Heart and Mind

by Quick Fix

Past Ten - The Crusaders

December 21st

Dear Apple Bloom,

Sorry I haven't had a chance to send you anything since October but everything's been happening at once in Manehatten. The shop was really busy and the focus I've been missing for some time came back to me. Then I managed to secure a spot at the Breaker Field event on the 16th and they loved it. My music career seems to be making a comeback and there are no words for how good I feel right now.

I've missed being able to hang out with you and Scootaloo though, just the three of us able to have fun together like back when we made up the CMC. I hope we can still have a chance to do so, I'm still coming home for Hearth's Warming after all. I'll be arriving on the midday train on the 21st, hopefully we can still pick up where we left off and I can meet the new Crusaders you mentioned.

Can't wait!

Your friend,
Sweetie Belle

Apple Bloom felt like she had read the letter through at least a dozen times since it arrived three days ago. This was a perfect chance for her to, to come out to her friend. Even though arguably the hardest part was over, she still wanted to tell the other former Crusaders the truth, even if the mere thought scared her. What if they weren't as understanding as Pinkie Pie had been? All she could really do was say it and see what followed, it wasn't like this was a big deal...Except for the part where it really, really was to her.

She shook her head and checked her winter gear over before putting it on, it wasn't that long before the train arrived and she'd arranged to meet with Scootaloo first and head there together. Fortunately the weather had relented over the last week and the winter harshness was giving way to the Hearth's Warming spirit across town, which thankfully meant much less chance to slip on ice. Not that she was going to suffer that twice, her leg was back up to strength and the scar was covered by the surrounding coat, nopony would have to know now. With her protection from the cold in place, she headed out into town, shivering slightly at the wind chill.

A fair few ponies were out and about today, getting into the holiday spirit. Apple Bloom didn't recognise half of them with how wrapped up they were, though she was so focused on her own thoughts she didn't really notice many of them anyway. She was meeting Scootaloo outside of Sugarcube Corner, so she had about that long to come up with how she was going to come out to her. Much as she was trying to keep it together, her nerves were starting to fall apart and she couldn't stop thinking how similar this was to the nightmares she used to have. How her friends slowly drifted away from her for what she was, what she'd become...No, real life wasn't going to be like that, the darkness of those nightmares held no sway in Celestia's light.

She came to a halt as she reached Sugarcube Corner and looked round, waiting for her friend. The wait did little to ease her nerves though and by the time she saw Scootaloo coming she was fidgeting slightly in desire to just get this moment over with. Apple Bloom swallowed quickly, steeled herself and waved Scootaloo over. Now or never time...Again. Probably not for the last time either. No, this was going to be fine, this was one of her closest friends, she would be fine with it.

"It's been too long. How've you been?" Scootaloo asked as she came over and hugged Apple Bloom in greeting. She had some of her own winter clothing on, long socks and a thick cape that kept her wings covered.

"Oh, you know. Not alone at least," Apple Bloom replied, blurting out the first thing that came to mind, at least she wasn't embarrassing herself as badly as if she'd said nothing. "I'll tell you what's been happening after we get to the station. Sweetie Belle's train arrives in twenty."

She glanced away nervously, trying to think of something better to say as they set off for the train station. The two of them walking side by side, trying not to think about how long it had been. Truth be told, they hadn't had a chance to see each other since the start of November. Scootaloo had been busy with some private project of her own and Apple Bloom had been working on the missing pony case with Pinkie. She still needed to find a way to ease into that and-

"Come on, Apple Bloom. Can you at least tell me where you've been and with who? I won't breathe a word of it to anypony. Pinkie promise." Scootaloo started to do the motions but caught the edge of her cape and almost tripped over. Apple Bloom couldn't help but giggle at the sight as she helped Scootaloo to steady up, it probably wasn't intentional but it had lifted her spirits. She smiled and nodded, feeling a little better, enough to bite the bullet and tell her at least.

"Well, for you then. I was planning to tell you and Sweetie Belle some of it together and make you pinkie promise anyway. I was in southern Equestria with mah-I mean, with Pinkie Pie. She wanted me along to investigate a farm down there, I don't really understand the full story yet but we'll be back down there soon...There's something else, something you can't even think about around anypony else right now."

Apple Bloom looked down for a moment, mentally kicking herself for fumbling her words like that. She glanced round and decided not to risk it out loud before stopping and leaning in to whisper in Scootaloo's ear. Even at this last moment, with all her determination steeled, she couldn't bring herself to tell the full story.

"I ah...I-I've fallen in love, with a mare."

She moved away and looked down again, feeling a little...Shame? She couldn't explain it but she didn't feel right telling Scootaloo like that and any confidence in a positive reaction was diminishing quickly. All she could do was wait to see what happened in the next few seconds.

"Seriously?" Scootaloo sounded more puzzled than anything, though that was still better than Apple Bloom had expected. "I'm...I'm actually really impressed. Really, congratulations."

