//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Tea for Two // Story: Enter Crimson // by milestails16 //------------------------------// The woman slowly stood up from the wreckage that was the result of her crash. After fully standing up, she dusted herself off and slowly stepped out of the big pile of books. Letting out a few cracks from her neck and back, she turned her head to the sound of a yelling adolescent. Standing to his right was Derpy, holding her right eye, and on the right was...someone new. “What was that noise?” said Twilight from the kitchen, after refilling her coffee. As she stepped out of the kitchen, Spike had finally calmed down after almost a minute of yelling. Twilight, not only noticing Crimson and Derpy in the room, noticed a big pile of library books right next to the now empty shelves. “Rainbow Dash” said Twilight after a quick sip of coffee. “What did we say about crashing into my library?” The woman, apparently named Rainbow Dash, scratched the back of her neck as she let out a nervous chuckle. Spike began glaring at her, still angry but not yelling as much. ‘Oh if I could, I would make sure she couldn’t fly again!’ “Sorry, Twi” said Rainbow Dash, “I was trying out this new stunt a-” “One of the shelves is broken” pointed out Crimson, interrupting Rainbow’s apology. Having been interrupted, Dash was just about to yell at this man before her. However, Twilight beat her to the punch by yelling at Rainbow Dash. “You broke a shelf?!” screamed Twilight. “Do you have any idea how long it’s going to take to replace it?!” As Twilight continued to yell at her, Rainbow Dash started shaking out of fear; like a frightened little puppy. An angry Twilight is something you never want to see in your life. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” cried Rainbow Dash, again and again. It took a while for Twilight to calm down. “Deep breath in...deep breath out. In with the positive...out with the negative” said Twilight to herself, in a soft tone. It seemed to be some sort of calming exercise. “It’s okay, Rainbow. But you really should control yourself” she said, in a calm tone. Thinking she was off the hook, Rainbow Dash let out a sigh of relief. “However, you will have to take responsibility for your actions.” Twilight said, dashing Rainbow’s hopes. Hearing this, Rainbow Dash dropped her head saddened. “For your punishment, you wi-” Twilight was about to tell Rainbow Dash her punishment, until she was cut short by the sound of clapping. Both she and Rainbow Dash turned their heads towards where the pile of books used to be. Instead of seeing empty shelves and a pile of books on the floor, they saw shelves fully stocked with books. The shelf that was broken looked like it was never scathed. Both Rainbow Dash and Twilight dropped their jaws to the floor, with eyes as wide as dinner plates. Twilight was at a loss for words. She looked at Spike and Derpy, and they were nearly in the same state she and Dash were in. “B-B-But...but how?” Twilight said after picking her jaw up. Who did this? Who turned the used to be crash site, back to her usual reading lounge? Especially in such a short amount of time! “This is impossible!” said Twilight, “Who did this?” Both Spike and Derpy pointed towards Crimson, who was standing by the shelves, dusting his hands off. Crimson saw the looks he was being given by everyone. “What?” he said, “Did I do something wrong?” Twilight quickly ran over to the now shelved books and looked them over, along with the shelf itself, checking for any mistakes that may have been made. “So Twilight” said Rainbow, finally picking her jaw up, “Who’s this guy?” Taking her attention away from the books, Twilight looked back and forth between Dash and Crimson. “Oh him?” She said, “That’s Crimson. He’s new to Ponyville” After she heard this, Rainbow Dash immediately turned her attention back towards Crimson and flew fast towards him. As soon as she was a foot away she stopped right in front of him. “New guy?” said Rainbow Dash, “Well then. Name’s Rainbow Dash, fastest flier of E-” “Rainbow Dash, fastest flier of Equestria, Element of Loyalty, and future Wonderbolt” said Crimson, interrupting Rainbow Dash. This made Dash slack-jawed for the second time today. ‘How did he know?’ “Hey Twilight?” said Crimson, ignoring Dash’s expression, “Do you have anything to help with Derpy’s black eye?” “Black eye?” she asked, “What happened?” Derpy, after uncovering her black eye, told Twilight her everything that happened. From how it started, to how she was saved by Crimson. Twilight let out a few gasps while listening to her story, until the very end. “Wait a minute!” she said, “Crimson took on 3 guys? And won without a scratch?” “I know, right?” said Spike from the kitchen. Twilight went back to the matter at hand. “I’m sorry Derpy” she said, “But I don’t. You’ll have to go to Fluttershy for that.” Derpy clapped eagerly upon hearing this, then grabbed Crimson’s left wrist and ran right out the door with him. After putting Crimson down, he and Derpy started walking towards Fluttershy’s house. Fluttershy’s house was a cottage that was almost surrounded by animals. It was close, but not too close, to the Everfree forest. “This is her house? Peaceful.” said Crimson. The two walked up to Fluttershy’s door, then gave it a few knocks. After a while of waiting, the