//------------------------------// // ~Voices of the Past, Present, and Future~ // Story: Memories of Fire: Second Chances // by creativenamehuh //------------------------------// |Fire, he could feel the heat of the fires around him.| |Sound, he could hear the sounds of battle, the sounds of death, and of suffering.| |Pain, he could feel the pain coursing through him.| |Sight.| Silver Sapphire the Unnatural tilted his head to look at the sight in front of him, while he opened his eyes. He came face to face with a monster, he saw eyes of pure malice, and bug-like features. He came face to face with, an alicorn? No, it wasn't for it had a coat of black, and hair of swamp blue, her horn was twisted, shaped wrong. This was no pony, this was a creature far worse. One that he would learn of soon. "So the sleeping beauty awakens..." uttered the strange creature, "Not a moment to early, and not a moment too late. You're just in time my prince, to see your world BURN." Silver's eyes became wide as plates, and he tried to speak words, but his muzzle was closed shut by some power. He flailed around wildly, but none of his actions seemed to phase the creature. "Oh, you thought I meant Equus? No, I meant your world." ,the creature then cackled loudly, and magic from her horn started shooting everywhere. Though when Silver turned his head to look, all he could see was darkness, from the corner of his eyes he could see fire, but it was like the same power keeping him from talking was keeping him from seeing all this. He was forced to listen to it, which let his imagination do the worst of it for him. "Begone foul being. We have declared our protection over this one, and as such we are within our right to destroy you for tampering with his dreams." boomed a loud feminine voice. "How foolish of you F@#$7. You think you can challenge me?" spoke the creature, however this time with a different presence. It was all for naught however, when red magic wrapped around him, and washed away his vision of the foul creature and the sounds of the world around him. 'Chrysalis is gone now. However I must deal with the other.' Was a random, unfamiliar thought that popped into his mind. Then, this time, another sound filled his ears, talking and the sound of hooves. He noticed he was now in Canterlot, as he finally gained vision of his world. Though everyone didn't notice him, no matter how hard he tried. He knew it wasn't on purpose, for when he pushed somepony down, they would act honestly confused. Silver grew panicked, and worried. Silver's fears coming to him, abandonment, but in his mind he couldn't think straight. It was driving him insane how nopony would look a him, much less speak to him. -However Silver was spared from his temporary insanity when his vision was washed away again, replaced with an unnatural darkness, a type of blindness he really hated.- This time, he was put in a small, walled town. Buildings were burning, and were destroyed. However nopony was to be seen for miles. It was cloudy, no, it was storming. He had no vision of anything other than this small town. Silver was then teleported outside of the town, and saw what in front of him, was nothing short of a battlefield. There were two groups, one of of ponies, and one of smaller versions of the creature Silver saw before. However the- 'Changelings, child' another random, unnatural tought that he knew was not his passing through his mind. However Silver decided to just roll with it. Silver saw that the changelings outnumbered the armored ponies, by a lot. It was around five times a larger group. However looking to the ponies, he saw them all unafraid, and he saw somepony at the front of their formation facing them. He was moving, as if talking, and Silver then realized he was giving a speech. Suddenly he was teleported behind that pony leader. Silver thought he was going to be captured or noticed, but then realized no one was even looking his way. He looked at the pony army while listening to the speech. Stallions. Today, we fight to defend our lands, defend our people against The Swarm. Some of you may know me, some of you may not. However what I need from you today is loyalty, dedication, and discipline. Carry nothing of you from your normal lives, as this battle is anything but normal. You may question the thought process of your princesses for their lack of thought in this. However, remember who the enemy is. They are The Swarm, a hive of changelings led by Chrysalis who go around the eastern lands, raiding, and destroying other changeling hives. They raid Gryphon towns, along with some of the pony kingdoms to the east. Now that they have made their way here, we have accepted some refugees who ran from her destruction. If we let Chrysalis get to them and then run away, one day. One day she would come back with a vengeance, coming to destroy us... So today, fasten your shields and ready your pikes. Many of you will die, but know that you died fighting to defend your families, your people, your right to being alive. For Equestria! For Equus! For Celestia! For Luna! For Cadence! For Twilight! For death and honor itself! If you live today, you will know me by this name. |Silver Sapphire.|