by Deidorimu

lullabies: Part One (S1C5)

Larkspur hummed a lovely tune as he collected a few more dry twigs off the ground. He was nervous being alone and humming usually calmed his nerves. And the forest was quite unsettling, what with the thick fog and echoes of distant animals every so often; whether birds or wolfs Larkspur could hardly tell.

The forest was awfully humid so finding dry wood deemed a challenge for Larkspur. Though he had no choice, if he and his coltfriend wanted supper for the night he had to make a fire. So here he was, alone in the forest collecting wood. A dozen yards away from the campsite where his colt friend was setting preparations for the meal.

Larkspur spotted a small river bank and chose to take a break nearby. Setting down the wood he had collected on the driest spot of dirt possible, Larkspur sighed and plunged his hooves into the calm water. The water was sharply brisk, despite it being summer; though the sun was dropping so the temperature had fallen. Larkspur, however, found the water to be relaxing, splashing large hoovefuls onto his face and drinking some in his cupped hooves. Once he had his fill, Larkspur took a moment to look at his reflection in the water.

His black hair was still nice and tidy, even after hours of traveling. His dark purple eyes reflected the water back into his own reflection, and his coat complimented his eyes well. Though a dull purple in comparison, still a fine color for a pony of such scheme. He could almost see the cactus shaped white and purple flower mark upon his rear through the ripples of the water.

Larkspur smiled and looked to his surroundings. Despite his nerves, the forest was actually quite nice. The setting sun and thick fog gave the area a very serene feel, with a blue and white tinge. The cool wind of dusk was the perfect chill to provide a cozy, calming breeze. Not to strong nor too weak, nor cold either, the wind was perfect. The scent of dew and wet grassy dirt enshrouded the area, and the gentle water flowing amongst the river rocks was like a calming tune to Larkspur.

The forest, truly it felt like a place that could only exist in one's dream. It was beautiful, it was pleasant, and it was calming. And it was exactly why Larkspur had chosen this very location to bring his coltfriend. A nice place, away from the chaos of central Equestria.

Larkspur sighed peacefully and allowed his shoulders to slump down. His nerves had calmed and he was at last relaxed.


It, however, did not last long. Larkspur jumped to his hooves and looked to the direction of the scream, which faced him back to the campground. "Aster!?!" Larkspur shouted. His voice was crisp, quite young for his age, reminiscent to a college student fresh out of grade school.

"LARK!!!" a stallion shouted.

"ASTER!!!" Larkspur dashed forth, galloping back to the campsite. Leaving behind the pile of dry twigs and sticks.

Quickly maneuvering around trees and small bushes, Larkspur found himself back at the campground in no time. A small area containing just as many trees as the rest of the forest, with the exception of a small patch of free space to set up a tent for two. There was a rock pile meant for the fire three feet away from the baby blue tent, and a saddlebag full of food; dropped to its side and abandoned near the rocks.

Larkspur frantically looked about, rushing and searching in the tent only to find it unoccupied. He spun around, "Aster!?! Aster where are you!?!"


The sound came from behind the tent. Running around, Larkspur found himself almost immediately gasping for breath as something wrapped around his neck. It took him a moment to realize it was his own coltfriend: Aster.

Aster was a smaller than average stallion with a feminine snout. He spoke with a soft voice that equally matched his appearance. He had white and blue, flat, soft hair, baby blue eyes, and a coat only a shade lighter than his eyes. He held his legs frightfully around Larkspur's neck. His head almost jabbing into Larkspur's chest as he shook.

Larkspur grabbed Aster by the shoulder and looked him in the eye, releasing the tight grip that choked him. "Aster! What happened!?"

Aster stuttered, speaking fast, "t- there, there's, t- there's a- a- a-"

Larkspur interrupted, "Aster, breath."

Aster complied and took a deep breath. In through the nose and out through the mouth, calming himself as Larkspur caressed his mane.

Larkspur allowed him a moment before he asked, "now tell me what's wrong. What's gotten you upset?"

Aster, still shaking, said, "I- I- I thought I saw something."

"What was it?"

"I- I don't know. I- I, i- it almost looked like a filly. O- Or a mare, I- I couldn't tell."

"You thought you saw another pony?"

Aster shook his head fast in response.


Aster looked to the right and pointed to a patch full of large bushes. Larger than the others surrounding the area.

Raising a brow, Larkspur released his coltfriend and walked calmly to the area.

Aster frowned and cried out, "Larkspur! Don't go looking there!"

Larkspur looked over his shoulder and gave a warm smile to Aster. "Relax my little flower bud. I'll go see if somepony is really there. If someone is than I'll introduce myself. There's no need to be afraid."

"B- But I thought you said we were the only one's here", said Aster, shaking ever more frightfully now.

"I could be wrong, it doesn't hurt to check", said Larkspur, turning back and walking to the bushes.

Aster placed his hooves to his head and whined under his breath, "but it might!"

Gingerly, Larkspur approached the bushes, keeping caution while maintaining his composure. Though he felt uneasy to investigate the bush, he still needed to act calm. He didn't want to accidently set his coltfriend into a panic attack just by seeming slightly distraught. Aster was easily spooked by the little things and this time was no different. Perhaps a forest critter rustled the bush and scared him? Larkspur didn't know, though he felt confident it was nothing. Placing a hoof to the bush, Larkspur, both wanting to seem brave and wanting to get the fright over with, quickly pulled the twigs aside and peered within the bushes.

Inside was nothing, just plain, empty bushes. Larkspur smirked, "just as I thought". He turned to Aster and said with a smile, "see? It was nothing. Probably just a bunny rabbit or something. There's no need . . . to . . . what- what are you looking at?"

Aster's eyes were wide like grapefruits, his jaw dropped to max length as he squealed; too afraid to even speak. His fear peaked, too scared that even his body could no longer shake. He wanted to scream, but was too afraid to do so. And he couldn't run, he had gone stiff. All he could muster was a poised leg, pointing like a statue behind Larkspur.

Now Larkspur felt afraid, as he slowly turned around.

Half a foot from his face, on the other side of the bush, was a mare of questionable age. She stared into Larkspur's eyes, somehow without eyes of her own. Empty pitch black sockets somehow staring, oozing a dark, mysterious liquid. Dripping from the sockets, along her face, dripping down her neck and onto the ground. She hadn't any fur, her skin was a pale water blue, like moonlight on a lake; and she hadn't a cutie mark. Her tail and mane were long and flowing. A long, streaming, vapor like, see through, white hair. The way it flowed made it seem like drapes in the wind. Appearing like a ghost, or a phantom.

Blankly staring to Larkspur, she spoke a voice both male and female. Like a duet of both genders speaking at the same time. Yet, the voices were manipulated, as if the female was being strangled and the male was a demonic being. It was a horrific voice fit for tarterus.

"Would you like to play?" the mare said, smiling a leaking smile of the black liquid.

Larkspur screamed the loudest he had in his life, and Aster followed suit.



The Doctor and his companion Dean Do in:


Chapter Five/Segment One



The M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T squealed as it materialized in the forest, landing no where specific.

The door opened and out stepped the Doctor, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply. He sighed contently, breathing out the wondrous, fresh forest air. "Humid, dusk, wet grassy dew, ahhh. Just my kind of place", said the Doctor. Taking a step out of his machine, the Doctor looked to where they had landed.

It wasn't a clearing or any particular spot in the forest. They landed in a place just as full of trees and grass as the rest of the forest had to offer. Bushes scattered about, the final chirps of birds before the end of a day. A completely ordinary spot for a forest.

As the Doctor stepped out, Dean Do quickly followed, taking in the sights of the forest around him. "Wow", Dean breathed, turning in a circle as he walked to look at everything.

"I know! Beautiful isn't it?" said the Doctor, smiling.

"Where are we?"

"I told you, a random forest."

"No, I mean, where in Equestria are we?"

The Doctor laughed excitedly, "ah, but that's just it. We're in a random, unnamed forest outside of Equestria!"

Dean spun around, facing the Doctor, "what!?"

The Doctor nodded, "eeyup! That's right! Welcome to the edge of Equestria! We are just five miles outside of the border in the unnamed forest. Which is odd, because when you think about it that technically gives this place a name doesn't it? So it would be the, "Almost Named Forest?" Nah, that sounds stupid."

Dean shook his head, "wait, wait, wait, we're outside of Equestria."


"In the unnamed forest."

"Pretty sure I just said that."

Dean anxiously placed a hoof to his head and exclaimed, "b- but, t- this- this is the unclaimed territory! We're not just in an unnamed forest, we're not even in a country anymore! Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to be in land that isn't part of a country, or even civilization for that matter!?!"

The Doctor chuckled, "oh Dean, your worrying too much! Sure this isn't Equestria or a country but that doesn't mean it isn't safe. I've been in plenty of unmarked territories before and nothing ever went wrong . . . most of the time."

Dean looked to the Doctor dumbfounded, "oh really? Well, that's reassuring isn't it?"

"Alright fine, if it worries you that much than I'll just scan the next trace real quick and we'll be off. That sound better?"


"Okay, than I'll just . . . oh! Almost forgot. Dean, could you run in and grab the scanner please? I got excited and ran out before grabbing it", said the Doctor, pointing to the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T.

"Sure", said Dean, turning and walking back into the box.

The Doctor waited patiently for Dean as he listened to the sounds of the forest. The chirping, the gentle rustle of leaves as the soft wind blew, bits of dust and pollen flowing along the breeze every so often. He loved the colors as well. The forest, thickened with tree, made it a challenge for light to pass through. What little did mange to pass the branches and leaves gave the area a subtle hint of orange and blue, the setting sunlight illuminating whatever it could. The various brown colors of oak and maple, bright green and frivolously watered grass and leaves, damp, soft, moist dirt as far as the eyes could see. The Doctor couldn't imagine a better place to be, and he took a deep breath and sighed a heavy, content sigh to express it. "Brilliant, absolutely brilliant", the Doctor said under his breath.

It was so amazing, and he couldn't express or feel more so than he did now. This forest, he loved it, three minutes he's been here and already he wants to spend the night. It was so perfect.

And that wonderful singing just made it so much better.

" . . . . . Wait a second", thought the Doctor, perking his ears to the sudden appearance of the new sound.

