The War Machine

by Urimas Ebonheart

Chapter 14: Building From The Ground Up

The War Machine
Chapter 14: Building From The Ground Up

Three Days Later

It's been three days since I became the Alpha of the nearby diamond dog Clan, I'm on my way back to them in my Trailer with the new tools and four large barrels of apples courtesy of Applejack. The tools are only stainless steel pickaxes, shovels, saws, hammers, spears, and farming tools.

I park the Trailer in front of the tunnel entrance in the wall of the Quarry and start unloading the supplies and tools. Once done, I lock my Trailer and diamond dog guards start showing up.

"Alpha!" they all say and bow to me.

"Greetings, I have brought the tools I said I would bring along with some food as well. I'll need four of you to help carry these down," I tell them.

Four of them salute and two of them pick up two apple barrels each while the other two pick up one of the tool crates each, I pick up the remaining two crates and they lead me back into the living area.

Spot sees me and runs up to me. "Alpha, we have gathered all the ore and gems you wanted," he tells me and points to an impressive mound of metals and gems, it could easily be mistaken for a dragon's hoard.

"Very good. I've brought new tools and some food for you all," I reply and set down the two crates and the others do as well. "Stainless steel Pickaxes, shovels, saws, hammers, and farming tools. I even have better spears that are more durable and sharper than your current ones," I tell him and open a crate with the pickaxes in them.

He looks inside and stares at them. "These are much better than old ones, they will help greatly. Thank you, Alpha," he says and the new tools are handed out to the miners. The saws and farming tools are stored away for later.

I look back to Spot. "Please fill two of these crates with gems and gold, I'll use them to purchase building supplies and teach you how to build better homes for yourselves," I tell him.

"As you command," he replies and orders some of the Dogs to fill the two crates up. Once full enough, I seal the lids and carry one back to the Trailer while two guards carry the other.

I place both creates into the back and face the guards. "I shall be back in a few hours with the construction materials," I say and they saluted.

I get back into my Trailer and drive off towards Ponyville.

Two Hours Later

I have purchased nearly all the available materials required in Ponyville to help start building at least ten small homes: bricks, timber, nails, mortar, carpet, and a few of the new personal radios.

I return to the den and with the help of the dogs, we unload all the supplies to the main hall.

"This is all I could get from Ponyville for now," I tell Spot.

"Thank you, Alpha. Already you show more kindness than old Alpha," he replies.

We spend the next six hours building the first house, these diamond dogs are fast learners, and once they see how something is done, they can copy it near perfectly. Reminds me of an old human saying: monkey see; monkey do.

The first house is done; it's just a basic brick house containing a bedroom with multiple beds, a lounge for the family living there to gather and interact, and a kitchen where they'll store their food and eat. Simple three room houses, they didn't need bathrooms as they apparently have an area where they do their business and use an underground river nearby to wash and get their drinking water from.

I've taken some more ore and gold to use for the construction of the Apache - the gold will be used as conductive components.

I bid them farewell and leave them to continue building and mining with their new tools. I also suggested taking some gems and gold into Ponyville with two or three dogs to trade for anything they might need.

Three Days Later

I return to the diamond dog den with Luna this time as she wanted to meet them.

The dogs were wary of her at first but once I told them she's a friend they instantly became friendly with her.

The first few dogs that came to Ponyville traded for more food at the market and clothes from Rarity. The dogs are looking much happier than they used to be and I've also brought some basic armour for them made from steel with nano-fibre padding underneath it; they only have gauntlets, shin guards, chest plates, and helmets with bullet proof nano-fibreglass visors over their faces at the moment.

They've built another three houses and they look just as good as the first, the atmosphere in the den is picking up and they look much more active than when I first saw them cowering from their old Alpha. They also really seem to enjoy the music from the radios, I had to build an antenna just outside the main gate and place a line heading inside to a transmitter to allow the radios to work underground.

"Alpha, we gathered more ore and gems. What do you wish us to do now?" Spot asks with two other dogs standing beside him.

One is taller and is wearing a red jacket with a few gems in the pocket and has grey fur, the other is nearly my height and much broader, he is a blueish grey colour wearing a grey jacket.

"I've just come to check up on your progress," I reply and look around again; the houses look good and the next one is being constructed already. "Spot, how many guards does the den have?" I ask him.

"We have fifty guard dogs... why?" he replies and asks.

"Equestria is at war with a gryphon named Jackaal and I would like volunteers that I will train to aid in the attack on Gryphonstone, ask any who would be willing to join us when the time comes," I tell him.

"Of course, if Alpha wishes us to fight, we fight," he says.

