//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 - Town and Country // Story: The Aegis // by Rokas //------------------------------// The wind rushed through Lyra's mane and tail and whipped them about as she maintained a death grip on her sole purchase. “Are you sure this is safe?” she shouted at the only other being in the area. “Safe as can be!” the pegasus replied. “Although it might be a bit safer if you could loosen your grip a bit so that I could actually expand my lungs and breathe!” “Oh, sorry,” Lyra said, just barely loud enough to be heard above the slipstream. She then relaxed her forelegs from around the other pony's barrel a bit. “How's that?” she asked. “Better,” he replied, with a brief glance to the unicorn clinging to his back. The flight goggles he wore kept Lyra from getting a good look at his eyes, but she could tell he was annoyed. “You might want to calm down a bit,” he added, as he turned his head back around. “We've still got another fifteen minutes to Ponyville, and at this rate you'll be a nervous wreck by the time we get there.” “Oh, yeah, because riding on the back of a flying pony hundreds of meters in the air is actually relaxing,” Lyra sarcastically retorted, though she did decide to also loosen the tension in her rear legs so they were no longer crushing the stallion's waist. The brown-maned, dark green pony shrugged his shoulders, the movement of which gave Lyra a start and caused a shot of adrenalin to rush through her system. “You'd be thinking differently if you went pegasus instead of unicorn,” he said, matter-of-factly, just loud enough to be heard. “Then you could fly yourself, and you'd see how relatively safe this really is.” 'Relatively' being the operative word, Lyra mused, and then looked around. The two former humans were only a few minutes out of Canterlot, and naturally were still quite high up as the pegasus hadn't yet felt the need to descend. Behind them Lyra could still see the white towers of Equestria's capitol clearly, albeit the distance was opening up and fine detail was starting to be lost. All around her the sky was empty save for a few birds, and below her the fields and forests of the green belt circling Canterlot and its mountain host was laid out in a beautiful pattern of emerald, with some blue and brown mixed in on occasion. Ahead she could make out the small town that was her destination and new assignment. Ponyville, she thought, and then fought to keep from shaking her head. What a cheesy name. It's like someone named a town back home “Humantown” or “Manville”. Heh, 'Manville', Jake would find that hilarious, she mused, as she recalled her brother and his sense of humor. Such thoughts faded quickly, however, as her mind brought up memories of why she was in this situation. * * * * “I what?” Lyra asked, surprised. “You have an assignment,” Cadance stated. She sat behind the desk in her office, and had a steady gaze leveled on the two shocked ponies sitting in the chairs on the other side of the furnishing. Her horn then lit up, and a matching glow wrapped itself around one of the many folders on the alacorn's desk. “I'm deploying you to Ponyville. It's a small town within sight of Canterlot, and it's been woefully untended to for years by the Department,” she explained, as she levitated the folder over to float it in front of Lyra. The befuddled agent blinked a bit, but then took the folder up in her own magic field, and at this Cadacne resumed speaking. “We have one agent in place already, but with the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration to take place there tomorrow I'm concerned she might be overwhelmed should an actual situation develop. Therefore you will be dispatched to Ponyville post haste to be an additional asset in place, at least until after the holiday. Once the celebration is over with, you'll return to Canterlot for the rest of your cultural acclimation training and a more permanent assignment.” A moment of silence met the end of her monologue. It was ended quickly enough, though, when the third pony in the room, Amethyst Star, spoke up. “With all due respect, your majesty,” she began, carefully. “I must protest this idea. Miss Heartstrings is certainly an able mare and learns quickly, but she still needs more training.” “Which is what she will receive after this brief, two-day assignment,” Cadance evenly replied. “I have read her file, and I feel her past interests will allow Lyra to adapt well enough for the short term. Any discrepancies or indiscretions, so long as they are not major, can be written off and forgotten by the town's population as eccentricities after she is redeployed elsewhere.” Amethyst frowned for a moment, and then shook her head. “I am sorry, princess,” she said, slowly. “But I cannot condone this action, and I will make note of that in my records.” “Duly noted,” Cadance replied, evenly. “I understand your reservations, Amethyst, and I take full responsibility for any issues that might arise.” “Uhm, excuse me?” Lyra nervously spoke up, and even raised a hoof to help garner the others’ attention. Once both of the