The One Hundred Words Collab

by GeodesicDragon

Rarity Is Mah Favorite

Pinkie watched for anypony coming near.

'Nothing to see here! Move along! Totally not suspicious!' Pinkie was talking to air, but seemingly didn't care.

'Excuse me, Miss?' a tangerine mare asked of Pinkie. 'I was looking for—'

'AWAY WITH YOU! BEGONE, WICKED PONY!' Pinkie pushed the random mare away.

That was close!

'Pinkie Pie? What are you doing here?' Pinkie turned her head to see The Cutie Marked Crusaders approaching her.

What do I do, what do I do? she panicked internally. Oh, I know!

'Hi, girls! I just saw a blank flanked filly walk by, right behind you!'