Canterlot Wedding Aftermath Prt 1

by Lugitorix

Chapter 1

Continues right off where Chrysalis is last seen :D... plz... a long post here is unneccasary.

“-OOOOOOoooo!!”, came the vibrating cry of a now defeated enemy. The sky, now lit into a beautiful purple-pink color, soon faded in one great pulse of light, and whimsey. The hordes of black pests came crashing, tumbling, falling, and barreling out of the air, pitter-pattering the large scale of crumbled earth upon their landing, like a volley of BiBi's rapping against an old, dusty cloak hung from the clotheline.

Here she came... crashing out of the air to the dark brown, barren earth, only after she walloped her way through a spire of earth, breaking the head in two, and sending it crumbling toward the ground. The Queen changeling suddenly ground along the dirt, mirroring the exact way she'd done to the mighty princess, hours earlier. Her eyes shut tight when she landed, grunting, and groaning as she soon came to a tumbling halt, and laying upon her side, wings battered, and body aching from her pain.

Her teeth hung down as she grit her teeth in raw agony... not any real pain... it was more of her sense of failure. How could this have happened!? She was so close... But now, so far. Soon, when the dust cleared, she refrained from moving, not until her numerous servant again surrounded her, they too... hurt, and weakened by their falls, and defeats. They were there to assist her, help her stand... and perhaps... give them something new to do. After-all... they knew she would not be so happy. Without Canterlot under their control... Equestria was mostly immune to their powers. And they weren't the best of soldiers... by far...

She soon whimpered, an eye squinting as she soon helped her-SELF to her feet. Her wings folding, but then fluttering, “Ugh...”, she grunted, closing her eyes tight, “What... what has happened...?”, she asked, before looking aside, left and right, “Where... why are we... back here?”, it seemed she'd lost a tad bit of her memory... but only for a short while of course. With a sudden fury, she spread her insect-like wings, her eyes burning, bright forest green, “HOW DARE THEY!!”, she stomped her very odd hoof... so hole ridden, and so vile. She was near enraged.

Her brood surrounded her, straying meters from her presence... afraid of what she would do.

“We were so CLOSE!! We had it ALL!! Yet she! That... UNICORN!! She stopped us! Just ONE Unicorn! And EVERYTHING was ruined!”, she grit her fangs, her long, tattered mane blowing in the deathly winds of her homelands, “I dreamed of that day since I was very small!”, she shouted, teeth now bared with vengeful eyes.

But soon, in her anger, she conceived, her head swaying to the side, and down in defeat... her eyes now closed softly, her fangs still grit in her pain. Her mane soon fell over her face, shielding her form being seen by those around her.

One of the lesser Changelings however, made it's approach, bowing slowly to her, nervously... it seemed to be a question.

Her wing extended, though meant for rapid fluttering, it slowly gestured him away, “Yes...”, she whispered, then raised her head, her eyes now ablaze, her horn, glowing, “Bring me the orb!”... her attitude seemed to change so quickly... sending the smaller creature into retreat... it obeyed.

The scenaria around them changed quickly, once being out in the open... now concealed by the long, dark spires of the dark outlands from which they reside. Her wings were now folded yet again, as she stood before an alter of ancient roots.

These roots... had uplifted from the stone table from which they surrounded... like a cage, accesable by one entrance. It was very... cold in here, damp... miserable. So... unwelcoming, yet only to those who had never been here before, nor were used to it. It sat at the alter...

In a cup, an old chalice, made of raw silver. A pearl-looking thing... smooth, definitely cut, and very refined. The swirling whisps of colors that most marble, limestone, and rock layers that would normally stay still for as long as they existed... no... these moved. They moved like a cloud... a cloud that only could exist on this specific stone. And twas not hollow. Wisps of matching colors would merely float in that never ending spherical form, almost looking as though they polluted the stone... making it... unclean, and discomforting.

Why... even as the Changeling queen approached it, she as a whole... though a true evil... could feel the power in which she was about to tamper with. She stopped, staring down at the orb, and it's chalice... before gazing at the roots... her long, jagged horn glowed dully. It leaked her own magic, pouring down, onto the roots, dribbling, onto the stone, looking almost like a green... beaming, liquid. It soon masked the old rock alter... finding it's way through it's small cracks, and creases... until it found the very base of the cup... crawling it's way up.

