//------------------------------// // The Power to Destroy an Island! Equestria in Danger! // Story: My Little Pirates: Luffy's Adventures in Equestria // by Fullmetal Pony //------------------------------// Light exploded out of the windows of the castle. The entire structure shook before a chunk of the wall was taken out by a blast of magic. Inside, Celestia and Tirek launched volley after volley of spells at each other. Tirek swerved, crouched, and lurched to avoid the attacks, swatting the blasts he couldn’t avoid with his massive hands. Smoke trailed off his left hand and both of his palms were now slightly reddened. Sweat trickled down Celestia’s face. She swooped through the air at blinding speeds while Tirek’s attacks flew at her. A blast rammed into her from her blind spot. Black flames raced over the shimmering golden sphere that encased Celestia. She returned to darting through the air and unleashed a concentrated beam at Tirek. Tirek smacked it away, deflecting it into a nearby wall. A white hot hole dripping with molten stone replaced a small portion of the wall. In the same moment he blocked the blow, Tirek unleashed his own attack. It raced forward and blasted through Celestia’s shield, striking her in the knee. Celestia bit back a scream and resumed serpentining through the air. Tirek shot spell after spell at her, more of them now crashing against her shield rather than missing her completely. Large holes now covered the hall they were fighting in with stones dangling and coming loose here and there. Celestia glanced at the damage for a split second and spied the rest of Canterlot off in the distance. A lack of fire or other signs of destruction put her attention back on the stones that remained in the walls. The loosened stones gained a golden glow and turned red hot before they rocketed through the air and slammed into Tirek’s back and sides. He grunted as he swayed to the side, but righted himself before he went into a full tumble. The entire room shook when he let out a roar and clawed at the air. A black gash appeared where his claws struck. He plunged his arm in and pulled out a large burlap sack. He stuck one hand into the sack and sneered up at Celestia. “Guess you’re not too rusty after all. I was hoping to tenderize you a little more before I brought these ou—” A concentrated beam of solar energy slammed into the bag, sending up a plume of smoke and flames. “If you’re going to attack, don’t waste time indulging in your sadistic fantasies.” “True,” Tirek’s voice rang through the smoke. “But I can’t help wanting to have fun with this!” A massive length of chains flew out the smoke. It whipped toward Celestia but she concentrated her shield around where it would impact. Its speed would’ve been hard for a civilian to track, but to trained eyes, it might as well have been flat on the ground. In the split second it took to see the attack coming, Celestia had already charged up another shot and readied to fire it. The chains collided with her shield just as she launched her own spell. The air distorted and Celestia sucked in her breath before the chains sliced through her shield and rammed into her side. Her shot went wild and flew off harmlessly into the sky while she spiralled to the ground. Celestia coughed and struggled to get to the her hooves. The area where the chains had struck her were marked with deep indents and were already turn a nauseous purple hue. Tirek slowly strode over to her, chains rattling in his hand. “Not quite as satisfactory as hitting you with my own magic or fists but they really do know their anti-magic metallurgy in Tartarus.” Tirek raised the chains in front of his face and pulled them tight. “Now, I’m thinking I give you a nice lash for each year I spent in that pit! Sound suitable?” Celestia let out a pained groan as she tried to get up. Tirek bared his teeth at her in a jagged grin while he pulled back his arm. “Ah, so glad you agree!” His arm flew forward, but the chain went tight before it was even fully past his head. In an instant, a blue blur wrapped the remaining end of the chain around his throat and pulled it into a tight knot. Tirek’s hands raced to his neck and he collapsed to his knees. While Tirek struggled, a cool glow washed over Celestia. The pain at her side receded and the wounds lightened in color slightly. The magic also helped her to her hooves. Fully upright again, she let out her breath and sighed. “Luna… thank you.” “I wish I could’ve gotten here sooner,” Luna replied. Shadow swirled around her, blackening her fur and summoning armor over parts of it. “I won’t be sitting this fight out anymore though.” The heavy thud of chains drew their attention back to Tirek. Huffing, he glared at them like his eyes were about to erupt. Crimson lightning arced around him as he picked up the chains. ~~~ “Girls!” Twilight exclaimed as she pulled her friends into a hug. “Uh, Twilight?” Applejack pushed back and easily separated