The Draconequus of Notre Mare

by Inkquill

Chapter Fifteen: Heaven's Light, Reprise.

The Draconequus of Notre Mare.

By Inkquill.

Chapter Fifteen: Heaven's Light, Reprise.

Upon his lofty perch atop one of western gargoyles, Discord stared down upon the auburn lights bellow him. Cradling his chest with his lion's paw, whilst his eagle talons head his jaw firmly in distress. His nostrils were assailed with the stick of rising smoke, causing his eyes to water. And yet, he did not depart the scene. His crimson eyes darted back and forth between alleyway and road, between rooftops and gutters, looking for any sign of angelic Pegasus that had not too long ago been in his company.

“Discord?” A familiar feminine voice spoke from behind him. He looked up, his ears perking as he turned to face the owner of the voice. There was Rainbow Dash, hovering someways behind him, cradling the little bird that had decided to stay with him in her hooves, and both giving him questioning looks of concern. “You okay bud?”

“Somethings not right,” he muttered to himself. “Something's happened, something’s wrong.”

Rainbow Dash, having landed by his side on the ledge placed her hoof on his shoulder. “Dissy?”

Upon feeling her hoof on his shoulder, the troubled draconequus looked up at her. She could see the distress and worry riddling his face and burning in his eyes. “Oh! Rainbow,” Discord started, “Sorry, I didn’t see you there…”

“What’s going on Discord?” Rainbow urged. “You’ve been perched here for three hours.”

Discord looked out onto the city again; the auburn light illuminating his face, and with a sigh, he finally relented. “Rainbow, I’m worried. It’s taking every part of me just to prevent myself from shaking.”


“Yes… I mean look at what's going on down there! The city’s on fire! I don’t know if she’s alright, if she escaped, or if the guards caught her and threw her on one of those pyres!”

Rainbow could see beads of moisture building in her friend's eyes, and she could hear the anger in his voice rise as he continued.

“And you know what’s the worst part! I can’t do anything to help her!” Discord yelled in frustration, leaping back off the ledge and onto the catwalk, running his fingers through his mane and tugging at it.

Rainbow followed short behind him, “Oh come on Dissy, don’t give up just yet.” Rainbow began. “Flutter’s a tough mare, I’m sure she’s just fine.”

“Yes Discord,” said Rarity as she emerged out to the bell tower. “Fluttershy’s a resilient maiden, in addition she’s with her comrades, I’m sure they’re same and sound…”

Rainbow shot a glance over to Rarity. She could tell that she wasn’t as confinement as her words would presume. Not only that, but Discord could hear it too.

“Thanks you guys, but I’m still worried… why did I let her go out there…” He said as he passed Rarity by and leaped into the bell tower rafters, making his way towards his lofty studio.

The two mares looked out onto the city and grimaced. “Oh… it’s hopeless.” Rarity said quietly.

“Well only with that attitude!” Applejack called out. “Ya’ll can’t be talking like that, we need ta be strong. We got ta have faith, if not for are sake then for Discord’s!”

Rarity and Rainbow looked at each other and let out a knowing sigh. As usual, the sturdy farm pony was right. Applejack took a deep breath and shook her head, “Come on ya’ll.” She said, staring for the bell tower.

High up in the bell tower, the sucking chimera hung himself from the wooden platform by his tail, dangling upside down like a possum. In his paw he held a small wooden figure he had recently carved and painted. Tenderly he rain his digits over the figurine, taking into account every single groove and curve. It was the likeness of a mare, dressed in a white, flowing gown with wings outstretched. Its mane was painted a soft pink with two blue dots serving as its eyes. He had painted it with a kind smile… the same that Fluttershy had given him that day on the pillory…


Quickly he tucked the statuette away and looked to his friends who were standing up on the wooden platform where his art studio was situated. “Y-yes?”

The hesitated for a moment as they looked down that their friend, but finally, Applejack spoke. “Discord, I know things look bleak, but we can’t give up hope. We have ta have faith that she’s alright. For her sake at the very least.”

“But what can we do?!” Discord exclaimed, swinging himself up onto the platform. “We’re helpless here!”

“What are you guys talking about?” Rainbow Dash interjected. “If I know Fluttershy as half as you know her Dissy, she’s three steps ahead of Chrysalis and well out of harm’s way.”

