The Misadventures of the Renegades

by reading is magic

IX: What Are We Talking About?

Two nights. Frost Bite, Sing Song, and Ombré stayed at Trixie’s house for two nights after learning that the Lunar pendant can be charged with magic by the power of music from Sing Song. While they were excited to see Equestria again, they also had fun with Trixie’s family, so they decided to stay for a little longer.

But now, they had to go home. They stood in front of the statue, ready to activate the magic portal.

“Trixie will miss you all dearly!” Trixie cried.

“At least we know we can always come back with this,” Frost Bite said as she held up the pendant. “I really have to thank Luna for this.”

“We sure do,” Sing Song commented.

Ombré remained silent. His mind was full of worry and anxiety ever since they faced the way home. He just realized that they had been gone for two days. He and Princess Luna’s precious student had been missing. It could only mean two things to the other guards—either he kidnapped the princess’s student or they ran away to get eloped. While the thought of the latter pleased him, the thought of incurring the wrath of his benevolent leader became more prevalent in his head.

“Ombré, are you okay?” Frost Bite asked, her face showing worry.

Ah, even as a human and worried, she truly is beautiful.

“It’s nothing, Frost Bite,” he answered, his face betraying his mind.

“Okay, lover boy, let’s stop gawking and start walking,” Sing Song ordered. “You go first.”

“I thought it's ‘fillies first’?”Ombré asked.

“That’s pretty sexist,” Frost Bite commented.

“Even though you’re a girl? And don't you mean 'ladies' first'?” Trixie questioned.

“Well, that just creates the assumption that women must be treated with such delicacy and as such implies that women are fragile beings.” Frost Bite said with her arms crossed.

The other three stared at Frost Bite.

“I don’t like it when you try to sound smart,” Sing Song complained.

“What do you mean?” Frost Bite raised an eyebrow.

Ombré ignored the rest of their conversation and stepped through the statue’s base. After all, there was no use in waiting; it would only delay the inevitable. He had to face the princess sooner or later, and he decided it would be now. The portal made him feel like he was riding the Dizzytron, except it was worse. He almost vomited, but he managed to keep his breakfast in his stomach.

Ombré landed on his front, his chin on the ground.

It’s so good to be a pony again. While he found humans amazing and interesting, Ombré wasn’t fond of walking on two legs. He stepped aside from the front the mirror and waited for the other two. A weird sound emanated from the mirror and a blue unicorn was spat out by the portal.

“Ow. I hate this thing.” Frost Bite stood up and brushed herself off of dust. “We’re back!”

Another sound hissed from the mirror and Sing Song came out floating and then promptly crashing to the floor.

“Starswirl has bad transportation design,” Sing Song commented then floated off the floor.

Ombré smiled at the sight of his companions. He never had such lively ponies in his life before.

“So what now?” Frost Bite asked.

“I’ll have to report to Princess Luna about our return. No doubt she’ll be glad to see you again.” Ombré got up and brushed aside the dust on him.

“I’m pretty sure she’ll be glad to see you too!” Frost Bite smiled.

Ombré cringed at that. Princess Luna would definitely not.

The three left the room and Ombré guided them to Princess Luna’s chambers, but before they could even reach it, a fellow night guard bumped into Ombré.

“Sir Ombré?!” the younger guard gasped.

Ombré wasn’t sure how to respond. He kept his guard face and remained silent.

“Sir Ombré, I am under orders to you to a House Arrest until further notice. Surrender and you will be treated with utmost care.”

It was one of the younger recruits. He was one of the fairly enthusiastic additions on the guards, seemingly very eager to learn and become a guard. Ombré was one of this newbie's closest superiors, however, none of that mattered; Ombré’s fear became a reality. He hung his head and said, “I surrender, Nightingale.”

“What’s going on?” Frost Bite asked, stepping in between Ombré and the other guard. “He’s a guard too! Why are you arresting him!?”

“Miss Frost Bite, please. I am under orders from Princess Luna. Do not make it harder for me.”

“No! You tell me what’s going on!”

“Frost Bite, stop,” Sing Song murmured. “Let’s go. I’ll explain to you what’s going on.”


And with that, Ombré followed the fellow guard, leaving a confused Frost Bite and a worried Sing Song.