native-born ponies had turned their heads towards her, Lyra lowered her hoof and began to speak. “I realize I’m new and inexperienced and all, but why is this town suddenly a big deal?” she asked, carefully. “I mean, if Celestia herself hasn’t asked for increased security, then what makes you think there’s a problem?” Cadance kept her features neutral and even; a result of long hours of political training. “What makes you think that Celestia hasn’t asked for more security?” she countered. “The fact that you’re sending a new, inexperienced agent out instead of a full-sized team,” Lyra returned. “Again, I’m new and all, but I’m not an idiot; this isn’t coming from the top.” She paused, and then gave the alacorn a measured look. “What’s changed since this morning that has you willing to toss me into the wilds, as it were?” Once again a silence fell over the room as both unicorns kept their questioning gazes on the princess. Finally, Cadance sighed. “Miss Heinkel,” she began, in a tone that told the listeners that she deliberately used the former human’s original name. “The plain facts are thus: the magic field of Equis in general, and Equestria specifically as begun to act in a strange and unusual fashion,” the alacorn explained, slowly. “I know director Novak is also not an idiot and has noted this, because he’s been rearranging assets and holding off on joint actions.” She halted, and then gave the green unicorn a look. “Or am I wrong?” Lyra shifted uncomfortably on her hooves as she thought for a moment, and then spoke. “Yes, he’s noticed,” she confirmed. “It’s actually why I was assigned to surface duty right away: he wants more eyes on the ground to try and find out what’s happening.” Cadance nodded. “I assumed as much,” she stated, evenly. “And I don’t blame him. By all accounts my aunt has been open and forthright with the human side of the Aegis, and likewise all my experience and records have shown the same from your people. Now Celestia is not only distant and unresponsive, but she’s starting to become obstructionist,” the alacorn explained. “Normally I have free rein to direct Equestria’s side of the Aegis as I see fit, but just last month she ordered a freeze on redeployments. Some malarkey about payroll issues,” Cadance added, and then rolled her eyes. “I love my aunt, but she’s deliberately tying my hooves and has made it impossible to react to anything but a low-level threat. Which, I don’t think I need to remind you, a massive buildup in the magic field is not low-level.” Cadance paused to let this sink into her audience, and then sighed. “And to top it all off, when I met with her after dropping you off with Amethyst, she revealed to me that she had sent her student—and my friend—Twilight Sparkle on a very sudden trip out to Ponyville to ‘oversee preparations’,” the alacorn added, and even brought up her hooves to make the air quotes around the emphasized words. “And if you are not aware, miss Heinkel, Twilight Sparkle is an extremely powerful, talented, and learned unicorn; her unplanned assignment at this time is highly unusual and suspicious.” Lisa/Lyra nodded, as she pondered Cadance’s words. “So we have a massive anomaly in the transition field, an extremely talented unicorn sent out on a seemingly random assignment to get her away from the seat of power, and an obstructionist monarch,” she said, and then sighed. “Yeah, that’s suspicious as Hell.” “Indeed,” Cadance replied evenly, and then paused for a moment before she continued. “I want you to understand something, miss Heinkel,” she said, slowly. “I am no traitor to Equestria or the crown. But my aunt is not acting in the best interests of the state or its people and is potentially putting ponies in perilous positions without any explanation. “And there’s almost nothing I can do about it,” Cadance added, and then sighed as she leaned forward and rested the elbow of her foreleg on the desk, and her forehead rested upon the hoof. “I don’t have the clout to counter Celestia’s orders, the nobility don’t like me enough to help out, and I’d have to go public just to get their support, anyway, which I’d rather not do except as a last resort,” she explained, and then looked up at Lyra. “But the least I can do is send the one free agent I have to what seems to be a focus of my aunt’s plans. Whether to foil them, or help them along if she has good reason, I don’t know, but I cannot sit here and do nothing.” Silence fell upon the trio of ponies as Cadance’s words hung heavy in the air. Cadance herself sat up from the desk and carefully watched as both Lyra and Amethyst seemed to wrestle with their thoughts. Finally, one broke the silence. “You’re asking an awful lot of me,” Lyra observed, quietly. “Too much, really,” Cadance agreed, with a nod. “And I am sorry for putting you in this situation. But someone needs to be in position, and as much as I’d like it to be myself and a team of your people’s marines, I can’t leave Canterlot without good reason.” “Especially if Celestia really has flipped,” Lyra darkly mused. Cadance nodded her head at that, but it was Amethyst Star who spoke up next. “Are