He turned away from the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T and listened close. It seemed to be coming from a mare, singing a soothing melody of sorts. Like a mother singing a lullaby to a child. It was quiet at first, the Doctor only hearing the melody. But as the Doctor paid closer attention, slowly, the mares voice became clearer. Though it was difficult, as her voice would fade in and out.

"Setting sun . . . . orange dusk . . ." the voice faded.

"Hello?" the Doctor called out.

No response, the voice faded in and sung once more. "You rest your head . . . . you run away . . ." the voice faded.

"Hello! Is anypony there!?" No response, so he cupped his hooves to his mouth, "hello!"

"Doctor?" a voice said suddenly.

The Doctor screamed. And as he screamed the second voice screamed, which only caused him to scream louder. As the Doctor screamed and turned, he found that the second screamer was actually Dean, clutching the magic scanner to his chest.

It took a second for the Doctor to realize he must have scared Dean just as bad as Dean had to him. The Doctor took a breath and exclaimed, "Dean! What- i- it- you-"

Dean frowned and said with a start, "bloody tarterus Doctor! What's gotten you jumpy all of a sudden!?"

The Doctor thought for a moment, embarrassed as he formulated a rational response. He couldn't think of one and responded, "I- I . . . didn't- didn't you hear that?"

Dean raised a brow, "hear what?"

The Doctor pointed to a random direction in the forest, "that! That singing!" Dean gave the Doctor a look that was clear he hadn't a clue what the Doctor was on about, so the Doctor pressed on, "a mare was singing just now! Didn't you hear?"

Dean tilted his head, "uh, no pony was singing Doctor."

The Doctor nearly pressed on, before stopping himself to sigh. "You probably didn't hear because you were in the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T."

"Actually it only took me a second to grab your scanner. When I came back out you were shouting at someone, but I didn't hear anyone reply."

"What? But you . . . eh, never mind. Doesn't matter, its just singing. Here, give me the scanner and I'll-" The Doctor stopped and perked his ears.


"Shh!" the Doctor shushed Dean, raising a hoof to his lips. He cupped a hoof to his left ear and listened, as a sound slowly faded in.

" . . . . Setting sun . . . . Orange dusk", the voice faded.

The Doctor smiled, "I knew it!" Looking to Dean, he said excitedly, "you must have heard that time!"

Dean looked confused as before as he said, "what? I didn't hear anything."

"Wha- your joking, right?"

Dean shook his head.

"B- but, it was clear as day! The singing! How can you not hear that?"

Dean started to become worried, and expressed it with a look. "Doctor? Are you feeling alright?"

"Wha- I- I", he stopped suddenly, and looked beyond Dean, staring for a moment.

Dean looked back, curious, but found nothing there. He turned back to ask, but found he didn't need to. The Doctor's expression made it obvious he wasn't looking to anything. He was, instead, deep in thought. His mouth hung open, without blinking, the Doctor was motionless for a few seconds. Before he startled Dean with a quick and sharp gasp.

Whatever the Doctor was thinking it was intense enough to make him visibly afraid, and it made Dean worry. Before he could ask, the Doctor ordered suddenly, "follow me!"

"What? Where are-"

The Doctor, already running forth to a random direction, looked over his shoulder and shouted, "toss the scanner into the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T and follow me!"

"What!? But Doctor!" Too late, the Doctor had ran somewhere into the forest, the vast amount of trees hiding him from Dean. Dean sighed and did as he was told, quickly tossing the scanner into the box and shutting the door before turning to the direction which the Doctor ran in. "Doctor!" Dean shouted, running forth and hoping to catch up to him.

It was difficult running through the forest, keeping a sharp eye out for oncoming trees and bushes to swerve around. Which wasn't too difficult with the ones he initially saw. However, some of the trees grew quite close to another, and were positioned in the perfect spot where Dean couldn't see it until after he had avoided the prior tree. Whenever that happened, Dean would practically have to jump to avoid collision. Not only slowing him down but also diverting his attention from finding the Doctor.

As the forest grew darker, it became more difficult for Dean to maneuver through. Bits of twigs, rocks, and other various things on the ground became increasingly difficult to see. Eventually, he had to run slower than usual and keep most of his focus to the ground, making sure he didn't trip. Not to mention his nerves growing uneasy, as night fell many of the nocturnal animals were beginning to awaken. And already, Dean started to hear them. Whooing, cawing, or howling loud, their noise echoing amongst the forest.

To make matters worse, Dean realized he had ran into an area completely covered in fog. He didn't notice at first due to lack of lighting. However, the further he ran the more he noticed the fog becoming thicker and thicker. Eventually, Dean couldn't tell whether the darkness or the fog was giving him the most difficulty seeing.

Dean shivered as he felt the humidity become brisk, "Doctor!" No response, so he called again, "Doctor!" Again, no response.

At this point, Dean had to stop and catch his breath. He clutched his chest, waiting for the pain of cold air coursing through his lungs to subside. He could feel himself sweating now, and it was relieving, for a mere thirty seconds. The heat of running dropped after his break, and the cold air chilled his sweat, making it too cold for comfort.

Dean wiped the sweat off his brow and felt his heart, waiting for it to calm down. Soon after Dean took a deep breath, cupped his hooves and shouted, "DOCTOR!!!" He waited for a moment and listened, looking around as he did so. Though, trying to search for the Doctor seemed useless, as the immensely thick fog made the entire forest look like part of a cloud. Even without the fog Dean still wouldn't be able to see through the trees, let alone the dark.

Dean's nerves grew worse, and he could feel his heart picking up speed again. The lonesome feeling and being openly exposed in a place such as this, he felt defenseless and lost. Yet despite so, Dean still couldn't but feel absolutely irritated at the Doctor for getting him in this position. All because he ran of to . . . why did he run off?

Dean didn't think the Doctor said, and that only irritated him more. He groan, cupped his hooves together, and shouted, "DOCTOR!!!" He waited for a moment and listened, but heard nothing. Nothing but the sounds of the forest itself.

"Blast!" Dean exclaimed. He took a step, nearly about to start in a gallop to search somewhere else, before a sound made him stop. A cracking, crumbling of dirt or twigs, and stomping hoof steps coming in his direction. It sounded like a pony stomping from a distance towards him. Dean's first thought was that it was the Doctor, and he turned to the direction the pony was approaching from, frowning. "Ugh that better be him- DOCTOR!!! Hey Doctor!!!" Dean shouted.

He waited for a response, expecting the Doctor to reply, but it never came. In fact, Dean realized that the noise he had heard, the stomping sound, it wasn't exactly that. The hoovesteps were heavy because this pony was galloping. He couldn't see the galloping pony through the dark and the fog, but whoever they were must not have heard, for they didn't slow down. Either that, or they didn't care.

Dean suddenly felt that familiar sense of danger creep into his gut, and his heart began to beat quicker. He took a step back and shouted, "hey!"

No response, the galloping continued, growing louder as it approached closer.

"Hold on a second! HEY!" Dean shouted, turning to run. Only, he didn't move very far. In fact, he had only ran three feet before slamming smack dab into a tree. His sights popping with stars as he felt the entire front of his nose smash back into him. He fell and landed on his back, clutching to his nose as he groaned. It took him a second before he lifted himself up with his left leg, standing on the one leg as he held his sore nose with the other.

The hoofsteps were close, and Dean could see a dark silhouette appear with the fog, making out the shape of a pony.
It startled Dean and he stepped back, forgetting about the tree he had ran into. He walked backwards into it, his back now lined against it, cornering him between the tree and the approaching pony. Who was now very close.

He looked to the tree, then to the pony, and his mind went blank. He couldn't think of anything that could help him, or anything he could to help himself. Him mind went empty, and nothing seemed to appear. Without any alternative, Dean lifted his left leg and shouted fearfully, "wait!"

The pony appeared from within the fog, rushing out and bellowing the loose, moist dirt behind him. He practically blowing the fog in swirls, making this pony appear ghostlike. Which only made him much more frightening to Dean. However, the frightfully grand appearance of this pony caused Dean to see this pony as such; a phantom. He didn't see a pony running with their head down, not even looking to where they ran.

Dean screamed, closed his eyes, and raised his legs over his head protectively.

The pony, only now having noticed Dean, jerked his head up and screamed as well. Dean's scream frightened him, and the pony stomped his hooves to halt and prevent running into Dean. However, he had ran too fast and instead tripped over his own hooves. He fell hard, scraping along the dirt and rolling before knocking the back of his head into a tree; a tree several feet away to the left of Dean. The pony cried out in pain as they held their head, laying on the ground and shivering.

Dean heard the knock of wood and opened his eyes. He looked over to the pony who cried and noticed him holding his head. He hadn't a clue what happened and was still frightened of the stranger. However, despite his nerves, Dean curiously approach the pony. Keeping his distance as caution, he gulped and asked, "hey, are you alright?"

The pony gasped upon hearing Dean and turned his head suddenly to look to him.

That movement startled Dean, and he jerked back slightly. However, seeing the pony lying there, crying and hurt and obviously not a threat, it made him feel safer. Still uneasy, and worried for the stallion, but safer nonetheless.

He was a baby blue stallion with purple and white hair. He had scruffy hair, a messy, dirty tail, and a cutie mark of what appeared to be a large white and purple flower. The stallion was dirty and had cuts from the fall. He was noticeably shaking and was crying, as evident by the glistening eyes and trail of tears running down his face.

Dean assumed he must have tripped, though he didn't see to know how it happened. And Dean realized the stallion must have bumped his head, as he continued holding the back of it and wincing. But what Dean noticed the most was the clear as day fear expressed on the stallion. Dean had thought he was scared, but this stallion looked like he had just been chased by a demon. And he was breathing quite heavily, whether by the fear or being tired, Dean couldn't tell. Heck, Dean reckoned it could be both. This in turn calmed Dean and he felt sympathetic. "Are you okay?" Dean asked.

The stallion didn't respond. His breathing continued at speed as he stared Dean down, appearing to be observing him, as if he were waiting for Dean to do something. He shivered before wincing from his head.

Dean noticed and took a step forward, "your hurt aren't you-"

The stallion saw Dean approach and shouted, "stay away!"

Startled, Dean stopped and took a step back.

The stallion, openly crying yelled, "I- I don't know who you are! Y- You better stay back!"

Dean raised his hooves to his chest and responded softly, "I'm not going to harm you. Honest, I just want to help."