Ombré stared down at the sky as he sat down on the chariot that was carrying him back to Canterlot. While he wasn’t cuffed, he still felt like a convict. He knew that he could reason with his fellow guards, but it would be fruitless; the princess’s orders come first. The trip was mostly uneventful, and his fellow guards remained silent as they usually do, though he had expected some sort of reaction from them with the charges he knew he was facing.

It was a night when they arrived at Canterlot. The guards did not waste time to move Ombré through the castle and into the courtroom. The Courtroom of the Night existed as long as its counterpart but, it was smaller and a little darker. A throne stood at the center with dark blue carpet going from it to the giant double doors. The courtroom was rarely used since Princess Celestia pretty much dealt with everything related to royalty or politics. Princess Luna only used it when giving orders to her guards.

This time, it was different; it would be for Ombré’s trial. He knew there was no escaping the guilty verdict. He was escorted by two fellow guards, one he recognized was one of his superiors. A number of guards lined the hall to the throne and they remained silent as they walked the halls to the courtroom and left him in front of the throne.

On it sat the princess of the night, Luna. Her stern face gazed upon Ombré, and that made him feel queasy. He wanted to explain everything that had happened, but he didn’t want to get Frost Bite involved. He only bowed his head and knelt to the princess.

“Ombré of the Night Guard, raise your head,” Princess Luna assented. “You do realize why we have summoned your presence tonight?”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Ombré couldn’t look at Princess Luna.

“Then we will no longer prolong this any further.”

Ombré shut his eyes, even though it would not help. He braced himself for the punishment to come. What could it be? Am I relieved from duty? Suspended? Banished? Or maybe-

“We thank you from the deepest of our hearts.”

Oh no, I’m being thanked, this is terrible! Wait, thanked? What’s going on?

Princess Luna’s words failed to make sense to Ombré. He tried understanding her words, but nothing stuck to his head as an explanation.

“Are you alright?” the princess asked, looking very concerned.

“I must be dreaming.”

“Ah, but you are not. I assure you; you are not dreaming and I would know so.”

Ombré had his jaw dropped. As the princess said, he wasn’t dreaming, though it only made more questions.

“You seem confused,” Princess Luna wondered.

“Princess Luna, forgive me for asking, but what did I do?”

“ You have made your service proud.”

“Excuse me?”

“You did something that I have never seen before,” Princess Luna replied with a smile. “Something I had yet to see since my return to Equestria. When the world faced danger, you have performed your duty even as it endangered your life. You could have abandoned your mission and I would understand, but you followed it regardless. Your actions have made me and your fellow guards proud. I believe you are ready, Ombré.”

“Ready? Ready for what?” Ombré started to hear a piano melody. “What’s going on?

Sudden images of Ombré’s memories appeared in the hall as if they were tapestries. One showed his first day in the service, and some he didn’t remember. There was one where he was sleeping on duty and he wished no pony saw that.

“You ‘ve come such a long, long way~” Princess Luna sang. “And I’ve watched you from the very first day~”



Princess Celestia sneezed as she laid down her teacup, spilling a few its contents on the table.

“Oh dear.”

As she started to clean up the mess, she felt something, like a nagging itch from her back. She couldn’t quite place it, but she ignored it and went back to her evening tea.

When Princess Luna finished, Ombré became more confused. He felt like he was seeing things, that maybe the portal had knocked his head too hard on the floor.

“I hereby named thee ‘Captain Ombré of the Night Guard.” Princess Luna levitated a spear and tapped it on each of Ombré’s shoulders. “Stand proud, my little pony. You have earned it.”

Ombré only stood there with his jaw dropped and eyes widened. The other guards stomped in honor to their newly appointed captain. Shocked wasn't enough to describe what he was feeling.

Frost Bite and Sing Song were transported on a separate chariot. Frost Bite realized he would never get used to the daring speeds of the night guards. He already missed Ombré, and Sing Song had yet to explain why Ombré was taken away.

They landed on the balcony of Frost Bite’s room, and he thanked the guards who brought them; they only whinnied in response, which Frost Bite found weird. Frost Bite sat on his bed.

“So, what’s going on?” he asked. Sing Song flew off of his head.

“Look, remember we stayed in the other dimension for two nights?” Sing Song answered.


