//------------------------------// // Guardian Angels and Working an Angle // Story: The New Guy // by SilverWind102 //------------------------------// “He wants me to go see him?” Twilight asked. The wolf sitting on the floor of library across from her nodded. “He dropped by earlier,” Star Shine explained, “but he didn't want to wake you, so he told me instead. He didn't say for what though.” Twilight pondered for a moment, wondering why Silver might ask her to visit. Knowing him, it could have been anything. Maybe he wanted to switch back? Maybe he'll confess? Maybe senpai will finally notice her as more than just a protection detail? …. Twilight questioned her last thought. She needs to stop spending so much time around Flutter Shy and her anime. The alicorn stood from the couch she was sitting on, “Well, I guess I should go see what he wants.” She walked to the door in the hall she always used and put the key in. After it's signature glow died, she went in. She wasn't sure how to feel about the first sight upon entering. On one hoof, she was always happy to see the mare before, but for some reason found Twilight herself glowering at the alicorn in front of her. Luna turned when she heard the door open, “Sil—oh, Twilight, it's you. Did Silver call you here as well?” “He asked her to come too? Well, I guess it makes sense, he's her body guard now.” Twilight wiped away her scowl, hoping the Princess before her didn't notice, “Yes, he asked me to come. Do you know why?” Luna shook her head in response. “Do you know where he is?” Another head shake saying no. Twilight shrugged. There wasn't much else to do in this situation, “Well, let's go find him.” She turned and headed for the hall that lead to Silvers room, only to pause at Luna voice. “Wait, are you sure we should? It would seem rude to just roam around his home,” she voiced her concern. Twilight, in some ways, agreed with her, but couldn't help the desire to snoop a little. After all, she'd never seen all of the rooms before, and she wanted to know about those locked doors on the second floor. “I've wondered around here before, so I don't think he'll mind,” Twilight excused, taking a little satisfaction in knowing that Luna had not had the same allowance. Foalish, yes, but still satisfying none the less. Luna looked around for a moment, her nervous eyes scanning the place as if Silver was gonna pop out at any moment. And for all she knew, he would. But after a few hesitating moments, she nodded and followed the lavender alicorn. They went down the hall and knocked on the bedroom door, but didn't receive an answer. Twilight pushed the door open, much to Lunas protest, and poked her head in. Empty. The two sighed and headed to the other end of the house. Twilight suggested asking Ruppy and Onyx, but Luna said there was a note saying they were training. So the duo headed down the steps. Twilights inner curiosity grew as her eyes fell to the locked lock-less doors. What was he hiding? The two went around and knocked on each door, but nothing came back. The younger alicorn wanted to try blasting the doors down, but knew the other would protest, and so kept quiet. The thought made Twilight concerned. Why was she being so hostile today? Was it because of Lunas presence? Or the lack of Silvers? Or perhaps all the secrets he had finally got on her nerves? Was she jealous of the time the he and Luna spent together? Jealous of the information Star Shine had let slip before about Luna and Silver? There was just so much swirling around in her head, she could make sense of it all. Twilight sighed and made her way to the stairs once more, her steps seemed defeated in a way. Luckily, there was something to distract her. Half way down, she paused, hearing a voice echoing up from the hall. It was entrancing, like a sirens song, but male, and more importantly, familiar. Twilight looked back and found Luna had frozen as well, a look of awe and curiosity on her face. The two pushed forward, the voice growing in volume as they came closer. In the hall, a door was cracked open, and it seemed that was where the voice had come from. Twilight and Luna approached the room, opening the door a little more to look in, but didn't dare step inside in fear of the singer stopping. What they saw was something neither of them thought of before. Twilight had lived through it, but do to the moment, she couldn't quite focus on it. The swirling mass of emotions kept her too distracted from focusing on the voice at the time. But this time was different. The sight before her had her full attention, and Lunas as well. There, in the center of a room filled with instruments, was Silver on a stunning white and black piano, singing. ♫♪When I see your smile... Tears run down my face... I can't replace... And now I'm strong I have figured out How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one... I will never let you fall... I'll stand up with you forever... I'll be there for you through it all... even if saving you sends me to heaven...