the group. Extending a hoof, she pointed to Tirek’s beast, which was slowly picking itself off the floor. “Now ain’t the best time for greetings.” “Sorry. Just a little emotional after everything that happened getting here.” Twilight blushed a little. “But I don’t understand, I thought you were training with Luna.” “We were, silly!” Pinkie draped one leg across Twilight’s neck and noogied her with another one. “But how?” asked Twilight. “I got this!” Dash flashed Twilight and grin. “We’ll just take a break while the Elements do their stuff.” Dash sucked in her breath. “First off though, the reason we got here so quick is because we never left.” It looked like Twilight’s face was about to slip off her head. “What?” ♦♦♦ Haki-infused hooves reverberated against armor. Luna bent her leg back and sent Pinkie flying. The hardened texture vanished from Pinkie’s hooves and reappeared on her back. Rather than skid across the dusty battleground, she instead bounced across it like a ball. “A bit more serious, Pinkamina!” Luna barked before darting over to her and resuming the fight. Nearby, misty visages of Luna faced off against the rest of the girls. A storm of bucks flew centimeters away from Applejack’s glassy eyes while blow after blow struck at the tangled mess that was Rarity’s mane and coat, only to hit haki-hardened splotches instead. Overhead, the clouds rapidly shifted in shape while lightning bolts flashed through the sky. Back on the ground, Fluttershy gasped for breath, limbs flailing while Luna locked her legs around her chest and neck. “G-give,” Fluttershy choked. “I-I give.” “Well the only thing I’m giving you today is unconsciousness and a nice pattern of bruises unless you get free,” said Luna. “I…” Fluttershy’s left elbow turned black. “I said I give!” Fluttershy jabbed Luna in the ribs and the misty clone dispersed. With a tiny yelp, Fluttershy fell to the ground, gasping for breath. A shadow loomed over her and she shuddered. Another misty Luna stared down at her with a smile on its lips. “Your defense is getting faster. You’ve got five minutes to get some water and recover.” “Y-yay,” Fluttershy wheezed. ♦♦♦ “Wonderbolts Training is less severe,” Dash said as she donned her Element. Twilight winced when the entire room shook and the beast went barreling all the way back to the door. Rarity lowered a blackened hoof and joined the others near the chest containing the Elements. “And that was after spending all those nights in that dreadful forest!” Rarity placed a hoof to her forehead. “Thank the stars nopony saw us then. I was barely able to live with being a mop, let alone having somepony know.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Wait, but you’ve only been gone a few days.” “I was getting to that.” Dash then saw that the beast was back up and bounding toward them. “Hmmm, wonder how far I can get before we blast that thing.” ♦♦♦ Sweat dripped from all the girls’ muzzles. The sun radiated brilliantly above them, making their mouths dry and turning the battleground into a oven. Yet, Luna and her doppelgangers assailed all five of them with her not a drop of sweat showing on her main body despite her armor. Luna suddenly stiffened, allowing Rarity to land a solid hit on her. Luna just stood in place. Before Rarity could pull her hoof back though and make sure Luna was okay, the ground beneath her surged and tilted. Dash and Fluttershy took to the air, while everyone else fell into the sand. Only Luna remained upright. “Okay.” Applejack shook her head and spat out some sand. “Guess this is the next part of training then?” Applejack’s eyes widened as they regained their color. With her jaw slackened in ecstatic awe, she raised a hoof up and watched as it slowly came into focus. “Ha! Well, whatever it is, I can definitely take it now that I got my sight back!” Applejack’s celebration was cut short when she saw how pale Luna had become. “I’m afraid our training has been cut short,” said Luna. “Something has happened back at the castle. Brace yourselves.” “Now just a moment!” Rarity stuck a hoof with perfectly pampered fur out at Luna. “Applejack’s and my afflictions just suddenly clear up, we get hit by an earthquake, and now you tell us something’s wrong at the castle? Could we just get a little more information before we’re thrown into whatever is happening back in Canterlot. “Yeah!” Pinkie popped up beside Luna. “As much as I like surprises, when it comes to dangerous stuff, I’d like to know the details, like when you set off a giant firework.” “We don’t have time! Your bodies…” Luna shook her head and gritted her teeth before letting out a deep sigh. “I’ve been somewhat disingenuous with you and your training. While you certainly faced many adversities and were struck by various ailments, I was always there to guide your development.” The entire battleground pulsated. Applejack and Rarity jumped back as the sand beneath them was swept away, revealing the infinite