The stallion ceased his crying for a second upon hearing "help". He blinked to Dean, a shimmer of hope apparent to Dean behind the stallion's glistening eyes. However, the stallion was still afraid. He stuttered with uncertainty, "h- how am I s- supposed to know your telling the truth?"

Dean thought for a moment, unsure how to respond and gain the stallion's trust. He didn't want to frighten the stallion away, and he surely didn't want to provoke him if the stallion was willing to fight back. He needed to calm him, assure him that he was no threat. Puzzled, Dean thought to himself, "I know I've seen this before. The Doctor had to do the same thing with Millie when she was frightened. If only the Doctor was here now. I wonder what he would do to help".

Suddenly, a clever thought popped into the colt's mind, something reminiscent to the Doctor. Dean smiled warmly and sat on his hunches, both remembering and trying to replicate memories of the Doctor's actions from the past few days. Specifically, to reenact the actions the Doctor took to calm Milly. "If I were going to harm you, wouldn't I have done it already?"

It seemed to have worked, as the stallion lifted his head closer to Dean. But it wasn't enough, as the stallion quickly retreated. "Y- You could be tricking me?" the stallion stuttered, sounding more as a question than an assumption.

"Remember the Doctor and Milly, remember the Doctor and John, remember how he went about both of them", thought Dean. Relaxing his muscles, Dean attempted to look as passive as possible as he responded, "I promise I am of no harm to you sir. I only wish to help you". Dean's tone and attitude seemed to work, the stallion's hopeful expression had returned. However, he didn't want to lose him, so Dean continued; pointing to the stallion's injuries. "My friend is a doctor. We were separated but if you come with me we can try and find-"

"A doctor! Really!?" the stallion exclaimed, a sense of relief present in his tone. The stallion, upon hearing "doctor", was looking to Dean with hopeful wide eyes.

Dean nodded, "absolutely! He can help you, but you'll have to come with me so we can find him."

The stallion's eyes watered and his lip quivered. Practically leaping, the stallion bounded forward suddenly and gripped Dean's shoulders. "You mean it!?! You and your friend will really help me!?!"

Dean, though caught quite by surprise, managed a smiled, "of course!"

The stallion cried, hugging Dean tightly. "Oh thank you! Thank you!"

Dean chocked as the stallion squeezed his gut, and he pushed Aster back gently before patting his shoulder. "Its alright, I'm happy to help. Come on, we need to find my friend if I can help you."

Aster frowned, "but, Larkspur needs help too!"

"Sorry, who?"

"Larkspur, we went camping together in this forest! I don't remember where the campsite is anymore, but we were attacked by this scary ghost!"

Dean paused, and needed a moment to think on that. He looked puzzled, like he didn't hear that right. Then he grinned, as if it must have been a joke, "a ghost?"

The stallion nodded sincerely, "a ghost! It came out of nowhere and attacked Larkspur! I managed to escape, b- but I don't know where he is or what's happened to him!" The stallion gripped his hair tight with one hoof and chatted his teeth against the other. Dropping to his hunches, the stallion began breathing heavily, well enough obvious for Dean to realize he was starting to have a panic attack.

Quickly, Dean sat close to the stallion and patted his back. "Woah, woah, hey, calm down. Take a deep breath". The stallion nodded and complied, and Dean asked as he did, asking mostly to give the stallion something else to think about, "I don't think I caught your name."

Through deep breathes, the stallion managed to stutter, "A- Aster."

"Aster? Isn't that a kind of flower?"

Aster nodded, rocking back and forth.

"Oh, that's rather nice actually. Well, try to calm yourself Aster. It seems to me you've well outran, er, whatever it was that attacked you and your friend."

"A g- ghost", said Aster, moving closer to Dean for comfort.

"I know what you said, but are you sure it was a ghost? Not a pony in a mask or . . . something?"

Aster looked to Dean, frowning, "do you not believe me?"

Dean shook his head, "no, no, I believe that you and your friend were attacked. Celestia knows why else you ran like the demons of tarterus were after you. But honestly, I'm not quite sure if a "ghost" is the culprit here. Ghost aren't real after all-"

Aster stood abruptly, practically shoving Dean as he did, "I know what I saw! It was a ghost! It had no eyes! And no fur! And it was oozing this black stuff out of its face!"

Aster yelled, pointing to his eyes. And though Aster looked and sounded sincere, Dean didn't buy any of it. In fact, he was actually quite skeptical. No eyes and fur sounded like a stereotypical ghost to Dean, but the added oozing of black liquid? That must have come straight from a horror book, Dean assumed. Nevertheless, Dean chose to drop the subject. He didn't want to aggravate the already stressed pony. So, Dean stood up, "alright, alright. I apologize, maybe I'll see this, er, "ghost" when the Doctor and I search for your friend."

Aster's attitude flipped almost immediately when Dean said that. "You'll try to find Larkspur!?"

Dean smiled, "of course! I did say I would help you. And if your friends in danger than I'll be sure to help him too."

Aster squeed with twinkling eyes as he hugged Dean once more, "thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Dean chuckled. "Your very welcome Aster, but why don't we leave now?"

Aster nodded, "okay, but where do we go?"

Tapping his chin, Dean thought for a moment. "Well, you ran from this way", he said, pointing one way. Pointing to another direction, Dean continued, "and I believe I came from this way. So I think it would be wise if we try this way!" He concluded, pointing to a new direction.

Aster seemed hesitant and replied with uncertainty, "well, if you think so."

"Don't worry Aster, I'm sure this is the right way. The Doctor should be around here somewhere."

Aster was still uncertain, but he nodded anyway, "well . . . alright. I'll follow you, but do you really think you and this doctor can help me find my coltfriend?"

Dean nodded, "trust me, I've seen the Doctor do amazing things during the time I've traveled with him. Finding your friend will be a piece of cake!"

It was Dean's confidence that made Aster to smile. He came closer to Dean, feeling safer. Like Dean was his own bodyguard. "Okay than, if you have that much trust in your doctor, than I think I can trust him as well."

Dean smiled and nodded, "excellent. Okay . . .". Dean took a deep breath, "okay . . . let's get moving shall we?"

Aster nodded and followed as Dean walked on, feeling a surge of pride well in his chest. Helping another in trouble, genuinely, dangerously in trouble, it felt rather good actually. It wasn't the same as giving someone directions to a café or telling someone the time back at Mane City which, for Dean, was the most help he could remember ever being. A common passerby, there to tell someone the time or give directions. To be that pony that someone goes to for help, genuine help, it made Dean feel proud of himself. Maybe that was why the Doctor helped others, simply because it felt good? Though, if he were being honest with himself, it also made him anxious, and he wanted to find the Doctor as soon as possible so that he could take the lead. But for the moment, Dean was the helpful pony, and that felt good.

For a minute at least, before Dean realized something. He looked to Aster, who walked quite close to Dean, and asked, "hey, did you ask if the Doctor can help you find your "friend?" Or your "coltfriend?"

Aster's eyes went wide for a moment, before he looked away blushing. "Oh, I- I said- I said, coltfriend."

Dean looked away from Aster, staring straight ahead, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with how close Aster was to him. "I . . . I see."

Aster took a glance to Dean, indirectly looking to him, and asked, "do you . . . have a problem with that?"

Dean nearly went stiff as he shook his head, "n- no, no! Not at all! I just . . . er . . . not at all!"

Aster wasn't convinced, but he looked away, choosing not to press on, "alright."

Dean glanced over his shoulder to Aster, a thousand thoughts rushing through his mind suddenly. "A stallion with a stallion? I've heard of same sex relationships, but I don't think I've ever seen one before. Is that why he's so close to me? Wait, he's not going to develop some attraction to me because I'm helping him is he? Oh Celestia! He just might! Of all the stallions I had to help it had to be one who fancied males!" Dean shook his head, "No, no, calm yourself Dean. You heard him, he already has a coltfriend. He won't try anything with you. Just maintain your distance and let him be aware that your a stallion that fancies females . . . despite never ever having a marefriend. And don't make it too obvious, you might upset him. Oh dear, but what if I say something that upsets him!?" Dean sighed loudly, catching Aster's attention.

"Is everything okay?" Aster asked.

Dean's head went stiff as he, uncomfortably, shot his sights to any distraction possible, trying to look casual to Aster. Though, when lost in a dark, foggy forest, the only distraction Dean could find on the fly was a large Be-Bo bug that happen to be crawling up a tree. A caterpillar with antennas, as large as a newborn pony's leg, normally found in colors of two with a pair row of small red dots on their back, and whenever they crawled they emitted a small noise that sounded like a young child saying, "be-bo". This one was a mish mash of blue and yellow, with large, shiny, crystal blue eyes. And sure enough, each time the caterpillar pulled its body into a hunch it went, "Be!" And when its body extended straight and moved, the bug went, "Bo!" It was an adorable bug, and Dean looked to it as if it were the key to finding the Doctor.

"Be-Bo, Be-Bo, Be-Bo, Be-Bo-", the Be-Bo pressed onwards, traversing his way up the bark to the leaves that hung on the branches above. His meal, his goal, his victory, the little bug that believed.

Aster too was looking to the Be-Bo, before giving Dean a look as he asked, "are . . . you okay?"

Dean broke from his stupor and coughed, "fine! Fine, just, uh, thinking of where we should go!"

Aster, looking back to the Be-Bo skeptically, asked, "are you really?"

Dean nodded, almost forcefully, "of course!"

" . . . Okay than."

The two continued walking, passing the Be-Bo. The sun had completely dropped now, leaving the forest dark. Only the fog and Aster could be seen to Dean. However, Dean, at this point, was hoping it would be so dark he couldn't see Aster. For, as Dean thought, if he could see Aster, than Aster would be able to see him. Thus, he would be able to see the sweat dripping from his head due to how uncomfortably nervous he was. He had certainly hoped Aster wouldn't notice. That, however, deemed not the case when Aster asked, "am I making you uncomfortable?"

Dean cursed silently and chuckled unconvincingly, "what are you talking about?"

"You've been acting weird ever since I told you I had a coltfriend."

Dean forced another chuckle, one that was, somehow, even more unconvincing than the first. "Pah! What!? Me uncomfortable? I have no idea what your talking about, I'm perfectly fine!"

"So you don't have an issue with me having a coltfriend?" asked Aster, almost glaring to Dean.

Dean was obvious nervous before, only now he had shakes to add to his sweat, "I- I, I, uh-"

"Dean!" a familiar voice echoed through the forest.