♫♪ Heart ache. It was something the two mares at the door shared in common. They themselves weren't sure why they felt this way, but the song wrung their hearts. The words flowed through the air, bouncing and reverberating off the walls and through to mares cores. The sheer, raw emotion put into it could overload a changling. And yet, they couldn't tell if the words were of joy or sadness. He seemed to be expressing his love and loyalty for some pony, but at the same time the words brought pain. The only thing they could pick up on was what they dreaded the most. Sacrifice. The very thought of Silver actually dying for any reason was enough to cause them to shudder, but to think that he would be willing to die for them. Well, that brought guilt crashing down on them. The two had nearly fallen for the same trap Twilight had the first time she heard his singing in his memory. Lost in the emotions, the mares somehow brought their attention back to just the voice, barely able to keep the dreadful thoughts of the loved ones death at bay. Luckily, his voice was quite addicting. It was smooth, and soothing. Each stroke of the piano keys were flawless and powerful, and complimented his tone well. The walls bounced the sounds of both perfectly, as if the room had been sculpted just for Silver and the piano, and not a storage room for musical instruments. Everything was beyond compare. But every song must come to an end, and the curtain had to come to a close for this particular performance. ♫♪Even if saving you sends me to heaven... It's okay.. It's okay... It's okay.....♫♪ Silver sat on the piano bench for a moment, his eyes closed and a small smile gracing his lips as the last sounds of the keys rang out. He look up, and opened his eyes to show a gentle expression. He turned directly to the door, “Come on in.” He said, his smile never wavering. The two mares behind the entry froze. He saw them. He knew they were there the entire time. He wanted them to hear. But, then....wait. Was...was it for them? Did he mean for those lyrics to be directed specifically at one of the two? And if so, then which one? The questioning thoughts raced through both Lunas and Twilights minds. They were so panicked, neither one of them noticed that they had already stepped inside and were standing in front of Silver. “Did you enjoy the show?” he asked. He didn't seem to be sarcastic, but with him, it was sometimes hard to tell. “It was beautiful...” Twilight responded automatically, only to shoot a hoof over her mouth a split second after. She glanced to her side and noticed a shocked expression on Lunas face, who could only flick her eyes back and to between the two. Silver chuckled at the comment, “I'm supposed to be the one embarrassed here.” Luna took a small, but quick step forward, “No! It was amazing! You shouldn't be embarrassed at all. If anything, you should be proud.” Silver chuckled again, “Hehe, thanks. I'm nothing compared to you though,” he said and rubbed a bashful paw behind his ear while tilting his head to look down at the floor. He seemed so innocent and sweet, and the midnight mare was finding it difficult not to squeeze the adorable site in front of her in a tight embrace. After an awkward moment or two, Twilight finally managed to recover from her slip up and asked “Silver, I don't mean to sound rude, but why exactly did you call us here?” Silver snapped to attention, “Oh yeah! I almost forgot! I need your help. I have a plan for Ruppy and Onyx, but in order for it to work, I need to inventory some of my merchandise. That's where you two come in. I need you to help count and record the weapons I've made.” Twilight beamed. Taking inventory was one of her favorite past times, and one she was exceptionally good at. Luna on the other hoof groaned, “Really? You want me to take inventory? I just got done with three days of day court!” “Oh come on,” Silver said with a dismissive wave, “This is nothing like the day court. And besides, I already have most of it done, you guys just have to count one room and then your finished! I'll have to watch over Tia in court, but I'll be doing some inventory myself later, and the girls are training so they can't do it either.” Celestia had finally finished her paperwork and was now back to her usual schedule. But that also meant Silver had to guard her now instead of the younger of the two. Luna rolled her eyes and huffed, “Fine. But you better pay me back in some way or another.” Silver nodded, “Agreed. And something for you too, Twilight.” The mare shook her head, “Oh no, I'm fine! Really!” “Oh come on, it wouldn't be fair to spoil only one of you.” Luna glared at the wolf for the comment, to which he laughed off, “Oh, you know I love you both. Now come on, we got weapons to count!” The wolf jumped off his seat and strode past the two dumbfounded mares. “Did he just say...” “Oh sweet Celestia....” Imagine, if you will, a meter that gauges the level of blush one experiences. ...well that gauge just exploded in a pink mushroom cloud. The two of them turned and headed for the door, careful not