//------------------------------// // Chapter Three: Birth Of An Alicorn // Story: Dragon's Fate // by pokefreak13 //------------------------------// Spike awoke to a faint blue light seeping in through the drawn curtains. "Luna," He whispered before slipping out of the couch, causing Twilight to open her eyes. She glared at the dragon, but her gaze softened with curiousity once she saw the flicker of blue light. "What is that?" She whispered while joining her adopted brother at the front door. "It's Luna's magic," He explained before opening the door. Luna stood surrounded by uncut grass that was still drenched in morning dew. As her horn was ignited, strong gusts of crisp morning air spun around her body. Luna could hear voices, though they seemed far away. One she could tell was Spike's, the other she didn't know. They seemed to be calling her name, but their voices were muffled from the wind. Her instincts told her to listen, but she had to ignore it. Luna had a mission after all, and she would stop at nothing until it was complete. Until Ponyville was entirely encased in stone. "Drat, she can't hear us," Spike growled. "Sh-she really is a-an alicorn," Twilight gasped. "Spike, what do you think she's doing?" "I don't know, let's find out," He replied while taking a few steps towards the alicorn. "Stop!" Spike and Twilight gasped as a light blue pegasus landed in front of them, her metallic wings where outstretched, as if shielding Luna from the siblings. "Lady Luna must not stop her spell, so leave," The pegasus stated. "We just need her help!" Twilight exclaimed. "Yeah! Just who are you anyways?" Spike piped up. "I'm Lady Luna's solider, Rainbow Dash. Now scram before I kill you both!" Suddenly, the sky roared and sparks of blinding blue light pummeled the ground. Spike covered his ears and Twilight fell to the ground. The light picked up mounds of dust and dirt, engulfing Ponyville into what felt like a sandstorm. Particles stung their eyes and went up their noses, and dirt got into Spike's mouth, causing him to cough and gag. Then, once the storm cleared Ponyville was entirely encased in stone. "Luna!" Spike coughed as drips of mud drooled out of his mouth. "But why?" "It's working!" Rainbow Dash cheered, only to cough out a ball of sludge. "Gah, stupid dirt!" "E-everypony..." Twilight whimpered. "Mom...everypony...they're gone..." "You and Luna are goanna pay!" Spike bellowed, light brown tears trickled down his cheeks. "This is goanna be fun," The pegasus grinned before attacking. ... Rainbow Dash charged towards Spike, her metal wings were straight out and ready to shred the dragon into pieces. However, once she was in range Spike laid on the ground flat as a pancake which caused Rainbow's bladelike wings to miss him entirely. Then, while Rainbow Dash tried to turn around, Spike jumped onto her back and dug his claws into her neck. "Ahh!" Rainbow Dash screamed while trying to buck Spike off of her, "Get off of me!" Spike's stomach churned, but he couldn't help but grin as her blood coated his claws. The blood of a pony who helped turn his beloved home into stone and everypony in it. He kept sinking his claws deeper and deeper into her neck, causing the pegasus to shriek, buck, and twist her body to escape his clutches. "I hate you! I hate all of you!" Spike growled. Suddenly, he felt his body being yanked off of Rainbow Dash's back and smacked onto the ground. When he looked up, the dragon saw Luna standing by her solider. "I won't let you harm my comrades." Luna said, her voice was stiff and caused Spike's heart to freeze. "Now, let my powers turn you into stone." Luna's horn lit up, and Spike could feel his body becoming stiffer, colder even. He tried to slash at the ground, at his feet, at anything. The dragon's feet began to turn grey, causing his heart to beat faster than a hummingbird's. Tears began to overflow, and snot leaked from his nose. "STOP IT!" Twilight screeched before galloping towards her adopted brother's side. "Stop it!" She cried. Suddenly, the gem around her necklace glowed a soft purple, then it grew brighter and brighter until it swallowed up Spike and Twilight. All he could see was darkness. The dragon couldn't tell what direction his body was going. Is this death? He wondered as his body was being dragged to who knows where. Twilight, if only I was stronger I could've saved her. "Strength? Do you want to be stronger?" A muffled, almost female voice asked. "I..I was to be stronger. I..I want to save Twilight and