In one very smooth movement of green, and gas... when the magic touched the orb, it seemed to awaken something. Or... someone. The fog swayed, thickening, overshadowing the roots, and all behind it... It appeared dark, the outridges of the image nothing more than the Queen's magic... it was like seeing through a portal, to the other side.

She stared into the darkness on the other end, rearing her head back... she had expected something else. She soon narrowed her eyes, and stepped closer, “What?...”, she asked, her nose nearly touching the gas, inches... centimeters... millimeters from contact! Her eyes so close, her mouth agape, fangs hung down... almost entranced as she tried to look onward.

She recoiled, “Halt...”, a voice came. With a spark of dark, red light... the smoke, and gas made a curving sway of it;s energy, until the eyes... of someone on the side... opened very quietly, to face them all. The lesser subjects of the Queen hunkered back... almost in utter fear of what they gazed upon... but it was only the eyes.

The Changeling Queen cleared her throat, at first, sitting down, gaining her breath once more before she suddenly stood, “I welcome your attendence...”, she announced, very respectfully.

“Ahhh...”, the voice was... very old, almost tired, and... possibly near the end of it's days. The eyes shifting slowly, to look upon her from the rest of the world around their view. They were a dark, mossy orange, with the same two highlights most ponies possessed on their iris, only these possessed three... just different shades of the already... unpleasent color. It's pupils were rather normal looking, if not just a little tired... “Yes... Quite a while... Madam...”, it spoke... it was obviously a male entity. The voice was so proper, but without a hint of feminine attendence.

“I...”, she began, her eyes shifting away for a short moment, “Bring news of Canterlot.”, oh but her words were sooo... predictable.

“There is no need... I... entrust... that everything has gone to plan?...”, that question even sounded rhetorical. The eyes swayed away from her, shifting to those in awe of their presence... they were so cold, so... again, unpleasent to stare into directly. Why even the sligthest gaze of their might added an unbearable feeling to even the most well rounded of warriors... for there was something about them... that could reawaken a part of you... an undermined part of one's personality... they could awaken both fear... hate... loss... memories... so illusive, yet so... powerful.

“Well... all but a small handful of things-”

“Succeeded?...”, they asked... slowly mounting a stare... locking on her, feasting on her... unsettling her, “Ohhh... my dear... you should know this is... unacceptable.”, they seemed to muse her.

The Queen lowered her eyes, triyng to avoid the other's gaze, “I-...”, she swallowed, and raised her head, “We were expelled from the city... Our plans thwarted by both the Princess' neice, and-”

“Twilight Sparkle...?”, they asked... as they turned away suddenly, and careened into a low eye rolling, before their iris' beamed once more, fluxating, and locking upon her again, “For one's who dip... into it's power... so easily, should know the consequence of indealing with the magic of love.”, they raised themselves... actually moving upward in the image before them all. The eyes, when they moved, pulled the picture, the portal with them... “My lovely Queen... you dissapoint me.”

That's right... it had said that. “The power of love”, the being was not naïve to think otherwise... it seemed to understand.

She closed her eyes, gritting her teeth once more, the Changeling Queen looking up however, “We did not anticipate any of this-”

“Well you should have...”, they turned away, disappearing from the image, “...It seems your usage to me is now... invalidated.”, it was decided so quickly, it shocked nearly all who were in attendence.

“In...validated?!”, she asked, turning her eyes fully up to the picture... and those eyes... which blinked at her, “What do you mean?!”, she asked, narrowing her eyes, her teeth bared at them.

However, they only continued, “It seems I will need to find someone else... more... capable... able to execute a plan more... efficiently.”, the eyes entirely disregarded her.

But she insisted she'd not be ignored, “Answer me!”

They did as asked, flashing to her almost immediately, “I do accept failure... my dear. It seems I was a bit... too rash, in deciding the fate of Equestria's beloved Canterlot. And it seems my trust in your effectiveness has... downgraded.”, they continued... not truly making more of an emotion than a constant... negativity. “Your results prove... astonishingly distasteful.”

“But-... It wasn't a total failure! You can't just cast us aside!”

“In more ways than one... Madam... it was... a complete, and utter... failure. One of which... Has produced not even the most surprising of results.”, they lowered, the entire image, to her eye-level, “Nothing more to say about you and your kind.”

