//------------------------------// // Who are you? Part I // Story: The Next in Line. // by gmoneywalker //------------------------------//         “Aquaris!”  The filly bristles up against you as you scoop her up into your hooves, hugging her with all the might your battered body can muster, which isn’t much, if you’re being honest.         The little unicorn fidgets awkwardly in your grip, unused to such open and physical displays of affection from her big brother.  Her little pink cheeks morph into a shade of crimson in response, clearly embarrassed to be so openly appreciated in such a public venue.           “Okay…”  She squeaks out, clearing her throat.  "Who are you and what have you done with my brother?” Same mother and father, same Aquaris… Some things really don’t change.                 A chuckle rises up in your throat as you loosen your grip and let her slide free from your embrace, much to her relief.  “Awe, I missed you too sis.”         The filly regains her footing, her horn lighting up with a shimmering green glow as she uses magic to brush herself off.  “Clearly.”           You tilt your head and give her a sort of ‘come on’ look.  A cocksure grin spreading across your face.         She groans grumpily in response.  “You’re gonna make me say it.  Aren’t you?”           “Say what, Aquaris?”  You ask playfully.         A heavy sigh slides past her lips.  “Fine.”  A sneaky smile slithers across her face as she looks up at you, big green eyes awash with mirth.  “I missed you too, big brother.”           Chuckling heartily, you pat her lightly on the head.  “That wasn’t so hard.  Was it?”         “Wow!”  Your mother exclaims, cutting Aquaris off before she can hit you with another dose of snark. “I don’t think I’ve seen you two be so affectionate with one another since… Well, ever, now that I think about it.”           “Yes.”  Your father, clearly unable to stop himself from adding in his two cents, speaks up.  “Truly, the end times are upon us.”         You notice your sister’s eyes wander towards the white unicorn standing beside you, her expression morphing from one of vague happiness to confusion and curiosity.         “Who’s this?”  She asks.         Rarity steps forward, the glow around her horn fizzling out as she brings the dolly full of her luggage to a stop nearby.  The wobbly wheels let loose one last, harsh squeal before it stops moving entirely.  You feel a slight sense of relief wash over you as a result, you’d been listening to that damn thing for the past fifteen minutes, give or take, and it was starting to really grate on your nerves.  You’re about ninety percent certain that’s what the sound of madness is like.  A hell of squeaking and squealing.         “Rarity, darling.”  She holds out a dainty hoof, your sister takes it and gives it a gentle shake.  “I’m your brother’s marefriend from Ponyville.”  The two separate hooves, Rarity offers the little filly a soft smile.  “My, aren’t you just the prettiest little lady?  I love what you’ve done with your mane.”           Your sister perks up a bit at the compliment, running a small hoof through her shortly trimmed jet black mane, smoothing it down.           “Really?  I prefer it when it’s longer, personally.”  Your sister admits, beaming up at the older unicorn.  “But I’ve gotta keep it short for swim team.”         “Yes, really.  It looks quite lovely on you.”  Rarity bends down a little and giggles.  “I hear short manes are all the rage these days.  And, so much easier to style.”  The fashionista fluffs the curl of her coiffure with her bruised hoof.  “Easier than this, anyway.”         “I bet that is pretty tiring to deal with.  It looks really pretty though.”  Your sister sends a compliment of her own Rarity’s way.  This brings a smile to your face, you’ve never heard her be so… well, pleasant, with another pony before.  Rarity brought out the best in everyone, it seemed.           “Oh!  Thank you.  That’s very sweet of you to say.”  Rarity finishes mussying with her mane and offers the filly a smile.           Aquaris shoots you a smirk.  “I really like this one.  You’re gonna keep her around for a while, right?”   You can feel your cheeks burn a bit in response to that particular remark.  You definitely weren’t pleased with having your past relationships brought up in front of Rarity, it made you feel… dirty.  Unfaithful and unreliable, you doubt Rarity lets the words of others way her opinions of you, but it still stings a bit every time those other relationships get brought up. You push the doubts away, and wrap a hoof around Rarity’s own in a gentle show of affection.   “Forever, if I can keep her around that long.”  You say, giving the unicorn’s cheek a loving nuzzle.   