"Oh thank Celestia!" thought Dean, sighing in relief. He cupped his hooves to his mouth and shouted, "DOCTOR!!!"

"Dean! Over here!" the Doctor shouted back.

Dean turned left to the sound and saw in the distance the Doctor's silhouette. Just vaguely through the fog, sitting on his hunches and waving.

Smiling, Dean said to Aster, "come on!"

Aster nodded, following Dean as the two galloped to the silhouette.

The Doctor smiled to Dean as his companion and the newcomer approached him. "Took you long enough, where have you been?" The Doctor nodded to Aster, "and who's your friend?"

Dean dismissed the question with a scoff and replied frustrated, "where have I been? Where have you been!? Running off like that out of the blue!"

The Doctor chuckled, almost without a care. "Sorry, I had to see who was singing. You didn't get lost did you?"

"Lost? Oh no, I just decided to wander off for a bit and see the kinds of trees that- yes I got lost!" said Dean, angrily.

"You didn't get lost because of me did you?"

"You ran into the forest all of a sudden without so much as giving me a warning, what do you think!?"

The Doctor scratched the back of his head and coughed, "eh, right. Guess that would be . . . my fault. But your fine now, so that counts!"

Dean could only stare in bafflement as a response to the Doctor's logic.

Turning away from the two, the Doctor asked, "so, who is your friend anyway?"

Dean sighed and chose to drop the issue. Brushing off his irritation, some of it at least, he pointed to the newcomer. "This is Aster, we ran into each other while I was trying to find you. Because you ran off like a mad pony."

"Aster? Like the flower?" said the Doctor, dismissing Dean's irritation as he offered a hoof to Aster.

Aster nodded and shook the Doctor's hoof, "yes sir."

"And are you lost too, young stallion?"

Aster sighed, "not exactly. I was camping out in the forest for the next week with my coltfriend Larkspur."

"Camping? What are you doing camping out in a place like this? This is unmarked territory, its very dangerous", said the Doctor.

"Says the one who bolted in here without a thought", said Dean, receiving an annoyed glare from the Doctor.

Aster ignored the two's quarrel and continued, "it was my coltfriend's idea. He and I had planned to leave Equestria and move to Scrotonshire. With Discord ruining the country we just didn't see this place fit to live in anymore. But Larkspur suggested staying in the unnamed forest for a week, just to relax and get rid of some stress. Celestia knows how anxious I've been ever since that demon took over our home. I was reluctant at first but he told me that he had camped here with his father when he was a colt and nothing bad ever happened to him. So I agreed and here we are."

"So what happened to him?" the Doctor asked.

Aster gulped as he looked around worriedly, as if checking to see if they were being watched. After a moment, Aster explained quickly, like he only had seconds to do it. "W- well, I- I was preparing dinner for the both of us when I realized we didn't have anyway of cooking it. So Larkspur left to find some fire wood and while he was gone I was searching my bag for our food when I saw a pony out the corner of my eye. Larkspur told me that ponies don't normally come out here so naturally I wasn't expecting to see anypony out here. So when I saw her I was frightened and screamed and I ran behind our tent as fast as I could and waited for Larkspur to return. When he did I tried telling him what I saw, but I don't think he believed me. He went to where I saw the pony to check if someone was actually there. I tried to tell him not to, I really did, but he went anyway and he- and he- he-" Aster's eyes teared as he gave a slight sob, before whimpering while out of breath.

The Doctor patted Aster's back gently, soothing him. "Hey, easy now, you don't have to tell me in one go. Take a deep breath."

Feeling his touch, Aster sniffed and looked into the Doctor's eyes. He nodded and did as he was told, giving himself a minute before continuing. "When he c- checked he . . . he was attacked."

"Attacked by what?" the Doctor asked softly.

Aster gulped once more and looked away, seeming too scared to even describe the event.

So the Doctor, continuing to pat, said, "I know it hurts to think about it. And it probably scares the ever loving daylights out of you. But if you want me to help than I need to know what it was that attacked your coltfriend. You said you saw a pony? And you called her "she"? Did this mare attack your colt friend?"

A tear fell as Aster looked back to the Doctor with wide eyes. "She wasn't a mare! She was a ghost!"

"A ghost?"

Aster nodded, "a ghost! A phantom! A- er, I don't know what she was! But she wasn't a pony!"

The Doctor, placing a hoof to his chin, asked, "how can you tell this mare was a ghost? By the way she looked or walked?"

Aster nodded again, faster than the first. "Yes! By the way she looked! Oh it was horrible! She didn't have any fur or eyes! And she had this black oozing stuff coming out of her mouth and her eyes! And when she grabbed Larkspur she . . . she . . .". Aster didn't continue. His eyes weld up as he caught his face between his hooves into a fit of sobbing.

The Doctor quickly stroked Aster's mane as he cooed, "shh, shh, there, there, everything will be all right, I promise."

Though the Doctor's tone was pleasant, his expression seemed quite the opposite to Dean; who had simply watched the two converse. Dean didn't like it, the Doctor's expression. He and Aster had the same discussion no less then five minutes ago, and Dean didn't believe a lick of Aster's story. Yet the Doctor, putting Aster to a state of ease with his tone, looked serious. His brows furrowed, his eyes staring out, he was deep in thought and Dean knew that. He wasn't in disbelief the way Dean was, he was clearly putting some thought to what Aster had said. To this, Dean frowned, "he doesn't honestly believe this stallion, does he?"

The Doctor allowed Aster to sob for a minute before whispering, "Aster, let me help you. Tell me what happened to your coltfriend and I promise you I will find him and I will help him."

Aster sniffed and spoke through his hooves, muffling his voice slightly, "y- you promise?"

The Doctor responded with determination, "absolutely!"

Sniffing once more, Aster turned his head toward the Doctor, observing him for a moment. He eyes looked to the Doctor's face, then to his suit, before tracing back to his eyes. "Y- You really mean it don't you? Y- You really promise to help?"

"Of course, did you think I was lying?"

Aster shook his head, "no, no, I just . . . the only other ponies who are actually willing to help me are my family and Larkspur. You and Dean are really kind ponies."

The Doctor patted Aster's head and replied, "I try my best."

Aster simply nodded approvingly, before his smile waned. He gulped and said slowly, "Larkspur . . . when the mare attacked she . . . she grabbed Larkspur and . . . and I . . . I'm not sure exactly what happened to him. He shouted at me to run before falling over. The last I saw before running away was . . . him turning blue . . . and . . . he went limp . . . I . . .". Aster stopped as he felt the Doctor's hoof on his shoulder.

The Doctor said with sympathy, "you don't have to say anymore. If Larkspur is hurt than rest assured I will help him. I am a doctor after all". The Doctor waited for Aster to smile before continuing. "First we have to find him, then we'll take the two of you back to the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T."

"M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T?" asked Aster.

"Its what I like to call my carriage. It has all of my medical supplies."

Aster nodded, "oh."

The Doctor looked to Dean, "then, I want you to watch Larkspur and Aster while I find out about this ghost."

Dean took a step forward, "excuse me? If you are going to risk your life finding some "ghost" then you can expect me to help you as well."

The Doctor tilted his head, seeming confused. "I thought you weren't into this kind of stuff. Adventuring and danger and what not. Didn't you say so when we first met?"

"Well yes, but . . . but I think that you could use the help is all. I can't leave an old stallion alone in a forest, that would be irresponsible of me."

The Doctor groaned, "please stop calling me old, I don't like that. And I'm more than suited enough for adventure like this. I've been in situations far more dangerous than this. You call this danger? Have you ever stumbled into a town that's cursed by dark magic? Where you can't escape until dawn while being attacked by hordes of the undead?"

A full minute of silence followed after that. With Dean and Aster simply staring wide eyed and slack jawed to the Doctor, both in total disbelief. The Doctor realized why and said in a huff, "okay, a bit off topic . . . maybe a little too intense."

The two blinked as Aster, utterly shocked, asked, "did you say "undead?"

"Uh . . . sure-" He turned to Dean, "point is, I can handle myself in danger, you on the other hoof just got your vision back after having been blinded by tree sap! I can't allow you to fall into anymore situations where you could get hurt!"

"Hey! I'm eighteen! I'm an adult so I can make the decision on whether I travel into danger with you or not! Besides! What's the difference between now and all of the other dangerous things that's happened this past month?"

The Doctor placed his hooves together, counting on imaginary fingers. "One: you were lost when we first met and you just so happened to be there when I was already in the middle of something. I didn't imagine you'd stay with me after that, let alone after Dodge Junction."

"You asked me to come with you!" Dean stated.

"Did you say "undead?" Aster repeated, needing to confirm what the Doctor said.

The Doctor glanced to Aster, confused, and repeated, "yes I did". He looked back to Dean, "I was upset, and ever since the swamp I've been thinking that that was a mistake."

"Which I told you it wasn't-"

"Besides the point! Two: you didn't really have a choice getting involved in Dodge Junction; I mean, your home town being taken over by a corrupted sheriff, believe me, that took me for a loop too. Though, it was kind of fun."

"Wait wha-"

"And three: with what happened at the swamp I was more concerned with Milly and her family at the time. I should have thought about your safety more-"

"You know I could have chosen to stay in the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T. But I didn't, I chose to come with you-"

"Yes and I chose to let you make that choice, a mistake I will not be making again-"

"Excuse me!" Dean exclaimed. "That's not your choice to make! I'm suppose to be your companion here!"

"Did you say "undead", Aster asked again.

The Doctor rubbed his temples, irritated. "Oh, why do you both keep saying that- look! Why- why do you want to be part of- eh- this! This- this danger! And searching for a ghost in unclaimed territory! Remember that? We're in unclaimed territory right now, weren't you just complaining about it ten minutes ago?"

"You told me to follow you in here!"

"I thought it was safe! Clearly, I'm wrong. So now that it's not safe, why don't you and Aster stay in the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T after we find Larkspur while I do some detective work?"

"I'm not letting you do that on your own", Dean stated with authority.

The Doctor paused for moment to pinch in between his eyes. He took a deep breath before clasping his hooves together, "okay. Just answer me this: why do you want to come with me?"

Dean was confused by that question and responded, "I followed you at the swamp-"

"That was different I asked you to come, I'm asking you to go back to the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T now but you don't want to, why?"

