The Heart Diplomats

by Arboreal Blue Leaf

1 - Seclusion

Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria, there were three great tribes which united under the banner of the two regal sisters. Valuing the friendship and the elements of Harmony that saved their kind from the dreadful fate brought by the Windigos, they tried their best to respect and serve those virtues. Since then, pony kind had always been prosperous; Equestria had always been one of the most powerful yet respected lands of the known world.

However ponies grew a certain pride for their kind, consciously or not. They and the Goddesses were alike after all. They had the Sun and the Moon as rulers. They had mastered the weather thanks to pegasi. They could make wonders that none others races could do thanks to unicorns. They had the ability to grow food anywhere because of the earth ponies’ abilities. They had the most powerful artefacts known: the Elements of Harmony. All the foes that had threatened Equestria one day had been defeated. This pride, this deep-rooted pride was not without basis. Unfortunately it had brought to ponies an overweening self-esteem.

Despite Celestia's best efforts to keep this pride under control, her people grew callous to her wise teaching. Year after year, century after century, the kingdom became more and more secluded. Ponies were getting presumptuous as the time passed by The Solar Princess gave up the fight eventually. The diplomatic relations maintained by Equestria begun to crumble before stopping completely.

Twilight Sparkle read again the scribbled notes on her parchment, tapping her hoof on the desk thoughtfully. She had found no evidence at all of a decrease of this pride that had brought Equestria to a diplomatic silence, except with ancient colonies or a few others lands. The verdict disturbed her; Equestria had not had real diplomatic exchanges with Griffonstone for more than three centuries, with the Great Diamond Dogs Tribes of the East for more than five centuries. It was the same with the Minotaure's empire, the lands of bat ponies, Yakyakistan and even ponies in remote places of Equestria.

She wasn't sure why Celestia would have decided to stop entirely the communication with other countries but it was an undeniable fact: pony kind had a serious problem with communication. Despite having a very developed technology, magical resources and much more, they weren't bothering checking on others. She hadn't to search very far to know about this. Her whole life she had dreamt about the legendary Griffonstone's library only to found a few months ago that if was now only a decayed pile of rubbles, as was the entire griffin capital as a matter of fact.

She was willing to change this however. On her impulse, Princess Celestia had decided to get back in touch with Yakyakistan by inviting Prince Rutherford, the current ruler of this kingdom, to visit Equestria. Twilight had personally taken the visit in charge and, thanks to her friends, managed to renew with Yakyakistan. The relationship between the two kingdom was still frail and therefore had to be strengthened. As the Princess of Friendship, she felt that it was her duty to end the Equestrian diplomatic silence; and she couldn't think of a better idea than personally visit the countries and offer them Equestria's friendship. Somepony knocked at the door of her bedroom and brought her back to reality. She quickly gathered the scattered parchment into a pile and asked to the guess to come in. Spike opened the door, came in and rubbed his arm,

“So... You are leaving today, aren't you?”

“I am. But it won't take long Spike; I'll be back in less than a week or two,” Twilight reassured him kindly. “I know you'd like to come, but I have to travel in a very small committee for this first diplomatic visit. Plus, griffons don't like dragons particularly.”

“Aren't you scared? I mean, would you be able to handle the...” He didn't finish his sentence.

“I am going to Griffonstone, what would I have difficulty to deal with? Unfriendly griffons?” she laughed quickly, she wasn't afraid at all.
“I was thinking about their library. You won't get mad when you see it, will you?”

“I'll judge their case later. No one should mistreat a book,” She pointed out, winking to Spike. “I'll just go there and befriend their king. It is that simple!”

“I hope it will,” he sighed. “So, I'm in charge of the castle I presume.”

“Don't worry, I asked the girls to help you with everything.”

“You promise you'll come back soon, do you?” Spike asked again.

“I will,” she said as she hugged him warmly. They stayed like this for several seconds before splitting up.

“Applejack's here anyway,” the dragon said as he went back to the door.

“Is it noon already?” Twilight gasped as the checked the clock on the wall. She had been so absorbed by her notes that she didn't notice the time. “When did she arrive?”

“Five minutes or so. She is in the kitchen with Rainbow and Starlight. The others aren't here yet.”