“Well, you’re Princess Luna’s student and that makes you a VIP. With that in mind, if you do go missing, they’ll be searching for you.”

“That’s nice of them.”

“Let me finish. Now, if you do go missing, the only one who would know would be Ombré, the one who is assigned to be with you.”


“But what if he goes missing too?”

“They look for him too?”

“No, they’ll assume he took you away!”

“Why would they think of that?!”

“Because you’re more important right now!”

“I am?”

Sing Song nodded. Frost Bite only looked with disbelief. He understood now; Ombré was arrested for being involved in his disappearance. Frost Bite knew it was wrong to pin it on him. He wanted to do something; maybe tell Luna what actually happened and have Ombré spared from any punishment. Frost Bite knew Ombré was a good pony. Yes, he was a weird mixture of serious and nerd, but nonetheless, he was his friend. Frost Bite was about to open his mouth to say everything he had just thought until a knock on the door was heard.

“Uh, come in?”

The double doors were slammed wide open, revealing a certain dark blue alicorn.

“Frost Bite!” Princess Luna exclaimed as she closed in and embraced her pupil. “Thank the stars you are alright!”

“L-L-Luna,” Frost Bite muttered as Princess Luna’s grip tightened. “C-Can’t breathe...”

“Oh!” Princess Luna released. “Forgive me. I do tend to do such over excitement.”

“Luna, about Ombré!”

“Oh yes! That guard got what he deserves, do not worry!” Princess Luna wore her smile so wide.

“What?!” Frost Bite shuddered at Princess Luna’s words. What happened to him? Did they imprison him? Did they fire him? Did they banish him?

Princess Luna saw in Frost Bite’s face confusion. “My dear pupil, you don’t seem pleased at my news to you.”

“He doesn’t deserve any of that!” Frost Bite yelled.

“What?” Princess Luna became confused in return. “Doesn’t deserve? I believe I’ve given him what I thought was best for what he had done. I don’t see any other way I could have done that.”

“But he’s a guard! He always did his job splendidly and perfectly that he basically followed me everywhere!”

“Indeed, but that is only the smallest of the good things he had done.” Princess Luna draped her wing over Frost Bite. “But we will never forget what he had done for you and me.”

Frost Bite looked at the floor, avoiding the happy face of Princess Luna. He can’t be happy knowing that his friend had undergone punishment. While he found Princess Luna’s embrace warm, Frost Bite moved away from it.

“Luna, how could you...”

“Excuse me?” Princess Luna asked incredulously.

“How could you do that?!” Frost Bite exploded. “He’s the best guard I’ve ever met, and you treat him like that?! Some princess you are!” He then ran towards the balcony and teleported away.

“What? Is the title of Captain not enough? I do not understand.”

“What? Captain?” Sing Song asked loudly.

Frost Bite wandered the evening in streets of Canterlot. Only a few ponies were around, and most of the stores were closed, but Frost Bite didn’t mind. He still couldn’t believe his teacher would do such a thing. He worried about Ombré as he walked down the path lit by fancy looking street lamps.

Frost Bite stopped and sat on a bench nearby. After letting out a big sigh, he slumped down. He wanted to go back and see that Ombré was okay, but he also feared that Princess Luna might’ve gotten angry. As he looked up, Frost Bite saw a sign above a shop that said, ‘Troubles Be Gone!’. He wasn’t sure what the shop was, so he walked to it and entered through the wooden double door.

Inside was a wooden interior, tables and chairs covered most of the place and at the very end of the room was a bar. Behind the bar was a pony wiping the table and looking very bored. It was a pub, Frost Bite realized. Soothing yet a bit melancholic piano music played from a jukebox near the bar. He walked to the bar and took a seat.

“Hello there, good sir, what will you be having?” the bar pony asked with a tone void of enthusiasm. She didn’t even look at Frost Bite.

“Uh, I’ll have whatever can make my troubles be gone.”

“One apple cider deluxe, coming up.” The pony moved to her right and grabbed what seemed to be a giant boot. She filled it up with cider from a barrel until the froth came to the top. Frost Bite became confused as to why she would serve him his drink on an article of fashion. The pony then slid the boot to Frost Bite across the bar, which surprised him. Luckily, he barely caught the boot with his front hooves, though some of its froth spilled on the bar.

