Prince Blueblood: The Good Prince

by Charx


It could be said that Prince Blueblood was arrogant. He himself never refuted those accusations. After all, he was the greatest politician in Equestria, and one of the only ones that fought against the decadence and ignorance that so plauged the upper crust of Equestria. Some ponies wondered why the Princesses would allow such a jerk such power, but those ponies misunderstood politics. You didn't need to be nice to be good. Blueblood had saved many lives using politics. He knew he was important and acted as such. The Princesses would never get rid of such a stallion. What was it that made him this way?


Prince Blueblood was a noblepony, born into his role in life. Many like him grew up being told they were special somehow, just because they were born that way. They were taught to sneer at those 'lesser' than they. They were taught to steal money away from the general public, as aristocrats. They owned the land that many ponies farmed upon, and taxed them accordingly, despite never raising a hoof themselves. Their ownership was what remained of when unicorns ruled brutally over Earth ponies, and you could still see it today merely by looking at the outskirts of Canterlot. Earth ponies will toil tirelessly under the good Princess's warm light, and a small portion of what they produce will go to the owner of the land they farm upon.

Prince Blueblood saw this and he did not like it. The rights and wellbeing of all creatures had always been of upmost importance to him. In his eyes, that land never belonged to the aristocrats. The only reason they owned it was because their ancestors were too lazy to work and so they used their magic to force Earth ponies to produce their food. Many of the nobles from Canterlot would talk over tea about the founding of Equestria, about the great triumph of Harmony over such oppression, forgetting that the only reason they are so wealthy is that oppression itself. Blueblood was determined to set things right.

His confident (some would say rude) persona and his impressive philanthropy attracted many nobleponies (not to mention being the nephew of the Princesses). They would brag about their friend Blueblood at some party, saying that he was pouring money into efforts to help the homeless, and Blueblood gritted his teeth and smiled, resisting the urge to point out that it was the nobility that forced many of the unfortunate to the streets.

These were not trivial pursuits. In order for his plan to work, Blueblood needed the support of the wealthiest nobility. The Princesses knew of his plan, of course, and their support was very helpful, but they alone could not change the political structure of Equestria. So Blueblood went to all the parties, and all the Galas, all the shows and plays and other social groupings to mingle with the rich and powerful. They all found his idea intriguing, and through clever use of rhetoric, he blinded them from its true purpose. They all thought it was fun, like a game.

Writing a constitution.

The nobility thought it fascinating, and threw their support towards Blueblood, but it was he and the Princesses who saw its true meaning. A constitution would codify Equestria. No longer would nobles rule by means of power, but by law. All would be bound by it. No longer could one take power, steal it away from others, who themselves had stolen it. That vicious cycle would end. And, most importantly of all, it would be approved by all who resided within Equestria. If they didn't like it, Blueblood would write another one. He would never rest until he saw the corruption rooted out.

The first words written were 'We The Beings'. Blueblood considered this a very significant statement. Most would write 'We The Ponies' out of habit, ignorance, or specieism. But 'Beings' gave rights to all. It included dragons, changelings, griffons, diamond dogs, everyone! Equestria was not a xenophobic land, it was one of harmony and solidarity.

The constitution firmly defined the terms 'Princess' and 'Prince'. It established the Royal Court system, as well as the Assembly. Two beings from every town, and the mayor of each, along with the royalty and military leader, the Captain of the Gaurd. They voted on all issues (technically royalty did not vote, but they were apart of the assembly). It also declared the ideals behind Equestria, harmony, friendship, and acceptance, and said that no action taken by the country would go against these ideals.

Blueblood could only hope the words meant as much in Equestria as they did on paper.

The public embraced the constitution whole-heartedly, and Blueblood quickly became Prince, the first royalty in thousands of years. Mi Amore Cadenza and Captain Shining Armour followed shortly afterwards. The nobles were blindsided by these sudden changes. Many of them neglected to read the constitution, too infatuated with Blueblood's charm. They could only watch as their large estates were broken up by the Princesses and given to the farmers who lived upon them. Many were taken aback at the prospect of having to work their own land, and fell back on the practice of sharecropping. That was much more difficult to do with smaller land area, so many nobles gave up and went into politics. They still had their wealth, and so the elected representatives of the Royal Court quickly became nobles. Blueblood wasn't sure about this predicament, but he let it be. He had made progress, after all. Every big change had a few rough edges. The beings of Equestria were better off than they were before.

All thanks to Blueblood.

So yeah, he was arrogant. He could be as arrogant as he wished. Ponies would still love him for all the good he has done. Even after writing the Equestrian Constitution, he used his new powers as Prince to help as many as he could. He fought for the oppressed changelings, and campaigned for more scrutiny of powerful politicians. He proposed measures against all threats Equestria faced, after so many arose against the Elements of Harmony. Equestria would still be in a feudal sort of system, a rule of nobility, if not for him.

Blueblood was a noble himself, yes, and he still wished that that was not so. He knew that a commoner could never change as much as he had, and he sought to change that. Blueblood would always fight for equality. For harmony.