Memories of Fire: Second Chances

by creativenamehuh

VII A trip to the Crystal Empire

|A trip to the Crystal Empire, Part 1|

~Silver Sapphire~

I sat in the bright pink train that was chugging along in the general direction of the Crystal Empire, humming a merry tune with a smile on my face. I stick my head out the window and take in the passing sights, seeing the mountain valley with a bit of empty grassland surrounded by a huge forest, bordering the large lake. "Wow" was all I could get out, followed by, "I want a kingdom there one day..."
"One day, you maybe can, especially with how Equestria is growing!" Luna said, giggling at my shocked face, "Come now child, we are approaching the station now." I followed mommy up the train towards the cart where Aunt Celly, Twilight, RD, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight's assistant, Spike, were waiting to arrive at the station. I waved and sat in the seat beside Aunt Celly, and mommy took the seat beside me.
"What's the Crystal Empire like? Is it big? Is it really made of Crystals? Is there really a heart made of crystals there that can be used to enslave the entire kingdom?" I excitedly asked
"Woah, woah, woah. Where did you find out about the Crystal Heart and it's powers?" Luna asked, then I sheepishly looked towards Aunt Celly then back to my mom, and hoped she understood. "So you got my sister to tell you the backstory of the Crystal Empire... I'm hurt, you didn't ask it of me during our bedtime storytime, did she tell you of, all the stories surrounding the Crystal Empire?"
"Yes mommy, but it kinda just happened. One day I was sitting with Aunt Tia in her day court and I got really bored so she started telling me of this big bad pony called King Sombra and I wanted to know more" I explained, blushing from embarrassment. Mommy moon only shook her head and smiled.

I yelp and jump in shock as I hear a loud whistle and feel the train suddenly slow down. Then everyone started laughing and I grumbled as Luna pet my mane to calm me down. "That's not funny!" I say forcefully, but that just made everyone laugh more. I just continued to grumble as the train slowly came to a halt. Looking outside I saw around 20 shiny pony guards, and Mrs Cadence and Mr Shining Armor. I waited, and waited excitedly for the doors of the cabin to be opened.
"Calm down there Silver, dear. One day if you are stressed out to much you will grow silver locks in your mane, and look like an old pony." Rarity told me in her fancy way of speaking, "Oh wait, your mane is already Silver, pardon my mistake." I didn't care as the doors opened and I ran around to get rid of some energy while I saw the rest of our group go say hi to the King and Queen of the Crystal Empire.

~3rd Peron~

"Hey there Cady!" Twilight shouted in greeting, rushing to do the little dance they did whenever they would meet. She then hugged her brother and moved back to the group that was watching in amusement. This time it was Cadence who moved in order to greet the group of visitors. She went forward and hugged Celestia and Luna, then shook hands with each of the bearers, skipping over twilight.
"Now that you're here, we can get you situated into your rooms at the castle." Shining armor stated, "Then we can have lunch and from there, we can see where silver wants to go and what he wishes to do."
"I wanna see the epic crystal heart that can control peoples minds! I will become an evil ruler, mwahahaha!" Silver jokingly cackled,
"Lunch first young stallion. Then we can go on your misadventures." Luna reminded him. Shining signaled the guards, and the group started to make their way towards the large crystalline castle in the distance. When Silver noticed that the city was actually made of crystals, his eyes became wide as plates, and his mouth lay agape. His legs even became tired and wiggly and he fell down. It got so bad that Luna had to carry him on her back personally.

The group made their way through the gate, "Is everypony really made of CRYSTALS!?" Silver shouted in excitement and awe, "That's so cool! Oh wow, is that the crystal heart?" , pointing to the large tri-arc structure in the heart of the city, with a powerful beam shooting up into the sky, and a small heart shaped object within. Silver pointed towards it, and started running down the road towards it.
"*sigh* We have to go through that road to get to the castle anyways, I would've hoped we could avoid the busy central street." Cadence sighed. They eventually caught up with the ecstatic young alicorn, who was attracting much attention, despite the announcement of his existence mere weeks ago. "So Silver, can you see it?" Cadence asked, "Is it to your expectations, or would you like to see it in action?" Silver vigorously nodded, and Cadence trotted forward and gave her order to the guards. She motioned for Silver and anyone from the group that wished to, to follow. Rainbow Dash and Twilight went with them.

They made their way towards the platform where the Crystal Heart Guard stood watch, they were a special division within the Crystal Empire's local guard that were tasked with defending the Crystal Heart to the death. When they noticed their princess, they got out their weapons and gave their special salute.
"Princess Cadence, what brings you here today your highness, and with guests no less." said Crystal Glaze, the CHG Captain, respectfully.
"I am here to show them a little demonstration with the Crystal Heart, Glaze. There is no need to worry, these three are friends, and the young one here is my nephew, he is Silver Sapphire, the alicorn colt Princess Luna adopted." Cadence explained. Glaze nodded, and led the group towards the heart room.
"This place looks so plain, I could totally make it 20% cooler with some blue, red, and green... Maybe some yellow!" Rainbow groaned.
"Dash, you should know that these crystals actually absorb and reflect every color. So you adding solid colours would not do much." Twilight explained. Rainbow Dash threw her head up and muttered something about 'unicorn eggheads' which made Silver giggle. Though they had reached past the winding maze of corridors which only a select few know the correct path to. The sight of the Crystal Heart brought awe to Silver's face again, Rainbow Dash and Twilight both had similar looks on their faces.
"So, would you like to see some fireworks?" Cadence asked, "Maybe see a sight you never had, a time, or a moment in history. We could probably catch glimpse your future, but it is rare that the heart does that anymore..." Though Cadence said that last part with a touch of sadness.
"Oooh! Can I see my future, that would be so cool!" Silver jumped around excited, "I'd be like a wizard! Spying on the enemy and then defeating their wizards in epic wizardry" Even Twilight jumped in on the excitement,
"I wanna be like Starswirl the Bearded! Ooh, that reminds me, you don't know about him!" Twilight exclaimed, "Starswirl the Bearder was a unicorn who lived long ago and was a genius in magic. He wrote and designed many magic runes, spells, and scriptures-"
"Twilight, as much as I'd like to hear all about Starswirl again, I think we should get on with seeing the crystal in action." Rainbow quipped. Silver walked to where Cadence was standing beside the heart, and nodded his head towards it. She nodded her head, and started her magic, she said the necessary spell words and activated the runes on the heart.
"Come now you two. Silver, when the runes on the heart change from gold to green, touch it and activate just a bit of your magic. It actually doesn't matter how much magic you put into your flare, so long as it detects you." Cadence told him, he nodded and waited until the heart's runes turned green. However he was nervous, and it took a concerned hoof from Twilight on his shoulder for him to steel his nerves. He put his hoof on the heart's surface, and flared his magic. His vision immediately blacked out, and the last thing he saw and heard was the ceiling, and the shouts of the ponies he was with.