A misunderstanding

by Element Reading

Chapter 5: Time for planning

It's been 1 hour, Anon has showered and got on a black shirt, dark blue jeans, and black crocs. He was lying in his bed, it was red with purple sheets, he was on his laptop.

Don't ask me how it works because, magic? Let's go with that. He was playing War Thunder (great game) until he heard a knocking on his door, "Come in!"

The door opened and Luna walked in, "Anon, Celestia would really like to talk about the plan with you.

Also you need to get back on the treadmill, you need to lose those last 5 pounds."

"Ha ha, tell Celestia I'm busy."

"Doing what? Playing games, come on." He groaned and closed the laptop. He jumped out of the bed and walked with Luna to the Throne room.

On the way they talked a bit about a comeback for Celestia's comment on Luna. It was after Celestia had a lot of cake, "I may eat a lot of cake, but you eat a ton of chocolate compared to me." Anon had a few good ideas which Luna loved.

Now, while Luna was getting Anon, Celestia was gonna play a little trick on Anon. She had one of the chefs pour a crap ton of laxative into his root beer. You gotta love the laxative prank.

Anyway, Celestia was at the head of the table, she was waiting patiently, until she saw the big ass door open a bit letting Anon and Luna enter the room. "Greetings Cele," said Anon.

"Hello Anon, Luna." Luna bowed her head as they each took to their seats. Celestia grinned as she saw Anon start to drink his root beer, "Okay, my plan is to have Twilight and Rainbow Dash go to a retreat which discord will make them do it, he won't watch... hopefully.

They won't remember, but that won't stop the reporter's from breaking down their doors to get the scoop.

What do you think?" Anon just stared at her, he took a big gulp finishing the soda, which made Celestia snicker a bit.

"Well, I think it is a great idea, I really wanna see that." She looks at him with a confused face,

"The plan or the reason the reporters are there?"

"Both, oh and I need more.... uh oh." He jumped out of his chair and started to run, Celestia was grinning so much her face started to hurt, Luna looked at her and asked.

"Laxative?" Celestia replied

"Laxative." They started to laugh.

Now Anon was running down the long hallways towards his room, at his current speed he will hit his human toilet in about 2 minutes, he will only last 30 seconds before all hell breaks loose, "Oh god, oh god, oh god! Celestia why?!" He stopped right next to the royal gardens, he tries to think for a second.

Though his ass pushed him into the gardens, he looked around for a spot to squat. He looked over at a bush. Without thinking he runs to the bush and pulls down his pants exposing his naked ass.

This isn't clop, so no description of his ass here, use your imagination.

His face tightens up as he drops the bomb load.

After 5 minutes he pulled up his pants and looked at the bush, he groaned because it was dead, along with everything else in a 5 yard distance, "Really?!"

A gardener walked near Anon, he was about Granny Smith's age with all brown coat and mane, he took a sniff, after a second he fell down from the smell, Anon ran over to him.

The gardener asked, "What is that infernal smell?" Anon thought for a moment, he got a great idea.

"Well, Celestia was drunk last night and took a giant dump here, sorry my good stallion."

"Ah, more of her drinking, here I thought the dumps here were over."

"Wait, she did it multiple times?!"

"37 last time I checked, 237 if you include vomiting." The gardener got up.

"Damn, she needs to stop, along with her cake eating."

10 minutes later:

Celestia and Luna were still in the dining room, Celestia was eating a fruit salad, Luna was eating a magnificent baked potato with sour cream stuffed in the center. Anon opened the left door, they looked at him, he was sweating and looking very pissed.

"Celestia!!!" She stared at him, "You put laxative in my damn drink! You live.... for now, just note that I have seen pictures of you before the operation!"

Luna looked at her, "What operation?"


Celesita just sighed, "Alright Luna, 500 years ago, I was over 400 pounds." She did a spit take spraying water all over her side of the table. "I had my fat sucked out and using magic, I destroyed all the left over fat. I vowed never to speak of it again." Anon was smiling while Luna was holding back some words until.

"I so told you so!! I told you so much! HA I was right!" Celestia dipped her head and sighed.