we really talking about this?” she asked, a stunned look on her face. “This is Princess Celestia we’re talking about; the mare who’s led Equestria for over a thousand years! And yet you two are acting like she’s turned evil.” “You’ve heard my reasoning, Amethyst,” Cadance replied, evenly. “She’s up to something, and while I would love to believe that it’s purely for the good of all, the fact that she’s being so damn secretive warns me that might not be the case.” Another pause in the conversation passed. Then Amethyst looked down and shook her head, and then sighed. “I… I can’t really argue otherwise,” she admitted, sadly. Then she straightened her posture and looked back up at Cadance with steely eyes. “So send me, as well.” Cadance blinked at that. “You’re not a field agent, Amethyst,” she pointed out. “But I am an agent,” Amethyst Star replied, sternly. “If something foul is going to happen, I want to be there to stop it.” Cadance frowned as she looked over the unicorn. “But you are in charge of cultural training. It’s a not-insubstantial department and your departure would be noted. A new agent like Lyra here is one thing—barely anypony knows she’s even here, let alone what she looks like—but you leaving for Ponyville will raise some ears.” Amethyst frowned, and then sighed as she relaxed her posture slightly. “Please, your highness,” she pleaded. “My sister and her daughter live in Ponyville. I go there all the time, I know the place and its ponies, and I want to make sure it stays safe.” “I see,” Cadance replied, and then fell silent as she contemplated the request. After a few moments, she sighed and then shook her head. “I am afraid, Star, that my aunt’s orders remain in place; I cannot reassign you at this time, not without directly countering Celestia’s orders.” “You’re countering her orders with Lyra here, aren’t you?” Amethyst countered, angrily. “I am not,” Cadance evenly answered, and then gestured to the aforementioned unicorn. “She is here for a first assignment, and my aunt’s orders forbid reassignment only.” “Nice to see we’re not the only beings to constantly look for loopholes,” Lyra/Lisa muttered. Cadance let out a rueful chuckle at that. “Indeed,” she said, and then blinked as an idea entered her head. She then turned to a somewhat pouty Amethyst Star and smiled. “Speaking of which, Star, as a rear line agent you have the prerogative to take some personal time,” she added, and her smile grew when realization dawned on the faces of the two ponies in front of her. “I think with Lyra on a temporary assignment, a brief period of down time might help you attend your duties better.” “…I see,” Amethyst replied, and then smiled and nodded to Cadance. “I thank you for your wise counsel, your highness. I believe I will take it and put in for a few personal days, starting immediately.” “I’ll start on the paperwork as soon as we’re done,” Cadance promised, and then looked to Lyra. “Miss Hearstrings,” she said, and then waited a moment for the unicorn to focus all on her. “As I said, I know this is a lot to ask you, so I will not make this a mandatory assignment,” Cadance carefully spoke. “But I am out of options, and you’re the only card I have left in my deck. Will you accept?” Lyra could only stand there for a moment as she thought about the alacorn’s words, but soon enough she nodded. “I signed up to do what’s right,” she began. “Not because it was easy, but because it was hard. I accept the assignment, princess,” she stated, evenly. Cadance sighed in relief at that. “Thank you,” she said, with a wan smile. “Now, let’s get started.” * * * * “Almost there!” Lyra jostled herself out of the memory as her ride spoke up, and she blinked her eyes a few times as her brain worked to catch up with the surroundings. A glance downward showed her a series of farms, much closer than the land had been the last time she had looked, and as Lyra looked forward she saw a picturesque town sitting on the banks of a small river. “That’s Ponyville?” she asked of her ride. I’ll never get used to that name, she mused. “Yup!” the pegasus replied, with a nod of his head. Some of his brown mane flapped into Lyra’s face as he did so, but the unicorn ignored it as the much more immediate feeling of the flyer dipping into a shallow dive distracted her. “I’ve been here a few times on my days off, real great place to unwind. FYI, the bakery has the best gorram cupcakes in the galaxy.” “I’ll keep that in mind,” Lyra wryly replied, as the Pegasus shifted his wings and their flapping as they got closer and closer to the ground. The pair were heading for a road just outside of town, which Lyra had been informed was the main route from Canterlot. It’s less conspicuous to walk in than to ride in on the back of a pegasus, she remembered the reasoning given. Soon enough her carrier landed at a trot, and then slowed to a stop. “Last stop, everypony off,” he said, with mirth in his voice as he glanced back at Lyra with a grin. “You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.” “Ha ha,” Lyra sarcastically replied, but the smile that spread on her muzzle belied her