Cruel Fluttershys Return

by OceanRider

The Night Before part 1

Discord was on his way to Fluttershy's to help out with the animals as he entered the gate to her cottage. "KNOCK, KNOCK!" "I will be there in a second." Fluttershy responded to whoever was on the other side of the door in her soft sweet voice but projected just a little so it can be heard from a far distance.

Fluttershy began to trot to the front door until she was in front of it and turned the knob with her hoof. " Oh hello Discord, what brings you here this late?" Asked Fluttershy with a smile. "Well..." Began Discord. "I was bored and was wondering if you needed any help with your animals?"

"I don't know Discord I already tucked all the animals in and the nocturnal ones are already taken care of as well. Besides I have been a little cranky from how early I got up and now how late it is getting now." Discord held his head down from hearing what Fluttershy just said everypony else was fast asleep and Celestia and Luna were to busy, who was he to spend time with. When Discord turned back to Fluttershy he got this negative vibe from her, not just any vibe though, a vibe that he created.

"Uhh... Fluttershy? Can I run a small little test on you?" 'Man that sounded bad.' Discord thought to himself and what was worse is that he just spat it out. Discord could not have made what he just did any worse.

"Huh?" Was all Fluttershy could say in return. "I am just getting a negative vibe from you and I want to find out what it is from." For some reason Discord thought that he said that the wrong way. Fluttershy now felt unsettled by what Discord said and in a way had a strange urge to yell at him. "Umm...Discord I think you should leave you are kinda making me feel uncomfortable."

'I new it.' Discord thought to himself, he could not have just come up with a better way to put it in fact anyway could have been better. "Alright I will let you relax. Sorry." Discord said as he came up to Fluttershy and gave her a goodbye hug, but as he did he put a small device on her back that would measure any dark or chaotic magic that could still be in Fluttershy since her corruption.(being that was their real first encounter together.)

The two of them said their goodbyes and Discord vanished in a bright flash with Fluttershy still there with no idea about the device on her back.


In Discords home

"Now to check in on my dear friend Fluttershy." Discord said to himself as he took out another device but this one was the main one and far more bigger, it gave out all the info that was being collected by the other device currently on Fluttershy's back.

Discord took a hard, long look at the small screen on the device. "Oh, No!" Discord said as he looked up from the screen.