“Let me guess; you’ve never been to a pub before?” the pony asked, which he realized was a mare from her voice. She had a pale orange coat, and a short messy and spiky blonde mane. Her flank showed a green bottle for liquor.

“Uh, yeah. This is actually my first.” Frost Bite clutched awkwardly the boot filled with her drink. He then realized the boot was made of wood.

“Don’t you have pubs where you’re from?”


“What a sad little town you’re from, then.” The mare started wiping big wooden mugs with a cloth. “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to insult.”

“It’s alright.”

Frost Bite looked at the wooden boot and then peered inside. He couldn’t see the color of the drink due to the froth on top of it. He took a whiff of the drink and it reminded him of apples. He took a sip.

“Wow, this is great!” Frost Bite exclaimed with a frothy mustache.

“I know; got it from the best makers.” The mare laid the mugs down. “So, I never see you around these parts. Just visiting?”

“Oh, I’m actually a student of magic.” Frost Bite liked saying that. Being something other than nothing. “I’m staying at the castle.”

“What? That’s not right. If you’re staying there, then you’d have to be a princess’s student.”

“I am!” Frost Bite announced happily.

The mare only looked at him with her striking blue eyes and with her eyebrow raised. “Sure, I’ve heard wilder stories.”

Frost Bite took a big gulp out of the boot. He was surprised to find the boot actually usable.

“Still, nothing’s gonna top what happened two days ago.”


“You know, Tirek? Two days ago?”

Frost Bite gave a confused look. “Who’s Tirek?”

The mare blinked twice, then laughed. “Right, who’s Tirek indeed. I see you’re already moving on from that horrible event. Quite scary.”

Frost Bite scratched his head. Tirek? He was sure the name wasn’t familiar and it wasn’t a pony name. “Maybe you can tell me about two days ago?”

“Oh, I’d rather not. I was a victim too, you know. That old oaf can go to Tartarus for all I care.”

Frost Bite wasn’t getting answers, and it bothered him. “Right. Tirek can just, uh, go to Tartarus...”

“You alright? You sound troubled.”

“It’s nothing. I don’t want to trouble you.”

“Trouble me?” the mare questioned incredulously. “Girl, look at this place. The last thing I want to do is to stare at nothing and wait for another customer to actually talk to. Come on, I don’t bite.”

Frost Bite looked at the mare. She looked eager to hear his problems, no doubt. “Okay, I might just rant whatever, I hope you really won’t mind.”

“I’m all ears.” The mare started wiping the bar, starting with where Frost Bite spilled froth over.

Frost Bite told the mare everything; from her meeting with Sing Song and Mango Jill, being chased out from Ponyville, being taken in by Princess Luna and learning new magic, going to Crystal Empire and getting slammed to the ground, entering a dimension of humans, returning to their dimension and his friend getting arrested, and to now.

“Quite the story.”

“It’s not a story, it’s what happened.”

“Girl, I’ve heard my fair share of stories bartending this place. If you ask me, everything that happened is a story. It only matters if it hits you or not, even if the story’s not true.” Frost Bite noticed that the mare was also drinking from her own boot. Not a boot from her hooves, I meant the wooden ones. That’s disgusting, don’t make me think of that. “Wait, so why didn’t you just tell me the part where your friend got arrested?”

“Uh… I guess I got carried away.”

“Carried away? You could’ve just start with the problem.”

“Huh. You’re right.” Frost Bite took another swig at his drink and emptied his mug. “My hives, this is so good.”



The mare took his boot, filled it up, and slid it across the bar. This time, Frost Bite got it just right and took a sip.

“Hey, you’re getting the hang of it.”


“So if what you’re saying is true, then you’re actually a changeling that got under Princess Luna’s apprenticeship and somehow you got into a crazy dimension were bipedal creatures dominated and when you returned, your friend got arrested.”

“Yeah.” Frost Bite then drank.

“Then give me a reason why I shouldn’t take you to the Guards right now and have you arrested too since you’re a changeling?” The mare held a sword that was from a display behind her. While it wasn’t sharp, it still looked pretty intimidating.

Frost Bite froze in the middle of drinking. He realized that he spoke too much and now the pony before him was looking at him with much intensity and interest. He lowered his boot and swallowed loudly.