"I only want those who want to do this, not because I said so," I reply.

"Okay... Question: after homes are done, what we do next?" he asks me.

"I'd like you to dig a bigger entrance with a sturdy gate built into it, then we'll dig out a nice big area near it for shops and stalls for trading," I explain to him what I have planned.

"You mean you wish others come here?" he asks with surprise.

"Yes, this way you can sell your gems and ores to those that need them for bits. Once it is ready, I'll inform Ponyville and Princess Celestia of this as well so you may be recognised as an official town," I reply.

I look over at Luna who has three diamond dog pups on her back and is trotting around with a smile on her face, the pups have their arms in the air and are having fun.

Nine Days Later

Over the course of nine days: ten homes have been built in the den and new supplies bought to make more, the gems and ores the dogs are mining are being stored in a newly made storage room, Twilight even came by to look through some of the gems that she'll need for different effects for the magic rifles. So far the frame of the rifle is completed, all she needs to do now is find the right gem or crystal that'll work best to focus the magic in them.

Celestia has visited a couple of times to see how Twilight is doing and to have lunch with her sister. Luna also went to Canterlot three times to visit as well.

The scientists in Canterlot have learned a lot about the gryphon Tank from the salvaged parts, and are close to understanding how it works.

The gryphons themselves have remained silent, scouts report no gryphon sightings since their last attack. Though I am picking up changeling chatter on my radio interceptor coming from the Everfree Forest, but I can't make out exactly what is being said.

The second Titan is completed and work on the Apache has begun.

Today is the day I run my maintenance routine, I lock myself into my Trailer's station and run a diagnostics on my systems.

"Adam... Tell me, what does this Apache do?" Luna asks me while looking at the schematic on the computer.

"It is an aerial attack vehicle that can hover in the air, turn in place or strafe about, it is equipped with a five point fifty-six millimetre minigun and four twenty round rocket pods. It can fly faster than the Titan can move, it is used for quick strikes and air support for ground troops," I inform her.

"You mean this thing can fly?" she asks with wide eyes.

"Correct," I reply.

She looks through the schematics with a determined expression, she's learnt a lot about how human technology works and even built her own computer in her bedroom in the back of the Workshop. We've even started an experiment three days ago: I have copied my A.I. core coding and uploaded it into her computer without my memories. A fresh, new A.I. just like I was when I first came online.

She's also asked me to program it with a female voice after I told her the meaning of my name and she has named this A.I. Eve, the first female-based artificial intelligence. Luna has been teaching her about Equestria and what she is, she even has Eve calling her mother.

"Mother? What are dragon's like?" Eve asks Luna through her prosthetic's radio. Eve has access to data I have gathered on this world so far and is slowly going through it as Luna's computer only has two processors in it for now.

Luna smiles and raises her prosthetic up. "They are a proud race that tend to keep to themselves and rarely involve themselves with the affairs of others. They're also very easy to upset or to insult and will challenge anypony who does so," Luna replies.

"I see, thank you mother," Eve says.

"Eve is learning fast," I comment.

"Yes, I would like to add more processors to my computer for her; which I am working on but it will take me a while," she tells me.

"You know I can do that for you," I inform her.

"And I thought I told you that I wished to learn how to do so myself," she replies informatively.

I chuckle. "Very well," I say and return to my diagnostics.

Over the months of having this new operating system, my emotions seem to be... getting stronger for a lack of a better term; almost as if I was supposed to be made with them.

Once done I disconnect myself from the station and step out to begin getting ready to head back to the diamond dog den, the new gate should be complete today and the work on the shopping area is coming along well last time I went.

"Father, why don't I have a body like you do?" Eve asks me through my communication module. Luna has gotten her to start calling me that, I can see the logic behind it as I provided the code for her A.I. core while Luna designed her and is teaching her.

"I do not have the required materials yet to begin fabricating you one but once you have learnt more and I gather the resources needed, then I shall make you one," I reply.

"Okay," she says and returns to processing information.

I get into my Trailer and head out to the den.

One Week Later

The diamond dog den is now an officially recognised town, Celestia came down and inspected the den herself and was impressed at their progress from what I told her they started from. Although they're not part of Equestria, they are now allies with them due to their ties to me.

There are now twenty two houses built and the shopping district is completed, it's not very big with only six buildings and twenty-seven stalls and even the tunnels and walls have been replaced by sturdy bricks making the den look cleaner and more welcoming. The Ponyville blacksmith Caramel visited as well to buy some raw ores for his work and Celestia even traded a lot of bits for some rare and very magical gems like fire rubies, and other types as well.