space of the cosmos. Rather than fall into infinity, the space directly below their hooves now faintly glowed and kept them standing. The sky above darkened and filled with constellations while the clouds morphed into swirling and nebulous galaxies. All five of the girls stared at the scene in awe before their attention was drawn to the bright glow of Luna’s horn. Small tendrils of light peeled off of it and connected to each of them. “This is my most powerful spell. It grants me the ability to connect to ponies in their dreams and render assistance when needed,” Luna said, her voice now carrying an echo. “In Discord’s time, this was the only safe haven Celestia and I had the time to train and ready ourselves to combat him.” “So we’ve been asleep this entire time?” Dash flew close and eyed Luna intensely. “Won’t that just mean our bodies will be groggy and weak?” “Are you familiar with sleepwalking?” Another quake shook the dreamspace. “We have no more time. Suffice to say, while not all your training will transfer over to your real bodies due to the time dilation between waking and dream, haki is much more a matter of spirit than muscles. Now, let us make haste!” ♦♦♦ Celestia swerved to the right while Luna rolled to the left. The chains cleaved between them, stone splitting beneath where they fell. Tirek whipped them around, but Celestia and Luna serpentined through the air as their horns grew bright. Blasts of lightning and fire struck Tirek at his sides, but he just grunted and continued flailing his chains around. Luna zoomed in on him from the left, her whole body crackling with electricity. Tirek glared at her as she got within arms’ reach and let his chains fall to the floor. A torrent of crimson energy surged out of his hand and sent Luna careening across the room. In flash, Tirek spun around and backhanded Celestia towards the other side of the room. Picking herself up, Luna shook off some debris. “Tia really needs to pick her fights better.” Across the room, Celestia said nothing and took to the air again. The two sisters then flew at Tirek at blinding speeds as he reached down to pick up his chains. A wicked grin appeared on his face as his fists grew bright with energy. “Let’s see how yo—” A thick beam of lilac magic rammed into his upper back. The glow around his hands vanished and he spun around to face the origin of the attack. His jaw hardened at the sight of Twilight and everypony, Elements already aglow. “So now we’re all here.” Tirek raised an eyebrow, counting only five Elements adorning the ponies before him. “Almost. Do you think yourselves so mighty that you don’t even need all the Elements to deal with me?” “We’ll get to that in a second,” said Dash. “Might as well give up now though and make this easy.” “I think not.” Tirek sucked in his breath, tightening his muscles. A deep red glow formed around his horns. Everypony felt the temperature rise a few degrees when a tiny black sphere appeared in the middle of his horns. The entire castle suddenly tilted to the left. The sphere vanished from between Tirek’s horn and he clasped a nearby pillar for support. Everypony without wings clambered for a foothold while dodging the collection of stones that had been loosened by the earthquake. Celestia raced over to Twilight and Pinkie and sent up a barrier around the two of them while Luna swooped through the air and plucked Rarity and Applejack off the ground. Dash kept close to her before she too summoned a barrier. “Grr, that idiot is even less precise than me,” Tirek grumbled. “Princess…” Twilight quivered. “It’s Blackbeard.” The look in Celestia’s eyes both chilled Twilight and tightened her resolve. “Twilight, I fear he is now an even greater threat than Tirek. I had hoped to weaken Tirek a bit further, but I fear I must now leave this matter in your hooves.” “But the Elements cou—” “The Elements will be useless on Blackbeard.” Aftershocks continued to jostle the debris around them. “Twilight, I’m sorry I could not teach you more in our training, but Tirek must be stopped here and now.” “Princess…” Twilight struck her chest with a hoof. “We won’t fail!” “I know you won’t.” Celestia undid her barrier as the rumbling died down. Luna floated down from nearby and deposited everypony on the ground. Dash landed and sent up a small cloud of dust. Luna looked over the group and smiled. “It is in your hooves now, my friends.” Celestia and Luna both spread their wings wide and zipped toward one of the many holes in the wall. Tirek reached out to grab them, but a blast of magic forced him to block, allowing Celestia and Luna to dart out into the sky. Tirek stared out at their rapidly shrinking bodies before turning his attention to the five ponies in the room. A small chuckle rose up from his lungs that quickly turned into a roaring bellow. “This will be even easier than I thought! Celestia’s sister caught me a little off guard but now she’s abandoned the Elements. She might as well