“I know it sounds bad, but trust me, I’m not one of the bad guys.” Frost Bite kept a straight face, though his mind betrayed his looks; he wanted to run and scream for help.

“How do I know that?” she asked as she started wiping the sword with the same cloth she’s been using.

“I am a paying customer and, whether you believe or not, am a student of a princess. I dare you to even call the guards.”

The mare glared at Frost Bite with much intensity. “Okay.” She lowered her weapon.

“Really?” Frost Bite asked as his voice squeaked.

“I don’t get changeling customers often, and you certainly made my first one a good experience. I guess you guys aren’t all love suckers.” The mare placed the sword back in its display case.

Frost Bite let out a big sigh of relief. “Thank you for believing me! I thought for sure I was gonna be in half.”

“Wait, when you said ‘Who’s Tirek’, you meant it. If you weren’t here for two days, then you never saw what happened.”

“That’s true!”

“Well, I guess it’s my turn to tell a story then?” The mare raised her boot, waiting for another to toast. “Name’s Champagne Barrels. Every pony calls me Champs.”

“I’m Frost Bite!” He toasted with Champs and together they downed their drinks and slammed the boots onto the bar.

Ombré still felt confused. He was knighted Captain of the Night Guards, his comrades were cheering for him, and now they were taking him to a pub. Everything was happening so fast that he couldn’t get his head around his new title.

“What’s wrong, cap?” asked the young guard Nightingale, whose name he did not just remember just now, honest. “We’re celebrating! You should be happy!”

How can I be when I don’t even know why? Ombré just smiled and nodded at his comrade. Other guards were also with them, off duty and had their armor off.

“You are a hero, Ombré!”

“That was amazing!”

“Truly astounding!”

Their praises were hollow to Ombré, but he thanked them nonetheless. Everything was moving too fast. He already tried asking what he had done and what had happened two days ago when he was gone. Their replies weren’t informative and they all laughed off his question. Obviously, something big happened that warranted Frost Bite’s protection.

The happy group reached the Trouble Be Gone pub. While the place was a favorite by his comrades, Ombré didn’t share the same sentiment. Pubs never were interesting to him; you drink, sit for hours, then drink again, and possibly sit for another hour before you ran out of money. Or at least that’s what he thought. They pushed through the swing doors and Ombré trailed behind them. They settled on a large rectangular table, and Ombré sat in the middle.

“Hey, Champs!” yelled one of the bat ponies. “Give us the usual! Eight servings!”

“Be right there!” a voice yelled.

“So Captain Ombré,” Nightingale called. “Must be quite an honor, eh?”

“Uh, yes. It is quite surprising, more than anything,” Ombré replied. “Listen, can any of you guys just tell me what happened two days ago?”

“Well Cap, what happened is that you saved a royal student. And from what I heard, it’s a she,” the tallest of them said as he gave Ombré a smile Ombré didn’t quite understand.

“Oh yeah, I heard she’s quite a sight!”

“Or bland. I’ve seen her. Nothing extraordinary, really.”

“What do you think, Ombré? What is she like?”

Ombré found it hard to believe he was actually with them. He wasn’t much of a socialist, and he didn’t find them intolerable. Ombré would rather read than discuss which princess was the prettiest or had the best looking a—

“Frost Bite is… well, a pretty mare. She loves to eat, funny, maybe a bit forceful, bright, and probably the kindest mare I know. She’s just different, I think. She’s so genuine, and I like her for that.”

As soon as Ombré finished talking, he saw his comrades just stare at him. Then, they smiled.

“Princess Luna won’t be happy about this!” one of them hollered jokingly.


“Or maybe she will, who knows? He is the captain. Could be like Princess Cadence and Prince Shining.”

“Oh yeah.”

An earth mare approached their table with a table balanced on her back. She reached it with her mouth and placed the tray on the table. The stallions grabbed their wooden mugs quickly with Ombré taking his last. The mare left their table.

“I’d date that mare.”

“Sure, if you gain the courage!”

Ombré zoned out on their conversation and just thought of Frost Bite for that moment. He wondered what she was doing at the moment, but then he remembered how she was when he was ‘arrested’: confused and worried. He wanted to see her and explain he was okay. She might get worried. Was she? Ombré didn’t know how she thought of him, but he hoped she cared enough.