The fashionista giggles demurely in response to the physical contact.  “Keep that up and you’re sure to have me hanging off of you for years to come, my dear gentlecolt.”     Your sister seems genuinely impressed with the sincerity the fashionista holds in her voice.  It’s now you realize that she’s likely been exposed to just how poorly your previous relationships all went through osmosis, you’d never really talked to her about them, never really brought them up in her presence, but she was a smart, observant, filly.  Her knowledge of how poorly all of your relationships end up isn’t particularly surprising.   “Yes this is all quite pleasant.”  Witherspoon speaks up, slipping between you and your parents as he marches towards the red and black carriage parked at the curb nearby.  “But now that we’re quite finished with the meet and greet, shall we be off?”  The old stallion shoots you the smallest of smirks.  “I’m sure the young master is eager to show his beloved his old home, hm?”   You feel the frown carve deep, jagged lines into your face.  To be perfectly honest, your old home was one of the last places you wanted to be.  Though it holds many a pleasant memory, and you’re sure Rarity will positively adore the lavish abode, the unpleasant memories are much fresher in your mind, and you’re loathe to go picking at old wounds.  Still… confronting those memories, your past, is the reason you’re here.  Though part of you wants nothing more than to turn around and march right back onto that train… You made a promise.  A promise to the mare you care about more than anything else in this world.  And you like to consider yourself a stallion who keeps his promises. “Right…”  You turn to Rarity and offer her a forced smile.  “I’m sure you’ll love it.” “Oh, well… I do hope so.”  The fashionista lays her ears back atop her head and offers you a soft smile and giving your hoof a comforting squeeze, picking up on your evident trepidation at the prospect of returning to the home you’d left behind so many months ago.  You appreciate the attempt, though it does little to ease your troubled thoughts.   Witherspoon pulls the door leading into the carriage open with a slight flick of his head, allowing Rarity to step into the lavish interior of the vehicle, followed by your parents, then your sister.   A puff of warm air leaves your nostrils as you steel yourself for the journey ahead, and march forwards.  Witherspoon stops you before you can step inside, his hoof landing warmly on your shoulder.  He smiles, lips curling upwards behind his bushy, grey moustache.   He utters your name in order to garner your attention.  “It’s good to have you back… I know it’s not easy confronting your past, but I think you’re making the right decision.”  He gives your shoulder an encouraging pat.  “For what little that’s worth.” You return his affections with a weak smile of your own.  “It’s worth a lot, Wither.  Thank you.”   He lets his hoof fall away from your shoulder, coming to a rest against the hard, grey pavement below.   “Any time.”   You nod, offering him your thanks once again, and step inside.   ------------------- The spacious interior of the carriage rocks back and forth, albeit gently, as the stallions pulling the cart pick up their pace.  You shift uncomfortably in your plush leather seat, thoughts drifting as your eyes wander out the window to your right, your thoughts racing. It took a while.  Maybe you’d been too distracted by your family and Rarity to really think about it at first.  But now it hits you, full force.  The realization has officially sunk in and it won’t be leaving anytime soon. You’re back.   It’s not a dream, not an idle fantasy.  You’re actually here.  Back in the place it all started.  The realization doesn’t sit well with you, and you suddenly find yourself plagued with worry and doubt.  On the train ride over it hadn’t quite sunk in yet, the realization of what’s to come.  It had still seemed… Far away.  Distant.  You could push it out of your mind for a while and pretend that things were fine.  But now, here you are, reality staring you in the face.   You sigh and let your eyes drift upwards. The sky is mostly empty, occupied by only the occasional fluffy white cloud or a meandering pegasus.  The air outside the cart is warm, stuffy, though the speed at which you’re travelling means that the gentle breeze that results helps alleviate some of the discomfort that might have resulted from the temperature.   Eventually you get bored with sticking your head out the window, and settle back into your seat, casting an idle glance about the interior of the carriage.   Directly in front of you sits your mother, your father, and Witherspoon.  