//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Catching Up // Story: Enter Crimson // by milestails16 //------------------------------// Standing there, across from one another and give each other a death stare, Derpy and Fluttershy sat in the background; sipping tea and watching the possible fistfight between Discord and Crimson. Discord seemed almost surprised when Crimson told him his name. “Discord,” said Fluttershy, “Please don’t do this. Violence doesn’t solve anything!” Her words seem to had fallen on deaf ears, as Discord and Crimson hurled their fists towards each other. But instead of impacting each other’s faces, their fists quickly turned into open hands; grabbing one another. This sudden turn on what was thought to be fight, surprised and confused both Derpy and Fluttershy. The death stares that were being traded between one another suddenly turned into smug expressions. “Long time no see, Crimson” said Discord. “Likewise, old friend”, responded Crimson. The friendly conversation between the two friends confused both Derpy and Fluttershy even more. Wasn’t there supposed to be a fight? They looked like they were going to attack and now they’re shaking hands? “How ya been, kiddo?” Asked Discord as he sat down in the only chair that was not occupied. The two traded friendly comments and questions between each other, somehow forgetting about Derpy and Fluttershy. While Derpy sat there and watched the two, her eye fully recovered, Fluttershy began to put away her medical kit. “So you two know each other?” Derpy asked, after taking a quick sip from her tea. Crimson couldn’t help but softly chuckle after he heard Derpy. “Why yes, Derpy” he began as Fluttershy sat back down with Derpy, “Me and Discord have known each other for twenty years now. ‘Discord: Lord of the Floor’ was his name back then” Discord let out a light giggle, while his cheeks started to turn a light pink. “Oh come now,” said Discord, “Why do you always bring that up? You’re making me blush!” Fluttershy was surprised upon hearing this. She had known Discord for almost two years now, and never once has he mentioned anything about having an old friend. “I haven’t heard that name in years! Besides, I was young back then” said Discord as he suddenly changed his outfit into one that only little kids would wear. Crimson lightly chuckled as he watched Discord and his antics. ‘He hasn’t changed a bit.’ While he and Discord continued talking, a thought had come across his mind. “Hey Discord?” said Crimson, “Since it’s been such a long since we’ve seen each other...” Discord slowly began to smile as he listened to Crimson, having already changed his outfit back. But it wasn’t a normal smile like any other person’s smile; it was Discord’s infamous evil, sinister smile. “You thinking what I’m thinking?” said Crimson, sharing a similar expression with Discord. To answer his question, Discord snapped his fingers and the two vanished out of thin air. As she saw the two suddenly disappear, Derpy began to panic. “Wh-What just happened?” she said with a bit of fear in her voice, “Where’d they go?” Unlike Derpy, Fluttershy was just sitting there, calm and drinking her tea peacefully. She was already used to Discord suddenly disappearing without notice; she has lived with him for almost two years, after all. He’s done it loads of times, and not once has there been issues with him causing even a tiny bit of chaos. Well, not without her permission at least. He’s allowed to hang out with his friends; knowing him, there’s only one place he would take them to. __________________________________________________________________ At Wub Hub Pub In a bar, somewhere in Ponyville, Crimson and Discord were enjoying themselves. The bar wasn’t that full but still many residents of Ponyville were enjoying the music, the drinks, and themselves. “It’s great seeing you again, Discord!” said Crimson, as he and Discord lightly hit their glasses against one another’s. “I know!” Said Discord, as Crimson quickly drank almost all of his beer, “I haven’t seen you sin-” Before he continued his sentence, Discord quickly looked around, making sure that no one could hear their conversation. “I haven’t seen you since Chrysalis became queen!” he said in a soft tone, making sure that only he and Crimson could hear their conversation. He did enjoy their reunion, no doubt about that. But there are still some stuff that his friends don’t know about him, and he’d like to keep it that way for now. “You’re a lucky guy, Discord,” said Crimson, “Having somebody like Fluttershy” As he eyed his beer, a small grin slowly grew on his face. “So...how long have you two been