“Do you really think so?” Asked Discord.

Rainbow confidently smiled at her friend as she nonchalantly polished her hoof. “Of course! Don’t worry Discord, once everything cools down she’ll be back.”

“But how can you be so sure?”

“Because she likes ya sugarcube.” Applejack said, patting his back. “Take it from us Discord, you got nothing to worry about.”

“Yeah Dissy! I mean look at you, you're irresistible.”

Discord blushed, “What?! Me? Oh no~”

“I concur,” Rarity added. “It did seem that the classic knight in shining armor didn’t quite appeal to her. And quite frankly Discord, you’ve certainly got an unique masculine disposition. Quite the catch if I am to say so myself.”

“Yeah! And those guys are a dime a dozen. But you? You Discord are a one of a kind.”

Suddenly, the group’s ears perked up as a large thump rose up from far below; the sound of the stairwell door opening and several hoof beats upon the wooden floor. “Discord?” Came a gentle, yet concerned voice that nearly caused Discord to jump. He felt as if his breath had become caught in his chest as he peered down at the visitor.

“Fluttershy?” He said finally. A bright smile traced itself across his face as he leaped down from the rafters and to his friend. “Fluttershy! Oh Fluttershy, you're alright! Oh thank Faust!”

Fluttershy returned his smile and quickly found herself being scooped off her hooves and into his mismatched arms. Quickly recovering from the surprise, she wrapped her forelegs around his neck and hugged him deeply. “I missed you too Discord,” she replied. “And I’m okay.”

Finally they broke their embrace with Fluttershy returning to the ground, but still holding his paw and claw in her hooves, “Discord I need your help.” She spoke. “You’ve done so much for me already Discord… but I need to ask for your help one more time.”

Discord felt his heart begin to flutter. “Yes! Oh… yes um, of course, anything.” However, his excitement was damped as he saw three more figures step through the door. One was the little colt who had come to help her escape a few nights prior, the second was Twilight, however the two of them were carrying the third. An unconscious stallion he recognized from Chrysalis’ battalions.

“This is Flash,” Fluttershy began as she helped her friends carry the wounded Pegasus. “He’s hurt and a fugitive like us. Discord, he needs help. There wasn’t anywhere else to go, and I… I knew he’d be safe here. Please Discord, can you hide him?”

Discord hesitated for a moment as he processed what was going on before finally becoming them with his lion's paw. “This way.” He called as he lead them up the wooden stairs, up into the rafters.

Quickly, Discord lit a candle and prepared a soft mattress of blankets out on the upper platform for Flash to be laid on. “Over here.” He called. “Lay him here.”

Fluttershy and the rest quickly followed suit and laid Flash out on the makeshift medical bed. He groaned in pain as he felt his shoulder tense. The wound was still bleeding, not as horribly as before but still was noticeably profuse. Twilight handed the satchel he had been carrying to Fluttershy, who soon went to work, tending to the wound. “Agh~! Twilight... Fluttershy…”

Twilight felt her heart twinge as she heard him say her name. Anxiously, she did her best to make him as comfortable as possible as her Pegasus companion did the same. “Flash...”

“Shhh…” Fluttershy hushed. “Don’t move, you’ll hide here until you're strong enough to move.”

Meanwhile, Discord watched from the sidelines intently as his friend tended to the wounded soldier. His breath growing slightly anxious. Reaching into the satchel, Fluttershy pulled out a small flask with a cork covering the top and began to pry it open.

Looking up from his position on the bed, Flash tried to lighten the mood of the situation. “Oh! Well, good thinking, I could use a drink right about now~Agh!” He cried as she poured out its contents onto his wound before wrapping it in gauze. Flash winced in pain as he felt the pressure of the bandaging press down on his open gash. “Ahhh… ngh~! Feels like 1470 brandy. Not a good year.”

“All those gypsies, my caravan and family included owes you their lives.” Fluttershy said with a tender smile. “I don’t know if there is any way I could possibly repay you Flash. You have to be the bravest soldier I’ve met.”

“Ex-soldier,” Flash interjected. “Remember? Doubt I’ll get that promotion now-Agh~!”

“Oh! I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”

“No no, you're fine,” Flash reassured. “Just, keep going.”

