//------------------------------// // prologue // Story: Like a dragon equestria // by Jade Copperfield //------------------------------// Somewhere in equestria In a dark forest 2 individuals are found running one of them a Filly in a light green dress with flowers on the it, the other a changeling wearing a dark suit that has been torn at multiple places. They have been running for a while, The Filly was having a hard time keeping up with the changeling she was tripping every once and a while. Eventually she fell hearing her fall the changeling turned around immediately to help her up. The changeling said in a heavy breathing voice "get up we need to move". While he was talking he got her up but she started limping he noticed and said "come on let me pick you up" the Filly let the changeling pick her up, Immediately he started sprinting to put more distance in between them and the creatures chasing them, They could hear heavy foot steps and the jingling of armor behind them. The changeling was running until something rammed into his side, The world seemed to slow down as he fell to the ground with the Filly still in his arms, When they hit the ground the changeling immediately started to crawl backwards to a nearby tree. As he was backing away the figures chasing them finally showed there faces. There were five changelings four of those changelings looked like normal soldiers wearing blue armor covering most of there body. The one that stood out was wearing a white suit with a red under shirt and grey pants, His eyes were blood red. The changeling spoke with a raspy male voice "you really made it hard to find you but you have nowhere else to go". The changeling walked toward the pair as he was walking the changeling holding the filly kept on making his grip tighter and tighter until he thought he was squeezing her to death. The Filly just kept on trembling in fear as he was moving closer to them when he got 3 feet away he kneeled down and stared in to the changelings eyes. He said" really Dragon you really thought you could take her away from Chrysalis right under her nose" he stopped kneeling and walked to Dragons legs. Dragon tried to kick him but It just hit air. After he was done the changeling walked to the right of Dragon and the girl then pulled a knife from his suit. The changeling said while examining his knife "you let her go and I promise you will live". As he said it all of the soldiers moved closer as they were moving closer the Filly started trembling even more, She was shaking so much you'd think she had hypothermia. The changeling said" this is your last chance let her go or you will be in a world of pain". Dragon was scared, The changeling that was staring him in the eyes wanted an answer so he gave him one "as long as I breath I will protect her". It stared at him for a good while thinking that Dragon was absolutely crazy to die protecting the filly. The tension in the air was almost disarming like someone decided to crack a joke while getting chased by demons, The Filly stopped trembling for a moment as Dragon was still holding her like a mother defending her child. The changeling finally cut the tension in the air by saying "well you made your choice" he stood up and moved over to one of the guards and said" take the girl but don't hurt her". At that moment they moved in except for the changeling in the suit he just stared at the scene like a outcast watching the group. The changeling soldiers all moved at once to get the girl from Dragons hands, One of them kicked him in the head to make him lose his grip which worked, Dragon was seeing doubles and his grip loosened, So before he knew it she was gone from his grip and he started hearing her cries for help. "Dragon please help me, get up I know you can" she said in a saddened cry for help, She was being dragged toward the changeling in the suit, As she was being dragged away by one of the guards, Dragon was getting kicked everywhere while on the ground. He could hear nothing but his bones break and the blunt strikes of flesh against flesh. After an unknown number of strikes the changeling in the suit said in a commanding voice "stop now"! at that simple command the three guards stopped, But one of them gave one final kick to the side making a sickening crunch noise, The suited changeling then said "I told you to stop"! the soldier moved away from dragon toward the group, When there the suited changeling punched the guard in the face, it made a audible crunch noise and the guard was rubbing his cheek. "When I tell you to stop you stop got it". The suited changeling said the guard responded by saying" ye-yes sir". The suited changeling turned and walked toward dragon while he was walking the the girl was staring at Dragon, Scared and crying while being held back by a soldier. The suited changeling said while walking towards Dragon" we used to be brothers you remember that right"? Dragon picked his head up so he could watch the suited changeling while he continued talking. "of course you remember after all we worked together ever since you popped up at the hive as a child". He took a breath then continued "well we didn't work together at first but we became close friends". He stopped talking just as he stopped walking just where Dragon was lying. He continued talking "so for that I will not kill you today". Dragon was wondering why he was letting him live until the changeling kneeled down and stabbed him in the hand with the knife, The pain Dragon felt was burning and the instant the knife pulled out Dragon clutched his hand as it was spilling crimson blood on to the black grass. Dragon finally said something" why are you doing this Crimson". Crimson then said" because I am loyal to queen Chrysalis and do what she commands but I will let you live because we were brothers. But the minute you show your face or try to kidnap the filly again I will kill you and I will make sure your death is as painful as possible". Crimson's head was down as he stood backup and left toward the group of soldiers and Filly, the Filly was in the hands of a guard but she was asleep or unconscious. Dragon screamed "what did you do to her you fucks"! Crimson moved his head to the side and said" they just put a sleep spell on her to get rid of the fuss of her trying to escape". At that moment he continued walking towards the group when he got there Crimson said" we're moving out men no use staying here any longer". then a soldier said" sir what about the traitor she said for us to kill". Crimson interrupted" I know what she said but what use is he now he can barely move". He paused for a moment "no more questions we are moving out and if any of you ask another question you will be punished is that understood". All changelings replied in unison" sir yes sir". All of them started to leave the clearing and Dragon in pain but Crimson stared back for a moment and then left without another word. Shortly after crimson and his men left, Dragon was trying to crawl in the direction the group left groaning in pain as he crawled slowly forward. Eventually he gave up and stayed there in the middle of the path waiting to be found by animals or travelers to do whatever they want to him. Dragon just laid there stuck in his thoughts telling himself that he was a failure of how he couldn't help one little girl. As his thoughts continued he eventually started sobbing it was weird for him to do it after all he rarely showed any emotion, He kept everything to himself the only person he ever showed anything towards was the girl. He made a promise to keep her safe but he failed. As this was happening the forest started coming to life the insects started making the familiar resonating noises as usual. The owls started showing themselves and seemingly converged on the scene. Even the nocturnal rodents of the forest went out into the open to try and comfort the crying changeling, But every time they got close Dragon pushed them away. But something foreign came to the scene crunching grass as it moved, dragon noticed but didn't look up A voice rang from the direction of the foot steps "are you okay".