Dean appeared to struggle for words, taking a moment before responding, "I already told you, I can't just leave you to do it on your own-"

"No, the truth, why do you want to come?" the Doctor asked, cutting Dean off.

"Wha- but I . . . I" Dean stopped and thought for a moment, thinking of the right thing to say. He knew the real reason why he wanted to join him, but he couldn't tell it to the Doctor. It felt awkward to him, uncomfortable, if he were to be honest. So, Dean replied the best way he could, "I . . . I just think that . . . after . . . everything that's happened that . . . maybe it would be better if you had someone by your side. After what you've done for those animals, and for my home, and that family, I just think you'd appreciate the help, that's all. Make these quests easier."

"That's what this is about? Giving me help?"

"Exactly! And I told you earlier that these- eh- adventures of ours, though a bit scary, are actually becoming thrilling! It really isn't as bad as you think Doctor, I'm more than happy to help! A bit excited if I'm being honest!"

Dean watched the Doctor place a hoof to his mouth. He was clearly thinking and looked skeptical, and Dean knew why. The Doctor was clever, and nearly everything Dean had said was the truth; and he didn't necessarily lie, he just made sure to leave out the real truth. And the Doctor was figuring that out.

"Dean", the Doctor said in a sigh. "You know you don't owe me anything, right?"

"P- Pardon?" Dean asked, feeling his heart sink.

"The animals, your home, that family, you were part of those too. Especially back in that swamp, you helped quite a bit. Yet, from the sounds of it, it seems to me that your giving me more credit than I deserve."

"I- I don't-"

The Doctor chuckled, finding the stuttering colt humorous as he smiled to Dean. "You are a brilliant, outstanding colt, Dean. And you don't owe me anything for what I've done. For what we've done, okay?"

"Uh- yeah . . . sure", Dean said, not knowing how to respond to that.

The Doctor thought for a moment, before sighing. "Well, you are an adult after all . . . and I can't really force you to go back to the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T . . ." The Doctor nodded, beckoning to Dean, "alright, you can join me."

Dean nodded, smiling, "Excellent!"

The Doctor turned to Aster, "what about you? You want to join too?"

Aster, having been listening to their conversation, was quite lost. Trying to figure out what they were talking about; between Dodge Junction and talk about a family and helping ponies, in the end he had no idea. He was confused, and stuttered when the Doctor spoke to him. "Oh, what? Sorry- I- um . . . What?"

"Do you want to help Dean and I find this ghost or do you want to wait in the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T?"

"Oh! Right! I- um- I'll wait in the M.E.I.D . . . that . . . Are you two spies?"

The two looked to Aster, humorously confused. "I beg your pardon?" the Doctor asked.

"You said about ponies you helped and something about a corrupted sheriff and . . . did you say "undead?"

The Doctor and Dean chuckled as the Doctor replied, "no, we are not spies. We're just two ponies in a forest, looking for a friend."

"Oh! Is that why your here? I thought you were camping here too", said Aster.

Dean laughed, "camp here? Ha! Absolutely not! What gave you that idea?"

Aster shrugged, "I don't know, I just assumed."

The Doctor spoke up, announcing to both, "alright than! You and Larkspur will stay in the M.E.I.D.P.H.A.T after we find him. Then Dean and I will find this ghost and figure out exactly what's going on around here."

"Okay", said Aster.

"Alright then, let's not waste time. Its far too dark to see anything out here so I don't want to spend too long finding Larkspur. Until then, you two stay close to me. I'll provide us with some light", said the Doctor, reaching unto his inner vest pocket.

Aster watched as the Doctor extracted a thick torch from within his vest. The Doctor then placed the top end close to his mouth, cupped a hoof around the top, and gently blew a stream of blue fire to the string. Aster gazed in awe to the brilliant blue flame that the Doctor held high, lighting a small proximity around them in blue light. It gave the forest an eerie, yet serene feel. Dark, foggy, and yet tinted in blue, like a filter on a photo.

"How did you do that?" asked Aster, eyes twinkling with curiosity.

The Doctor smiled upon seeing Aster's expression and simply replied, "magic."

Before Aster could press on, the Doctor had already proceeded forth with Dean following close behind. Aster sped walked quickly to keep pace before slowing close to Dean.

The Doctor glanced over his shoulder, making sure Dean and Aster were following, before looking ahead, taking a deep breath. He muttered under his breath, trying to reassure himself. "Don't think about it, don't think about it. There's nothing here, nothing at all, so focus, focus, focus. A pony needs help so no distractions, no pauses, there is nothing, absolutely nothing in this forest that will stop us!"

Five Minutes Later

The three had stopped.

The Doctor turned to Aster and asked, "Aster? Are you alright?" Along the walk, the Doctor would glance over to Dean and Aster, checking on them periodically. Along the way the Doctor noticed Aster shaking slightly, which progressively worsened the further they walk. To the point where Aster was practically skipping, as he appeared to be in discomfort.

Aster nodded with a shiver and spoke with sincerity, despite shaking harder, "I'm fine, why?"

"Your jittering, are you cold?" asked Dean, only now noticing Aster shaking.

"N- No, I'm not cold. I, um, I . . . actually have to". Aster looked away, blushing, "I have to go potty."

"Oh, I see. Well, there aren't any bathrooms near here. But you could go in a bush, if you don't mind that is. Dean and I will look away-"

"No!" said Aster, interrupting the Doctor. "I don't need to go! I want to find Larkspur! I'll go potty after we find him!"

"Are you sure? Your shaking a lot", said the Doctor.

"Yeah, when was the last time you went?" asked Dean.

"Uh . . . well . . . yesterday I think", said Aster, placing a hoof to his chin.

"You haven't gone for an entire day?" asked Dean, his tone hinting that it might be a joke.

"I was busy preparing for our camping trip! I just forgot!" Aster replied, blushing harder.

"Aster, just go to the bathroom. Dean and I will wait here until your finished, okay?" said the Doctor.

"W- Well . . . I don't-", Aster stopped and squealed, as he felt a sudden surge of pain rush through his lower region. Aster nodded furiously, "okay I'll go!" He turned and galloped quickly behind a plot of bushes, out of sight to the Doctor and Dean.

The Doctor sighed once Aster was gone, "alrighty than, once he gets back we'll keep moving. I sure hope Aster's coltfriend is safe."

"Yeah, me too . . . hey Doctor, there's something I wanted to talk to you about", said Dean, walking to a tree and leaning to wait.

Sitting on his rear, the Doctor replied, "what's up? You need to go to the bathroom too? Now's your chance."

"Hm? Oh, no I'm fine. I wanted to talk about, well, I want to talk to you about Aster actually."

Cocking a brow, the Doctor asked, "why? Something wrong with him?"

"Well, in a manner of speaking I would say so."

"What's wrong with Aster that you had to wait until he was gone to tell me?" the Doctor asked, becoming concerned.

Dean looked away, suddenly appearing uncomfortable with what he had to say. "Its, er, its . . . eh, well, you know who Aster said we were looking for? Right?"

"We're looking for Larkspur, his coltfriend, why?"

"Well . . . I mean, you don't seem very bothered that were looking for Aster's . . . eh . . . coltfriend."

The Doctor, suddenly realizing what Dean meant, frowned disapprovingly to the colt.

Dean didn't notice and continued, "isn't it odd that a stallion is with another stallion? I have heard about relationships such as this one, but I have never actually seen two stallions together before, its so . . . strange. I don't know, what do you think Doctor?"

The Doctor didn't respond immediately. He glared to Dean for a moment, looked away towards the ground, took a deep breath in, and exhaled with a sigh. He then looked back to Dean and spoke softly, "I think . . . that you need to be very careful with what you say next."

Dean looked back to Doctor quickly, taken aback by the sudden shift of atmosphere. He became nervous upon seeing the Doctor's glare, looking at him cross, offended even. "H- have I said something wrong?"

"No . . . not yet. Your young so I don't expect you to fully grasp this. Than again, you did call it strange . . . well, that's one of the more tame ways of seeing it."

"I beg your pardon?"

The Doctor scooted closer to Dean and said in a nicer tone, which in turn put Dean in a state of caution, almost like a child would fearing the possibility of punishment. "Dean, what are your views on homosexuality?"

Confused, Dean replied, "I, uh, I don't really know honestly. That's not something I've ever thought of. Well, love and relationships in general I've never really thought about. I mean, I love my family, but nothing more than family love."

"You've never fancied a mare before?" the Doctor asked, becoming suddenly intrigued.

Dean blushed and rubbed the back of his head, "I never got out a lot, except for classes. When I wasn't in class I was locked in my dorm studying most of the time. Friends and mares just weren't on the top of my mind. I mean, not that I don't like mares, I just never think about them."

" . . . . Quick question, are you related to anyone with the name "Sparkle?"

Dean titled his head, "no? Why?"

"Just curious. Okay, what about your parents? Did they have any opinions on this?"

Dean shrugged, "I don't know, I don't ever recall this being a topic of conversation. And there weren't any ponies like this when I grew up in Dodge Junction. Stallions loving stallions, I mean."

"If that's true then why do you find it strange for a stallion to be with another stallion?"

"Well, I've heard other ponies talking about it before. And they never really had any positive opinions on the matter either. Everything I've heard on this was either classified as "evil" or "disgusting" or anything of that sort really. Now, personally I wouldn't think so much as to calling it "evil", but a stallion needs to be with a mare in order to reproduce. So it seems odd to me that a stallion would be with another stallion, seeing as they can't reproduce together."

The Doctor nodded, "I see, I think I understand now. Dean your right on one thing, stallions can't reproduce with other stallions, but that's not a bad thing as other ponies would think it would be. If two stallions wanted children they could simply adopt, there are thousands of children out there who would love a good home. And they wouldn't care what kind of parents they had so long as they loved them and took proper care of them. And as for calling them "evil" or "disgusting", well . . . I believe that has to do with our time period."

"Time period?" Dean asked.

"Sorry, I mean, this current day and age, if you will. Most ponies nowadays, heck, most species nowadays find homosexuality as "immoral". So much so that it's illegal almost everywhere! Equestria, Alburnia, the Ice Lands, Marzipan, these are the few places that have legalized this."

"Its legal in your country?" Dean asked.

