//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Canterlot Wedding Aftermath Prt 1 // by Lugitorix //------------------------------// When the tweeting of the morning doves came flouncing into the room... it caused a stir in all of their beds. Leaving the windows open made a very good alarm system... so long as some of them would wake up in the first place. Fluttershy was of course... the only one to rise from her bed, floating a few inches of the ground, stretching, and yawning, her mane rustled, and tangled from such a very long night's sleep. She was utterly exhausted from the celebrations... however... it was only ten AM. Yes, she was quite an early bird one might say... always on call to help her young animal friends. Her eyes were curved upward, happily closed as she flew to the window, resting softly on the sill, as a dove stood in front of her. "Good morning Mr... and Mrs. Dove.", she greeted, as a second one joined the first, "Did you have fun at the wedding like we did?", she giggled softly at their nods, and soft bird calls. "Didn't the bride look soo lovely?", she asked, smiling very softly... Twilight merely turned over in her sleep, the bed farthest to the very last window in their room... beside the bookshelf of course. And a candlelight. Between both her and Fluttershy, they went in an unaverage order... Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity... whom all slept in complete peace... well... save for Pinkie Pie, as she was quite the oddling of the group. Rolling along her back every-so often, messing up her covers, even snoring at some points. It was strange... when she inhaled, her cotton candy hair fluffed inward, against her... and when she breathed out... it puffed out like usual. Rarity slept in her usual bed gown, and of course... the sleep shades, that mint green patch she strapped over her eyes... to keep out the light. She of course, slept in near complete silence... save for the snoring, which made her ear, closest to Pinkie, twitch, and flutter every-so often. Applejack slept quite sound, obviously, she always had her hat nearby... in fact, it was laid atop her sheets, directly over her belly. Her eyes were shut lightly, but she was quite a heavy sleeper this time around... it had been a long week... Rainbow Dash of curse, slept almost as restlessly as Pinkie Pie, squirming about in her bed every once in a while, and of course... a Daring-Do book at her side... probably had been up all last night reading it. Fluttershy gazed very politely behind her, "Oh don't worry about them... they've had a long few days, and just need their sleep.", she closed her eyes in a very happy smile, of all creatures... birds were one of her most sociable with her, "And I must say... your vocals were very good during the wedding song.", she had begun to fix her mane a tad bit, as it hung down over her eyes... The began to chirp back to her, practically smiling back to her... But then the bedroom door slammed open, sending them away in a panic... not only that, but startling Fluttershy to the point where she fell out of the air, onto her rump. "Everypony wake up!", Spike came running in, mostly running passed everyone, and to Twilight. "Huh?-Whuh?-Uuh'waht'n tarnation?-", Applejack popped out from her covers, rubbing her eyes. Pinkie Pie woke up, almost like a popping balloon, "Morning Spike!", she smiled widely, though her hair in a tangled mess. Rarity sat up, "Spike... you know it's more courteous to knock before you enter, darling..." Rainbow Dash flailed, "WHA!", wiggling about until she fell clean out of bed, "Hey! What gives?", she sat up, half her face concealed by that of the bed sheets. Spike skid to a halt in front of Twilight, shaking her about. "Ah!- Spiiike!", she tried to shove him away, before she sat up, her hair frizzy, and tangled as well, "What's going on?...", she asked, her eyes low, and sleepy looking, before she shook her head, trying to wake up. "It's important!", he raised his arms into the air, looking at everypony around him, "There's a new Unicorn in town!" … Of course... THAT on it's own accomplished nothing more than a long, annoyed, and audacious groan. "Yeah?", Applejack began, "Lemme guess... the'great and'a powerful?