//------------------------------// // VI The first days... // Story: Memories of Fire: Second Chances // by creativenamehuh //------------------------------// The worst days of them all... -Luna- It had been several months since Equestria had found out about Silver, and after that day had been ecstatic. The next day he immediately begged to be allowed to roam the city, I agreed under the condition that I would be with him. Though that week had not been one entirely of enjoyment. I made sure Silver focused on his studies of magic, and promised him a trip to the Crystal Empire. Today was another of his final tests, but today I was certain he would pass. He has come a long way and has progressed quite far. He has proven to be a fun yet studious and focused pony. We figured out Silver's problem was that he didn't have any idea what magic was, despite seeing its use. I tried my best to explain to him, telling him to imagine an ocean around him, and that the ocean was connected to everypony and the connection was different for everypony. To be honest, even I did not understand what I had said, but it seemed to help Silver. The task at hoof was for him to create a heat and frost rune, which was something used by colts and fillies, if ever caught in rain or snow. Twilight and I watched him focus in on his job, and he uttered the rune words with force and power, but so quiet that I could barely understand him if not for my alicorn hearing. I felt a strong burst of magic, one of raw energy, and I felt it from Silver's direction. I looked towards Silver, as I was asked to be present for this test, and I saw his magic come from him, it was a gray color which flowed from the tip of his horn out into the floor in front of him. He spoke the words of power, but it seemed he put too much power into the rune, as it turned into an Ancient rune of magma, instead of a simple rune for heat. "Silver, calm down-" I quipped before I was cut off by a loud strike of thunder in the sky, and the feeling of extreme heat. My years of experience caused my instincts to immediately blast a shield spell onto the three of us, and once the magma started flowing and forming, I slowly dissolved the rune and summoned water over the magma. Once I cleared the danger, I slowly lifted the shield spell and turned my head to look at silver, and what I saw worried me. He lay sprawled on the floor, passed out, and was whimpering as if in pain like when I found him. "Noo, what happened? Was it my fault, were the preparation and ambient resistance spells I put into the room too much?" Twilight panicked, "Princess Luna! Are you okay, I am so sorry for this, is he injured?" I shook my head, and flashed Silver to his room beside mine. I lay him on the bad, and stroke his mane. Celestia entered the room, with concern in her eyes. "Sister? What has happened, I sensed the burst of raw magic, and I sensed danger near you." Celestia asked, but then, "Oh no, it must have been something to do with Silver was it. That's right, today is his 3rd attempt at twilight's part 1 basic spells and runes tests isn't it..." I nodded, and continued to lay by Silver. "I haven't scanned him yet to check what is wrong, I-I fear I might make a mistake." I hesitantly replied. Celestia nodded and lit up her horn, and she controlled her magic until it covered Silver. It took Celestia no time to recall her magic, and to announce something was wrong. "Well thank you for stating the obvious, sister." I told her annoyedly, and we both giggled, but then Celestia's face went mournful. "No, Lulu, this is different. Umh, how would I say this? It is both good and bad news." Celestia mumbled, "His magic reserves are vast, double what mine were at his age. That means when he reaches full maturity and stops 'growing' per se, he will be double times as capable as us." My eyes widened, that was indeed good news, but then I nodded my head to signal her to continue. "However, he is limited with his experience and that limits his connection, in simple terms he can use around 0.2% of his total capabilities because of him most likely not being in touch with magic until he appeared before you, Luna. It is a disability, but one he may overcome." "Sister, what you are suggesting must be impossible. Everypony from birth is connected to magic, are they not? Is it dangerous for him to be like this, can there be side effects?" I worriedly asked, "Will this affect his growth in any way, and is he in a coma right now-" "SISTER! CALM DOWN." Celestia shouted, letting her royal canterlot voice slip through. "You panicking over him will not help at all. Sister, do not worry, if anything were to happen to him, we would be able to bring the top researchers and doctors from all of Equus. All we need to do is care for him, and encourage him to work hard in small practices with his magic." Her words calmed me down, but I will never not worry for my child, my sweet baby colt Silver. I reluctantly nodded. "Alright sister, I am calm now." I calmly replied, "However, what do you propose I do for him now?" "Guide him, show him the right way. I'll get him into a school, and we can get a letter to excuse him from magic activities unless he wishes to try it. Luna do not worry, work with him when he is practicing magic. Have him use magic for basic things like brushing his teeth, brushing his mane, eating foods, and small other simple tasks. He may not have been born with the instinct of magic, but we can teach him that instinct, can we not?" , encouraged Celestia. I nodded and we sat there for the moment, eventually my sister said her goodbyes and left to go lower the sun and raise the moon. I lay properly down beside Silver, and went to sleep.