//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Sew It Up // Story: Enter Crimson // by milestails16 //------------------------------// Chapter 5 At the Golden Oaks Library, Twilight was walking back and forth thinking. She was still thinking about the new guy that came to Ponyville. Something about him just didn’t seem right. Getting into a fight with 3 guys and beating them without a scratch? Fixing her shelf so fast and easily? It’s just not possible! “That guy” said Twilight, “Something’s not right about him” What also confused her was what he said this morning. What he said definitely wasn’t English, nor was it any other language she’s ever heard of. Also earlier, Fluttershy visited and told her about Crimson visiting her. She said that supposedly him and Discord have been friends for 20 years. If that’s true, then why does he look so young? “That guy is hiding something, and I’m going to find out what it is!” Grabbing a quill and blank scroll, Twilight started writing her message. After writing the last word, she handed her scroll to Spike as he sent her message to Canterlot. Watching the scroll burn up and the ashes blow away, Twilight waited for a reply with much anticipation. Waiting for a response from her old mentor always seemed to excite her. Don’t ask why, that’s just her. After a minute of waiting, and a loud belch from her assistant, Twilight got her answer. “Dear Twilight Sparkle, I’m afraid I cannot give you personal information about another person. While I applaud you for only looking out for your friends, you cannot go through one’s personal records just because you fear something is strange about your recent encounter. Sincerely yours, Princess Celestia” After Spike finished with reading the letter, Twilight decided to sit down in one of the library’s reading chairs, attempting to rethink her next step. She wanted to try and know more about the new guy with no difficulties. But since Celestia isn’t giving her what she wants, getting the info may be a bit difficult. With no information easily gathered from her mentor, she’d have to get it herself. But, since the only person that knows Crimson is Discord, she wasn’t going to be able to get all the info she wanted. Letting out a loud groan of frustration, she almost gave up. That is, until, an idea popped into her head. “Wait a minute” she said, as an actual light bulb lit up above her head, “If Princess Celestia won’t give me the information, then I can just have her come to Ponyville and have her tell me the information! I’ll just ask her to visit for a little tea time!” _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ At Fluttershy’s Cottage Fluttershy was sitting on her couch, feeding her pet rabbit Angel a carrot. As she was about to pet him, Discord and Crimson appeared out of nowhere, in front of her with arms around each other’s necks. Caught off guard, she jumped a little and let out a small scream. Even though she’s gotten a bit tougher as time went by, that doesn’t mean she can’t be scared easily. Having regained her composure, Fluttershy brought her attention back to the two men in front of her, who seemed to be laughing at something. “Then the guy guy in the middle wakes up and says, ‘That’s funny, I dreamed I was skiing!’ “ said Discord, possibly ending a joke. This resulted in the two laughing more, as a tear or two slid from their cheeks; tears of joy, not sadness. “Oh boy, Discord” said Crimson, as he wiped away the tear, “I don’t know where you come up with this stuff!” Finally taking notice as to where they were, he spotted Fluttershy sitting right in front of them with an almost fresh cup of tea; she must be somehow used to this, since she held no expression of fear. She just sat there calmly, sipping her tea. “Welcome back you two” said Fluttershy, as she looked up at Crimson and Discord, “Did you enjoy yourselves?” “Why of course, my dear” said Discord, giving his lovely young wife a charming smile. He knew that Fluttershy couldn’t resist his smile; it was one of the things she loved about him. Slowly curling up next her, wrapping his arm around her waist, Discord looked deeply into Fluttershy’s eyes and couldn’t help but get lost in them. Her eyes, such beauty, it was one of the things he loved about her. “However, dear Fluttershy,” He said, as he gently placed a kissed on her cheek, “There was one thing missing, and that was you. But you’re here now, and that’s all that matters” Fluttershy couldn’t help but let out a soft giggle as Discord gently kissed her cheek. There was something about Discord, she didn’t know what, that made her did what she was about to do. Quickly, as an almost devilish grin grew upon her face, she deeply kissed his lips. This has happened once or twice, but it still surprised him. Not wanting it to stop, Discord wrapped his arms around Fluttershy’s waist, as she returned the favor by wrapping her arms around his neck. By the time they had gone further than that, Crimson had already left. “Okay...” said Crimson, already half a mile away from Fluttershy’s cottage. As he was about to head back into Ponyville, a thought came to him. Quickly examining his clothes, he noticed how they had a few scorch marks and smelled slightly of soot. Coming up with an excuse for the smell would be easy, but the marks might be somewhat a challenge. He should be able to easily get rid of the smell, but not the marks. Maybe there’s someone who can fix his clothes. As he headed back into Ponyville, Crimson looked around for somebody to help him out; possibly a tailor. After asking 2 or 3 people, his search lead him to quite a fancy building. It almost looked like a carousel if it were a boutique. Taking a quick step in, a bell above Crimson went off; letting off a little chiming noise. After closing the door, a little girl came rushing down the stairs towards the door. “Hello and welcome to the Carousel Boutique!” said the little girl, in a cheerful tone. Before Crimson could say anything to Sweetie Belle, said little girl pointed at Crimson with such joy. It took a few seconds to figure out what was going on, until Crimson realized who she was. “Oh...crap”