tone. She then climbed down off of the stallion’s back, and then took a moment to breathe deep. “Wow,” was all she said, as she took in her surroundings, and her emotions started to run rampant. “Yeah,” the pegasus offered, and Lyra looked over to see an understanding expression on his face. “It’s kinda overwhelming, ain’t it? You see all of this on the news or documentaries or training films, but to finally be out here in person is something else.” “Yeah,” Lyra agreed, with a nod. “Geeze, I hope I don’t fuck this up,” she uttered, without thinking. The man-turned-stallion bellowed out a belly laugh at that. “You and everyone else who went through the nanotanks,” he said, and then stretched his wings. “Anyway, I got to get back before I’m missed. You remember what to do from here?” Lyra nodded again. “Yeah. Go into Ponyville, look for the Sweet Treats candy shop, and give the recognition code to the cream earth pony there.” “That’s right,” the other pony said, with a nod of his own. “Agent Bonbon will get you situated until this whole thing is over with,” he said, and then turned around. “Take care,” he said, and then flapped into the air and accelerated away. “You too!” Lyra called out to the other pony, and then watched him fly away for a moment. Maybe I should have gone pegasus, she mused. Then she shook her head. Ah, nevermind, too late now. Best get to work. With that, the mint unicorn turned to face Ponyville, and then took in another deep breath. “Right; Ponyville, prepare to meet Lyra Hearstrings,” she said, and then started towards the town in a trot. * * * * The journey into town was a short one, and the rolling farmland and trees edging the side of the road soon gave way to houses and shops. Where Lyra was alone when she began her walk, she now shared the path with various locals, most of whom gave her curious looks. Small towns; everyone knows everyone else, so when someone new comes in you get noticed, Lyra mused as she moved along, giving a smile and polite nod to any pony who made eye contact with her. This might make my job a bit difficult... but then again, I won't be here long and I'm sure this place gets visitors so they're probably— A huge gasp sounded behind her, and Lyra froze her movement and thoughts as the noise intruded upon her paradigm. She didn't have time to react further, however, when something whipped around from behind and then resolved into the shape of a pink earth pony standing right in front of her. “OMYGOSH HI!” the mare said, with a maniacal grin on her muzzle that set Lyra's metaphorical hackles rising. “Two new ponies in one day this is so awesome I'm Pinkie Pie and who are you are you from Canterlot like that other pony I don't know did you two come together or I guess not because I saw her step off a chariot and you're walking into town but isn't is so great two new ponies at once I'm so excited I'm ready to burst like a party favor or a firework and would those be good at a party maybe not a welcoming party but definitely party favors and cupcakes and oooh I can hardly wait just come by the library tonight and you'll enjoy it I promise you and that other pony okay thanks buh-bye!” Upon finishing this rather long-winded spiel the pink pony abruptly spun around in place far faster than Lyra could imagine any pony doing, and then sped off in a series of hops that looked more akin to lapine than equine locomotion. Stunned at the sudden appearance, verbal onslaught, and then disappearance, Lyra could only stand in place for a few moments as her brain desperately tried to catch up. “What the Hell just happened?” she asked herself, in shock. “Pinkie Pie just happened,” a voice said next to her. Lyra jolted a bit in mild surprise, and then she turned her head to see a brown stallion with a dark brown mane giving her a sympathetic look. “Don’t worry, everypony gets flabbergasted when they meet her for the first time.” “I see,” Lyra said, and then shook her head a bit to help get her mind back on track. “Thank you, I was worried I was having a seizure there for a moment.” The stallion chuckled. “No worries. Oh, where are my manners?” he rhetorically asked, and then raised a hoof. “I’m Time Turner,” he said, with a friendly smile. “Oh,” Lyra said, and then reached out to shake the proffered hoof. “Lyra Heartstrings,” she said, with a pleasant smile of her own. “Ah, may I presume you’re a musician?” Turner asked, as they broke the hoofshake. “Er, something like that,” Lyra replied, and then shrugged. “It’s more of a hobby, really.” “Ah, I see,” Turner said, with a nod. “So, if I may be so bold to ask, what brings you to Ponyville?” Lyra raised an eyebrow and gave a crooked grin at the pony. “Does everypony who comes to this town get interrogated, as well?” she teased. Time Turner blinked at her words, and then blushed. “Oh, dear, I’m so sorry,” he said, sincerely. “I’m just naturally curious; I didn’t mean to offend by prying.” “S’okay,” Lyra said, and emphasized with a wave of her hoof. “I get it, small town, everypony sees the new girl and wants to know what’s going on.” The blush on Turner’s face deepened. “Er, was