have gift wrapped you!” Trike reached up high and rent the air, producing another gash in space. “Not that I don’t have gifts of my own.” A massive clawed leg stepped out of the portal, followed by the rest of the reptilian creature. It stood taller than Tirek’s other beast, but its body was much more lithe to support the leathery wings on its back. Instead of tusks, a razor-sharp beak adorned its face, giving the beast the appearance of living gargoyle. Everypony’s face paled when two more beasts stuck their heads out of Tirek’s portal. Thick manes like a lion’s sprouted out behind their heads. A thick orange coat of fur covered their bodies but did nothing to obscure the massive muscles that rippled under their skin. The final beast to emerge from the portal was the most similar to Tirek’s first creature. It had glistening tusks and skin like armor, but its color was a light amethyst rather than a deep blue. “I was imprisoned by the Elements,” Tirek said as he bent down and gave the two maned beasts pets on the head. “I felt them shift not so many moons ago and knew they had found new Bearers.” His lips pulled back to show off his fangs. “So I made sure to find some special playmates just for you!” ~~~ Shining Armor lay spread out amongst a pile of rubble that had once been a wall of the depot. One of his legs was bent in the wrong direction and only shallow guttural breaths came out of his mouth. Jinbei was scrunched up on the ground, clutching the now reddened bandages around his chest. Jesus loomed over him and smirked. Blackbeard stood in the center of the destruction howling with laughter. Spike couldn’t stop shivering as he took in the scene. He managed to raise his head up to look at Ace, who stood unmoving in front of him. His eyes went to the odd angle Ace’s left shoulder stuck out at. “Can you move?” Ace asked. “I-I think,” Spike stuttered. “Then get going.” Ace seized up when he took a step. Gasping for air, he glared at Spike, who remained in the same spot. “Teach opened up a lot of escape routes, so go!” Spike glanced over at where Shining was and paled. “We need to get Shining Armor out too.” Ace’s hooves shook. His head darted back and forth between Shining and Blackbeard but zoned in on the latter when he began to advance toward Ace. “Zehahaha, get it now, Ace?” asked Blackbeard. “I’m stronger than even Pops now. This power was wasted on that dying fool anyway.” He leared over at Shining. “Your friend isn’t looking too good either. My doctor could fix him up, no strings attached.” “I just have to join you is all, right?” Ace spat. “My offer stands regardless.” “Whitebeard is the only man I will ever follow!” Blackbeard clenched his teeth. “Well, he’s dead, and look what he has to show for it! His crew is in shambles, you’re only alive thanks to magical horses, and I have his powers now! Zehahaha! Ace! You must have known that Whitebeard was never going to be king even if he lived another hundred years! He wasted his life on the seas protecting his ‘sons’ when he could have dominated the Grand Line and brought the World Government to its knees. Just look at how easily I did it!” “Enough!” Ace roared. “I don’t care that you stole Pops’ power! I don’t care how clever you think you are! I wouldn’t even care if you were King!” Veins became more pronounced on Blackbeard’s face. “And why’s that, Ace? Has seeing me use Pops’ power scared the wits out of you?” “Because you’d still be the same piece of trash no matter what!” Despite the surge of pain the went through his left leg, Ace took a step forward. A few tears bubbled up at the corners of his eyes. “I wanted Pops to be King, but there were days when I'd see him smiling on the ship like he was already King… days like those made us forget about treasure, or bounties, or what lay at the end of the Grand Line. I’ll give you that at least, if Pops wanted the One Piece, he’d have taken it years ago.” Ace sniffled and shook his head. “He didn’t want whatever piece of crud Roger left though. He wanted his ship and he wanted his sons.” Ace furrowed his brow and glared at Blackbeard. “And you took that away from him, Teach.” “You’re like a broken record,” Blackbeard groaned. He flexed back a hoof as it grew bright. “If your brain is that full of mush, maybe the Flame-Flame Fruit deserves a different user after all!” A massive ball of fire slammed into Blackbeard and sent him flying. Ace looked to the sky and was met with Celestia staring down at him with a smile on her face. She swooped down toward Ace while Luna landed beside Shining and Jinbei. As Luna escased Shining and Jinbei in her magic and teleported them elsewhere, Celestia drew near to Ace and produced a small key. “It seems you and your brother are actually quite keen on the magic of Friendship.” Celestia lowered the key and inserted into the bracelet around Ace’s leg. It clanged against the ground while Ace raised his hoof and shifted it into a swirling flame. Her focus