Each of them engaged in idle conversation about nothing of immense import.  You hear your father mention loans and accounting, so you can only assume it’s something bank related.  As a result you instantaneously tune out. Besides you sits Rarity, her head turned as she runs a gentle hoof through your little sister’s hair, studying it beneath a scrutinizing gaze.  “My, you have just the loveliest mane my dear.”  Rarity beams, smiling gently at the filly. “I take pride in my mane.”  Your sister states rather matter-of-factly as she gives her head a flamboyant flick, flaunting herself.  “My brother’s a different story, though.”   You self consciously reach a hoof up to rub at your messy and unkempt mane.  You’d spent years trying to get it to look like something to be proud of, sadly, no matter how much you brushed, washed, dried, styled, and gelled, it just never really cooperated.  You’ve pretty much given up at trying to make it look halfway respectable at this point, short of shaving it all off and going commando, you’re pretty much out of ideas. Rarity glances back towards you, over her shoulder, and flashes you a smile.  “I don’t know, I think it has it’s own charm.  Rather dashing, if I do say so myself.” “If you say so…”  Your sister says, less than convinced. You offer Rarity a small smile as thanks, before turning back to your window in order to attend to more pressing matters.  Like sulking, and feeling sorry for yourself. Yeah, much more pressing. It doesn’t take long for the fashionista to pick up on the sourness of your mood, you still aren’t really expecting it when she presses a hoof against your shoulder.  The sudden and unexpected contact causes you to jump slightly in surprise, the mare recoils slightly in response.  You turn to look at her.   “Is everything okay, darling?”  Rarity inquires, her expression fraught with evident concern.  “You’ve been awfully quiet.”   Your ears lay flat against the back of your head as you sink down in your seat apologetically.  “Sorry, Rare.  I’m just feeling a little… You know, apprehensive I guess.”  You offer her a weak smile.  “I’m fine, really.” The fashionista raises an eyebrow and cocks her head to the side, the curl at the end of her illustrious coiffure bouncing lightly in response to the movement.  She is clearly less than convinced.   “You, my dear, are a terrible liar.”  She says, a touch of amusement creeping into her voice.   You chuckle lightly.  “Really?  On a scale from one to Applejack, what would you rate me?”   “A solid seven.”  She answers without missing a beat.  “But, seriously my dear.  Will you please tell me what’s bothering you?” You sigh heavily, disappointed to find that your attempt at deflecting the situation with humor had evidently failed.   “It’s just… you know.”  You lower your voice, the last thing you want to deal with right now is having your family chip in with their two bits.  “I’m just not comfortable here.” Rarity leans forward, dropping her voice as well.  “Do you want me to ask them to stop the carriage so you can get out?”   You shake your head.  “No I don’t mean in here, Rare.”  Your eyes meet as you look up at her, self-doubt and worry becoming ever more evident the longer you let your emotions seep through the cracks of the steely mask you’d been wearing for the better part of the last hour.  “I mean here.  Manehattan.  It just doesn’t… feel right.”   The fashionista’s eyes widen a touch in understanding.  “Ah, I see.”  You feel her wrap a gentle, loving hoof around your own as she attempts to comfort you with her touch.  “Are you having second thoughts about this whole thing?” “Well, no… not really.”  You answer relatively honestly.  You’re not exactly regretting the decision to come here in an attempt to deal with your emotional baggage, for Rarity’s sake if nothing else, but still, it’s one of the most uncomfortable feelings you’ve ever experienced. “It’s just, you know… I’ve got a lot of bad memories here.” “I understand, dear.”  Rarity leans in and pecks you gently on the cheek, bringing a twinge of a smile to your lips.  “I’ll be with you every step of the way.  Okay?” You nod.  “Thanks Rarity.  I appreciate it.”  You don’t have the heart to tell her that’s precisely why you’re so scared of doing this. Rarity has been so kind to you, so loving, so generous… you care about her more than any other pony on the planet.  Part of you feels confident that no matter what happens here, she’ll always feel the same way you do.   Still… the doubt plagues your mind.  What you did… nopony can really come away from something like that and still look at the pony responsible the same way. At this point… all you can really do is hope. ------------------- The carriage jostles to a stop, knocking you out of your mute reverie.  