to look anywhere but the ground. The wolf waited for them at the bottom of the stair case in the hall, ignorant to the chaos he caused. Honestly, this guy could give Discord a run for his bits. The wolf lead the two strangely distracted mares up to the second floor and trotted over to one of the doors. It was this that cause Twilight to look up, recuperating instantaneously as her curiosity took over. “So that's whats behind these doors! Silvers armory! Wait...is it all of the doors, or just this one? Ugh, so many questions!” Silver walked forward and turned the knob, and it turned without seeming like it was ever locked. “Wait, how did...” Twilight stopped herself, but it was too late. He'd know she tried to unlock the doors before. Silver turned and gave sly grin, “Oh? Snooping were we?” “Umm, uh, no! We were looking for you and thought you might be in here, but it was locked.” Silver laughed, “It's alright if you were. These rooms don't really hold any secrets. They're just my storage rooms for my weapons and materials. Although if anything goes missing, I will be very upset.” he finished with almost a scowl. Both mares nodded, Luna having finally recovered. Silver pushed the door open and flicked on a light switch. The room was medium sized, in all aspects. Along the walls were boxes and crates, all strapped shut and sealed. “So this is what you're working with,” he said, waving his paw around the room, “It's not too much, but it's still a good bit. Just record how many there are of each item. And don't use your magic on anything in a box. Some are rigged to activate on contact with a source of magic.” Twilight nodded and stepped into the room, Luna reluctantly following after. Both grabbed a clip board from the side of the wall in their magic and began to pry off the lids to some crates. “If you need me, I'll be back in the castle in the court room,” Silver said as he left the room. The two mares responded with mumbles of understanding while counting the items in the boxes. Lunas box had been filled with short-swords. They seemed plain and simple, like the ones issued to their own guard. They were in a row, and the six of them sat shinning. She floated up her clipboard and marked down the number next to the proper column, then placed the lid back and moved to the box under it. Twilights box had been the same, though instead of six short-swords, she found two large battle-axes. Again, nothing peculiar seemed to stand out, so she marked them down and moved on. The two continued to work in silence for a little while longer until Twilight broke the silence. “So...Luna. How have you been?” Sweet Celestia this couldn't more awkward. She had never really spent any personal time with the Princess of the night, save for that one nightmare night. But even then, she'd spent most of that time helping her fit in and readjust to the town. “I'm quiet good, thank you,” She said without looking up from the box, “Having Silver around has made the nights a little less lonesome and dull. What about you? How is having Star Shine around?” Great, she just had to rub it in. “Oh, she's wonderful!” Twilight chirped. She wasn't lying, but she would honestly rather have Silver back, “She helps me out with so many theories and equations, and even helped me upgrade my lab equipment.” Luna giggled, “Well, I'm glad our exchange brought you some good as well. Though, I must be honest, it was rather selfish of me to propose it in the first place. The whole ordeal was purely selfish in fact.” Twilight stopped her counting and turned to face Luna, “What do you mean?” “In all honesty, the only reason I wanted to switch was so I could spend more time with Silver. It was silly and rude to Star Shine, but I'd been missing him lately and found my nights to be more quiet than before we met. I...apologize for my selfish actions Twilight.” Luna had finally looked up from her box and bowed her head. “No no! It's perfectly fine! I actually kinda understand why you did it.” Luna looked up from her bow, eyeing her curiously. “Um, I kind of feel what you felt. Not having him around feels...different. Like something's missing.” “Why am I telling her this!? Why are we even discussing this in the first place!?” Luna stared in disbelief. Sure, she figured Twilight would be attached to Silver, but not in the way she was. Twilight was surrounded by her friends and always having fun. She never figured the mare would need Silver in a way similar to herself. Maybe now was the time to ask the million bit question. “Twilight, forgive me if I overstep my bounds, but...how do you feel about Silver?” The inquiry caused Twilight to freeze. She admitted her feelings before, but that was to Star Shine, not the mare Silver had been sleeping with. And that's what scared her the most. Even through the embarrassment, Twilight was terrified of Lunas reaction. Would she be angry? Would she banish her to the Badlands for her feelings? “I...” she began. “SILVER!!” boomed a voice from above. Both mares in the room had recognized it as Star Shines, “Silver, what