-" "No!", the baby dragon crossed his arms, and huffed, "Anything but that!... He showed up at the Canterlot gate an hour ago.", his eyes narrowed, "And he wants to speak directly with Princess Celestia!", his arms went up in the air... trying to snap them out of their trances. "What would just ONE Unicorn want with the Princess?", Dash inquired, her head still not yet fully unveiled from her bed covers, "It's not like another invasion of bug... things, again!", her hooves grabbed the blanket, and she wrapped herself up once more. "But that's not the point.", Spike added, waddling back over to Twilight, however, still gazing about at everyone else, almost a glare, "Princess Celestia wants all of you in the palace before he is allowed in! She said it's something of great importance!" Twilight rubbed her eyes again, still baggy, and tired, "Ugh... fiine...", of course, they had no choice anyway. With a swift motion, she was free from the covers, hopping out of bed, "Did she say anything else?..." "Um... no, that was it, actually...", Spike put a claw to his chin, "She didn't really tell me much else." "Well, if it the Princess of Equestria calling us to her royal palace...", Rarity stood, already, her mane in tip-top condition, well pampered, and ready to leave... already. "Then we should not keep her waiting, shall we?" "Ugghhh...", Dash tried to cover herself more heavily, "You can go without me.", she stated, before having the covers ripped off my none other than Applejack. "Sorry hon, no slackers'ere.", she announced. "Ugh, fine. I'll go... I'll go.", her wings lifted her to her hooves. Fluttershy soon joined the conversation, "Do you think everything's alright?... After all..." "Yeah... A'mean... we DID just save Canterlot'n comp'ny uh few days ago... ya think that Changelin's comin back?" Twilight was just brushing her mane to a more presentable appearance, "Well whatever it is... It's best we not ignore the Princess Celestia's calling... I can only imagine of what she's about to tell us.", she looked back at her friends, unsure of what was to happen, "I mean... anything could go wrong after what's happened in the past few days... Everypony knows that.", Twilight was just thankful it most likely had nothing to do with her Brother, or new Sister... The brush plopped back down onto the dresser, "Lets go everypony!" Transition~ The doors to the might Canterlot Palace opened, and soon, the Mane Six, accompanied by Spike... entered the grand hall. Great portraits of both Canterlot, and Equestrian history, from their founding, to present day decorated this place. "I must say, I've never been here before.", Rarity walked alongside Twilight... though she got no answer. "Princess Celestia!", Twilight trotted forward, followed by the lot of them, "You sent for us?", she asked. The Princess stood at the very end of the hallway, gazing up at one of the paintings, an odd painting, a dark painting. The colors oh so transmuted, and outright unpredictable. It was something she had... maybe been staring at for a while, until she was interrupted of course, "Ah, Twilight Sparkle.", she bowed her head with a smile, but soon frowned, standing more firm, "I am sorry to wake you all to unexpectedly... but we've a... guest.", something seemed concerning about that. Twilight cocked a brow, tilting her head, but before she could speak. "Is he moving to Canterlot?", Pinkie Pie bounced into the front, smiling widely, "I could throw a party for him!", she squealed. To this outburst, both AJ, and Dash expressed their most sincere embarrassment, their heads turning aside, smiling uneasy... perhaps not the best time Pinkie Pie... maybe later. "I'm afraid not.", Celestia sighed, lowering her eyes, "He arrived asking council with me... what for, I do not know" "Council?", Rarity asked, tilting her head oddly... an odd choice of words. The Princess nodded, "Not only does he wish to speak with me... I fear there is more to his arrival than a simple word.", she turned toward a grand white marble, gold rimmed door... it was beside them, it was the door to the palace dining room, "I did not wish to concern you all until the time came... but a number of issues have showed themselves to my eyes... and they cannot be ignored... even for the shortest period of time.", her eyes narrowed, looking off into the distance, very dominantly... she was unhappy. "Do you even know what he wants?", Twilight asked, stepping a hoof forward. "Not in the slightest... he has not arrived yet... the guards are putting him on a temporary leash... We've not learned great things about him in the past few hours..." "So what'ya want us to do?", Rainbow asked, flying a few feet off the ground, crossing her hooves with a smile, ready to take on any assignment given to her. Celestia smiled, her eyes still very strong, yet low, and graceful, "I want you all present when I speak with him-", but there was a rummaging from down the hall. Celestia looked back, her eyes wide, a frown on her delicate face, as the rest of the Mane Six practically mimicked her. Six guards, few of them armed with spears even... came barging in. "Princess Celestia! The messenger has escaped!" There was a very loud unlocking off the great