married?” he asked, after having already eyed the wedding ring on Discord’s left hand. After hearing his question, Discord spat out his beer; making sure that nobody got soaked. “My my, dear boy” he said, “Is there anything you don’t know?” Discord started explaining it to Crimson. He spoke of how he and Fluttershy first met, how the two fell in love, their first date, and then finally the two getting married. Crimson, as Discord told him about his wedding, saw probably the biggest smile Discord has ever shown. “You solved the unfortunate problem before you proposed to her, right?” asked Crimson, As Vinyl walked by and replaced his beer with a new one. Discord knew exactly what he was talking about, the problem that would prevent him from spending his entire life with Fluttershy; his immortality. Because of his immortality, he was going to outlive all of his friends. However, before he proposed, he had already discovered a way to fix his problem once and for all. “Oh Crimson, my dear boy” he said, “You are quite correct! But of course telling you would not be enough; so instead, I’ll just show you!” Discord snapped his fingers, and the two suddenly found themselves by a lake, with the sun beginning to set. Before Crimson could say anything, Discord pointed towards a big oak tree, with an adorable couple sitting in front of it as they watch the sunset. As Crimson looked, he was able to recognize the couple as Discord and Fluttershy, having a lovely little picnic. “Thank you for this lovely picnic, Discord” said Fluttershy, as she eyed the sun shining wonderfully as it slowly lowered itself behind the hills. Discord didn’t say anything, as all he did was stare at Fluttershy with such a love struck look upon his face. ‘This is it, Discord. No turning back now’ Discord was going to make possibly the biggest choice in his life, and he didn’t want anything to go wrong. With a quick snap of his fingers, he made a simple message appear on the tree. “My dear Fluttershy” he said, as he gently tapped on her shoulder, “I found something on the tree that might interest you” Fluttershy turned her head towards Discord, then slowly turned her head towards the tree behind them. What she saw on the tree, may have been been the most romantic thing she has ever seen in her entire life. Carved into the tree was ‘Will you marry me? -Discord’ and under the message was a ring inside the tree, that looked like it was specially made. It was a gold ring, but on the ring instead of a regular diamond, was a butterfly shaped ruby. “Well, Fluttershy dear?” asked Discord, “What is your an-” He got his answer as Fluttershy wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips hard against his as her wings flapped with excitement. She shed more tears as the two continued their kiss; but these were tears out of pure happiness. Once they slowly departed from their kiss, Discord started again. “Oh, but wait!” he said, as he grasped Fluttershy’s hands in his, “There’s more. I want to spend everyday with you, even at death. But of course, due to my immortality, I can’t. So for my 2nd gift, I’m willing to give up my immortality just for you!” As she heard the last part, Fluttershy almost broke into tears again. She knew that Discord would outlive her due to Discord’s immortality. But now her own boyfriend, no her husband, was telling her the greatest news she has ever heard. They would be able to die together; as a happily married couple! Once again, she kissed Discord deeply with wings flapping with joy. The two slowly broke from their kiss, then Discord took the ring from the tree and placed it on Fluttershy’s ring finger. Even with the sun barely shining, there was still enough as the ring shined brightly in the sunlight. “Discord” said Fluttershy, “You have made me the happiest woman in the world” It was Discord’s turn to start crying. He just proposed to probably the most beautiful woman he has ever met, and now he’ll be able to always see her. This may be, no it is, the happiest day of his entire life. The two wrapped their arms around each other, holding one another as tight as they can. “Damn Discord” said Crimson, viewing the scene below him from a theater seat, “Never took you for a softy” Above the romantic scene being enveloped by the sunset’s warmth, was Crimson and Discord watching it from floating movie theater seats. What Crimson saw, besides Discord shedding a tear or two right next to him, was probably one of the most romantic scenes below him. Crimson heard Discord snap his fingers, then suddenly found himself back at the bar. After he paid the bill, he and Discord started heading back towards Ponyville.