A misunderstanding

by Element Reading

Chapter 6: Gaming

Anon walked to his chair and started to eat his vegi steak, not as good as real steak, but not bad.

After the fiasco they ate some ice cream, Celestia ironically, had nothing, they headed to each of their rooms to play a game Anon brought over from Earth, it was known as War Thunder (Great game, I do not own it nor do I have any rights to it) each of them were at the top tier of each nation.

Anon America.

Luna Russian.

Celestia British.

The rest of the planes are played by some of the royal guards and quite a few pegasi played it. Each were at their top tiers of planes, max upgrades, and they are pro level.

Anon was in his pile of trash he called a room, he shouted over the mic, "Celestia! Go left means go LEFT! Not into a nest of AAA guns!"

"Well you shouldn't be bossing us around like this."

"YOU made me team leader! You told me to make us win! And YOU have to deal with it for 20 more years!"

"Wait, why 20?"

"Really, with how much fast food I eat, I won't make it past 40, though I will die a very happy man."

"That is dark," said Luna.

"Says the princess of the night."

"touche Anon... I just died."

"Noob!" Shouted Anon.

"Do you want me to go over there and kick your ass?"

"Okay, okay, god damn girl, you cray cray."

"Cray cray?"

"Ya I thought it would be cool, though now that I heard it I know it's dumb, sorry."

Celestia said, "And we have won, that is it for me tonight, good night you two." Anon and Luna said at the same time.

"Good night Cele." They heard a bleep meaning she left,

"Anon, I believe it's time for me to go to bed myself, good night."

"Good night Lulu." He heard the bleep and turned his PC off. He laid down and took off his shirt, he didn't have rock hard abs, though he wasn't fat ether, just in between the two. He pulled the covers up and turned off his light, he thought.

"I can't wait for the press to be off of Celesita and I, oh and I hope Discord doesn't look, Twilight and Rainbow Dash would tear him a new one." His eyes closed as he fell asleep.

The next morning:

Anon was dreaming of killing zombies off with a giant flame thrower, along with Shining Armor trying to help after being sucked into the zombie plague, trying to get back to Equestria.

He starts to open his eyes, he says, "Ough, my f**king back, god damn it hurts, I hate sleeping funny. And why did I call myself Leon? It's a stupid name."

He slowly sat up and gets a sweet back pop, "There we go." The room was almost pitch black, he couldn't see any of his mounds of trash, or as he called it, treasure.

Anon grabbed his robe and got out of bed, his bare, very hairy legs almost gleamed in the fragment of sunlight that illuminated the 1 foot area, he said, "I am gonna cover that later. Damn sun, hurts my skin."

(Am I right or am I right, it does burn just a tad, right? Is that normal or am I just inside to much?)

He heard a knock on the door, "Who the f**k is it?""

"Celestia, with a cup of coffee." He ran over to the door and quickly opened it, Celestia was standing there holding a tall cup of coffee with her magic, along with some cream and sugar.

"Why hello Anon, you need some coffee?" He grabbed them and started to work on his coffee, "Well, while you do that, Discord is already working on our little plan, they are at the resort and ready to, you know."

"I do know, though I am to god damn tired to make a smart comment, nor even talk with that, let me drink this coffee then come back to tell me, or I really won't be anything, but an asshole to you."

He closed the door and leaves Celestia standing there. "Alright, he won't get human bacon today." She starts to walk away with a small smile.

15 minutes later:

Celestia and Luna are in the dining room, need I describe it after 5 chapters? They were having some pancakes, Celestia had only one on her plate with no syrup to prove Luna wrong in the case she will get fat again. Luna on the other hand had a whole mound of them on her plate cover in syrup with whipped cream and a bright red sugar cherry right on top of it.

(Tell me if the cherry made you drool a bit, I am curious)

Anon walked in making a big bang as the giant doors closed. "Where's the food?" They pointed towards his seat, he headed towards it and halfway there he tripped on Luna's hoof, he made a loud bang .

Luna and Celestia snickered, one of the guards ran over to him, "Sir, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, though you might wanna get a doctor for the princess. I don't think she can keep her limbs to herself." She looked up and back at him with a face that would cause almost anyone to have a heart attack.

Anon looked dead at her face and said, "Um guard?"

"Yes sir?"

"Call a medic, I think I am gonna have a heart attack." Just as he finishes he clenches his chest and falls to the ground. The princesses run over to him and kneel down to him, he was groaning and twitching, though he appeared unconscious.

After a minute of silence they started to tear up, until he opened his eyes and he screamed, "GHAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" His shirt exploded with a bunch of red blood, the princesses shrieked as the blood covered their fur. After it all came down they just stared, Anon was starting to laugh.

"Bwhahahahah! I got you, oh my god. I was saving that joke for 3 months, ha ha the looks on your faces! Pure genius right there! Oh by the way this isn't blood, it's tomato juice, good luck on washing it out you two! HA ha!"

Celestia replied, "You, gotta, be, f**king kidding me?! That was horrible!"

"Not for me, 2 years of acting classes finally paid off!"

"You do realize it will take a few DAYS to wash this out?!"

"That is why I used it!" Celestia started to get really mad and she punched him. The punch was so hard he really did pass out.