did you do with Princess Twilight!?” Steps could be heard coming down the stairs, but nothing greeted the voice. A grumble of curses came from the bottom of the stairs as the wolf reached the second floor, “There had better be a good reason for having her here!” Star Shine trotted down the hall to room where the mares were. Her eyes fell to the clip boards in their magic and she pieced it all together, “Oh, here you are. I apologize for his rude behavior, you're welcome stop working and tell him to 'shove it' any time you feel.” “It's fine,” Twilight dismissed, glad to have a distraction from the earlier question, “He's not here by the way. He went to guard Celestia for court. Besides, it's good to get away from all those files on those guards and recruits. What are you doing here?” “Nothing. You hadn't come back, so I figured Silver must have been up to something. Spike had gone out to go play with three fillies, so I was just bored and figured he would have something fun to do. Though, now that I'm here, I'm beginning to rethink my decision.” Her eyes wondered around the room, examining the work to be done. “Well you're more than welcome to help,” Luna complained. She had a deep hatred for any form of math...or work for that matter. The wolf shrugged, “Might as well.” She stepped over to look at the clipboard to see what had already been recorded, then moved to a box in the corner. “Star Shine, you don't have to stay,” Twilight offered, “The stuff in here all seems pretty simple. We shouldn't have trouble.” Star shook her head, “No, I'm already here, and I don't thinks it's wise to leave to two of you unguarded. Besides, I don't think you'd be able to identify everything in here.” “Really? These are just normal weapons, right? It shouldn't be too hard.” The wolf motioned a paw for the two to come over. The mares came closer and looked to the box Star Shine pointed at. It had four blades in it. None of them were like the ones they saw before. Each one was unique, beautifully designed and perfectly crafted. Next to each blade was a parchment of paper, rolled up and tied off with a bow. “It's items like these that are hard to identify,” She explained, “Silver doesn't use numbers to label these, but instead gives them names. They aren't like the other generic ones. These are special made orders. They're unique and crafted to fit the users abilities.” Luna reached over and picked up a scroll in her hoof, unrolling it and scanning the writing. She immediately noticed that she didn't recognize the language, which was strange as she knew how to read many different ones. “What is this?” She asked. It would seem there were somethings in the room they couldn't identify. “It's called a Soul Binding Contract. It binds an item to a ponies soul so they can wield it freely, and without the use of their body. It's useful for earth ponies and pegasi, and any other creature that can't use telekinesis.” Neither Twilight nor Luna had any idea such a thing existed. “The only draw back is that you can only bind your soul to two weapons,” she continued, “After that, you have to terminate the contract by destroying the weapons, so if you bind one, it better be one worth keeping.” The two mares looked back at the box of blades. All of them were swords, and each one seemed to give off a feeling like it wasn't just a weapon, but an living thing. It was tempting to pick one up. Star Shine tugged the clipboard out of Twilights magic and marked down the special blades, “Well, this shouldn't be difficult. I imagine Silvers going to have Ruppy and Onyx working an angle acting as sellers. Shame though. It kind of feels like we're cheating them.” “Cheating them?” Twilight repeated, “What do you mean?” Star Shine placed the lid back on the box, then moved to the ones behind it, “Well the blades here are only the ones he made while he's been in Equestria. He usually stores all of his merchandise in a vault somewhere back in Houndland. That's where he keeps all of his best creations. The ones here are good, but not as good as the others.” “Well, if Silver is as good as he says,” Luna interjected, “Then we shouldn't be giving any underworld members quality weapons. It will only make it harder to deal with them. I suppose cheating them would be for the best.” “Speaking of cheating....NO! Silver and I are not together! It's none of my business what he does with Luna. No matter how much it may hurt...” Twilights expression fell, and she shuffled away back over to a box. It had occurred to her that she was unusually moody, but she didn't have the energy to really give it any more thought. She had been awake for an hour and a half before she came to his house, so she was still a bit slow. And his performance earlier didn't help her get over his absence. Today was going to be a long day... The time passed and the three girls in the storage room finished their task in a short hour. Little was said, except for Star Shine explaining what a few items were. When they left the room and headed back upstairs, Silver's