then shifted to Spike. “Oh Spike, I’m so sorry you were brought into this. You just rest at home and Twilight and I will come get you when this is done.” Before Spike could reply, aura surrounded him. His eyes grew heavy and he fell into a deep slumber. With a bright flash, he vanished, leaving only Ace, Luna, and Celestia. A great black spire of shadow caught all their attention. Blackbeard lumbered out of the rubble, his body shaking in rage. “We have to stop him,” said Ace. “I know,” Celestia replied as her horn once more grew bright. “But I have a promise to uphold to Straw Hat.” Goosebumps erupted across Ace’s body as a golden glow encased it. He summoned flames and stretched back his right leg to land a hit on Celestia. “No!” he shouted. “Blackbeard is my—” Ace vanished in a flash. With Luna and Celestia staring him down, Blackbeard let out a cackle. “Zehahaha, well, I guess, you’re pretty angry at me for all the trouble I’ve caused.” He flashed them a grin. “Would it help to say I only came here for Ace and that Tirek was the one that really wanted to have fun here?” Both Luna and Celestia lit up their horns in response. “Didn’t think so.” Blackbeard cracked his neck and flexed his right foreleg. “Aw well, I need to work out my powers anyway.” “And we do not wish for everypony in town to see us beat you more black and blue than ourselves,” Luna said. Blackbeard tensed when a prismatic aura took hold of him and his crew. Luna and Celestia glowed with magic as well and soon became blinding. When the magic died down, Blackbeard found himself surrounded by endless stretches of sand and rocky chasms. Wind swirled between him and the two sisters, sending up clouds of dust. His men gathered at his side, eager grins on all their faces. A cold air rose up around Luna. “In all my travels, I never encountered a human that could bring about such misery.” “Marshal D. Teach.” Celestia’s voice reverberated across the Wastelands. “You have abused, manipulated, and killed all for the sake of power. You have brought chaos and destruction to our land, but even if you had not, your crimes mark you as a man deserving of any punishment you receive.” “Oh, enough with the speeches.” Blackbeard flexed back a hoof. “You’ve really managed to get on my bad side.” ~~~ Tiny bits of rock and dust shook loose from the castle walls and ceiling. Fluttershy quickened her pace, but slowed down when she felt Trixie shift slightly on her back. “Oh dear,” Fluttershy murmured. A bit of color returned to her when she spotted the oaken door that was slightly larger than the other ones. She quickly trotted over to it slipped inside. Luffy rested atop his bed as he had since arriving back from the War. Fluttershy quietly bent down beside the bed and placed Trixie on the floor. The showmare was sound asleep without a scratch on her. “You should be safe here,” Fluttershy whispered before the castle rumbled again. “I hope.” Fluttershy’s hair suddenly stood up. The air near her distorted before a bright flash filled the room. “—problem!” Ace yelled, flaming hoof aimed straight at Fluttershy. She threw up a leg and smacked Ace’s hoof to the ground. “Ow!” Ace cried as a welt formed where his leg had been knocked back into physical form. “Feels like Ga—” Ace froze at the sight of Fluttershy trembling before him. “M-mr. Ace! I… I didn’t mean to hit you that hard!” she explained. “You just came out of nowhere!” “Blame your Princess for that.” Ace drew in his breath at the sight of Luffy still unconscious before quickly unclenching his muscles. A stab of pain from his left shoulder forced him to flinch though. “That shoulder doesn’t look good.” Fluttershy drew closer and grew a little pale. “You need ice… but I need to get back.” Her hooves jittered a little. “Oh no, oh no…” “This is nothing,” Ace grunted. “If you have somewhere to be, go.” “But what about you?” Ace glanced back at the bed. “I’ll stay here and keep Luffy safe. I can do that much at least.” Fluttershy smiled and nodded. She turned to go out the door, but a chain exploded out of it. Fluttershy went onto her belly, the chain still managing to sheer off the tips of her mane. The attack whipped through the room and sped toward the bed. Ace flew forward and sent out a wall of flames, but the chains cut through it like butter. A sickening crunch echoed through the room as the chains collided into Ace and threw him against the wall. “Ace!” Fluttershy cried. Before she could move over to him, a clawed hand reached out and held her tight. A sharp cry escaped Fluttershy’s mouth. “Heh, guess that doppelganger spell was a nice inheritance from Discord.” Tirek smirked as he squeezed Fluttershy a little tighter. “Bearer of Kindness. Yet throughout your life, you’ve been treated as nothing more than a bridge for other ponies to step on.” Tirek’s horns glistened with crimson magic and a similar glow formed around Fluttershy’s eyes. “Why don’t let out some of the pent-up aggression?”