Leaving Me

by ScurryBelle

9 - Morning Of Discord

The next morning I wake up with Lyra wrapped up on my lap like a cat. That was probably the most confusing and eventful night of my life, but it only makes me confused more. I tickle Lyra behind her ear to wake her up.

"Heh heh, ha ha ha! Stop that!" She giggles out.

"Good morning." I reply to her.

"Hello!" She pretends to be a cat on my lap. "Good morning!"

"Today is Thursday, and I don't have any plans." I say as I scratch her behind her ears.

"Alright, that sounds like a relaxing time then."

"I thought it would be too." I reply.

I get up and head to the kitchen to makes some oatmeal for both of us. Lyra comes in a few minutes later dressed in a fluffy blue skirt, gray leggings, and her favorite brown button-up jacket. She sits down at the table near the back wall. I finish making the oatmeal and head over to the table to join her. We sit in silence for a moment, and then she speaks.

"So how was yesterday?"

"Good." I say.

"How?" She says immediately after.

"Lyra, I'm not sure how I feel right now. Can I just eat in peace please?"

"But Viny-"

"NO!" I reject her statement. "STOP! Please...."

We sit there for a while longer, me eating my oatmeal, and hers just sitting there, unused.

"Fine, what do you want Lyra?"

"Your compassion." She replies.

"I'm not sure how I feel giving that to you, you know I still have great feelings for Octavia, and you won't let it sink in to your brain. I can't just switch between both of you! Its not right Lyra!"

She starts to cry. So I get out of my seat and kneel down next to hers and hold her.

"I really like you vinyl, and you wont let me feel loved back. THAT is what is not right!" She is bawling now.

"I'm sorry! I cant just give my life to you, reality doesn't work like-" I try to explain as she pushes me down and runs to her room.

"Lyra! I'm SORRY!" I yell to her, getting up and following her back to her room. "Let me in, please?"

"NEVER! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She screams at me, with punching noises on adjacent walls.

I grab my clothes and throw them in a bag, just in case, and head out the door to my beetle. I notice a man leaning against it.

"Hey! Get off my car!" I yell out as I near the vehicle.

Once I'm within five foot range I recognize him immediately. Flim. What is HE doing here?

'Whats the deal? Why are you around at the worst of times, you... AUGH!"

I throw a fist at him and he dodges it like he expected it to happen, and I end up smashing my fist into the metal above the front wheel. Profanities leave my mouth and I swing again with my left fist. Missing and slipping on the icy sidewalk.

"I need you to come with me, Vinyl." He says in a monotone voice.

"Why in the world should I go somewhere with you!" I yell at him.

"Because, you need to see something that involves your splendid Octavia."

My nerves are about to burst out of every inch of my body in complete rage.

"If you so dare as touch her anywhere on her body, your life will be filled with pain you have never experienced before, DO YOU HEAR ME?" He doesn't move. "I SAID, DO YOU-"

He covers my mouth with a rag, and pass out. I wake up some time later; I'm in a warehouse with Flam sitting across from me.

"Good afternoon Vinyl, I have been needing to talk to you for some time now." Flam says his repeating monotone voice.

"What's your stinkin' deal?" He doesn't reply, once again. "Stop with the silence, its really annoying."

"We decided to take in Octavia and help her reach her fullest potential. I believe you have already seen a few changes we implemented.

"You're a con-artist!" I scream out at him. "Why would you take my girlfriend, and turn her into some stupid looking rock-star thing?"

"Because. It will really make a change in the long run."

"I want to pound your face in so hard its not even physically possible. I know your ways, you just ant to take her down with you, as if you the devil."

"Well, its not what you think. I'm actually here to run a 9mm bullet into your skull, but that isn't the precise reason your here. Its more to make sure you never wake-."

"UP" I hear in a gigantic booming voice.

The world goes black, like my previous dream. I shake my head, my eyes open, crusted from sleep. Lyra is wrapped up on my lap like a cat. I'm terribly confused now. Why do I have these insane dreams. I tickle Lyra behind her ear to wake her up.

"Heh heh, ha ha ha! Stop that!" She giggles out.

"Good morning." I reply to her, glum sounding.

"Hello!" She pretends to be a cat on my lap, and stares at me. "Good morning?"

"Today is Thursday, and I don't have any plans." I tell her, removing her from my lap and sitting her down next to me.

"Alright, that sounds like a relaxing time then."

"I thought so. I say as I get up.

"Vinyl..." She says.

"You love me, right?" I reply instantly.

"Yes..." She does a single nod.

"And you want me to forget about Tavi and fall for you, correct?"


"And you know I can't because I still love her to the ends of the universe."

"Correct." She says as she slumps down on the couch.

"I'm sorry Lyra."

I grab my 9mm pistol from the coffee table, which I received as a present from my parents, and send a round directly through her skull. She falls to the floor.

"NOOOO!" I cry out running to her and holding her head.

"What is going on! WHY IS THIS HAPPING TO ME!" I shriek at the top of my lungs.

Everything goes black again, this time for a longer duration. My eyes open and I'm back on the couch. I pinch myself. Ouch. This is real now. The gun is gone. Lyra is in the kitchen making oatmeal, my favorite. I get up and head to the kitchen island.

"Good morning my favorite DJ in all of Manehattan!" She says to me as she purs oatmeal into two bowls.

I burst out in tears and squish my face against the counter. Lyra stops and sits next to me, holding me close as I start bawling.

"Whats wrong?" She asks me in her comforting motherly tone.

"I had horrible dreams last night."

"Do you want to tell me about them?" She holds me tighter.

I remove her arms and face her. I pause for a moment to stop myself from hypoventilation from crying. I take a deep breath and begin.

"Last night... I dreamed I woke up, and I made oatmeal, like you just did." She does a single nod. " And then you started to talk to me and I rejected you, and we began to argue, thing went places and you ended up screaming at the top of your lungs for me to leave and never come back. When I left and headed to my bug, I saw Flam next to my car. He took a rag with whatever chemical it is that makes you pass out and I was then at a warehouse. He spoke to me telling me he was going to shoot me. Then I woke up."

"Wow. That is..." She pauses for a moment. "Disturbing." She looks at the pot of oatmeal that is now turned off.

"But that isn't all." She looks back at me and listens again. "I didn't wake up in THIS today, it was another fake day. I wok e up, told you you couldn't have me as your lover, which is true, sorry." She looks back down, but returns her glance at me after a moment. "Anyway, I told you no and said sorry. Then I grabbed my 9mm pistol and blast a hole strait through your head. I went into agonizing sadness and held you, screaming at up at the ceiling asking why this was happening to me, then I woke up to today."

"Wow... I'm terrified. Why do you have such depressing dreams, like the one where Tavi left you."

"How did you -"

"She tells me everything, you know. I am the main link between you two."

"Right. And if the first dream I had came true, I wouldn't have that link anymore. And would probably be dead."

"True, but I think you really should eat something this morning. You never do."

"Fine" I say as she hands me my bowl, extra brown sugar mixed through. Just as I like it. "Thank you."

"No problem." She says with a smile.