I that obvious?” he asked. “Nah, I just know small towns ‘cuz I grew up in one,” she said, evenly. “Anyway, if you want to feed the rumor mill I guess I can tell you I’m just visiting a friend of mine for a few days,” she added, with a smirk. “Just until the Summer Sun Celebration is over.” “Ahh,” Turner said, with a nervous nod. “Well, uh, that’s a good reason as any,” he added, and then began to back off. “I suppose I should really let you go. Sorry again for being nosy.” “Like I said, it’s okay,” Lyra repeated. “But yeah, time for me to get going. You take care now, Turner, and I’ll see you around.” “You as well,” Time Turner replied, and then turned and walked off at a slightly-faster-than-average pace. Lyra watched him go, and then turned to head on her way. Geeze, if Turner and that pink one are any indication, then this entire town is crazy. * * * * “…And that will be ten bits!” the cream-colored, blue-with-purple-highlights-maned earth pony mare said with a smile as she hoofed a bag of mixed candies over the counter she stood at. The red-maned, slightly-paler pony across from her smiled back and hoofed over a pile of gold-colored coins. “Here you go, Bonbon!” the mare cheerfully said. “Thanks, Roseluck,” Bonbon replied, and then set down the bag of candies for her customer to take as she took the bits in her hoof. “I hope you’ll enjoy them,” she added, as she then turned and then hefted her chest onto a padded bar that was mounted parallel to the inside lip of the counter. Like most pony shopkeepers she used it to prop herself up so she could use both forelegs without having to strain her rear leg muscles. Thus suspended, she quickly used her free hoof to work her cash register while the other held the bits, and then quickly went about recording the transaction and placing the bits inside the cash drawer. “Oh, I know I will!” Roseluck replied, with a grin, as Bonbon did her work. The red-maned mare then took the bag of candy in her mouth and then swung her head around to place it in her saddlebags before she turned around and spoke again. “You make the best candies in Ponyville, Bonny. I’m surprised that the Cakes haven’t run you out of town,” she joked, with a chuckle. Bonbon chuckled back as she finished her work and then shifted off of the stand bar and then set her hooves back on the floor. “Well, I don’t make pastries after all,” she observed. “And if I did they’d probably be happy that Pinkie Pie could get some here and not eat half their stock!” The mares shared a laugh at that. “Good point,” Roseluck admitted. Then she tilted her head. “So, looking forward to the Summer Sun Celebration?” she asked, amiably. Bonbon simply smiled, despite the spike of consternation that ran through her. You have no idea, she morosely thought. Outwardly, though, she remained cheerful. “Oh, absolutely!” Bonbon said, with a nod. “The sales are going to be great, and it’ll be inspiring to see Princess Celestia raise the sun at dawn!” Roseluck laughed again. “Always the salesmare,” she said, with a shake of her head. “Speaking of which, I should probably get back to the stall before Daisy or Lily sell our stock for magic beans or something,” she added, and then turned and walked towards the door to the shop. “Take care, Bonny!” “You too!” Bonbon said, and waved a hoof goodbye as the other mare opened the door and left. Scarcely had she done so when the door opened again, and a minty green unicorn mare stepped through and looked around the shelves of jars holding various colored and/or wrapped candies and other sugary treats. “Oh, hello,” Bonbon said, and then waited a beat as the newcomer turned her attention to the shopkeep. “Welcome to the Sweet Treats candy store! What can I do for you today?” The mare walked up to the counter and smiled politely. “Yes, I heard you sell some special candies here?” she asked. Bonbon nodded and stood slightly taller. “Oh yes. I make and sell all sorts of specialties. Just let me know what you want and if I don’t have it in stock, I can whip it up by the end of the day.” “Ah,” the newcomer said, and then took a moment to think. “Well, do you have any Belgian Chocolates?” Bonbon froze at that, but only for a moment. “No, I’m afraid the shipment hasn’t come in,” she replied, using the code words. “I see,” the unicorn said. “Well, I’ll take some Swedish Fish, then.” “Of course,” Bonbon replied, and then sighed. “Well, so you’re the one mentioned in the email,” she wryly observed. The mare tilted her head and gave an inquisitive look. “You weren’t given a description?” she asked. “No,” Bonbon replied, with a shake of her head. “I think somepony is being paranoid. All I got was that you’d be a mare and temporary for the celebration. Well, that and you’re also…” She trailed off, and then waved a hoof. “Exotic.” “Human on the inside, you mean,” the mare observed. Bonbon frowned. “Yes,” she flatly said, and then lightly shook herself. “Well, welcome to Ponyville, I’m agent Bonbon,” she said, and then offered a hoof. “I’m Lyra Heartstrings,” Lyra said, as she reached out to join the hoofshake. “Well, down here I am, anyway.” “Of