//------------------------------// // Day out // Story: Mother's day // by kurusagi16 //------------------------------// There was aloud knock. "Who could that be?" asked Fluttershy aloud. The pegasus wasn't expecting anypony to come over to her cottage. She trotted to the door and standing on the door mat was a pegasus mare with a long red-violet mane and a milk and honey coat. Fluttershy gasped and put her hooves over her mouth. "Mother...?" The pegasus nodded, a kind smile on her face. "Hello dear." "Mom!" Fluttershy threw her arms and wings around Melodia, hugging her tightly. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the hospital?" "The doctor said that I was well enough to go out and visit you. I thought we could spend the day together." said Melodia, lying through her teeth. "That's wonderful! But, I made plans to eat with my friends at Twilight's castle." "Why don't I join you?" asked Melodia. "It's about time I met your friends after hearing so much about them." "Well..." Fluttershy tapped her chin. "I suppose they wouldn't mind." "Good! We'll have to hurry though, the doctor would like me back before sunset to do a quick check up on me." "Oh, okay then." Fluttershy believed Melodia's lies. She didn't want to have to lie to her daughter, but it was the only way she'd be able to live they day like any other pony. And so far, she was doing well. She hadn't felt any attacks on the walk over to the cottage, and she felt great after leaving that hospital room. 'The day I live, begins...' The lunch at the friendship castle had been arranged by Twilight, to talk to her friends (as well as to better bond with Discord ever since his three day weekend with the girls). Everypony had shown up, bringing their own dish, except for Fluttershy who was running a bit late. Pinkie Pie tried to snatch a bite from one of the plates, only to have her hoof smacked away by Twilight. "Pinkie, we need to wait for everypony." she said. "Aw! But I'm hungry!" Pinkie Pie complained. "Really Pinkie Pie, trying to eat before Fluttershy gets here, how rude." said Discord, his arms folded. Twilight narrowed her eyes at him. "That includes you too Discord." Discord avoided looking directly into Twilight's eyes. "What do you mean?" Twilight used her magic to levitate a piece of food Discord had been hiding behind his back. "No snacking." Discord held up both paw and claw in defense, it was at that exact moment that Fluttershy came in. "Sorry I'm late everypony." she said. "I ran into somepony that I'd like you to meet." Fluttershy motioned for the pony to come forward from the doorway. The Pegasus mare smiled warmly at Fluttershy's friends. "This is Melodia, my mom." said Fluttershy. "Your mom?" asked Twilight. "But I thought your mom was sick at the hospital or something." said Rainbow Dash. Melodia spoke for Fluttershy to explain. "I was, but I was let out with a clean bill of health. I thought it would be wonderful to spend the day with my daughter, and the friends she's been telling me about." Rarity stepped forward to introduce herself, but Melodia held up a hoof. "Don't tell me your names." said Melodia, a sly smile starting to form. "I want to guess for myself, it'll be much more fun for me." She looked Rarity up and down before she said, "You're Rarity, I believe. My daughter has told me about how you design beautiful clothes, I hope your career takes off." Rarity was flattered and said as she smiled, "I do too, it can be difficult sometimes, but I pull through." Melodia moved onto Rainbow Dash." "It's not too hard to guess who you are, Rainbow Dash." Melodia bowed her head in thanks. "Thank you for being there for Fluttershy when I couldn't, and for standing up for her when she was little." Rainbow Dash smiled and rubbed the back of her head. "It's nothing, really." said Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie was trying to contain her excitement when Melodia moved onto her. "I take it you're Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie Pie gasped. "How did you know?!" "Let's just say, it isn't very hard to figure out who you are." Melodia turned to both Applejack and Twilight, point at each as she said their names. "That must be Applejack and Princess Twilight Sparkle. Both of you have done wonderful things for Ponyville, or so I've heard. In fact, all of you have been helpful to this town." Melodia heard somepony clear