You blink your eyes a few times, focusing them for the first time in what feels like forever.  You turn your head towards the open window to your right and peer outside, in the distance you see your family’s manor, three stories high, with it’s walls painted a stirling pearly white.  The building was surrounded on all sides by verdant green grass, maintained by only the best fertilizer and gardeners money could buy.   “Looks like we’re here.”  Your father chirps up, glancing out his own window. “My, that was rather quick.”  You feel Rarity’s side press up against you, her soft fur rubbing up against your own, silken and warm, like velvet.  She joins you near the window, her magnificent blue eyes widening with sparkling wonder as she drinks in the stunning visage of your family’s abode.  “Goodness!”  She exclaims, a tone of wonder coloring her voice.   You turn to smile at her, putting on a confident and gracious show, mostly for her benefit.  “Like what you see, Rare?” The fashionista shakes her head, her lips curling upwards in excitement.  “Oh I most certainly do.  This is where you lived darling?”  She asks, almost incredulous of such a possibility. You chuckle and shake your head. “Mhm, wouldn’t know it to look at me.  Huh?”   Rarity pats your cheek affectionately with a hoof.  “Oh of course I would.  You’re one in a million my dear.”   A snort leaves your throat as you scoff jokingly at her compliment.  “Flattery will get you everywhere Rarity.”   “Well!”  Your sister pipes up, stretching her legs out in her seat, her stiff back and neck popping audibly as she loosens herself up.  “Gettin’ a little too romantic in here for me.  Can we go inside now?  I have studies to take care of.” “Studies you should have had finished hours ago, young lady.”  Your father chides the filly, much to her evident chagrin.  “But you’re right, no reason to dally.  Come along everyone!”  The older stallion hops out of his seat, rocking the interior of the carriage back and forth slightly as a result.  His unicorn horn lit up as the thick wooden double doors leading into the carriage flung themselves open via the use of his telekinetic magic.   You and your companions all shuffle outside, into the stuffy summer air, your hooves clicking and clacking against the hard cobblestone paved walkway that wound upwards to the entrance of your family’s manor.   “Here, let me help you Rare.”  You reach up and offer the fashionista your hoof, she takes it and offers you a grateful smile in return.  You grunt lightly, your banged up body aching a bit in response as you bare the brunt of the unicorn’s weight as she eases herself down to the ground.  She doesn’t weigh much, not that you’d say anything about it if she did, but your still tender wounds have made even the lightest of weights seem more difficult to lift than usual.  Thankfully you’re an Earth Pony, which means you’re a little stronger than the average Pegasus or Unicorn. Well, it ain’t telekinesis or flight, but it’s something to be proud. “Thank you kindly, my dear.”  Rarity turns back towards the carriage, sparkling blue eyes wandering towards the cart packed full of luggage that had been tied haphazardly to the back.  You can see her looking it over, double checking to make sure none of the bags had escaped during the trip from the train station to here.  It wouldn’t exactly surprise you if a couple of them had, after all, you’d loaded the poor thing up to such a degree you’re surprised the stallions pulling the cart could even get it moving. “Anything missing?”  You ask, following Rarity’s gaze with your own. “No… I don’t believe so.”  The unicorn turns to you, ears laying flat against her head as an apologetic expression passes over her face.  “I’m just wondering how exactly we’re going to get it all unloaded.  Let alone fitting it in the door…”   You let a sigh slide past your lips.  “Starting to regret taking half the boutique with you?”   The mare chuckles nervously in response.  “I didn’t take half!”  She swats you playfully with her tail.  “Only about a third.  At best.”  The fashionista turns to you again, batting her eyelashes at you seductively.  “You are going to help me with it all.  Aren’t you, my dear?”   If your eyes had rolled any harder they’d have probably fallen out of your head.  “I am your assistant, after all.  Doing this sort of thing is kind of my job, isn’t it?” The unicorn rewards your acceptance with a heartfelt kiss to the cheek.  “You are simply the best my dear.” You smile to yourself, heart warmed by the comment, and start to make your way towards the back of the carriage.   “Well, I’m glad somepony finally noticed.” ----------------------