trainee, Ruppy, had just come through the back door. THUD! A large stack of papers fell to the ground, and the pegasus mare stood proud over them, “Hey fucker! Get out here, I finished your training!” she yelled across the house. She didn't take notice of the three mares standing in the hallway until after she finished her hollering. “Oh, hey!” she said casually, “Where's Silver? I need to throw this in his face.” Star Shine stepped forward, “He's in court with Celestia. He should be back soon though.” Ruppys ears fell flat, “Damn, and I really wanted to gloat too. Oh well, I'll do that later.” As if on command, the front door opened and Silver stepped through. “Hah! Yes! In your face!” Ruppy shouted. Silver simply stood with a confused look on his face, “I did your stupid training!” She picked up a sheet of paper, a clean hole punched straight through it. The she gave the stack below her a hard whack and sent hole-filled papers flying and scattering across the room. Silver watched as each paper fell, confused at first, but then a wide grin grew on his face, “So you did it, huh? That's great!” he congratulated. His praise, while enjoyable, also threw the mare off. She was wanting more disappointment that his training was too easy. “And just in time too. Your going to start that Las Pegasus deal I told you about today. Which reminds me, where's Onyx? She's going too.” Ruppy pointed a hoof to the back side of the mountain, “She's on her way back with Aerial. They're both pretty tired, so I went ahead. What is it I'm doing again?” Silver began to go around and pick up the papers, only to have Luna and Twilight pick them up before he could. They all flew in purple and blue auras into a neat stack, while Silver made his way to the couch and sat down. “You and Onyx are going to a club to find some pony selling grimoires. You'll be acting as a seller for weapons to keep any pony from connecting you to me, since I showed up and stole you two away from Manehatten.” Ruppy sighed, and shuffled over to the couch with her head down, plopping down with a thump. It wasn't what one would call subtle, so naturally Silver and the others picked up on her distress. “Something wrong?” Silver asked. The mare rolled over and sprawled out on her back, “It's just...I don't want to have to drag Onyx back into that damn place. We just got out and found a place we can call home, and now we have to go back. Even if we're only going to be there for a little while, I still don't like it. It's one thing if it's just me, but I don't want her to have to go through it all again.” Silver lowered his head. He had felt the same way. He didn't want either of them to have to go back to that kind of life, regardless of how short their stay may be, but he had little choice. The only alternative he had would be to have Aerial do it, but there was no chance of him or Ruppy allowing that. She had never set hoof in the underworld, and they intended on keeping it that way. The wolf sighed, “I know. I don't want you to either, but Star's right. If I try to do it myself, it will only cause bigger problems. This job won't be anything too bad though. You're just gathering information, that's all. After that, I'll just go steal the book.” Ruppy sighed. She really hated the idea of sending Onyx back to the world that broke her in the first place, but at least Silver was right. The job really wasn't all that tough. Sure they'd have to lie their flanks off, but it's nothing they hadn't done before. The back door slid open, and a sweat dripping Aerial and Onyx stepped in. The pegasus on the couch sat up, and gave the two guilty look. “What's going on?” the coal unicorn asked. Ruppy slid off the couch, “Nothing. Go shower and eat, we're going to Las Pegasus in an hour or so.” The two mares at the back door exchanged confused looks, but didn't argue. They wondered off down the hall to the showers, pushing through the ponies and wolf that were occupying the space, and who seemed to have been forgotten by the company on the couch. Ruppy began to leave too when Silver spoke, “Thank you, and I'm sorry. You know I wouldn't do this if I didn't have to. I care too much for the two of you to have to put you through this again.” The mare froze. She wasn't used to some pony talking to her like that. Actually having some one care about her feelings. It was one of her weak spots. She turned and jumped at the wolf, throwing her hooves around his neck in a tight squeeze, “I know you wouldn't. And thank you for caring.” Silver returned the embrace, and for a small moment, the two sat there like that until Ruppy broke away. “Why don't you go bathe too?” Silver suggested, “I don't think Aerial would mind if you used the tub while she was in the shower.” A sly grin formed on his mouth, and Ruppy rolled her eyes. She didn't say no though. The train ride to Las Pegasus was an hour and a half long. Silver had given them a list of items they would be selling, and Ruppy had spent the first half of the ride memorizing the list in case of emergency. Onyx didn't bother to