//------------------------------// // Chapter 15: Mares Day Out // Story: Shinigami In Equestria // by Urimas Ebonheart //------------------------------// Chapter 15: Mares Day Out I've given up kicking and screaming and have accepted my fate, Celestia and Luna are still levitating me in the air where I have my arms crossed and a frown on my face. "You lot are evil," I tell them as the town's ponies stop and stare at our little parade. "Oh lighten up, Ichigo! It'll be a fun experience!" Twilight replies. "For you maybe, but this is cruel torture to me... Why are you making me do this!?" I ask them. Luna giggles and looks at me. "We art just spending time with our friends, art thou not our friend?" she asks with a quivering lower lip. I glare at her for a few seconds before sighing. "Fine... but I will get you all back for this," I warn them. We arrive at the Spa and I fight the urge to run away when they put me down, I said I'll stay but that doesn't mean I have to like it. We all walk inside except for Applejack who has work to do on the farm, Pinkie wanted to show her employers her new cake making power, and Rainbow who has weather duties to perform. 'Liars, they're just trying to get away themselves,' I think with a sour mood. Two mares who look like twins with their fur and mane colours of pink and light blue swapped approach us. "Velcome to ze Ponyville Spa Princesses, how may ve be of service?" they ask at the same time with exotic accents, yeah defiantly twins. "We would like a massage, sauna, and then a hoof and horn filing please," Celestia asks. 'At least we're not having a mud bath or facials,' I think to myself. "But I'd like to get the full treatment for our friend here," Celestia says pointing at me. 'You just had to open your big mouth didn't you?' Bob tells me. 'Shut up... You don't have to remind me,' I snap back at him. "Why do you wish me to suffer!" I say dramatically. "Oh stop being such a drama queen," Luna tells me. I glare and stick my tongue out at her. "Of course, Princess. Please follow us," the twins say and we follow them into a large room with baths, tables, chairs, and vanity mirrors. "Ze changing rooms are over there, towels and robes are inside," the pink mane and tail one says and looks at me, Rukia, and Orihime. "Ve have some minotaur robes zat vill fit you nicely," she tells us and the other mare returns with three different sized robes. We take them and I realise I'm going to have to take off my Shihakushō to change... I can feel my face heat up just at the thought. I'm brought out of my thoughts as Orihime and Rukia pull me along and I glare at them. I begin having a mild panic attack as they pull me into the women's changing room and push me into a cubicle. "You're not coming out until you change into your robe," Orihime tells me and smiles innocently. I grumble and close the curtain shut. 'I can't do this... Oh god, I think I'm gonna pass out,' I think and wobble slightly. I take a deep breath and slowly undo my Shihakushō... Well, that's my chest, only half the size of Orihime's but big none the less... and I'm still staring, dammit! I remove the rest and thank every god imaginable that my underwear remained a pair of boxers and not panties... I don't think I could live with myself if they were, and bloody hell my hips are wider than before. I wrap the towel around my lower half and then put on the very soft yellow robe and tie the cord tightly... 'Aw crap, this shows a lot of cleavage,' I think and put my bumbag back on, no way I'm leaving it around here. I tear my gaze away and look at the mirror on the wall, my face is redder than a tomato. I shake my head and exit the cubicle with a frown. 'I may not remember my past, but I believe I've never been in a more awkward position in my life,' 'We'll never speak of this again...' Bob says and I agree. Rukia exits hers and smiles at me. "So, how are you feeling Ichigirl?" she asks. I glare at her with the intent of burning a hole through her forehead. "Erm... I think they gave me the wrong size..." Orihime says and walks out. Her robe is barely containing her bust as it threatens to rip the seams out of the robe. 'And the blush is back, just fucking perfect.' Rukia laughs at me. "I think she doesn't mind," she says pointing at me teasingly. "Hell on earth is what awaits you, Rukia. Hell. On. Earth," I tell her. This only make her laugh harder and I leave the changing room. We all gather back in the main room where the others are all staring at me and Orihime. "What?" I ask them. "Thy teats are quite impressive." Luna comments and I just look down with my eyes closed pinching the bridge of my nose and groan. "Can we please just move on? I'm feeling very uncomfortable enough as it is," I reply and look at the two twins. Thirty Minutes Later I've been in the sauna which was a trial and a half, I kept my eyes closed to avoid any awkward stares and the fact I was topless. Next was a mud bath and a facial... I will forever keep what transpired during that time a secret, none shall know the horrors I endured. I'm currently sitting in the hot tub with Rukia and Orihime while the others are having their horns and hooves filed and polished. "So, are you enjoying yourself Ichigo?" Orihime genuinely asks me. I open an eye at her and quickly close it, why did they have to go topless as well? "I'm fine... This would have actually been pleasant if it wasn't for how awkward I feel right now," I reply. "Oh come on, we're all girls here," Rukia says. "And you forget the fact I'm a guy and will be again by tomorrow with all the images I have seen here today as well," I retort. I hear her huff and I can practically feel her eyes rolling, the water splashes and I open an eye to see Luna joining us. "Ahhh, this feels grand," she says and sinks into the tub. "We see thou art no longer hiding thy assets," she teases me. "I just ran out of fucks to give... So I'm just going with it, it'll be over with tomorrow so who cares," I reply. "We see," she says and pokes me right in the chest. "What are you doing?" I ask her with a frown. "Just comparing," she nonchalantly replies. I get up, get out, and dry myself off. The pink spa mare named Aloe tells me to lie down on the minotaur massage table and I do so without complaint, the sooner this is over the sooner I can put my Shihakushō back on. The moment they start I couldn't hold back a moan as they kneaded the muscles in my back. 