their throat. Melodia grinned. "Don't think I've forgotten you Discord." she said turning to him. "The ponies at the hospital have said quite a bit about you. But my daughter has told me nothing but how nice you've been and how you're good friends." Discord smiled and puffed out his chest. "I'm not surprised." he said. "We are best friends after all." he smiled smugly. Melodia laughed a little. "I hope you don't mind if I join all of you for lunch. I know it's sudden, but I think it'd be a good chance to get to know you all better." said Melodia. "We don't mind at all." said Twilight. "Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable." Twilight motioned for her to come and sit down. Melodia sat by Fluttershy at the table in the castle's dining room. "Finally, we can eat." said Rainbow. She got a plate and ate a slice of the apple pie Applejack had brought. Melodia had lived off of mostly hospital food, so she was delighted by all the dishes on the table. She took a little bit of everything and put in on her plate. A slice of apple pie, a mini crystal berry pie (made by Pinkie Pie), a daisy sandwich (made by Twilight), hay fries from Hayburger (bought by Rainbow Dash), a bit of fruit salad (made by Fluttershy), a fancy desert covered in golden food dust and lots of chocolate shavings (made by Rarity), and a cucumber sandwich (brought by Discord). "Are you sure you can eat all that?" asked Rainbow Dash. Melodia nodded. "I haven't eaten breakfast so I should be able to eat it all." Melodia ate all the sandwiches and the hay fries, and was moving onto the deserts. She took a bite from Rarity's desert. Her eyes lit up and she almost dropped her fork. "This is delicious!" she gushed. She put a hoof on her cheek, never before tasting something so sweet. She took a bigger bite a moaned over how tasty it was. "I'm glad you like it." said Rarity. "Ooo! Try mine next!" Pinkie Pie urged. Melodia tried the mini pie, she let out a gasp. "I don't know how, but it's even sweeter and more delectable than the other desert." said Melodia. The apple pie slice she also complemented on for its simple wholesome goodness. Everypony chatted about their personal tales, listening or interrupting to add their own personal opinions. Discord looked across the table at Melodia. "Melodia, if you don't mind me being so formal, why don't you tell us a bit of what it was like raising our dear friend Fluttershy." he said. Fluttershy blushed a light pink. "You don't have to do that mom." said Fluttershy embarrassed. "Nopony would want to hear about that." "Yes we do!" insisted Pinkie Pie, leaning on the table." Melodia smiled. "It wouldn't hurt to talk a little about it." she said. "Fluttershy was such a sweet little filly growing up, though, it was rather difficult for me to take care of her. I was, very sick at the time, so my husband had to do most of the work. But enjoyed her visits to the hospital." "What were you sick with?" asked Twilight curiously. "It's a rare illness that the doctors hadn't seen before." Melodia fibbed. "But it wasn't contagious so I didn't need to worry about having my daughter their. "Can't imagine it was all too pleasant being cooped up in a hospital bed." said Applejack. Melodia shook her head. "Believe me, it wasn't. I was bored out of my mind with nothing to do." "I can relate." muttered Discord. "But Fluttershy and my husband made it more bearable. It was good to see them and talk to them. They made me feel like I wasn't sick at all." said Melodia. She turned to face Fluttershy. "And now look at you! You've grown up to be such a brave and beautiful mare. I'm so proud of you." Fluttershy blushed and smiled at her mom. "Thanks mom." Fluttershy said. "That means a lot." "Hey Melodia, want to join us for the other fun things I planned for us today?" asked Pinkie Pie, getting close up to Melodia's face. Melodia gave a polite nod. "I'd be happy to." she said. "Of course, you might want to ask your friends first about how they'd feel about it." "oops! You're right." said Pinkie before turning to the others. "Well, can she come?" "Why not?" "Sounds good to me." "Here, here!" "I'm up for it." "This should be interesting." "It's unanimous!" cried Pinkie Pie. She suddenly took Melodia by the hoof and pulled her along. "Let's get started!" "Pinkie, mom, wait!" called Fluttershy following after them. Yes, things were certainly going to be interesting.