door behind them. Making them all look up in shock, and awe. A dark red magic was at work, slowly opening the double doors, large enough to practically be city gates. Inside, the room was lit ever so peacefully by the sun. The windows allowed all light into the room, the table had, even in the daytime, candles lit, the pictures were straight, the dining table was in perfect condition... nothing seemed wrong. Inside, there was one thing that stuck out... but they had to look at it for quite a while to notice why it was so... out of the ordinary. The fireplace. It was lit, and it was lit very finely... however. There were no logs to be lit or burned, nothing around the structure... and nothing inside of it. And there... right THERE, beside the fireplace, leaning against it, enjoying the warmth it gave him. Was a dark Colt... a Colt, not a Stallion. His coat was that of a paper gray color, his tail, and mane... a long, thin, very pale red, almost glossy-looking. His eyes were closed, but when the group entered, staring at him, they opened rather politely. Celestia entered, agape at him... she could see how he was mistaken for a Stallion, as he was quite tall, and very broad for a Colt... however, he did not look over-exaggeratedly powerful. In fact... he looked like a royal guard, out of his armor... a rare sight one might add, "How did you get in here?" That question seemed to liven him right up, as he stood straight very quickly, very leeringly... with a smile, "Ahhh, Princess Celestia... I wouldn't worry yourself with the minor details, that's not why I'm here..." "Your name is Solster Fire.", the Princess accused, "You're wanted for being an arsonist.", her accusation was... correct. The girls all looked up to her, but then to the Colt. "And a bit NarcisSIST.", he brushed his hoof along his mane, gazing into one of the mirrors on the wall, "Buuut... that's beside the point...", he looked back at them, he was more or less just taunting them, "Come on my lady... take a fine seat...", he chuckled, sitting himself down into the throne chair at the far end of the dining table... a place only for royalty... he wanted to show his highest disrespect. However, the Princess only took a seat at her own, "If you insist.", she then glared very lightly, "I do not have much patience... given my circumstances. What is it that you are here for?" Twilight frowned, her mouth opened in a slight... confusion, as she, and the rest of them entered, watching the visitor on the far end. To their surprise, and to possibly irritate the lovely princess... the Colt merely smiled, his eyes looking down to the table before him, his horn glowing darkly, raising a tall, thin pitcher of water... pouring it into a tall crystal glass, "Oh but you'd be surprised how much patience I have... after all... whatever you've got on your mind, I don't really care for either way.", he twiddled his hoof along the very top of the glass... getting that pretty whine... a sound only crystal-ware could make. He slid his hoof around, many times... until the last- Was a NASTY streak, a high pitched cry of the glass' abuse... yet it looked like he did nothing at all. He soon levitated it up, and guided it to his lips, "Mmm...", he chuckled, setting it down... then, almost unexpectedly, he attempted to... lighten the mood. "I must say, you all look lovely this fine morning...", he turned aside, "How have you all been?" Applejack seemed to be the most intrigued, cocking a brow, narrowing the other, until she curiously answered, "Coulda been a lot worse..." Twilight Sparkle sat at the first chair beside Celestia, on the right of her, her ears lowered, a frown on her face. Celestia frowned... what was this Colt's game? "It's not been easy for us, I can say such a thing." "Well from what I've heaaard.", he shrugged, a very opportunistic grin, his eyes on the easy side, a dark orange, "And... well, let me just say... Canterlot...", he raised the glass to the window, at the nearly destroyed city, "Looks oh so lovely in the summertime.", he looked down, and let out a very quick laugh... the glass setting beside his empty plate. The Princess sat more upright, "Enough. What do you want?", she commanded him. To which he merely replied with a leering smile, "My lady, dontcha worry one bit... I ain't here to be collectin anything uh value, or to ask anythin tedious...", he blinked, his expression changing very easily, to something more dark, "I just wanted to warn you..." Rainbow Dash had been listening for only a minute, but his sarcasm, and rudeness had gotten the best of her, "Warn her about what?", she was flying, right before the Colt, staring with him eye-to-eye. He initially pulled his head in, but soon, relaxed, smiling, puckering his lips, and blowing a long, white stream of smoke into her face, "I don't believe I was talkin to you... Loyalty.", he gave her a low, toothy smile... tilting his head to look to all the others. Dash had recoiled, coughing a bit, "What gives?