course,” Bonbon noted, while they finished the hoofshake. “Well, let’s get to it, then,” she added, and then walked around the counter and headed for the door. She opened it long enough to switch the sign on the outside from “Open” to “Closed”, and then locked said door. “There, we shouldn’t be bothered,” Bonbon noted, and then headed back to the counter and the door located behind it. “Follow me,” she said, and then went through the swinging door. Lyra did as she was bid, and walked around the counter to trail the native pony through the door. On the other side she saw a fairly standard looking kitchen, with counters and sinks along the walls and an island in the middle, all bedecked with various cooking implements, though all of it was clean and tidy at the moment. A bit rustic compared to human kitchens, she mused, as she turned to follow Bonbon towards a door on the left wall. But you don’t really expect to see microwave ovens or smart-fridges on Equis, either. Such musings were pushed from her head as Bonbon opened the door she had been heading to and revealed a stairwell going down into a darkened room. The earth pony paused to flip a light switch, and then descended into the now-lit basement. Lyra followed immediately and saw that the small, bare-walled cobblestone-lined room was filled with barrels, boxes, and bags, all marked with various ingredient names. Bonbon walked through the carefully organized piles of supplies and up to a set of shelves built into the wall, all filled with jars or boxes of spices, with Lyra right behind her. There the earth pony reached up with a hoof and touched one of the jars before she pulled on it a bit. A series of clicks were heard, and then a soft groaning as the shelves receded back into the wall a bit, and then slid to the side to reveal a meter-long corridor leading into a second, well-lit room. “Well, here’s my little hidey hole,” Bonbon explained, as she walked through the small corridor and into the room. Lyra was on her heels, of course, and took a look around the area even as Bonbon waved a hoof over the scene. The walls were mostly bare and a moment’s look confirmed to Lyra that they were made of concrete, rather than the cobblestone of the regular basement. A map of Ponyville and its environs and another of Equestria as a whole both were pinned to bulletin boards mounted on the walls, with a selection of multi-colored pushpins pressed into the cork the maps left uncovered. Lyra took a look at both of them, but only saw one or two holes near Ponyville to indicate that the setup had been used in any manner at all. After realizing that the maps held no special information, Lyra turned her attention to the table in the center of the room and saw several devices that would be decidedly out of place in the rest of Ponyville: a small combined computer/monitor stood on one side, with a pony-style input keyboard and an oversized mouse before it. Behind it and on the table was an antenna array that looked like a miniature forest made out of plastic, and below the table itself was a large box that Lyra recognized as a field-portable fusion generator, which was connected to the other high-tech devices with power cables. “Isn’t that a bit of overkill?” she couldn’t help but ask, with a wave of her hoof towards the power source. Bonbon sighed and nodded her head as her first reply. “I think so, but when they set me up out here the idea was to not have a lot of ‘strange’ shipments of power cells coming in and out every week, even with the cover of my candy shop receiving deliveries,” she said, and then shook her head. “I decided it was better to not complain. After all, it’s better to have more power than I need than need to have more power.” “Ah, a reasonable presumption,” Lyra agreed, with a nod, and then turned to look around the room once again before she focused back on the earth pony in front of her. “So, I’m supposed to help you with the security for the Summer Sun Celebration. I was told you’d help get me situated, which I think means you tell me what to do,” she added, with a wry grin. Bonbon, though, did not seem amused. “That’s it? Those are your instructions? She asked, and then shook her head again. “What the hay is going on back in Canterlot that they aren’t even making full plans?” “Well, this was all kind of last-minute,” Lyra replied, with a shrug. “Princess Cadance basically has her hooves tied up by red tape at the moment.” Thanks to Celestia, she thought, but didn’t mention. Cadance had told her to play that close to the vest out in the field at first as most ponies, even Aegis agents, regarded the ruler quite highly and would find the suggestion of her behaving oddly suspicious in and of itself. At least until I can prove my competence, or find out whether this Bonbon is professional enough to handle the truth. “So there are no reinforcements or plans coming down the pipe. Honestly, I think if it wasn’t for me just getting my assignment you probably wouldn’t even have anyone else at all.” A look of discontentment rolled over Bonbon’s face at that. “Wait… are you telling me you’re completely new