since she was going to act as the muscle, not that it would really be needed. He also wrote down the directions for finding the club, and who to talk to. Honestly, he almost seemed like an over bearing parent. The train finally came to a stop at the station and the two mare bustled off to the platform with the crowd. Following the instructions on the map, a half hour walk later, the two found themselves in front of Slits and Bits. Ruppy cringed at the name. She could only imagine what it meant. While she was no stranger to sex, she didn't enjoy copious amounts of it. It just made her feel wrong. They entered the dimly lit club, and much to their surprise, it was fairly busy. Considering it was only three o'clock, the club shouldn't have been so full, since clubs were meant to be more of a nightlife thing, especially ones like this. There were about a dozen poles placed throughout the building on platforms, but only six mares were working them. They must bring them all out at night then. There were tables and booths pressed against the walls and surrounding platforms, where the patrons could get a full view, and a bar at the back. The two ignored the poles dancers and made their way to the bar. According to Star Shine, the bartender was the one who had all the information. Now all they had to do was pry it out of him. While crossing the floor, Ruppy finally adjusted to the darkness of the room and noticed what Star Shine meant when she said the club was a little “different.” The dancers were all thestrals, or bat-ponies as some of the less informed called them. The ponies watching weren't of the bat variety, but she assumed that if the rumors were true, then the thestrals would show themselves at night when were awake, since they're nocturnal. They came to the bar and sat down on the stools, while the bartender stepped forward. He was also a thestral, and Ruppy after seeing his slit pupils, she understood why it was called Slits and Bits. Well, time to start acting. The tan mare dropped her head and sighed loudly, getting the attention of the bartender, “Whiskey, straight.” she murmured. Might as well enjoy herself. The bartender nodded and took out a bottle from behind the counter along with a glass, “Long day?” he asked. “Yeah...work's a bunch of bullshit,” the bat poured the drink into a shot glass that Ruppy downed moments after before continuing her charade, “Market sucks. I can't find a damn buyer to save my life, and on top of that, the mare here says she needs a special book from the library.” “Oh, so you're a business mare? What do you sell?” he inquired. “Some of this and that. Not that it matters though, since no pony will buy the damn things,” she complained. She pushed the glass forward and the bartender refilled her glass. “Depending on what you're selling, I may be able to help,” he offered, “A lot of ponies come through here, and some leave their contact cards in case of an opportunity showing up. And I get a hefty payment for each pony I send. What do you have?” Ruppy pulled out the slip of paper with the list of weapons Silver had and downed her shot, placing the glass on top of the paper and sliding it across the bar. The bartender took the paper discreetly, while refilling the glass. He gave it a quick look over, “You can provide all of this?” he asked. Ruppy nodded then downed her shot, “I'm good at what I do.” The thestral gave a nod of approval, then went below the counter and retrieved four small cards. He set one under the glass and pushed it forward, “I think this is the mare you're looking for. She just happens to be in the market,” Ruppy drank and placed the glass back. He pushed the other three forward, “As for you're friends book, you'll have to look into some more private collections. I'm sure you'll find what you need from these three. They're collectors.” One last shot and Ruppy slid the cards into her bag, then pulled out a bag of bits and tossed them on the counter, “Thanks for the talk. You're right. Maybe the market isn't so bad.” She hopped off the stool and Onyx followed. A lot of help she was. They left the bar and headed right back for the station. Unfortunately, it took a little while since Ruppy actually got drunk off of the five shots of straight whiskey, but hey, she had to sell it, right? But at least Silver was right. The job was easy. Little did they know, they weren't the only ones reporting back to some pony. The thestral had left the bar shortly after the two mares left, heading to a back room and picking up the phone. He punched in the numbers and waited. At the click on the other end of the line, he began to speak. “Two mares I've never seen before just showed up. One was a tan pegasus with a blonde mane and tail. I didn't see her cutiemark. The other was a unicorn with a black coat and mane, and an onyx for her cutiemark. They wanted to sell weapons and buy grimoires, or at the least, spells. “Uh-huh...yeah..I understand.” The phone chimed as he hung it up, “Huh, 'market sucks'? Like hell. I should know; I helped build the damn thing.”