That, she really hadn't expected that. Apple Bloom looked up in surprise to see that Scootaloo was grinning at her, clearly serious about seeing this as a good thing. She smiled back weakly and slowly started walking again, Scootaloo trotting after her.

"I mean it, it takes a lot of guts to accept something like that, plus it doesn't change anything for the worse. You're still the same Apple Bloom I met at the cute-ceanera all those yours ago, only now you're even more awesome. If anything, that's the kind of thing that makes Ponyville so special."

"Awww, thanks Scootaloo." Apple Bloom smiled softly and gave Scootaloo another hug in thanks. Scootaloo simply patted her shoulder and let it go. Once Apple Bloom let the hug go they continued on, moving onto talking about their day to day lives as if they hadn't had any time apart at all. Just another small sign of how close their bond was, Apple Bloom thought to herself. Plus she was right, Ponyville was the accepting home of all kinds of ponies, this was just another form of that.

"Lot of ponies about today." Scootaloo mused as they entered the station. Apple Bloom couldn't help but agree when she saw the sight ahead of them, the building was far more crowded than usual with what looked like a mix of paparazzi and locals waiting for somepony.

"Is some other big name arriving? I know Sweetie Belle was popular but I wouldn't have thought she'd get this reaction now."

"Guess we'll find out soon." The two of them started to slowly make their way through the crowd, trying not to disturb too many ponies. A few of the ones with cameras noticed Scootaloo and took some pictures but the lack of focus showed she wasn't going to be the centre of attention, though that just made it easier for them to make their way through.

The platform was less crowded for now, more ponies out here that looked like they were actually waiting for a train. Apple Bloom looked round before nudging Scootaloo and pointing to the end of the platform. A unicorn wearing a full fur outfit and some rather fetching glasses was discretely waving them over from there. The two of them trotted over immediately, even from where they'd been standing they could tell that it was none other than Rarity. Of course she'd be here to see her little sister, though Apple Bloom privately wondered how she'd found the spare time to do so.

"Glad you could make it, I'm sure Sweetie will love seeing us all here." Rarity said happily, as if she'd been expecting them. Any further conversation was cut short by the sound of a whistle. Rarity looked back eagerly while Scootaloo and Apple Bloom watched in anticipation, watching as the train approached. A number of ponies from inside started to move out into the snow as well, gathering round and waiting to see if any celebrities were on board as the train pulled up. The doors opened up and ponies made their way out onto platform, mostly just local ponies but one pony quickly drew the attention of the crowd.

"Is that...?" Apple Bloom's eyes widened slightly as she caught sight of the paparazzi's target, a green pegasus with gold mane, blue eyes and a bass clef cutie mark.

"Deep Note, yes," Rarity answered. "He often does music at the same shows as Sweetie. I'm not sure why he's here though." She looked down toward their end of the train and beamed. Making her way out from the last carriage was a familiar white-grey unicorn with a bushy two tone mane, stunning sleek body and silver microphone cutie mark.

Sweetie Belle took one look at the trio waiting for her and gave a squeak of pure joy, dropping her saddlebags to one side, rushing up and hugging Rarity. Apple Bloom watched the unfolding reunion, feeling a lot calmer at how well this was going now. After a few moments Sweetie put her hoof out and managed to wrap it around her and Scootaloo, pulling her two closest friends into the hug and holding it, barely keeping herself from being reduced to happy tears. Considering she hadn't seen any of them in at least seven months, it was understandable.

"Oohhhh I missed you all! I was going to get gifts but I got a rush at the store so I thought you wouldn't mind me getting something local." Sweetie Belle said quickly, that ever familiar squeak creeping into her voice as she hugged them tighter. Rarity giggled softly and nuzzled her gently, glancing over at the crowds to make sure they hadn't noticed her. Thankfully, most of them had already followed Deep Note elsewhere.

"I already have the best present I could ever get." Rarity said softly, hugging Sweetie a little tighter.

"We all have." Apple Bloom added, stepping back with Scootaloo to let the two sisters have their moment. After a minute, Sweetie Belle broke the embrace and shot a grin at the other two. Scootaloo put her hoof up and the others quickly joined in with a three way hoofbump, just like the old days.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders, reunited!" They held it for a moment, just savouring the moment, before they let go and the four of them made to head back into town. Rarity hung back for a moment to make sure she had Sweetie's saddlebag before following the others, watching happily as they started chatting.

"So what've you been getting up to back here?" Sweetie asked eagerly, prompting a grin from Scootaloo.

"Where do you want to start, my high intensity training or Apple Bloom's adventure to the south?"

"Actually, it was more south-east," Apple Bloom commented, prompting a look from Scootaloo. "What? I was stressing out, I'm gonna fumble details in that situation."

"Stressing over what?" Sweetie asked, prompting Apple Bloom to look away slightly.

"I'll explain once we're in town."