“You know you were lucky Flash,” said Twilight. “The arrow nearly hit your heart.”

Flash looked over to his old childhood friend with a warm tender smile. “Heh, its funny, I’d actually had been pressuring them to work on their archery training… guess they have been.” He mused.

Twilight chuckled weekly in response, trying to hide her obvious worry. “Heh… yes, well. I think in hindsight.”

“Heh, agh~!” Flash winced as Fluttershy finished bandaging up his wound.

“There, that should keep it from getting any worse.” She said with a smile.

Twilight looked up as her cheeks began to flush a noticeable rosy hue. “Um… well, I’ll… I’ll go get some bread for us. Got to make sure you keep your strength up.” She said nervously as she started towards the stairwell. “I’ll.. I’ll be right back, I’m going to get some blankets okay?”

Flash watched her as she started down the steps, his expression now more sullen than before. But before she had disappeared from sight, she turned to steal a glance at him. Their eyes met, followed shortly by a flush of heat to both of their cheeks before she finally disappeared into the stairwell. Fluttershy looked over to Discord and signed ‘water’ to him. He nodded and quickly dashed over to fetch the water pale. As her friend disappeared into the rafters, Fluttershy sat down next to flash, offering him a small slice of bread. She didn’t want to give him too much, let his strength fail him and his stomach waver. A small bit would do for now.

“So.” Flash spoke up, “You think we’re going to get out of this one?”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but cuckle at that. “Huh, honestly? I don’t even know anymore. When I first got here… before all of this craziness… I may have been able to tell you, but now?”

“Not really that sure anymore?” Asked Flash.

“Heh, I was never sure of it to begin with,” Fluttershy replied. “The world seemed so innocent to me… I wish none of this had happened. Meeting everyone here? No. I don’t wish never meeting you, just all this violence...”

“As to many who live to see dark times…”

“Why does she hate me so much?”


“Yes. Why does she hate?”

Flashed paused for a moment before he answered. “She told me once. She told me why she fears gypsies and magic so much… it’s because of her mother.”

“Her mother?”

“Yes… she told me… that when she was very young, she and her mother were so close. Her mother was a healer. Knew the tricks and trade of herbal medicine and nature magic. They spent so much time together…”

“But what happened?”

“Her father… he was a very devout stallion of faith. He had forbade all use of magic within Maris’s walls and when he discovered his wife teaching her magic to their daughter he… he cursed her as a witch, and when she refused to recant he… he burned her at the stake.”

Fluttershy felt as if she was going to choke as beads of moisture began to form in her eyes. “That's… that's horrible.” She exclaimed.

“Yes it is… after that. Her father raised her. Molded her into what she is now… she’s become her father.”

Fluttershy was silent. Her head was a bedlam of thoughts and emotions. The great antagonist that sought her destruction was still a pony none the less. A very damaged and emotionally injured pony in power...

“I’m so sorry Fluttershy.” Flash spoke quietly, breaking her thoughts and returning her to the outside world. “I’m sorry for everything.”

“Flash… you don’t have to be sorry,” Fluttershy replied taking his hoof in hers. “You don’t have to be sorry for anything. You save me and my family from the dungeons. You caught an arrow in the back because of me. I should be the one who’s sorry…”

Flash could see the tears in her eyes and raised his hoof to her cheek. Her eyes opened wide as she felt his hoof fall on her cheek and brush away the tears, only to linger there after. They’re eyes met in that moment, and it was only then that they realized how close she has leaned into to him. They breathed in slowly, hesitant with the air around them still and silent. Finally, in that moment, Fluttershy closed her eyes and closed the distance between them, laying her lips on Flash’s. Flash was surprised for a moment but soon returned the kiss. However, in the heat of the moment, they had failed to notice the two figures that had joined them.

Twilight stared out at the two from the stairwell with her hooves filled with blankets, her face sullen and pale. While Discord stood there behind a wooden column as still as stone. His mouth agape, he felt something inside him begin to ache as he watched them linger on the kiss. His breath seemingly caught in his throat, he felt his lips begin to quiver.

"I knew I'd never know, that warm and loving glow.
Thought I might wish with all my might.
No face as hideous as my face...
Was ever meant for Heaven's Light."