//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Black Eye // Story: Enter Crimson // by milestails16 //------------------------------// Crimson, and the woman, were just standing there. Staring at each other, both almost wide eyed. “So Twilight?” said Spike, attempting to break the silence. As soon as he spoke, the woman known as Twilight quickly rushed to her room, slamming the door. The room was once again filled with silence. Almost a minute went by until the silence was broken, as Twilight spoke through her slightly cracked open door. “Spike. Go make some coffee please?” asked Twilight, not taking a step outside of her bedroom. Spike quickly ran into the kitchen and started getting the coffee ready. As soon as Spike was in the kitchen, Twilight started to slowly open her bedroom door the rest of the way. She stopped halfway as she began staring at the floor, trying to think of something to say to her sudden visitor. “You’re the librarian?” asked Crimson, wanting to break the silence. The girl quickly looked up at him, and gave him a cheerful nod. “My name is Twilight Sparkle” she said, while gently shaking Crimson’s hand. He was about to say something, until he started staring at Twilight’s clothes. It took a while for Twilight to notice Crimson’s staring. She attempted to cover her body with her arms, with burning cheeks as she stuttered, “H-Hey! Where are you looking?” Crimson was about to say something, but instead began to laugh from Twilight’s outburst and body movement. He kept trying to form a sentence, but his laughing made it difficult for him to utter a single word. “Hey!” said Twilight, “What’s so funny?” Crimson, after finally catching his breath, said “You, Twilight. You’re funny” This response baffled Twilight. What did he mean by funny? “I’m laughing because of the way you’re moving” explained Crimson, “And also because you’re still in your pajamas” She looked up and down her body and realized that he’s right! Still with burning cheeks, she rushed to her bedroom and slammed the door again. Coming up right next to Crimson was a puzzled Spike, carrying a cup of freshly made coffee. “What’s up with her?” asked the befuddled Spike, “Did she finally notice?” A minute later Twilight came out wearing not pajamas, but normal clothes. She came down the stairs as Spike handed her coffee. “So how can I help you today, Crimson?” she asked as she took a small sip from her coffee. Crimson sat down on the library’s red couch, as he scanned the library. “Well I want to know a bit about Ponyville” he said, “I looked, but I can’t seem to find a book that could help me” “We should have the book you want” Twilight said while thinking, “Try looking again” Crimson went back to looking through the books, attempting to try and find what he wants. After a minute of looking and not finding anything, he said something almost aloud that was in a foreign language. Twilight and Spike heard it, but they didn’t know what the language was. “Still not there?” Twilight said after taking a sip of her coffee. Crimson just shook his head in response. “I’ll just ask around town” said Crimson, “Thanks for the help anyways Twilight” Crimson left the library then walked around town to ask what he needed to know about Ponyville. As he was looking around, he noticed a rainbow streak pass by above him. ‘I guess that explains it’ he thought to himself. As he started looking again, he noticed three guys bullying what looked like to be a blonde haired, mail carrier that was cross-eyed and had grey wings. She had a bruise on her cheek and right arm, and a mailbag with scattered letters next to her. He quickly rushed over to her in an attempt to stop the guys bullying her. “Why would they hire a weirdo to deliver mail? Especially one with weird eyes?” said one guy. The other two just laughed at this comment as they start added more mean comments, making the girl cry. Crimson knew that this had to stop. He tapped on the shoulder of one the bullies, in an attempt to get their attention. “What?” said the bully as he turned towards Crimson, “Who are you?” “Would you mind explaining to me why you’re picking on her?” asked Crimson nicely to the group of insulting men. They laughed when he said this, then one of them asked “Who are you, her boyfriend?” “No, I am not” Crimson responded, “But I am someone who hates bullies” This made the guys just laugh again. “Well what are you gonna do about it?” they asked, “Stop us? Stand up for this retard? ” That was something Crimson did not want to hear. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that last part?" he asked, “I didn’t quite hear it" The bully let out a light chuckle. “I asked if you were going to stand up for this r-" He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence, as Crimson had quickly grabbed his arm and flipped him onto his back. It happened so fast it was almost a blur. As soon as Crimson was done with him, he swept kicked the next bully off of his feet and elbowed his gut hard, along with his body, into the ground. The last bully wasn’t even touched. He didn’t need to be beaten up to be taught a lesson. He just saw two of his pals plummet to the ground, in almost an instant. After dusting himself off, Crimson looked at the last bully. The one he didn’t beat up yet. He walked up to him, wearing a face of what looked like pure rage. As soon as he was two inches away from him, he stopped. He leaned in closely, and only said one word. “Boo” was all Crimson said, before the bully started running away. Even his pals who were moaning and groaning in pain, got up and ran as fast as best as they could. Crimson looked down at girl, who went from crying, to almost amazed. He knew what he just did, but he didn’t care. He had to do what needed to be done. He knelt down in front of the girl, slowly offering his hand. She stared at his hand and almost backed away in fear. She was still a bit frightened, so it made a bit of sense. Slowly, she grabbed his hand as he helped her off of the ground. “Are you okay?” asked Crimson kindly. The girl didn’t say a word. All she did was just stand there and stare at him. This made Crimson a bit uneasy. He was about to say something, until he suddenly found himself being given a big hug from the girl he just saved. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she said, over and over again. All Crimson could do was give her a light pat on the back. “You’re welcome” he said, “What’s your name?” The mail carrier removed her arms from Crimson as she took a small step back. “My name is Derpy” she said cheerfully, “Thanks for saving me mister” Crimson let out a light chuckle. “Don’t mention it” he said, “The name’s Crimson” Crimson, noticing the scattered mail on the ground, quickly started picking all of it up. As soon as he had every single piece of mail picked up, Crimson handed Derpy her mailbag. “We should get that black eye taken care of” said Crimson. Derpy touched her blacked eye, then pulled it back quickly as she softly said “Ow!” “Not bad enough that requires a doctor’s help. But it still needs to be treated” said Crimson as he eyed Derpy’s eye closely. Crimson gently grabbed Derpy’s hand and walked her to the library. When she saw where she was being taken, Derpy gave a puzzled look. “What are we doing here?” she asked, “It’s just a black eye” “A black eye that definitely needs to get treated” Crimson responded. Giving a few quick knocks on the door, the two waited outside the library. After a few seconds, the door opened to reveal Spike eating candy. “Hey Crimson” said Spike, “Need something? Who’s your girlfriend?” All Crimson could do was lightly chuckle after hearing Spike. “No Spike” he said, “I just need Twilight to see if she can help my friend” Spike, curious as to what he meant, took a look at Derpy. It didn’t take long for him to see her right black eye. “Oh, ouch” he said, taking notice of her black eye “What happened?” Crimson started telling Spike everything that had happened, as Derpy held her hand over her eye. The entire time he was listening to the story, Spike’s eyes started to slowly widen. One guy? Took on three bullies by himself? With not a scratch on him? “Wow, Crimson” said Spike, still a bit awestruck. “So anyways” said Crimson, remembering why he came here. He and Derpy took a step into the library, Spike closing the door behind them. “We came here to see if Twilight could help with Derpy’s eye” Crimson sat down gently on the library’s sofa. As he was waiting for an answer, Crimson thought he heard something. It sounded like something flying through the air, but wasn’t an animal. Looking all around for the source of what he heard, he slowly got up to his feet. Listening closely, he noticed that the sound was coming closer. Really close. Looking up at Twilight’s window, he saw something heading towards the library, and it looked rainbow colored. Suddenly, the mysterious rainbow colored being came flying through the window and into the bookcases. Crimson, Spike, and Derpy, ran over to the crash site of the fallen books of Twilight’s library. Before Crimson knew it, the creature’s arm popped out of the pile of books. Then another arm, and then it was her head and torso. This mysterious being was a woman. The rainbow color Crimson saw was the woman’s hair. She had dark tan skin, eyes almost ocean blue, and looked to be wearing some sort of track suit. The wings on her back had the exact same color as her eyes. “Ow” she said, rubbing the slight bruise on her head.