He stared at the empty barstools. His eyes wandered to each empty seat and then he saw her. Frost Bite was laughing and smiling as she sat on a barstool. I’m daydreaming. He saw Frost Bite wave at him, and he wanted to return the gesture, but he decided not to reply to the figment of his imagination. He peered into his mug and took a big swig.

“Ombré, you had a fight with, what’s the student’s name… Frost Bite, right?” Nightingale asked. “You look pretty serious there.”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Ombré answered and took another swig, only to realize his mug was empty.

“Come on, Cap, the others won’t even listen,” Nightingale insisted, gesturing his hoof to the others having a good time by themselves. “It’s good to let out once in awhile.”

“I don’t know, Nightingale. I might just blabber whatever from my head.”

“I am all ears, captain.”

And so Ombré told him everything. From his first meeting with Frost Bite and Sing Song where he guided them around Canterlot and was convinced by Frost Bite to sit with them, getting invited to parties around Canterlot, going to Crystal Empire and seeing Frost Bite receive a back slam from an Earth mare, breaking rules to look around Starswirl’s museum, getting inside a portal to a different dimension, staying at Trixie’s house, returning home after discovering magic, to his sudden promotion leading to present.

“And now she’s probably worried as heck right now,” Ombré finished then drank his cider.

Nightingale exhaled and faced Ombré with seriousness. “Captain.”


“How many times did I tell you to stop?” Nightingale exclaimed.

“I don’t know, I was on a roll.”

“Exactly! There’s so much you’re telling me that I almost lost it!” Nightingale emptied his mug and slammed it on the table. “So you’re really into this mare?”

“I think so.”

“Then tell her, cap.”

“Like she’ll believe me. Besides, she’s probably at the castle or somewhere.”

“Just tell her.”

“What? That I like her and she made my world a whole lot better and that I think we should go out?” Ombré took another swig. “If only she was here.”

“Don’t worry cap, she’s right here.”

“What, in my heart or something?” Ombré raised and emptied his mug.

“No, cap. I meant she’s right here next to you.”

Ombré proceeded to spit out his drink on his colleague. Nightingale blinked twice and wiped his face.

“Frost Bite?”

“I’ve been waving from the bar! What’s the matter with you?!” Frost Bite shrieked as she waved her hooves.

“What? Wait, you’ve been here since we got here?”

“I’ve been here way before that! Did all that cider went into your head?”

Ombré felt like his head was frozen in a blank state. He wasn’t sure what to say or what to even do at this point.

“Miss Frost Bite, it is an honor to finally meet Princess Luna’s prized pupil.” Nightingale offered his hoof. “Nightingale, a cadet of the Night Guards.”

Frost Bite took his hoof and shook. “Just call me Frost Bite.”

“So, I guess you heard everything we’ve been talking about.”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

Ombré wanted to run as fast as he could. Every second that passed, he felt warmer. Thoughts—mostly negative—swirled in his head on how this night would end.

“What do you think, Frost Bite?” Nightingale asked with an eager face.

“Well, I think that’s pretty…”

Ombré, still frozen in his seat, braced for the oncoming rejection. His chances were destroyed in his head already, and Frost Bite wasn’t even done yet. His face formed neutrality, but his mind was already in shambles.


Oh no, she said it was nice! Wait, nice? Ombré eyes widened. “What?”

“I think it’s nice you know. To think I made some pony’s world better just by being myself is amazing.” Frost Bite sat on an empty seat next to Ombré. “I’m glad I did.” Frost Bite looked at Ombré and smiled. “But I guess we can go out more. I mean, we only did because you’re my bodyguard.”

“Um, wow,” Ombré gasped. “I, uh, didn’t expect you to take all that so well.”

“Wow indeed,” Nightingale said and then sipped from his mug.

“Well, now that’s all settled, I guess I’ll go back to the castle now. You guys have fun!” Frost Bite got off the seat, and exited the pub but not before giving a final wave to Ombré and his friend. Nightingale waved back.

“Well, cap. From being a measly single Night Guard to a Captain with a special somepony in one night. I’d say things are going well for you.” Nightingale raised his mug to Ombré.

Ombré wasn’t sure what had just happened. Frost Bite seemingly accepted everything he had said.

But I guess we can go out.

He had a special somepony. Ombré began to smile and toasted his mug with Nightingale’s.