Time & Space

by SomeoneD

Pesterlog I

NOTE: For best results, re-read Chapter I (due to the rewrite) and set your viewmode to 'Monospace'. Thank you! ~ Someone

temporalWierdness [TW] has started pestering wondermentWizard [WW]
TW: Paul
TW: Please.
TW: Tell me you are there
TW: Or I am actually going to do an acrobatic pirouette off the handle into a tub full of insanity.
WW: jesus, man, keep a lid on it
WW: ive been fighting my sylladex for like
WW: four hours
WW: trying to get it to open my hudtop for me
WW: would not believe how much junk was stacked on top of my hudtop
WW: like seriously
WW: i had like fourteen cinderblocks in there for some reason
TW: You too?
WW: btw if you hadn’t guessed we are ponies now
TW: I had a hunch but I wasn’t sure.
TW: Anyway where the hell are you.
TW: I woke up in this forest someplace and now these two ponies are taking me back into town.
TW: I think anyway.
WW: hang on
WW: someone wants to talk to you
TW: What.
WW: Hellllllo!~
TW: God damn it Paul you are such a tool.
WW: Heehee. What’s a tool? Is it like a screwdriver?! Oooh, or maybe a hammer...
TW: Okay two things.
TW: One who are you.
TW: Two where am I.
TW: Three put Paul back on so I can kill him.
WW: But that was three things, silly!~
TW: I really cannot be bothered to care.
WW: :D!
WW: Well, Liam, you are in Equestria!
WW: And I am Pinkie Pie! Party Pony Planner with Personal Proficiency at Party Production!
TW: Those sure were p’s.
TW: Anyway who are these two?
TW: Paul’s a dick he can wait.
TW: One’s called Twilight and the other is called Fluttershy.
TW: I think.
TW: What kind of names are those anyway.
TW: Sounds like some my little pony-alike name.
WW: What’s My Little Pony? :?
TW: Okay I’m calling bullshit on that face it’s impossible to make.
TW: Also don’t worry about it.
TW: Back to my first question please.
WW: They are my friends!
WW: liam
WW: whatever you do
WW: dont mention parties
WW: please ever
WW: ps i stole the hudtop from pinkie
TW: Why?
TW: Why shouldn’t I mention parties?
TW: It’s not like she’s gonna plan a ‘welcome-to-magical-ponyland’ party
WW: Oh! You know what this calls for?! A PARTY!
WW: But not a magical ponyland party, that happened a week ago!
WW: You missed it. :(
WW: No, this is gonna be a “Welcome Mage of Time and Bard of Space!” party!
WW: :D :D :D
TW: I guess that’s why.
TW: Also really Paul you told her our titles are you insane.
WW: she swiped the hudtop from me
WW: so yeah i didnt plan the party
WW: anyway she knows your coming here as apparently the princesses are coming according to this little dragon thing
WW: something about sensing our magic aura idk i wasnt listening
TW: Pause. Back up a bit.
TW: Princesses?
WW: oh yeah ive been asking pinkie some questions
WW: turns out this world is ruled by three princesses
WW: celestia luna and cadence
WW: or light dark and love
TW: Okay, why are they coming?
WW: reason they gave or what i reckon
TW: Both.
WW: them: to greet the new arrivals to ponyville as well as to check and see if you aren’t hurt and ask about that magical aura
WW: me: think about it
WW: light dark and love
WW: also known as
TW: ...wait.
TW: Light, Doom and Heart?
WW: yeah
WW: especially since i can still do the spacey thing
WW: which according to pinkie doesnt make sense as she is the only non-unicorn with magic that manifests that way
TW: Back up again. Non-Unicorn? You mean there are Unicorns here?
WW: you know what
WW: screw it
WW: ill tell you when you get here
wondermentWizard [WW] ceased pestering temporalWierdness [TW]