'Holy crap that feels great...' A shiver runs down my spine and I turn into jelly under their expert touch. I hear the others giggle but I really couldn't care less anymore, I'll get them back for it later. After a blissful ten minutes, I get up and feel better then ever. Say what you want about how girlie a Spa is, but that was heaven right there, almost makes up for the total embarrassment I went through... Almost. I put my robe back on and lay back on a lounge chair while a cream coloured mare with a purple mane and tail just like the twins files my nails. I might come back for another massage some time but I think I've been traumatized to the rest of it. Aloe and Lotus are massaging Rukia and Orihime while the ponies all hop into the hot tub. Twenty-Five Minutes Later I'm now back in my Shihakushō with Zangetsu on my back, he's remained quiet this whole time and I don't blame him for wanting to keep hold of what dignity he still has, I know mines flown out the window already. "Ve thank you for your visit and hope you come again," the twins say. We all say goodbye and walk out of the Spa. "That wasn't so bad now was it?" Orihime asks me. 'It would have been worse if I was still a guy... I don't think I would have been able to hide my shame with just a towel...' I think to myself. "The massage was great, but the awkwardness of it all ruined it for me to be honest," I reply. Next we go to a Café and get some tea, sandwiches, and biscuits while we chat. "So, what are you going to do with that new bow of yours? Quincy bows destroy a hollow's soul, not purify it like a zanpakuto does," Rukia asks me. I form my bow again and really look at it this time, it's a solid black with three spikes on the front of each limb and the string is made of my reishi. "Well, I think it'll act more like a zanpakuto then a Quincy bow, it's giving off my zanpakuto's reiatsu and It feels just like the energy my getsuga gives off as well," I reply. I then look at her with a raised eyebrow. "That reminds me, why didn't Soul Society send anyone when the Quincys were here? Surely they detected them?" I ask her. "They did, but I called them while you were all talking and told them they're friendly and were just like you," she tells me. "I guess that makes sense... I take it they want to talk to me later about it?" I ask and dismiss my bow. "Yes, but they want to wait until your side effects wear off, they don't want to risk you doing something unpredictable and they're trying to not let Mayuri know about it," she replies. I shiver at the name of that sick bastard... He'd have a field day with me as I currently am right now. I hear heavy footsteps behind me and turn to see a brown minotaur as tall as I am looking at me with a creepy smile. "What do we have here? You're a strange looking heifer aren't ya? What's a pretty gal like you doing in this part of the world?" he asks in a flirting tone. I stare at him with a deadpan expression and reach up for my zanpakuto, I'm not gonna put up with this shit as well. "I suggest you leave before I cut off all three of your horns," I threaten him. He chuckles and sits next to me and wraps his left arm over my shoulder. "Come on baby, don't be so cold," he says, I look to the others to see their all holding back their laughter... Fucking traitors. I place my left hand over my face and form my hollow mask and instead of roaring, let's face it, as a girl that's near impossible, I shriek like a banshee as loud as I could, my distorted tone, eye colour and the skull like appearance was enough to scare him off. 'Wow, he's screaming more like a girl than I just did,' I think as I watch him run as fast as his stubby legs could take him. I glare back at the others with a cold expression in my eyes. "You laugh and I will do something unimaginable to each of you," I warn them. They manage to calm themselves down and I remove my mask. I sigh, cross my arms on the table and rest my head on them. "Now I know what it's like for a girl on the receiving end... You have my respect for putting up with our bullshit," I mumble to them, getting giggles and laughter in return. "Yes, it does get old rather fast," Rarity replies. We finish our snacks and we head towards Rarity's place... She want's to make me a dress while she still can, but in exchange she'll make me a free tuxedo for the Gala this year. 'Put on a frilly girlie dress and get a free expensive tux, or refuse and get nothing...' I debate with myself. 'Just do it, it's a free tux and it's not like you have to go out in the dress,' Bob tells me. He does have a point, I've already been topless in front of them all. 'Good point, argh this still won't be good,' I reply. We enter and Rarity looks very excited while the others smile. "Please remove your robe and I'll get your measurements," Rarity tells me. I sigh for who knows how many times today and without any shame strip down to my boxers. She looks at my underwear and gives me a deadpan stare. "Those to my dear, how else am I going to make you the proper undergarments?" she tells me. I give her a narrow eyed look. "I have agreed to let you make a dress in exchange for a tux... but I draw the line at panties, you'll never see me wear those. Ever," I tell her sternly. She rolls her eyes at me. "Fine, I shall compromise with that," she tells me and takes my measurements. Once done, I put my Shihakushō back on and sit down on the couch with crossed arms. The others all chat with each other as I slowly drift off for a nap. Three Hours Later I wake up from being poked in the thigh, I open my eyes to see and black dress in front of me, the sleeves kinds of remind me of my Shihakushō a little. "Well darling it's done, now come and try it on, I used your robes as a base for the design," Rarity tells me. I stare at the dress floating in front of me for a few seconds and stand up, I take the dress and strip down again and with Rarity's help put it on, it's very soft and smooth, what is this made out of, silk? 'Damn, this thing is crushing my chest tightly, how do women wear this stuff?' I think to myself as it's a little hard to breathe in. "You look fabulous darling, give us a little twirl," Rarity says. I grumble to myself and slowly spin around, my metre long hair flowing behind me. "It's very beautiful," Orihime says. The others voice their thoughts and suggest I wear it for the rest of the day, which I immediately refuse and put my Shihakushō back on. "Come back to me when you return to normal, darling as I'll have to retake your measurements again for your tuxedo," Rarity tells me. "Sure," I reply and head for the door. My Soul Pager then starts to ring, I pull it out of my bumbag and flip it open and look at the contact... Who's this Asphyxious?