-" "-Uhh, sugar Cube, best get on back'ere for something bad happens?", Applejack recommended, smiling uneasily... she could tell that this wasn't exactly going very well. Rarity only gazed at the visitor, she had actually wore black sunglasses, low, rectangular ones... to hopefully look more official... but now they were slipping down her snout... she was a tad bit distracted. Spike gulped, walking around the table with a plate of appetizers... why?... he hoped it would... maybe EASE the tension... the only one who accepted food was the Colt himself... well... make that two as Pinkie was so caught up, she grabbed an entire handful of snacks, and stuffed her face. The colt fiddled with one of the celery sticks, "I want ta be utmostley clear with you... They want you to relinquish your crown." ...Silence... Celestia's pupils narrowed, her eyes wide, agape... did he really just say such a thing? "HA!", Rainbow Dash pounded the table with her hoof, zooming up to him once more, "As if the Princess would ever do something like that! What for, anyway?", this set her on a course to completely assault him with questions. "Cant say.", he answered the Pegasus, smiling in such a calm tone, "Not permitted to...", a soft, looming chuckle escaped his throat, his ears rose from his mane, they had been concealed... the one thing that truly stuck out on him... they were very long, and pointed. They looked like an Imp's... but he was all Unicorn. "Who's they?", Twilight asked for the princess. He looked from the Pegasus... to the unicorn down on the far end of the table, "As much as I'd like ta answer yer question, sweetheart... I can't... not... permitted to.", he turned back to Dash. "You can't just not tell us!", Dash accused, before suddenly being pulled back by the tail... Twilight's magic reeling her in like a fish. Pinkie Pie suddenly burst into action, "No way-de-addy-way would Celestia get rid of her crown!", she growled, much like a big cat, in an attack position on TOP of the table, "Not. Even. For. a. Special Party guest!" Rarity scoffed, "Why the NERVE.", she turned her head away. "you gotta be kiddin me...", Applejack began, laughing almost, "Aint no pony can just make her give up the crown like that... hoo'WEE you gotta be pullin our leg!", she smiled... but she'd a much worse feeling than that. All the Colt did, was frown... very blandly at them all, "You think I'd come this far justa yank yer chain?", he smiled very amused of their denial, he rested a hoof on the table... gazing at them from twenty two chairs away. Celestia had been quiet for so long, she soon closed her eyes, a frown crossing her face... this was unheard of. She stood, "You believe you have the right to stand before me, and ask me to relinquish my crown to this... They?" He smiled leeringly to her, "Why... yes.", he looked left, and right, his long, sharp ears down a little as he inquisitively began a little exercise, "Say this candlestick...", he pulled forth a tall wax candle, his horn, sparking, and giving it a tiny flame, which only got bigger, "Is Equestria...", he smiled softly, but then, "Now... they want you to know... if you don't give them the crown, and renounce your power...", he shrugged very slowly, and suddenly blew out the flame, "Simple as that, my lady.", he indeed had a very mild southern twang. Celestia narrowed her eyes, and got out of her chair, "Get out.", her horn hastily opened the very large doors. The colt lowered his head aside, but his eyes never left her, "So hasty ta be rid uh me, ah?" "Get out, now.", she showed him little sympathy... how dare this colt enter her palace and demand such a thing! By now, Twilight, and company were at her side... making sure he left without any trouble... The six guard were on the other side of the door, standing at attention, three spears lowered, ready to escort him off the premises. But he only smiled, "If ya insist, my lady... but I think it'd be best if ya... heed ma warnin, as they do not like to be ignored... especially by you.", however the door shut harshly on him at the end of the hall... This left one last guard, "My lady?", he asked, standing at attention. "Double the guard.", she did not want a reply, nor question... just that he get it done. Closing the dining room doors on him, and looking down to the Mane Six, where she stopped, she frowned. This was going to be a looong night. --- AU: Always emphasize the word "They" It means the eyes present in both Chapter 1 and 2.