walked over to Martin and addressed him, "Hey Martin."
He smiled at her, "Hey Twilight, good job out there, you really pulled it off."
"Thank you, but I'd like to apologize. I know Spike already apologized for me, but I felt the need to do it myself. So I'm sorry. Your 'spell' actually worked and I got the best friends anypony could ask for. Can you forgive me?" she asked him.
"You're forgiven," he said immediately. Twilight returned his constant smile, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. Her day only got better from there. It turned out she was actually going to stay with her friends here in Ponyville and study the magic of friendship. She was so happy for that. But one last message from Princess Celestia left her conflicted.
"Twilight, I'd like for you to do me a favor," she had said, "I want you to keep an eye on that pony, Martin. I sense something... odd from within him, an unstable foreign magic. He does not seem like a pony who would cause trouble, but something may happen accidentally. So please do what you can with him."
Twilight looked over at Martin as he socialized with some new friends he made. Just who IS Martin? And where did he come from?