The Doctor laughed, "of course! You think Phoenix Ponies would care about something as little as gender? There's always the possibility that we'll change genders after regeneration so Phoenix Ponies have, naturally, never thought of gender as a factor to love. We simply love the pony for the pony, not for the parts". The Doctor sighed, "sadly the rest of the world just doesn't think this way. To them, love is a solid law forbidding love between those of the same gender. Mares and stallions only, and that's that."

The Doctor stood to his hooves, smiling to Dean, "I'm sorry for sounding defensive Dean. I was afraid you were going to say something, well, hurtful. I've gotten used to talking to ponies who wouldn't think twice before saying something nasty about these kinds of relationships. However, I see your simply confused, so I'll tell you plain and easy what "homosexual" relationships really are."

The Doctor walked to a tree beside the one Dean leaned to and sat against the trunk. He then lifted his hooves, puppeteering them for an easier explanation, "imagine a mare and a stallion loving each other. They laugh together, they cry together, they play together, they enjoy each other. They choose to have a family or they don't choose to have a family. Maybe it won't work and they divorce, maybe it'll work so well they get married and live the rest of their lives together.

"Now, imagine this exact same thing except with two stallion, or even two mares. Either way, it works the exact same way. Love, laugh, cry, play, marriage or divorce, family or not, it is the exact same thing. There is no difference once you look past what parts they have."

"The exact same thing? No matter the gender?"

The Doctor nodded, "the exact same thing."

"But then, why do so many ponies think so badly about it?"

The Doctor sighed, "that I can't say. That's all opinion based. Some say its evil and you will be sent to tarterus for loving another stallion. Some will say its a disgusting act that will give children bad examples to follow. And some will simply say its bad for the sake of calling it bad without having any factual evidence to back up. Either way, its just based off the pony."

"Those were . . . very specific examples", Dean said, amused.

"Like I said, I've met a lot of ponies who have, in fact, said these word for word". The Doctor leaned closer, "listen Dean, remember when I said to respect Phoenix Ponies? No matter whether they wanted to be called "he", "she", or anywhere in between? The same thing applies here, just respect a pony no matter who they love or what they like. Everyponies different and we should all respect that, you know?"

Dean nodded, "I understand . . . have I been rude to Aster for asking this then?"

The Doctor thought for a moment before shaking his head, "no, I don't think so. I mean, had you asked him these questions the conversation might have been different, so I'm glad you came to me. But really Dean I have to ask, has no one ever talked to you about homosexuality?"

Dean chuckled, "nope, not at all. As far as I can remember at least."

"Really . . . well, just comes to show how much thought is put to that than. Still, I think you should apologize to Aster just in case for being uncomfortable around him. I'm not sure how serious he is on the matter. I am, personally, for my own reasons. So Aster, if he's noticed, he certainly isn't acting the way I would."

"Have ponies insulted you for that?" Dean asked.

"No, they've never done that to me."

"Than why-"

"I take it very seriously for different reasons, don't worry about it. Just apologize to him when he gets back . . . from going to the bathroom . . . which he's taking a very long time to goooo oooooohhhhh!!!" The Doctor leapt to his hooves, grabbing Dean by the shoulder and pulling him to follow, "we need to get to Aster!"

Dean, nearly tripping asked, "w- what!? Why!?!"

"Asters still going to the bathroom! Don't you think he would have come back by now!"

Dean glared to the Doctor, dumbfounded, "your only realizing that now!?!"

The Doctor ran forth to Aster's direction, with Dean following closely behind. "You didn't think of that either!"

"Wha- but- I didn't- Ugh!", Dean groaned, realizing the Doctor was right.

The Doctor laughed, "ah, you gotta love the brain! Sometimes you have everything to the tip of your hooves and sometimes it won't remind you something important until last minute! Aster! Aster!"

The two didn't run far before the Doctor stopped suddenly, extending a leg to catch Dean in his tracks.

Dean "oofed" as his gut collided with the Doctor's leg, "what are you-"

The Doctor raised a hoof to his mouth and shushed Dean before looking to a particular plot of bushes. A plot that was shaking hard, and had a distinct, bony chatter that could be heard clearly by both stallions.

The Doctor and Dean looked to each for a second before the Doctor took lead in stepping slowly to the bushes. Careful and soundless, the Doctor gently placed his hooves to the bristles of the bushes, pulling them aside to peer within. He smiled as he saw who was cowering inside. "Aster!" he whispered happily.

Though the Doctor merely whispered, it was enough to startle Aster, making him scream as if he were being murdered. He flapped his legs about in a panic, shrieking in a high, hear ringing, pitch, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHH!!!"

As Dean covered his ears, the Doctor quickly slapped Aster's legs away and covered his mouth, muffling Aster's scream. Only when his mouth was covered did Aster realize who had found him. Before he could respond, the Doctor placed a hoof to his own mouth, "sssshush! What the tarterus are you doing!?!

The Doctor released his hoof, allowing Aster to speak. "I- I thought you were the ghost!"

Rubbing his ears, Dean asked, "you saw the ghost?"

Aster nodded furiously, "It almost saw me! But I managed to hide before it did."

The Doctor sighed, "that's good. But you need to keep quiet, scream like that again and I think the ghost might actually find us."

"A- Actually D- Doctor, I- I don't think that'll make a- a difference anymore", Dean stuttered, frightfully.

"Hmm? What do you-", the Doctor looked to Dean, seeing him stiff and pointing to something ahead. The Doctor looked over and discovered what Dean had meant, and why he was afraid.

Ten feet away from the three stood the very mare Aster had ran from. The mare without fur and leaking eyes, a wasp like mane, no cutie mark, and pale as an ocean blue. Before them was the phantom, smiling carelessly, and drooling a black, ink like liquid.

"Oh", said the Doctor. He stood away from Aster, adjusted his tie, and took a deep breath, forcing a convincing smile to the phantom, "now what do we have here?" . He cleared his throat, "hello there!"

The mare didn't respond. She continued staring and drooling with her malicious smile.

Aster remained hidden in the bushes, covering his mouth to prevent himself squealing by accident, while Dean dropped his leg and gulped. "N- No, no that's not . . . that's not a ghost, it . . . i- it can't be!"

"Don't be rude Dean, ghost or not she is still a mare", the Doctor whispered over his shoulder to Dean.

"B- But ghost aren't real! Their not real! T- That's impossible!" Dean shout whispered, shaking to the sight before him.

The Doctor cocked a brow, "you don't believe in ghost? Huh, I thought you were supposed to be smart."

Glaring, Dean hissed, "I was top in my class during my time at the college and I know for a fact ghosts aren't real! Their just stories to scare ponies."

The Doctor chuckled, "is that so? Well, I hope you don't dislike scary stories."

"Eh, why?"

The Doctor chuckled once more, "because it seems we're in one."

The wind was howling.

Previously had it been a gentle breeze had suddenly turned to a strong wind, bending the tops of trees and whistling amongst the branches. The weaker leaves fell, and drifted aloft, disconnecting from their stems by the winds strength.

The clouds moved quickly, blowing away from the moons position and exposing the satellite entirely. The moonlight shining bright through the trees, illuminating what little ground it could reach through the branches. Simultaneously, like a fan, the wind blew the fog away, almost eradicating it. The thicker fog lingered to the ground, no higher then a ponies ankles.

Dean shivered, not just to the sudden chilling wind, but because he was completely visible to the phantom that stood before him. Despite being out in the open, Dean now felt even more so with the fog gone and moon light illuminating the four, practically exposing him.

The Doctor looked up to the sky and smiled before placing a hoof to the tip of his torch, crushing hard on the flame and killing it. "Guess we don't need this". He turned to Dean, "hold this for me please."

"Sure", Dean replied, reaching out to the unlit torch.

Just as the Doctor handed Dean the torch, he tripped, pressing his torso to Dean before catching himself. "Oh! sorry!"

"Hey!" Dean yelped, grabbing hold of the Doctor's shoulders. "Watch it! Maybe you still need that."

"What? Now that the moons out? No, its bright enough, I'm just clumsy is all."

"Since when?" Dean asked, as the Doctor placed his hooves to Dean's shoulders, lifting himself back up.

With one hoof holding the torch and the other held to his chest, Dean watched as the Doctor brushed himself off and took a step toward the phantom. "Now than, my names the Doctor, who would you be young mare?"

The phantom's malicious smile failed to wane as she tilted her head, eyeing the Doctor with her empty holes. "Doctor?", she asked, an odd satisfaction present in her tone.

"Yes, that is me. May I ask what your name is?"

There was a pause as the phantom stared for a moment, unmoving. Before she laughed suddenly and repeated over and over, singing, "Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor!" She cackled, drooping her head to the left, "Doctor who? Teeheehee!" She giggled, and took a step to the Doctor, prompting Dean to flinch, expecting her to make a sudden charge for them.

The mare giggle once more and said suddenly, "Doctor who, I knoooow yoooouuu!"

That made the Doctor curious, "Know me? You know who I am?"

Her mouth stretched wide, popping her jaw, as she laughed hard. "Aaaahaahahaha! The Banished Bird! Manticore Warrior, Ashen Blood, THE PHOENIX ADVENTURER!!! . . . . Doctor . . . who? Aaaahaahahaha!!!"

"Doctor, aren't you the phoenix adventurer? Are those all your names?" Dean asked.

"I've been called a lot of things, Doctor is the one that I chose."

"But what does she mean she "knows you"? Do you know her?"

The Doctor's smile waned, and he almost looked concerned. Quickly, however, he popped a smile back on, in an attempt to appear friendly to the phantom. "How is it that you know who I am? If I may ask."

There was another pause, as the phantom didn't reply immediately. Her face changed subtly, and she appeared lost in thought for a moment, but with her smiling mouth hung open, only the Doctor noticed it. The way she appeared to the Doctor, it was almost as if she had something to say, something important, but she couldn't remember what it was. Or, perhaps she simply didn't want to say what was on her mind.

The Doctor didn't receive a response, so he asked, "were you the one who was singing earlier?"

She didn't answer. Instead, there was a small pause before she shouted suddenly, her face brightening into an excited smile, "Do you want to play?"

"Don't say yes! Don't say yes!" Aster squeaked, having been shaking quietly while remaining in his fetal position in the bushes.

The Doctor ignored Aster and responded to the phantom, keeping a mental note to what the phantom had said. "You want to play a game?"

The phantom appeared thrilled by this question and sqweed happily, "yes! Yes! Let's play a game!"


The Doctor shushed Dean before replying, "What kind of game do you have in mind?"