Ponyville!" Spike shouted into the darkness. "Heh, then it is yours...Spike." Before Spike could reply, his chest began to glow a bright green. He could feel his body getting warmer and tingly. It felt, it felt oddly familiar. "Now cleanse your friend." Spike let out a groan and opened his eyes. When he got up, he let out a gasp. The world around him was different shades of purple, all blending together yet their colors never seemed to mix, each remaining distinct. He looked down and saw that he was standing on a golden star, and that more were in front of him, almost making a staircase. When Spike craned his neck to see the top, he found a weeping Twilight. Only, she seemed much younger. "Where am I?" Spike mumbled. "Her soul, cleanse her soul." "Twilight's...soul?" He replied. "Twilight, can you hear me!" The filly mumbled something. "Don't worry, I'm going to get you!" Spike shouted before leaping onto the second star. His breath was becoming shallow, but he kept climbing the stairs until he reached the filly. "Hey, Twilight, it's me." Spike whispered while crouching down next to Twilight. "Wh-why are you here?" She asked. "To save you from...er, yourself." "Heh, saving me? But, what next? Our home...it's gone." "I know this sounds cheesy, but we have each other. And if there is one alicorn, there has to be more right? I bet they can help." "More alicorns..." Twilight mumbled, "but what if they're all like Luna? "Wasn't that what everypony thought of when they first saw me? But I was different from other dragons, right? So there has to be at least one nice alicorn out there," Spike replied. "You're right! Spike, let's get out of here. We need to save Ponyville." "There's the old Twilight! Okay, let's go!" "What in the world!?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed once the blinding light dwindled. For standing there was an alicorn, and it wasn't Luna! Her coat was a vibrant purple, her wings long and elegant, and her horn was smooth and ended at a sharp point. "Ugh, why does my body feel all tingly?" Twilight asked. "Twilight, you-you're...!" Spike stuttered. "The Galaxy Alicorn!" Luna gasped. "What do we do?" Rainbow questioned. "Kill that alicorn, but keep Spike alive." Rainbow Dash nodded and flew into the air, then once she was over Twilight, the pegasus swooped down. Her wing's blades aiming right for the alicorn's neck. However, Twilight quickly lit up her horn, producing a medium sized lavender star, and hurled it towards the pegasus. Rainbow Dash moved to the left, letting out a yelp as the star came into contact with her wing. "Spike, did you see that!?" Twilight grinned. "That was amazing!" Spike complimented. Rainbow Dash bared her teeth and tried to attack the alicorn once again. However, Spike shot out a lime green fireball at her. She tried to dodge, but the fire was too fast. "No!" Luna shouted before quickly wrapping the rapidly falling pegasus in her magic. Then, she carefully teleported her solider to her side. Luna's heart skipped a beat as she saw her loyal comrade smoking. Her entire face had fiery red blisters and the iron was badly dented where the star came into contact. "You can breathe fire!?" She heard Twilight say. "No way! We both can use magic now!" Spike cheered. I already used up too much magic already. If I try and fight them, they would overpower me in my current state, Luna thought. "Over there!" Luna, Spike, and Twilight all shifted their gaze to a white unicorn stallion with a flowing blond mane and tail. He wore silver armor that sparkled in the sun, and held a nasty looking spear in his forehoof. "Luna and Rainbow Dash, by Queen Rarity's orders, you will be punished," He shouted as several other soldiers soon joined him. All wore silver armor that covered their faces. "Goodbye," Luna replied before igniting her horn. Spike tried to reach for her, but he was too late. Just like that, both Luna and Rainbow Dash were gone. "Bloody Tirek," The stallion muttered under his breath before turning to his comrades. "Search around! In her state, Luna couldn't have gone far." Once his soldiers left, he cantered to where Twilight and Spike were still in shock. "Hello, my name is Blueblood. I'm sorry about what happened. But, I need you two to come with me to Canterlot." "C-Canterlot!?" Spike asked. "What about everypony?" Twilight questioned. "My comrade and his team will transport them to Canterlot in a little bit." Blueblood answered. "Now we really must go. Queen Rarity does not like to be kept waiting."