Mother's day

by kurusagi16

Truth revealed

Knock! Knock!

"Miss Melodia? How are you feeling?" asked Nurse Redheart. There was no reply. Nurse Redheart hurried inside, worried about the patient's well-being. The nurse let out a gasp as she drew closer to the bed.

"Doctor!" she cried in alarm. The doctor rushed in.

"What is it Nurse Redheart?" he asked.

"It's Miss Melodia." said Nurse Redheart. "S-she's gone!" Sure enough Melodia wasn't in her hospital bed. The doctor looked to the window and became serious.

"Send out a search party." he said. "We must find Melodia quickly. Too much stress or excitement could cause another attack for her."

"I'm on it doctor." said Nurse Redheart, and she galloped off to set up a search party. The doctor sighed and rubbed his temple.

"I hope you realize what you're doing, Melodia." he said.

Melodia was having the most fun that she'd ever had in her whole life! Pinkie Pie saw to it that Melodia got to see and experience all of the best parts of Ponyville. The parts that up until this point, she'd never been able to enjoy. There was Sweet Apple Acres, Sugarcube Corner, the Town Hall, Rarity's Boutique. And being able to experience it all with her daughter and her daughter's friends made it all the more special. She didn't want the fun she was having to ever end. But she knew of course, that it wasn't meant to be. Sooner or later, Melodia would need to return to the hospital. But once she got better and received the experimental treatment, she'd come back and have even more fun with everypony. 'If I get better.' Melodia pushed those sad thoughts away. Her daughter's friends had taken her now to Ponyville park, where Fluttershy asked her friends to help round up the animals who lived there and who she occasionally cared for, so they could meet her mother.

Melodia sat down on a bench, smiling warmly as she watched her daughter interacting with her friends, searching around for the animals.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself." said a voice that took her by surprise. Melodia looked up to see Discord standing beside her. "Do you mind?" he asked, pointing a claw at the empty spot on the bench.

Melodia shook her head. "Not at all." she said, scooting to make room for him. As he sat down, Melodia decided to strike up a conversation. "So, Discord, what do you think of Fluttershy?"

"She's wonderful, for a pony of course." he said. "Truthfully, I couldn't ask for a better friend."

Melodia smiled. "I'm glad to hear that." she said, looking out at the Mane 6. "I've always been worried about her you know. With how often I got sick, and all the work her father had to do, I wondered what would become of Fluttershy, going up without a mother and father to properly guide her. To be there for her when she needs us most. And when she talked about moving to Ponyville, I was a little reluctant to do so." She heaved a sigh as she thought about it. "But now, it seems like she's just fine, with so many wonderful friends to be there for her."

Discord chuckled lightly. "I suppose so." He turned to her and said, "She's lucky to have you as her mother."

"Oh, how so?"

"It's obvious that you care for her, especially considering that you moved her along with Fluttershy to keep an eye on her."

Melodia's cheeks turned a light pink. "Thank you." She said softly. After a moment or two, she said, "Discord?"


"Can you and the rest of the girls. please take care of Fluttershy? I know she might not need it, but still, if only to ease my worry."

"Of course we will." said Discord reassuringly. "We are friends after all."

Melodia smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you." she said.

It was at that moment that Melodia felt an attack about to come on. 'No, not now!' she thought. And to make matters worse, Melodia spotted some of the nurses aides from the hospital, they saw her and were heading toward her.

"I have to go." Melodia said hurriedly, getting up and galloping from the bench.

Discord sat there in confusion.

"Mom, where are you going?" Fluttershy asked, completely baffled as her mom took off past her. Melodia said nothing, she wanted to stay, but she couldn't let them take her back to the hospital. Not yet.

"Hey! Stop right there!" the nurses aides shouted, giving chase.

"What is going on?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Only one way to find out." said Discord.

"Ooh! Chase scene!" cried Pinkie Pie.

And indeed, a chase scenes began to ensue. Melodia was running from the aides, while her daughter and friends chased in hot pursuit. Melodia wasn't used to all this running, the air rushed out of her lungs, making it harder for her to breathe, but she still kept going, weaving in an around buildings.

"I can't go back. Not until I've lived!" She said. Eventually, she got chased done into a dead end, with nowhere to escape. She could tell somepony was behind her, thinking it was the aides, but when she whirled around, she saw her daughter.

"Mom, what's wrong?" asked Fluttershy with concern. "Why did you run? Why were those ponies chasing you?"

Melodia hung her head in defeat. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy, for all the trouble I've caused you. I should've told you the truth from the beginning, I convinced myself that it was to protect you, when really it was to protect myself. I just..." Her heart thumped. Melodia stood her ground, not wanting the attack to keep her from saying what had to be said.

"What are you talking about?" asked Fluttershy, befuddled.

Melodia looked into her daughter's face and smiled sadly. "Fluttershy, I want you to live a full and happy life, to be given what I was long denied. Since you were born, you've been the greatest blessing I could've ever hoped for." she said sweetly and softly. She slowly approached Fluttershy, who's eyes were beginning to tear up, though she didn't know why. Melodia laid a tender kiss on Fluttershy's forehead and caressed her cheeks with her hooves. "I love you, my little Fluttershy, never forget that."

"Miss Melodia, hold it right there!" cried the aides, as they began to approach. Lagging behind them were Fluttershy's friends.

Melodia's body seized up, as a stabbing pain plunged into her heart light the blade of a sword. Fluttershy watched in confusion and horror as her mother collapsed on the ground, not moving or breathing.

"Mom." Fluttershy whispered as she stared at her mother's body. The tears escaped as she let out a cry, "Mom!"