The mysterious liquid pooled faster at the bottom of the phantom's hooves, as her smile became wider. "Let's play princess tag!"

"Princess tag? How do you play?"

The phantom jumped up and down as she explained, "I'm it! And if I tag you, you'll become my pretty princesses!"

"Will we now? Did you happen to play this game earlier with another fellow perhaps? Did you make him into a pretty princess?"

Aster stopped shivering suddenly as he realized who the Doctor was talking about, "Larkspur!?"

The phantom ceased her jumping and nodded, "I tagged him! Now he's a pretty princess!"

"I see, so, where is he now than? Shouldn't he try and tag you now that he's the pretty princess? Isn't that how you play tag?"

The phantom laughed, "no silly!!! He can't make me a princess! Because I'm already Queen of the Forest!!! And only the queen can turn everypony into a princess!"

Dean gritted his teeth in both disbelief and fear, and Aster continued shaking like a living earth quake, the Doctor remained place in perfect poster, appearing unafraid at all. In fact, to the other two, he appeared enthused. Smiling as if he was enjoying talking to the phantom. "I see, so does that mean you have already turned others into "pretty princesses?"

The phantom nodded, "mmmmmhhmmmmm!"

"My goodness! So we and that stallion from earlier aren't the first ones! You must be one really talented queen to have turned so many ponies into princesses!" said the Doctor, imitating the perfect act of a spoiling parent.

Oddly enough, the phantom blushed a semi transparent blue tone around her cheeks, giggling. "Thank you!"

Dean was about to question the Doctor about what he was doing, but before he could Aster beat him to it. "What in Celestia's world are you doing!?" Aster shout whispered.

The Doctor, again, ignored Aster, keeping concentrated to the phantom only. "So where are all the pretty princesses? I don't see any?"

The phantom giggled, placing a hoof to her mouth, soiling it in the liquid. "They won't be out here silly!!! They're all safe and sound back at the castle!"

"Oh! A castle! Out here in the forest!" the Doctor exclaimed, sounding amazed.

"Yeah! A wooden castle! With lots of flowers and a pool!" the phantom explain, excited.

"Wow! That sounds brilliant! Hey, I have an idea! Why don't you take us to your castle and we can play tag there! It won't be long before the clouds cover the moon again, and I doubt this wind will keep this fog at bay much longer. So, before it becomes too difficult to see again why don't we take this game over to your castle! It'll be much more fun and easier to see!" said the Doctor, smiling happily to the phantom.

The phantom's smile waned ever so slightly, only noticeable to the Doctor. "Oh, I can't do that silly!!! Only princesses are allowed at my castle! And your not a princess! Not yet at least!" The phantom stepped forth, walking slowly towards the Doctor, "so come on! Let's play!"

"Doctor!" Dean shouted whispered, clutching the torch to his chest.

Aster, having heard the phantom's hoofsteps approaching, squealed into his cupped hooves.

The Doctor remained in his spot, keeping his smile to the phantom. "Now hang on! I don't think you've explained the game clearly enough! So, when you tag us we just magically become princesses?"

The phantom stopped eight feet from the three and shouted, "I already told you how to play!!!"

"You told us we would become princesses after you tagged us, but I'm still confused. Do we become princesses the moment you tag us or do we have to wait a few minutes before it happens? And, will we remain stallions once we're princesses or do we have to be mares? And what about this castle? Are you going to take us there after we become princesses or would we magically know were it is or-"

Dean had been staring in disbelief to the Doctor, silently questioning everything about his antics. However, his thoughts completely turned as he noticed the phantom.

The phantom's smile had waned further. It wasn't malicious as it had been previously. Now, her smile appeared more forceful as she seemed confused instead of excited. And with each question the Doctor asked, the more confused she became. "I- I . . . I don't . . . uh", the phantom stuttered, the mysterious liquid dripping less than usual.

Dean went wide eyed, "oh my Celestia! It's working! He's distracting her!"

"- And if that's so, than wouldn't there be a ceremony of some sort? You know all new princesses deserve a ceremony to express their position", the Doctor asked.

Dean shook his head, releasing his doubt as he followed the Doctor's lead. "Yeah! That's right! We would need to have a ceremony if we become princesses!"

"C- Ceremony?" the phantom stuttered.

"Is this really happening?" Aster asked.

The two paid no mind to Aster as Dean continued, "Oooh! And what about pretty dresses and crowns! A pretty princess needs a pretty dress and crown too!"

The Doctor couldn't help but glance a proud smile to Dean as he chuckled, "ha! Your right Dean! We would need a dress and crown! Actually, where is your crown? Aren't you supposed to be the queen?"

"I- I uh, w- what?" the phantom stuttered, looking back and forth between the Doctor and Dean.

"If anyone deserves a crown more than a princess than it certainly would be the queen! Her position of royalty is even higher than a princess! So of course it makes since that the queen of all ponies deserves her crown!"

"I don't remember- I don't, I- I-"

"Oooh! If we do get crowns could I have one with a big sparkling star at the front! No, no, no! A pearl gem with a constellation jewel engraving! One that looks just like my cutie mark!" said Dean.

"Ooh! Nice! I want one with an hour glass, not an engraving, a real hour glass! One that I can flip around and actually use as a timer!"

Dean looked to the Doctor, "hour glass? On your crown?"

"Yes! It would be attached with metal wires so that it can spin around in place while sitting comfortably on my head."

"Wouldn't you prefer something related to your cutie mark?"

"Not really, I think an hour glass would be nice."

"What! B- But- that's not- that's never been in the game!" the phantom shouted, becoming agitated. As she did, he her suddenly changed. Her white waspy hair darkened, turning gray. And slowly its gentle waving motion ceased, as the hair became limp, as if it suddenly became denser.

"Okay, well, I still want constellations on my crown! And on my dress!"

"And I'll have my hour glass! Then I can be Princess Doctor!" the Doctor said happily, extending a leg to express his title.

"Then that makes me Princess Do!" said Dean, mimicking the Doctor.

"No! Your not princesses! I need to tag you!-"

Dean interrupted the phantom as he complained, "no, wait, that doesn't sound right. Princess Do? Hmm, what about Princess Dean?"

The Doctor shrugged, "both sound find to me."

"Hey!!! Don't ignore me! I'm talking to-"

The phantom was once more interrupted by the Doctor, "actually, you know what, I think Princess Do sounds better than Princess Dean."

"You think so? I thought it sounded odd."

"No, no, it sounds fine. Princess Dean is a little odd to me, Princess Do is better."

The phantom had started growling, and the mysterious liquid began dripping as quickly as before. She glared to the two, utterly enraged. Her malicious smile had turned dark, appearing like a growling hell hound with her exposed teeth, but it came second to the death threat coming from her empty eyes. Her hair had begun levitating as well, as her anger fueled her mane, bringing them to life. They solidified, hardening around the edges and forming long, squid like tentacles. Her mane waved about, becoming a nest of gray, snake like tendrils.

Aster, from his position couldn't see the phantom. He did, however, noticed the growling and squeaked, "eeep! Um, Doctor, Dean, c- could you please stop?"

"Princess Do? Hmm, well, its short and straight to the point, for a name at least. Kind of like yours in a way", said Dean.

"What? Straight to the point? My name? . . . Hmm, well . . . huh, I've never thought of my name that way before. It always seems "bigger" in a simplistic sort of way, that make sense?"

Dean shook his head and smiled, "nope!"

"GRRRRRRRRRR!!!" the phantom growled. She stood tall, her tendril hair growing angry with her as they begun flapping at the air. The mysterious liquid dripped harder, practically pouring from her mouth, peddling to the ground beneath her. Not just from her mouth as well, she was crying, or so it seemed. More of the mysterious liquid dripped from her empty eyes, like small streams.

"Of course, it all depends on personal preference too. Do you want all your subjects to call you "Princess Do" from now on? Or would you rather them call you "Princess Dean?"

Dean tapped a hoof to his chin, "huh, I hadn't thought of that. Hey Aster, could you call me Princess Do for a moment and see how that sounds?"

Aster yelped, "don't get me involved please!"

"Enough!!! the phantom roared, rising to her hind legs.

Aster held to his head and covered his eyes, shaking as he braced himself for the worst. The Doctor and Dean's conversation halted as the two looked to the phantom.

She dropped to all fours and crouched, huffing and puffing furiously through her mouth. With each puff, the faucet of liquid sprayed, covering the ground close to the Doctor. Her sockets dripped quicker, as her brows were furrowed deeply. Her mane and tail tendrils wiggled and thrashed madly. Absolutely livid, she was shaking in her spot. She growled, "no dresses! No crowns! No ceremonies! I! Want! To! Play! Tag!!!" She walked forth, proceeding to the Doctor first.

Aster screamed into his cupped hooves, crying as he listened to the phantom's hoofsteps approaching.

Dean whispered to the Doctor, "I'm assuming you have a plan?"

"Don't worry, I got this", the Doctor whispered.

The phantom approached slowly. Six feet, five feet, four feet, yet the Doctor didn't move. He remained rooted to his spot, smiling to the phantom. Which, in turn, confused her. Most ponies would have ran by now, but not him. Why, she wondered, why isn't the Doctor running?

Three feet, two feet, one feet, she was there, standing within legs length to the Doctor. She lifted her right hoof slowly, stopping it inches from the Doctor's nose. "Tag! I got you!!!" the phantom said happily.

Aster, from his hiding spot, could see the phantom clearly from the bushes now, and he couldn't help but cry a muffled sob in terror through his cupped hooves.

Dean couldn't help but shiver, seeing the phantom's hoof so close to the Doctor's face. "D- Doctor", Dean stuttered.

Yet, the Doctor remained calm. His smile never faltered as he softly asked, "alright, you got me. But, before I'm tagged could I ask one more question please? Just one, and that'll be all", the Doctor added.

"Fine!!!" the phantom said through gritted, black plastered teeth.

"Ah! Thank you! All I wanted to ask is, if you can turn anypony into a princess than what about an Elemental? More specifically, what about a Phoenix Pony?"

Unlike everything else the Doctor had asked, this question actually made the phantom curious. "Phoenix Pony? Are you a Phoenix Pony?"

The Doctor nodded, "indeed I am, and I'm not certain you can turn Phoenix Ponies into princesses. We're different from ordinary ponies."

The phantom pursed her lips, pouting, "no! I can make anypony into a princess! Anypony!!!"