to Equis?” she asked, and then face-hoofed when Lyra nodded. “Great, the biggest event of the year, and they send me a green agent as backup.” Lyra blinked chortled at her of words. Bonbon frowned in confusion for a moment, and then winced. “Oh shut up, you know what I mean,” she added, slightly peeved. The former human brought her amusement under control, and then nodded. “So, we’d best get going on our own planning, then?” she suggested. “I suppose we had better,” Bonbon replied, gruffly, and then turned to walk over to the map of Ponyville. Lyra followed along and stood next to the native pony as she brought up a hoof and began to speak. “As you can see, Ponyville itself is rather large for its population, and thus sites can be spread out a bit. Fortunately, the celebration itself will be held here, in town hall,” she explained, and then pressed the tip of her hoof on a small building icon in the middle of town. “Princess Celestia will be arriving via chariot an hour before the actual raising of the sun, which will land behind town hall. She will be ushered into the mayor’s office to prepare, as she likes to do, and then the actual event will take place. Afterwards she tends to mingle with the crowds a bit before she gets on the chariot and flies back to Canterlot. “Of course, most of the security will be handled by the Royal Guard. All I—or we, rather—will be doing is playing backup,” Bonbon continued, and then waved a hoof over the south and west edges of the town map. “My main job is keeping most of the denizens of the Everfree Forest from poking their noses into the settled area and farms, so our focus will be to keep our eyes and ears open for any outside disturbances, rather than any riffraff or assassins in the audience itself.” “Ah,” Lyra uttered, as she kept looking at the map to drink in the detail and commit it to memory. “So, will we actually be at the event, or will we be around this forest?” she asked, as she tapped a hoof on the green zone that marked the Everfree Forest. “We’ll be at the event,” Bonbon replied, evenly. “I’m well ingrained into Ponyville society, so it would look odd if I or my ‘guest’ weren’t there. Plus, because I am so well ingrained, I’ve got my ear to the rumor mill, and nothing has popped up these past few days, so I think the town will be safe.” Famous last words, Lyra mused to herself. She decided not to voice her concern, though. She’s probably right, anyway, but I’ll be extra careful just to be sure. “So, I take it the grapevine is useful for your regular work?” she asked, as she turned to look at Bonbon. A nod met her question. “Yes. Ponies love to talk, and Ponyville has a very strong gossip community,” she explained, and then rolled her eyes. “Some of them are real busybodies, but if something is starting to poke around where it doesn’t belong it gets noticed and the rumor mill goes into overdrive.” Bonbon looked to the map at that, and Lyra followed her gaze. “I can’t just jump and go out whenever I hear something, though; that’d be suspicious looking, and sometimes a rumor is just a rumor. But I use the pushpins to keep track of rumors and sightings, and when enough cluster I go out and take care of business.” “I see,” Lyra noted, with a nod of her own. “Looks like you have a pretty good posting here, then,” she observed, as she looked back at the earth pony. Bonbon shrugged. “For the most part, yes,” she replied, evenly. “My cover keeps me busy and occupied, and most threats from the Everfree don’t take much convincing to make them go away. Sometimes it can be a real challenge, though, so if something does pop up during the celebration, try not to tackle it on your own.” Lyra nodded again. “Understood,” she replied. “So I assume we’ll be working separately?” she asked, with a raise eyebrow. “Yes and no,” Bonbon replied, as she tilted her head back a bit. “I’m not eager to let a newbie out on her own, but at the same time it would be better if we split up when necessary. Since the celebration is tonight, we have some time before we need to really crack down, so I would suggest you go out and explore Ponyville a bit, get to know the area and maybe talk to a few ponies here and there. Oh,” she added, and a smirk finally crossed her muzzle. “And make sure you got to Pinkie Pie’s welcoming party.” Lyra blinked a few times in surprise. “How the Hell did you know about that?” she asked. “The pink one verbally blitzed me not even an hour ago.” Bonbon chuckled. “Because Pinkie Pie does that to every new pony who comes into town,” she stated. “Both the verbal assault and the party. And trust me; you will want to go to the party.” Her smirk faded away at that. “You don’t want to see what she’ll do if you don’t come.” A shudder ran up Lyra’s spine at that. Given how crazy she seemed, I’d bet it’s some kind of obsessive-compulsive thing. She might go a bit cuckoo if someone turns her down. “Duly noted,” she said, and then sighed. “Well, there are worse things than a party.” “Indeed,” Bonbon agreed. “And since it’s the Summer Sun Celebration, the party is going to last all night and until the morning, so try not