//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: Diamond in the Rough // by Wheller //------------------------------// Chapter 6 Laundry day, Carrot Top despised the laundry. Where she a unicorn, she could just pull every bit of linen from her home at once, and wash it all with next to no effort, but no, she would be spending her entire day cleaning. Towels, her bed sheets, clothes, oh how nice it must be to be a unicorn. Though when she really did think about it, Carrot Top was plenty happy to be who she was, there was nothing wrong with being an earth pony, in actuality, it had saved her a lot of time and money from when she had been in university. Unicorn students at the University of Canterlot are required to study for a year extra, taking magic related courses in order to be the best that they can be. Of course, more time at university means paying them more money, and Carrot Top still had plenty of debt from that time. Carrot Top had just pulled the sheets of her bed when she noticed something fall out of it. She took a look at it and blushed instantly upon realising that it was a condom wrapper from the night prior. Carrot Top didn’t know why she was blushing, it’s not like there was anyone around to see it. Furthermore, she and Caramel were both adults, there was nothing to be embarrassed about, and at least they’d been smart about it. The last thing Carrot Top needed was to get pregnant. Not to say she didn’t eventually want foals of her own. She did, she couldn’t imagine anything better than bringing new life into the world. She just didn’t want any right now. Carrot Top sat down on her bed and lie back for a moment. To be honest with herself, she really didn’t know where things were going to go with Caramel; she’d enjoyed being with him last night. He was hardly the best she’d ever had, but certainly wasn’t the worst. No, the best that she’d ever had had been with a unicorn stallion that had put all his magic into pleasuring her. No, that wasn’t going to get topped any time soon, and she was getting excited just thinking about it. No. Now was not the time for this. She had a lot of work that needed to get done today; she couldn’t let herself get distracted. There was a knock at the door. Carrot Top leapt up and went over to answer it. She opened the door to discover that Raindrops, the town’s new mailmare was on her stoop; seeming to have accidentally dumped out her mailbag as she was picking them all up and stuffing them all back into her bag. ‘Running a little late today, Raindrops?’ Carrot Top asked. ‘The strap keeps coming loose! This is the fourth time I’ve dropped my bag today!’ Raindrops proclaimed frantically. Carrot Top tried not to roll her eyes. RainDROPS, well, at least her name was accurate. Eventually, Raindrops found the letters that belonged to Carrot Top and went about her way. She got about ten metres before dropping her mailbag again. Carrot Top sighed loudly as she closed the door. Even with her faults, at least Derpy had never been THAT clumsy. Raindrops might as well head down to city hall and change her name to Butter hooves. Carrot Top smirked, that shouldn’t be funny, but it was. She took a look through the post and discovered that Big McIntosh had telegraphed. As of this morning, he was ‘in El Paso Fino STOP Applejack with me STOP be home this evening STOP’ Applejack was coming home. Well, that was good, she supposed. Carrot Top didn’t really interact too much with Applejack. The two of them had a sort of friendly rivalry when it came to plants. Applejack’s apples versus Carrot Top’s carrots, though Applejack took it more seriously than Carrot Top did. Apple bucking was a business. Carrot Top grew carrots as a hobby. There was one important thing about life in Ponyville. When it came to food production, you do not try to compete with the Apple family, because you will lose, every time. There were a few other growers in town, most of them lived on the town’s northern outskirts where there was more room to grow. Potatoes, maize, aubergine, courgette, even carrots, there were some beans, but nopony really paid much attention to those crops. Sure, they ate them, but if Ponyville was known for anything, it was a Sweet Apple Acres apple. ‘Okay Carrot Top, enough stalling, get back to work’, she said to herself as she picked herself up out of her line of thoughts and went back into the bedroom to finish pulling the sheets off. She picked up the condom wrapper in her teeth and trotted over and placed it in the rubbish bin. She was grinning to herself as she thought back to the previous night with Caramel. He hadn’t been bad, but Carrot Top was pretty sure he’d been a virgin. If so, he was taking it rather well, and he wasn’t being too clingy. He’d elected to take her turn selling apples so that she could get her housecleaning done. Caramel was a true gentlecolt, if her mother were here right now; she’d probably be saying that he’s a keeper. Carrot Top didn’t know. It was all out in the open, time would reveal where things went with CaramelTop. Carrot Top facehoofed, she could not believe that she’d just thought that. ... Colgate sat at her desk, leaning back while she used her magic to type out a letter on the typewriter before her. Typewriters were few and far between in Ponyville. Most of them didn’t see the point, considering that they were large, bulky pieces of equipment, with one key being about the size of a pony’s hoof. Colgate’s type writer took up three fourths of her desk. She didn’t care, she liked the sound of the tapping keys, plus she had never quite mastered the art of writing with magic. Her horn writing looked like somepony had eaten a bowl of alphabet soup, but left all the letters behind. Trixie and Berry Punch were back visiting with Doctor Nightly, who were both being examined to make sure that their recent episode of binge drinking wasn’t going to have any harmful effects. Doctor Nightly had proclaimed loudly that he hadn’t the faintest idea how Trixie’s liver even still worked. ‘Colgate, dear, you’re letting your mind wander’, Nurse Redheart said as she looked over Colgate’s shoulder. Colgate looked up at the type writer, and discovered that she had just written: ‘I hope Berry Punch will be okay’. Colgate sighed slightly, and thanked Nurse Redheart, and whipped out a bottle of correction fluid and backed up a few spaces. She’d wait for the fluid to dry and then continue. Berry Punch had taken to accepting Trixie. Colgate would be friendly with her, but other than that, she really didn’t know how to really feel about the azure unicorn. She hoped that her friend wasn’t making a mistake. Berry Punch had trouble making good life choices. Trixie seemed sincere enough, but Colgate couldn’t be too sure. In another life, Colgate had been more of a free spirit, laid back and care free. Look where it had gotten her. Now Colgate was angry and suspicious all the time. She had trouble making friends, and in the general sense, most of the town ponies didn’t even want to be around her. Berry Punch being the only exception. As could be expected, Colgate was often alone, with only her innermost thoughts and her memories for comfort and companionship. Companionship, she’d had that once, a long time ago, she used to travel. She travelled far and wide, to places the town ponies and never seen or heard from. It had been wonderful, but then responsibility called to her, and she, like everyone else, had to step up and take it. Then one day, it all went away, Colgate found herself here, and now this was her life. Doctor Nightly came out of the examination room, Berry Punch and Trixie behind him, the unicorn stallion’s amber eyes glowing brightly. ‘Colgate? Could you schedule an hour’s appointment same time next week?’ Doctor Nightly asked. ‘Of course doctor’, Colgate said with a nod. Doctor, Colgate had known a doctor once, though, a doctor of what she had never quite figured out. Certainly not a doctor of medicine, though the more she thought about it, he was more likely a doctor of everything, and a doctor of nothing at the exact same time. He’d been a traveller, and it had once been Colgate’s job to keep him out of trouble, as one could probably guess, it didn’t work quite as well as it had been hoped. Colgate had not seen him in a very long time, and it had probably been a good thing too, for his sake. If Colgate did see him again, he would be getting a backhoof to his face. There was an old saying, well okay not exactly an old saying because Colgate had just made it up, never underestimate the backhoof of a mare of whose mane mildly resembles toothpaste. She smiled slightly at that line of thought, and after taking the note down that Doctor Nightly had asked for, she went back to work, ticking away at her typewriter.