"I see, guess that means I should start running than, huh? Though, it'll be tough for you to catch all three of us now that the fog is back and the moon is covered", said the Doctor, dropping his smile into a smirk.

"W- What!?!" the phantom shouted, confused, as the area hadn't changed.

"Well I did say I was a Phoenix Pony. And being a Phoenix Ponies means that I have elemental magic. Which means that I have a sense to anything related to the four elements. Even though I can only use fire elemental magic, I can still sense when other elemental magic is in the area. And that includes the change in weather. After all, wind is an air element controlled by breezies."

As if on cue, the wind stopped. All fog that had been blown by the wind began to return slowly, enshrouding the area just as it had before. The clouds had drifted below the moon and would have passed it, if the wind hadn't stopped. Now that it did, the clouds slowed drastically, appearing to not move at all. With the overcasting clouds and returning fog, the forest had returned to a dark, thick fogged, blinding maze.

The phantom looked about to the sudden shift in environment, baffled, "what the!?"

"Oh, and one more thing Ms. "Queen of the Forest", as a fire Elemental I can also do this!" Suddenly, the Doctor jumped back, stood to his hind hooves, and struck his fore hooves against one another hard.

A Phoenix Pony defense technique. Focusing his magic onto a concentrated point in his hooves, a small and dense spot ready to combust, yet too small to cause any damage. When one clasps their hooves together in one fluid, striking motion, like a flint against steel, the concentration of magic combusts against the hard bone hoof. It creates a small explosion that Phoenix Ponies can control, and they deliver its power directly to their opposite hoof. Similar to a flint and steel, the initial combustion can create a spark. However, give the concentrated magic enough power and it can combust into a binding, flashing light. A Phoenix Pony spell: equivalent to that of a flash bang grenade.

The phantom screamed as she clasped to her eye sockets, "AAAAAAAAAGH!!!"

Dean looked away as the light exploded, just in time for him to receive partial effects, blinding him for only a few seconds. And being too afraid, Aster had his eyes shut tight the entire time, preventing him from being blinded by the light.

The Doctor reached to Aster and pulled him from the bushes before pushing him towards Dean. Before Dean or Aster could register anything, the Doctor shouted, "run!"

The Doctor bolted forth; alongside Dean who, instinctively, ran to follow the moment the Doctor shouted. However, Dean had to grab Aster and pull him along, as he was still confused even after they started running.

The phantom screamed and ran, pursuing the three while blinking to regain her sight. With her momentarily blinded, however, she was unable to keep up to the three and, quickly, were out of sight to them.

Seconds later, Aster shouted, "what do we do now!?!"

"We need to find the castle the mare talked about. I think she's keeping all of her victims in there!" the Doctor explained.

"Victims!!! Does that mean Larkspur- is he-"

The Doctor cut Aster off, "we can't be sure until we find him! Just pray that he's just been captured and not- eh- you know!"

"But how do we find the castle! I can't even see where we're going!" Dean shouted.

"You remember how she described it?"

"Yeah! So?" shouted Dean.

"The phantom described her castle as a "wooden one?" Which is odd because I don't remember a wooden castle ever being in this forest! Or any castle for that matter! And has lots of flowers and a pool? Flowers in a forest is nothing strange but a pool? That makes no sense to find a swimming pool in the middle of a forest. Unless you consider there are other alternatives if you want to go swimming in a forest!"

"Like a lake?" Dean asked.

"Exactly! I think she must have called the lake of this forest a "pool."

"So, we need to find a lake to find her castle?"

"Not necessarily. Yes we need to find a lake, but I don't think its a castle we're looking for. What would be made out of wood in a forest that ponies could live in?"

"A log cabin!" Aster exclaimed.

"Perhaps, but she did describe it as a castle. I'm thinking it is made of wood, or perhaps even logs. But I'm also thinking its something much bigger, possibly a large wooden house."

"A wooden house next to a lake?" asked Aster.

"But who would live out here in unclaimed territory?" asked Dean.

"I don't know, but whoever it is might have the answers we need to figuring out about- DAAAAAAGH!!!" the Doctor screamed.

The phantom had caught up much faster than they all had anticipated. And, somehow, had passed the three without them noticing. The phantom leaped from behind a tree, one that was to the left of the Doctor, shrieking as she charge towards them.

"So much for the fog!" thought the Doctor, making a sharp turn right and galloping faster, narrowly avoiding the phantom. Having missed the Doctor, the phantom aimed towards the closest pony behind him. Which was Aster, running behind the Doctor's left.

Luckily, Dean was quick and pushed Aster, assisting him to avoid the phantom while falling right, to the ground.

The phantom turned around, growling as she stomped angrily. She looked to the Doctor and Dean, then to Aster, and noticed he had separated from the two. Despite being a few feet apart, the phantom chose to charge at Aster.

Aster quickly leapt to his hooves, screaming as he ran. With the phantom on his tracks, he set his focus to running away, too afraid to think about the Doctor and Dean as he ran on his own.

With Aster on his own, the phantom ignored the Doctor and Dean, setting her sights to Aster first before returning for the others.

"Wait!" Dean shouted.

"Aster!" the Doctor shouted.

It was no use, they had already ran too far and too fast to be seen through the fog. Yet, they could still hear Aster and the phantom's hoof steps. Barely, but just enough, "follow them!" the Doctor commanded Dean.

Dean looked to the Doctor, both shocked and scared, "what!?!"

The Doctor turned away from Dean as he repeated, "follow them! You'll catch up to them faster then I will!"

"How wi-"

The Doctor interrupted, "listen to their hoof steps! Hurry before their too far!" As soon as the Doctor finished, he ran in the direction they had come from previously without looking back.

"Where are you going!?!" Dean shouted.

"TO DO SOMETHING!!!" the Doctor shouted, fading into the fog.

Dean gulped and clutched the torch to his chest, looking away from the Doctor towards the phantom and Aster's direction. He shivered, "oh, blast it all!" Quickly, Dean bolted forth, following Aster and the phantom.


"HELP! HELP!" Aster sobbed.

No response, Aster was alone as he ran through the forest, the phantom high on his tail. He had only just realize he darted away from the only two ponies trying to keep him safe, and now he felt utterly defenseless. To make matters worse, the thick fog blocking his vision caused him to bump into several trees along the way, and he couldn't help but bump into more.

He wanted to slow down, fearing he would ram head first into a tree and become seriously harmed, but he didn't want to risk the phantom catching up. Though, despite his efforts, the phantom was already sealing the gap between them. She was fast, scary fast.

Lack of sleep, fatigue, an unconditioned body and the increasing number of bruises from the trees he hit was greatly beginning to take a toll onto Aster. If not for the adrenaline and pounding panic attack from his chest, he would have fallen unconscious from fear alone.

"Gagh!" Aster screamed, having scraped his left against another tree.

The phantom laughed, "don't you wanna be a pretty princess mister? It'll be fun!!!"

Aster sobbed while gasping for air, feeling his lungs reaching their limit. "Stay away from me! Stay away!"

Aster's pleas were futile, the phantom merely laughed in response. She didn't appear tired or scared, and she had no trouble maneuvering through the forest. Following Aster allowed her to foretell when an obstacle would approach. If Aster stumbled on something or bumped into a tree, she would see and avoid it. And with every obstacle, Aster, though very slight, would slow down. Allowing the phantom to seal the gap further and further.

"Ow!" Aster shouted, bumping into another tree and scratching a mark to his right shoulder.

"Your friend would be happy to see you mister! He's a princess! And you can be one too! Wouldn't that make you happy to see your friend again!?!" the phantom shouted with glee.

Aster sobbed, "no! Stay away from me!"

"If you let me taaaaaaag yoooouuuu than you can see your friiiieeeeend agaaaaaiiiiin!" the phantom sang without the slightest hint of exhaustion.

Aster sobbed, "no, please no, please!!!" Suddenly, Aster tripped. Stepping onto a rock at an awkward angle, bending his ankle and causing him to fall.

He rolled for a bit, scratching his body and bruising his right leg, the one he fell on. After tumbling a moment, he stopped. Lying on the ground, moaning and sobbing.

Aster remained that way for half a minute, too tired and hurt to move. Afterwards, he lifted his head slowly, coming face to face with the phantom. Looking down and staring at him inches away, drooling her mysterious liquid over him without care.

Aster wanted to scream and plead to the phantom. Yet, at this point, he couldn't. He was too hurt, too tired, and he knew the phantom wouldn't listen anyway. All he could muster was a gasp and a squeal.

The phantom laughed, spewing liquid onto Aster's neck and face. "I got you!"

Aster spat out any liquid that fell into his mouth and looked away, clenching his eyes shut.

The phantom laughed again before, slowly, raising a hoof to his cheek. "Tag! Your it!"

"No . . . please . . ." Aster muttered, bracing himself.

Aster wasn't ready, he didn't want to go. Whatever this phantom did to his coltfriend she was now going to do to him, he knew this, and it frightened him.

He felt her cold hoof press against his cheek, and almost instantly was hit with a rush of magicka. He felt the unknown energy flow from the phantom, her magic coursing through his core, her leg, her hoof, and into Aster, forcing it inside him. Her hoof was cold, and her magic was like liquidized dry ice, burning him, yet it was freezing. Coursing through his face, slowly flowing down through the rest of his body. Ice body seized up, and burned in the icy magic as it made its way down his body, until everything felt cold. Seconds after, his mind started to grow numb. His body followed shortly, as he began losing feeling to the rest of his body.

He felt himself drifting away, the ground disappearing, yet, he didn't fall. He simply drifted off, as the rest of the world faded away, until nothing was there. An imitation to falling asleep, but Aster knew better. His mind had gone blank, he couldn't feel his body, and the phantom's magic was no longer cold. He felt nothing, and his mind lingered. A natural, primitive part of his mind fighting to stay in the real world. But it was a losing battle, and even survival instincts realized that.

Larkspur, that was what his fading mind thought of. He didn't know if Larkspur was gone, nor if he would die. He hadn't the faintest clue what this ghost meant when she wanted to make him a "princess". But he guessed he didn't have to worry about that, being a princess. Whatever that meant, he was about to find out, it was going to happen to him as it did to Larkspur.

A final thought, that's all his mind could muster. It was a warm thought to sooth a mind about to sleep. That no matter what happens, at least he would be able to see Larkspur again.