//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Lighting Can Strike Twice // by Lightning_Colt //------------------------------// "Why does Ponyville need to have a storm right now"? Exclaimed a panting Pegasus as he sheltered a stumbling Unicorn, who could hardly move more than a brisk stroll, with his left foreleg. The mare had a pure white coat with a pale pink mane with white specks in. On her rump was the image of a Pestle and mortar. The colt on the other hand had a proud dark crimson coat with a well-kept yet greying mane and moustache. This colt had the image of a hammer, nails and a carpenter's square on his rump. The mare collapsed, but the colt was prepared for anything, quickly manoeuvring himself underneath the mare but carefully enough not to disturb the large mass at the mare's abdomen which has slowed her. "Come here darling" he cooed, leading her underneath a large Oak tree. "We're not going to make it to Ponyville in time" said the mare nervously. "Don't worry about the baby, if it comes to it. I'll deliver it right here, right now" he said reassuringly as both he and the mare lowered slowly down to their haunches. "Oh A-Brace!" screamed the mare as she clutched her bulging abdomen as a wave of contractions fell upon her " The baby!, it's coming!" After what felt like hours for the mare but in actuality were mere minutes, the Pegasus called A Brace clutched a bundle of towels with a newborn Pegasus inside. "It's a boy!" "Oh A-Brace!" replied the mare. "He's beautiful", the young pegasus' coat was a bright Cobalt Blue and alongside that his mane was a magnificent Azure and Cyan mane and tail. The mare sat there leaned against the tree staring at the foal in her forelegs "what should we call him?" She asked A-Brace, "hmmm" replied A-Brace, scratching his chin with a hoof, "how about Jack Hammer, after your grandfather?" replied the mare. "Are you sure?, what about your father?" "what kind of pegasus wants to be called Happy Remedy?" "Good point" chuckled A-Brace. A loud crash of thunder shattered the mood as both pony's ears dropped from the noise and they moved closer together sheltering from the storm. The mare's eyes panned towards A-Brace. "Let's discuss this at home". A-Brace nodded in agreement and helped his wife to her hooves. A-Brace went to the road to try and spot anypony who could help them. A sudden CRACK of lightning almost made the colt jump out of his horseshoes he turned and started back towards the mare who held a face of stunned horror. "WHAT IS IT? WHAT'S WRONG?" He exclaimed as he searched her for any injuries she said nothing as she held out the bundle of towels. The edges were singed as though they had been too close to a fire. He looked deeper in the wrappings and saw sparks of energy arcing over the pegasus. Their newborn colt had been struck by lightning.