Memories of Fire: Second Chances

by creativenamehuh

III Who and what am I?

-3rd Person-

Silver was confused by what the blue alicorn had said, actually he was just confused. "Who are you? Who am I? What am I? What are you?" Silver asked tiredly, still drowsy from just waking up. Celestia, after doing a quick magic scan of Silver, had seen that his memories were sealed away.
"Luna, his memories are gone." Celestia chided, Luna gave an alarmed look, which then became a questioning one, Celestia answered, " No, he is not suffering from amnesia, however his memories are locked away by a powerful enchantment. One that I cannot hope to break."
"What's a Luna?" , Silver asked, which made the two alicorn sisters chuckle. Luna approached the young colt and sat down next to him.
"We weren't properly introduced were we? Well, I am Luna, Alicorn of the Night, and my sister behind me is Celestia, Alicorn of the day?" She explained.
"Corn? Like the food?" Silver asked, which made Celestia giggle and Luna laugh aloud. The two sisters came to the conclusion that he had somewhat no idea of anything to do with this world, and explained to him the world of Equus. She told him of ponies, and all their different vibrant colours. The hardworking earthponies, the fast flying pegasi, and the magic unicorns. All the while he listened with rapt attention, at the wondrous tales of this new world.

After a while, they had agreed on getting breakfast, Silver riding on Luna's back. On their way there, Celestia had taken over the duty of explaining things to the colt. "My sister and I are Alicorns, we are a mix of all three pony races, but despite this we are not goddesses."
"B-but you're so pretty!" Silver cried out, which caused both sisters to laugh, as they reached the royal dining room. When the doors opened however, they were in for a shock. Inside the dining room, were the bearers of the elements of harmony, and the rulers of the Crystal Empire. Noticing the many strangers, Silver gave a squeak, jumped off Luna, and hid behind Celestia obviously afraid. "Woona, who are these ponies." Silver shakily asked, mispronouncing the night princesses' name.
A collective "aww" was the reaction from everyone in the room.
"Oh my, sorry Luna, I had forgotten that I'd invited them over for the weekend." Celestia explained, making Luna grumble, "Well now, introductions! Everypony, this here is an alicorn colt Luna found all alone in the woods. She brought him back, and we found that he had no idea of this world, so we taught him and decided on breakfast. Come on now, go on and say 'Hello!'" Celestia urged the tiny colt forward, gingerly pushing her head against his him to bring him to the front.
"H-hi, my name is Silver Sapphire, n-nice to meet you all." Silver stammered. Pinkie decided to be the first one to introduce herself, but her introduction caused quite a bit of trouble.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Silver screamed, as Pinkie suddenly exploded 2 party cannons, and appeared right in front of him, squeezing his cheeks in.
"HI! My name is Pinkie Pie! You must be new to Equestria! Which means you need a welcome-to-equestria-alicorn-sized party! We'll have cakes, ponies, games, drinks, fun, DID I MENTION CAKES!!?" , went Pinkie. However, his reaction was quite reasonable to being jumped right in the face. He shouted, and ran straight out of the dining room.
"Oh no, now he's completely scared of us Pinkie!" Twilight exasperatedly said, Pinkie stood there with a shocked face, and then said, "I'm sorry!" and she suddenly appeared on her dining chair. Celestia shook her head, but understood that Pinkie had not meant to scare the poor child.
"Pinkie Pie, it is alright, I will go soothe him and bring him back. Why don't you take a seat Luna, I will be back soon." Celestia announced. Luna took her seat as Celestia left the room.

She found Silver under the bedsheets, however this time he made his way into her room. Celestia called out from the door, "Silver, it is alright, Pinkie Pie is a very friendly pony. She is only eccentric, very hyper, and difficult to understand. Now come, they are waiting for you at breakfast, and I'm sure you're hungry." His stomach grumble was the only answer she needed, her magic made it's way onto Silver, and put him on her back. They made their way back to the dining room.

They made their way back, and Silver took his seat between Luna's and Celestia's. The food was brought in as the other ponies introduced themselves.
"Sorry for what happened Silver, Pinkie is a nice pony, and she's really sorry about it." Twilight said, "My name is Twilight Sparkle, I carry the element of magic, I'm also the Princess of Friendship. By the way, Pinkie has with her the element of laughter."
"I'm sorry, Silver, I can host a super-duper-bigger party for you to make up for it...?" Pinkie tentatively asked
"It's okay, you just really shocked me Pinkie." Silver replied.
"Since everyone's getting introduced, I think I should make myself known. The name's Rainbow Dash, and I'm the fastest flyer in Equestria. I'm also captain of the wonderbolts. A group of really cool and fast pegasi, we perform across Equestria doing shows for other ponies. I fly with the element of loyalty, maybe if you want to, I could teach you to fly as fast as me!" Rainbow Dash stated.
"Really? That would be so cool, RD!" Silver cried out, excited at the prospect of learning to fly.
"Ever the ruffian Dash, hello there darling, my name is Rarity. I run the carousel boutique in ponyville, I fashion the element of generosity. If you ever want some formal clothing, you could come to my shop and I'll see what I can do for you. I had not known that you would be here, otherwise I would have a gift." Rarity said with a smile.
"You and yer words rares. Mah name's Applejack, and I run the apple family farm down in ponyville, here's one fer ya. By tha way, I speak with tha element of honesty." Applejack told him, after fishing out a stray apple from her pack. Then Silver saw one of the bearers cowering just a bit, it wasn't too obvious, but it made Silver tilt his head with curiosity.
"Oh hi there, m-my name is Fluttershy. We're, uhm, very sorry for Pinkie scaring you." Fluttershy quietly spoke, Silver could barely here, but he nodded at what he heard from that. Fluttershy continued, "I-it's very nice to meet you Silver. I carry the element of kindness.: Next were the two rulers of the Crystal Empire, Cadance had decided to go first, but instead got up and rushed to hug him.
"Hi there Silver, it's very nice to meet another alicorn, especially such a cute one. My name is Cadance, and I am the Princess of Love." Cadance said as she hugged the small alicorn. "One day, you could come visit the Crystal Empire, it's a really nice place just a bit on top of Equestria." Cadance's kindness and care made Silver feel much better, and forget completely about the situation earlier, he nodded vigorously at the offer of visiting the Crystal Empire Cadance went back to her seat, as her husband started his introduction.
"Hello there Silver, my name is Shining Armor. I'm not really that special, I used to be captain of the Royal Solar Guard." Shining Armor explained. "Maybe one day, you could also join one of the Royal Guards." Silver thought this idea was really cool, and was imagining being a soldier and fighting bad guys. However as all the introductions were getting through, no one realized the gathering of royal servants with the various foods for their breakfast.

"Well, come on in!" Celestia called out, as she waved to the workers. They filled the room quickly putting plate after plate on the dining table. Now that introductions were out of the way, Celestia invited everyone to eat. "Come now, everypony. Let's dig in."