Memories of Fire: Second Chances

by creativenamehuh

II Welcome to Canterlot Castle

In the Beginning...

-3rd Person-

It took a while, but Luna eventually reached civilization, specifically the town of Ponyville. News would often reach her ears of how Ponyville was in peril, of how there was a dispute, and how it was quickly solved with friendship. She had no time to say hello to its residents, and beat her wings harder to reach her castle. Though it was nighttime, Luna had spent some extra effort into this specific night, after feeling a little sad. Millions if not billions of stars dotted the skies, each unique to her, and she made sure the moon shone brightly, and had presence. She noticed, when she flew over Ponyville, how a few awake ponies were admiring her night sky, which brought a small smile to her face.

Eventualy though, Canterlot city came into sight, and what a sight it was. A myriad of lights, which could be seen from quite a distance, showing the multiple houses of the people who populated the walled city. Canterlot was one of those cities that never slept, people bustling through the streets, going to parties, events, or just enjoying a late night stroll. She made her way to a balcony, specifically the balcony connecting to her personal bedchambers. She lay the colt on her bed, and left her room to go find her sister.

She found Celestia in her room, enjoying a cup of tea and a reading book. "Lulu? What is wrong? The night guards had said you left for a quick flight... I know something is going through your mind." Celestia worriedly asked.
"No, sister, I am fine. I-I was just thinking about my return, despite people no longer fearing me, they do not admire me either." Luna hesitantly replied, Celestia quickly pulled her sister into a hug, Luna interjected "No, sister this is not why I came to see you, while I was flying over the Everfree in though, I came across a colt just laying there in the forest grass. I was concered and I flew down to him to see if there was any symbol to show where he was from."
"Just a colt? Luna, you could have dropped him off at an orphanage-" Celestia exasperatedly replied, before being cut off.
"Not just any colt, an alicorn colt. You know that they can only be ascended from adults, or are the creators. H-He did have a note on him that I noticed, it was a name, Silver Sapphire." Luna quipped, and she beckoned her sister to follow her. She told Celestia, "Silver is waking up soon, let us be there in case he is fearful and tries to run away." Her sister followed her in silent agreement

When they reached the bedroom, they saw they were just in time to catch the sleeping alicorn colt awake. He gave a confused and pained look, as if he couldn't remember what had happened. "Hello there young colt, do you know where you are?" Luna asked, in a soft, caring tone. The colt just shook his head. Luna smiled, and told him, "Well then, let me be the one to say welcome to Canterlot Castle..."