door opened, revealing in front of them...a white rabbit. Crimson just stood there, staring at the rabbit, while Derpy bent over in front of it smiling. “Hello Angel!” said Derpy, sporting a perky smile. “Is Fluttershy here?” The rabbit named Angel stepped aside, letting the two in. As they stepped inside, they saw a few birds and mice sleeping peacefully in their beds. But the thing that was the most obvious was the woman on the couch, reading her book. She looked happy, wearing her sunny yellow sweater and green skirt, with yellow wings folded on her back. The hair she had was long, reaching her hips, and was colored pink. Her eyes had the color of a peaceful blue sky. She was humming, which sounded almost like birds singing; birds that would join that peaceful blue sky. “Oh Fluttershy!” sung an unknown voice out of nowhere. Coming into the living room, from the kitchen, was an oddly dressed man. He wore a dark brown vest and pants, with a long sleeved yellow button up shirt under the vest. To go with the pants, he wore mixed shoes that were colored brown and green. To go with the shirt he wore a blue tie. His black hair was a bit of a mess, the same to be said for his white goatee. “Oh Fluttershy?” said the man again, “Do you have any more tea?” Fluttershy looked up from her book, giving the question some thought. “Check the pantry. There should be some more in there” Discord went back into the kitchen, searching for more tea in the pantry. Before she could go back to her book, Fluttershy noticed Crimson and Derpy standing in her living room. Noticing her black eye, Fluttershy quickly ran towards Derpy and took her to the couch. “Oh you poor thing! What happened?” said Fluttershy as she tended to Derpy’s black eye. Crimson, for the third time, told the story. After he was finished, he waited for Fluttershy’s response, already knowing what it would be. After hearing the entire explanation, she was almost in complete shock. An innocent girl beaten up! A brave man saving her, all by himself! “Oh you poor thing!” said Fluttershy once again to Derpy, whose black eye was already almost gone. Her eye had been treated with medicine that didn’t seem to have come from Ponyville. After the man, named Discord, had finished making the tea, he came out with a silver tray, containing a few cups of freshly made tea. Each cup had a bit of steam rising off of them and smelled of Green Tea. “Here you go everyone!” he said, “Be careful though because the tea is still hot!” Discord gently placed the tray on the coffee table that sat in the middle of the living room, almost two feet away from the couch. Everyone took a cup and gave the tea a gentle blow before giving it a small taste. Indeed the tea was still a bit hot, but the taste was quite exquisite. The thanks for the herbs of the tea were to be given, to no one other than the herbalist of Ponyville Zecora. As everyone was busy enjoying their tea, Discord was the first of the few to break the ice. “Oh, who do we have here?” he said, spotting two new inhabitants of Fluttershy’s cottage. He already knew who Derpy was as well as just about everyone else in Ponyville. Everyone had gotten used to Discord being in Ponyville, which made it easier for him to meet people. The other inhabitant of Fluttershy’s was unknown to him. “Fluttershy, my dear” said Discord, “Who is this young man?” Curious as whom he was referring to, Fluttershy looked around the room. She was so busy helping out Derpy that she had almost forgotten about the person who had brought her here in the first place. After a quick scan of the room she finally spotted Crimson sitting in a chair, sipping his tea. “Oh him!” said Fluttershy, “He’s...he’s um...oh dear” She just had this nice man tell her a story, and yet she didn’t even know his name. Discord walked up to Crimson, as he slowly held out his hand. “Hello young man” Discord said kindly, “My name is Discord. Mind telling me your name?” Crimson let out a soft chuckle, before standing up from his seat and accepting Discord’s hand. “The name’s Crimson” he said, as he gently shook the hand he held in his very own. The almost shocked expression in his eyes was difficult for normal people to notice. But, the soft gasp he attempted to hide was easily heard by the inhabitants of the cottage. Almost a minute went by of awkward silence before he finally broke it by letting out a soft chuckle. The chuckle slowly started to become a bit loud. “Oh, my dear boy” he said as he wiped away a tear, “You amuse me! For a minute there, I thought you said your name was Crimson” All Crimson could do, as he heard him say this, was smile. “Well actually Discord” he said, “I did” Discord had finally stopped laughing, and replaced his expression with one of shock, again. He quickly looked into Crimson’s eyes, to check for any signs to see if he was lying. What he had forgotten, however, was to never look deeply into Crimson’s eyes. Before looking too deep into them, Discord quickly turned his head away from Crimson. “Alright,” he said, “You’re definitely him” This time, it was Crimson’s turn to start laughing. Only he hadn’t laughed as much as Discord did; only a few here and there. Although as soon as he stopped laughing, he caught Discord glaring at him; face full of almost pure rage. He knew what that look meant, and he knew what the outcome was going to be...