to tire yourself out.” “I hear ya,” Lyra replied, with a nod. “Good,” Bonbon said, and then took in and released a deep, calming breath. “Alright, that should do for a basic plan. Do you have any questions?” Lyra thought for a moment, and then came to a decision. “Well, no questions as such,” she replied, and then sheepishly grinned. “But you should know one thing.” “Oh?” Bonbon asked, with a raised eyebrow. “Yeah,” Lyra said, and then took a breath. “Although technically I’m the only agent assigned here to help, at least one other will be here on ‘personal leave’ to get around the red tape that’s binding Cadance’s hooves.” Bonbon looked at the unicorn for a moment, and then scowled. “That would have been nice to know before we started to make plans,” she chided. “Well, it’s kind of off the books, after all,” Lyra wanly explained. “Besides, Amethyst Star said she’s not going to be working directly with us just in case we get compromised.” “Amethyst Star? She's coming here?” Bonbon asked, with surprise and recognition in her voice. “And it’s unofficial because she’s worried about being compromised?” she queried, and then narrowed her eyes. “Alright, human, what are you keeping from me?” Lyra frowned at the way the earth pony addressed her. Great, I’ll bet there’s all kinds of bad behind that tone, she thought. “Nothing I haven’t been ordered to keep quiet about,” she replied. “And yet you’re practically advertising it,” Bonbon countered, with a huff. She then fell silent and seemed to think on it a moment. “Well, that is either very stupid, or you’re trying to tell me something without violating your orders.” “One would think you’d be generous and assume the latter,” Lyra wryly observed. “I suppose I should,” Bonbon admitted, with a long suffering air about her. “I will concede that your people tend not to send idiots out here, so I must assume you’re trying to tell me something without telling me directly,” she thought aloud, and then began to pace. “Let me think… “Alright, you’re the only official help because red tape of some kind is blocking redeployment orders,” Bonbon continued, with a glance to Lyra. The latter nodded, and so the earth pony resumed her outward thinking. “Cadance, though, is the head of the Equestria side of the Aegis, and she can’t be really held up like that unless either Director Novak or Princess Celestia sticks their hooves into her business. And since you’re a human who’s just been assigned here that means it’s not Novak…” Her voice trailed off as the thought hit her, and Bonbon blinked a bit as she stared at a bare wall. “No, that can’t be… But with Amethyst worried about use being turned… because we’d have to contact Celestia if there’s an issue...” She suddenly spun in place in the equine fashion—legs moving about rather than the proper spin of a biped—and gave Lyra a disbelieving look. “You think Celestia might be a problem?” “Not just me,” Lyra replied, evenly. “Princess Cadance was the one who told me about how she’s become obstructionist, and both Cadance and Amethyst Star agreed that something should be done to cover the off chance that she has suddenly decided to work against the best interests of Equestria.” Bonbon just stood there for several long moments, a poleaxed look on her face. Finally, she shook her head, and then gave Lyra a hard look. “I think I may need to speak with either the princess—Cadance, I mean,” she added, when Lyra opened her mouth to object. The unicorn closed it at the clarification, though, and then nodded for Bonbon to go on. “Or Amethyst Star to verify this,” the native pony concluded. “I understand,” Lyra agreed, with a nod. “If I may offer a suggestion?” she added, and then waited for Bonbon to nod back. “I’ll go ahead and do the familiarization of Ponyville while you get in contact with Cadance via the commnet,” she said, with a wave of a hoof towards the computer in the room. “That way I can hit the ground running. And if you can’t contact Cadance for some reason, Amethyst Star will be coming in on the six o’clock train from Canterlot and you can get that confirmation from her if needed.” Bonbon stood there for another long moment, and then nodded. “Alright, that sounds fair,” she admitted. “Go ahead and get going, then; I’ve got a call to make.” “Aye aye, captain Bligh,” Lyra replied, with a quick, jaunty salute. She then turned and started for the passage back to the main basement. “Should I go out the front door?” she asked, as she paused to glance back. “Take the kitchen door out back,” Bonbon replied. “I hardly keep it locked during business hours so you won’t have to relock the front door.” “Understood,” Lyra said, and then walked out. Bonbon waited in place and kept her peace until she heard the unicorn open and then close the door above. She then sighed and shook her head. I can’t believe Celestia would turn… but then again, she’s still a pony, and still prone to all our flaws. Or not, another voice in her head added, and she could only grunt to herself as she walked around the table to her computer. This ‘Lyra Heartstrings’ could be lying. There’s only one way to find out.