Twilight nodded quickly and took the saddlebags she had prepared meticulously the day before. She was to leave and take the train in three hour and a half with Applejack in order to get to Manehattan where they would take an airship.

She had been working for months on these diplomatic visits, and had had difficulties to meet the conditions of all the chiefs they would be meeting in the next days. The current king of Griffonstone had accepted their request, as long as they would pay for all the foods and services they would use - a typical griffon's mindset that Twilight was hoping to change. The bat ponies were more restricting: they would accommodate them as long the Equestrian delegation would be counting at most three ponies. They were a very wary kind; and since their capital was hidden deep into the Bug Bear Territory she had decided to enrol a guide in her delegation. Finally, Yakyakistan wasn't equipped with proper airports, they would have to lend in the Crystal Empire and travel through the mountains by walk; thus the ponies of her delegation had to be athletic enough to get through the mountains twice.

Amongst all her friends, Applejack was the most suitable partner to fill all the requirements of this first trip. She had talked with the girls about this and they had agreed on this point. Applejack was the one who would come with Twilight during this trip. Besides, Applejack's commercial skills could be handy in case they have to buy supplies. Of course, she was disappointed that she had to leave most of her friends behind but she had to make concessions if she wanted to visits those countries.

Deeply buried in her thoughts, she barely noticed that her legs had transported her to the kitchen where her friends were talking. She smiled at the sight of Starlight Glimmer discussing with her friends. She was now living In Ponyville. Twilight had been worried that maybe she would have felt left behind. The lavender alicorn got closer and took a sit. Rainbow Dash was the quickest to talk,

“Hi Twilight! Sup? Ready to go?”

“I have never been so prepared,” She answered with a confident grin. “I have everything Applejack and I will have to do on lists, every single place we are going to eat and sleep booked and all the equipment needed waiting for us at the right place,” she finished proudly. “And it was ready weeks ago!”

“So much for an adventure,” Applejack chuckled. “At least ya know what ya doin'.”

“Princess Celestia trusts us, we mustn't mess up,” Twilight pointed out.

“Rainbow told us she already went to Griffonstone in the past,” Starlight stated. “How are you going to befriend their king? It seems that they aren't exactly inclined to friendship.”

“I've been discussing with King Gregaire for the last months by letters, he is actually quite willing to renew with Equestria. It should be the easiest one to befriend amongst all the chiefs.”

“All the chiefs?” Rainbow asked as she titled her head. “Aren't you just going to Griffonstone?”

“For the twentieth time, we have diplomatic trip to six countries, with a return to Ponyville in between. First, we visit Griffonstone, and then we go to the Moonlight Caverns which located at the north of Griffonstone. There we'll find the bat ponies. After this stop, we head to the Crystal Empire where the airship will be left, since we will have to travel through the Yaket Range by hoof. We will visit Yakyakistan and then we go come back to Ponyville. That's the first part of the trip,” Twilight explained as if she was reciting a well learnt lesson. ”Then it will be the Minos Empire, the Diamond Dogs Tribes and, at the very end, the Zebra Kingdom. North and then South.”

“Yeah I remember!” Rainbow exclaimed with a grin. “And we will come with you for the second part of the trip!”

“Ayep, the minotaurs are bigger than bat ponies, but they ain't as restrictive,” Applejack noticed.

“Won't they be bothered to have seven ponies to accommodate?” Starlight asked politely.

“Eight ponies, Starlight, you are coming with us,” Twilight corrected. “The Minotaur King has insisted to meet me and all of my closest friends, you included.”

The alicorn unpacked from her saddlebag the train tickets to Manehattan and the reservation for the airship. She wanted to check it once again with Applejack, this diplomatic trip had to perfect. The future of Equestria's international relationship would depend on it. Words about it had already been spread in the country; some ponies had seen an opportunity in business and had prepared for futures economical exchanges. She knew that a lot of ponies were counting on her. All the more it was her duty as a princess to not fail.

But she was actually feeling confident. With Applejack at her side, nothing wrong could happen. After all, she had thought about every single details and had already had befriended different races before. It couldn't be as hard as it had been with the Prince of Yakyakistan.

No definitely, it would be easy as pie.