The main gate to the den is complete with three inch thick iron doors, the tunnels are also being covered by strong bricks to make them more sturdy and visually pleasing.

The Apache is fifteen point six percent done so far and the main chassis is looking good, but we need to get some more steel and titanium as well.

Twilight and her friends have to go to a place called Appleloosa to deliver an apple tree to Applejack’s cousin, Twilight asked if I could use one of the Titan's to pull the tree as it would take nearly two weeks to pull it there on hoof and by cart.

I agreed and left Luna to begin making the Apache's plating and to check up on the den while I'm gone.

We rigged up a long passenger carriage connected to the back of the Titan and a cart with the apple tree tied to it connected to the carriage.

So here we are after three days of travelling and we're in a dry looking plains area with hardly any vegetation at all; who would want to settle out here?

"This is amazing! Why don't we have something like this? It would be so much better than hoofing it ourselves," Rainbow Dash asks. I'm standing in the Titan's hatch keeping watch of our surroundings while they're all in the carriage chatting.

Pinkie Pie then sticks her head out the window. "Adam! Can we take a break!? I need to use the little fillies room!" she yells at me.

I slowly stop the Titan and they all get out and go about their business or to stretch their limbs.

"Twilight," I call out to her.

She walks over and looks up at me. "Yes, Adam?"

"I was thinking that once we return, I can show you the schematics for a Train so everyone can travel from place to place with ease, maybe even connect it to the other nations as well," I tell her.

Her eyes widen. "What's a Train?" she asks.

"A Train is a locomotive that pulls passenger cars and cargo containers from location to location at speeds of one-hundred and fifty-five miles an hour on a pre-placed set of tracks," I reply.

She gasps and stares wide eyed at me. "You'd teach us how to make these?" she asks with excitement.

"Yes, it would benefit Equestria and others to be able to get around so quickly and trade between countries," I tell her.

She squeals with a chorus of. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes YES!" while hopping around like Pinkie Pie does.

Once they're done, they get back in and we continue on our way towards Appleloosa.

Two Hours And Twenty-Six Minutes Later

Movement to my left gets my attention at what appears to be a herd of buffalo making their way towards us. I zoom in with my optics and notice headbands with feathers on their heads.

I stop the Titan and get out with my assault rifle in hand.

"Adam? Why did we stop?" Twilight asks.

I point at the incoming buffalo. "We have company, and they don't look happy to see us," I reply and walk to the back of the cart.

I control the Titan wirelessly and aim its guns at the incoming buffalo.

They don't seem to be stopping and it looks like they're on an intercept course for the cart.

Processing... I fire the Titan's turret just ahead of the herd and the bullets kick up sand and dirt, the buffalo suddenly come to a grinding halt and glare at us.

"State your intentions," I demand and aim my rifle and the Titan's guns at them.

The one in front is a tall and very big buffalo, he steps forward and glares at me. "I am Chief Thunderhooves of the Mild West buffalo tribe. We shall not allow anymore of these ponies trees to be planted on our sacred stampeding grounds!" he tells me.

"Sacred stampeding grounds?" Spike asks.

"Yes, pony settlers have moved onto our lands and have planted an orchard on our ancestral stampeding route. If the orchard is not removed soon, we will stampede through it, and their town," he replies.

I look at the apple tree and then back at the buffalo. I aim the Titan's main guns out towards a dead tree in the dusty plains. "Should you do that I will retaliate with force," I reply and fire one shell.

The shell impacts at the base of a dead tree and rips it out of the ground leaving a deep crater in it's place.

The buffalo stare at the hole in the ground and some start to back away.

I then look back at the Buffalo. "I shall have a word with the settlers about this. I recommend ceasing any further attacks on the ponies, before you start something you cannot finish," I tell them.

The Chief looks at me for a few seconds before turning away. "Very well, you have five days before our annual stampede begins. Whether or not they're still there, we will come," he tells me and retreats back into the plains. A young looking buffalo looks back at me and then at the crater before following the others.

"Holy cow! That was so awesome!" Rainbow shouts out as she looks towards the crater.

"This is turning out to be a big problem..." Twilight says.

I hear whimpering and look inside the carriage to see Fluttershy curled up under a blanket with Rarity trying to calm her down.

"I apologise for the loud noise, Fluttershy," I say to the shaking mare.

"I-I-It's f-fine..." she replies.

"Don't worry about her, dear. I'll cheer her up," Rarity says while rubbing Fluttershy's withers.

"Very well, I shall continue on our route then," I tell them and get back into the Titan.

I look around one more time; the coast is clear and I continue on to Appleloosa.