“Rrrr!”, she grew frustrated, “You owe us! We gave you what you wanted!-”

“And I repaid you with what you desired... a chance to overthrow Canterlot.”, they retorted, almost tauntingly, “MY debt to you was paid the second I worded you of that wedding, and it's importance.”, they turned aside, a looming, amused chuckle, escaping the throat of a most definitely solid... breathing force.

“But-”, her eyes widened, her pupils narrowing, in deep shock, “That... This isn't fair!”, she roared, her horn glowing darkly, “You cannot leave us here!”

“Oh but my dear, I shall... you and your brood shall remain in these outlands until I find a use for you... nothing more... nothing less.”, that last word was a hissing, drull... denouncement.

“But after all we've done!-”

“Like I said... it has been repaid.”, they shook left to right, swaying almost... through the air, “There is nothing more I desire from you.”, the picture began to fade.

“What?!”, she stammered, and then lowered her horn, “You will NOT LEAVE US HERE!!!”, her own revengeful magic left her, executing outward, toward the portal. It apparently WAS a portal... The magic entered it with ease, flaring into the other side at full force. But it was halted, on the other end, forcing her magic to a roaring standstill... and soon, being pushed back. A long, glowing horn... if you could call it that... resided on the other side, the magic was a dark red for now. Which flared, and wrapped away at her own, crackling, and sizzling, zapping at the walls of their connection to one another... her offensive making one last grabbing motion for the connection, before being forced out, back to her, taking her off her feet, and grinding her back along the earth... amongst her followers, who dispersed in shock, before gazing back at the image.

The eyes were now accumpanied by a long blade, which curved upward at it's very tip. It was longer than that of the Changeling Queen's... just say... as long as Celestia's. And now even more of their connection's face was... visible. And old, white, graying mane hung down, almost as tattered as her own... in front of the eyes, and decorating around the horn... very old.

The Queen did not take long to come to, her eyes returning to their normal size with one sharp inhale, “Ah!”, she squeaked, gazing at the eyes.

They merely stared right back, “And it seems our next chat will not be for some time as well...”, that was decided most definitely... just now.

“Eh'toodles... my dear... until we meet again, however... not for some time.”, they began to look away, the gas faded, even looking like it had TV static. Before it suddenly closed! But this was different... the energy fell from the air, landing harshly down upon the alter, punishing it with harsh force, cracking it. It broke the chalice, and ultimately... the orb, shattering it in first two... then many pieces.

With one rapid gust of wind... a chilling gale... a cold breeze... the room silenced.

“I-...”, the Queen spoke softly, “But... I have dreamt of this day... since I-... was... very small...”, but that day will not come... at least not for a long time...


The eyes... no longer distracted by the failed creatures he so generously assisted... still remained... bodiless. Where they resided was not all darkness, nor total blackness... instead where they remained was just... very dark. The only light accessible to them directly, was the small candle they approached, giving a small glimpse as to what they were. A glint of old metal shown, hanging down from those eyes.

As well as an old, tattered beard, which hung from their chin, the bladed horn was all that was truly visible... glowing from the magic it had just used. It was no doubt this entity was a Unicorn... perhaps even more.

They stared at the small flickering fire, a frown just barely visible on it's face, barely above the long beard, “Well... So you have proven yourself a... difficulty, my children- the enemy you've faced has been vanquished...”, those eyes tilted shortly, gazing into the candlelight... but in their view... her could see but one thing.

All that was happening BACK... in Canterlot, “The wedding goes peacefully...”, they commented, “How sweet...”, they turned aside, soon... encircling this small stone table, and the one candle atop it, “Oh my dear Celestia...”, he began, “Pick up that chin... it is a wedding... not a ba'mitsfa...”, they began to burn, turning a darker orange... almost red, “So pure...”, they narrowed... making a shaking motion, back and forth... very slowly, “Well... we know better...”

“... What'ya want me ta do?...”, asked a second force, one not so strong...

The eyes opened more widely now, however, still low, and in control... before gazing to the side, “Hmm... You will see soon enough...”, the ancient voice sighed softly, looking back into the candlelight, “The Queen sent her message... now... prepare mine...”

That's about as good as I can get it as an intro... UGH!! My back hurt form typing this... as I tend to lean forward when I do... But was it worth it?... I'll let you decide. Please read, and Review ;D