//------------------------------// // Tail 22- For those who have heart part 1 // Story: Monkey Business // by FrostTheWolf //------------------------------// Monkey Business- For those who have heart part 1 Train to Applewood         Onboard the train to Ponyville, the monkey faunus didn’t feel comfortable despite the fact that he and the rest of the companions that he was with were sitting in first class. Mostly it was because beforehand, when he was telling Raven and Fluttershy about where he was going, something was putting him on edge. Something that made having to leave Ponyville very… nerve racking to say the least. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that something bad would possibly happen while he was gone. The Faunus was never one for superstitions, but something about today seemed… off.         The storm that was brewing didn’t help ease his tensions as the rain began to pour down. Hitting the glass windows like it was raining hail. Every time the thunder went off, he felt his tail jolt a little in shock. At first, he thought he was the only one that felt this way (besides Rainbow since she was basically idolizing the storm outside), but as it turns out, what was going outside had an effect on the other people he was with as well.         Velvet was shaking as she curled up next to Coco, who herself was soaking up the atmosphere. Penny seemed to watch the rain, almost as if it calmed her. The Faunus though noticed Velvet and thought that instead of sitting around lazily and not doing anything, he could try to help out. It would help with getting his mind off of what had been bothering him for a little while. “Hey Velvet, can I get you anything? You look kind of cold.”         “I-I’m f-fine…” Velvet replied. “B-but if it’s not too much t-trouble, a blanket?” Sun nodded as he got up to look for one of the workers on the train as he made his way to the other cars. For some reason, flashbacks of the train ride where Adam attacked them were beginning to surface, but he dismissed them immediately after he found one of the attendants of the train.         “How can I help you sir?” She asked him as the Faunus approached her.         “One of my friends in first class is getting cold, would you happen to have any blankets on board?” He asked her. The unicorn mare turned around and used her magic to unlock a cabinet so she could pull out a blanket for him. “Thank you.” The faunus said as he went back to first class, taking the blanket to Velvet as she used it to cover herself up.         “Thank you Sun.” Velvet said.         “Your welcome,” He replied, looking over to Coco before asking her something. “You need anything, Charlene?”         “No. And don’t call me Charlene.” Coco replied.         “S-sorry. I sometimes forget.” The faunus sighed, scratching the back of his head. “But on a different note… You said that you guys knew ABRN… is there anything important that I should know? I mean I think we’re going to be arriving in-.”         Attention Passengers, you will be arriving at Applewood Station within twenty minutes. I repeat, you will be arriving at Applewood Station within twenty minutes. Thank you!         “- about twenty minutes so maybe it’ll help if I know exactly what we might be dealing with.” Sun finished his sentence after being interrupted by the intercom.         “There’s nothing much to talk about. Arslan and I had a history back at school, she did something unforgivable. There’s Bolin, a monk boy who’s very ‘spiritual’ as people said, but he’s just smart for his years. Nadir’s a whimp. And Reese is…” Coco didn’t finish as she looked away.         “I’m going to assume that she’s… worse?” He asked. “You know what, never mind… We kind of already have a basic idea of what they’re equipped with right?”         “I don’t.” Rainbow stated.         “I was talking to Coco.” Sun deadpanned as he looked back at her. “Arslan would have a chain dagger, Bolin would have a staff with two blades at the end, Reese has a hoverboard with two guns and Nadir has an assault rifle that’s a sword…… You know now that I think of it, how can he hold something like that if you say he’s a “whimp”?”         “He’s not weak, I said he’s a scaredy cat. He’ll run away from any kind of fight. Heck, he’s more scared than Velvet and Fluttershy put together.” Coco said, which caused Rainbow to burst into a fit of laughter. “But he is a bit physical. And he even took down the local bully.”         “Well, guess I’m not going to be underestimating him then.” The Faunus replied, rolling his eyes at the thought of Nadir being a male version of his marefriend. “Well, who do you think should find who then? They could be all across the city and the storm is just going to make looking for them a bit harder.”         “Velvet should go after Nadir. They’re both underestimated characters, and if Nadir ends up being a threat then Velvet can take him.” Coco started.         “I don’t even have a weapon…” Velvet said.         “I’ll go after Arslan. Sun, you can go after Bolin or Reese while Penny goes after the other.” Coco suggested.         “I might have better luck with Bolin rather than Reese,” The Faunus replied. “Plus, if we do have to fight, I finally get an opportunity to fight against another person who uses a staff. Besides, if Reese tries to get away with her board, I think Penny might be the only one who could keep up with her.”         Penny suddenly jumped out of her chair and smacked Rainbow and Sun before curling up on Velvet like a cat. Causing Rainbow to look at her with a puzzled look on her face. “Ow… what the hay was that for?”         “Penny’s been acting weirder than usual, like I told you.” Coco said.         “I AM NO SHEEP!!!” Penny suddenly screamed.         Sun just raised an eyebrow, looking at Penny before looking at Velvet and Coco. “Any ideas as to why she’s having these… glitches?”         “No, and she’s just acting plain weird… She may be a liability.” Coco said simply. That caused the faunus to sigh, but looking at Rainbow gave him a very… interesting idea.         “Let’s let Rainbow keep an eye on her then,” He said. “Since the rest of us are trying to find these guys.”         “Wait wha-?” The pegasus stammered, before being interrupted by Coco and Velvet.         “Good idea!” They said unanimously.         “Don’t I get a say in this!?” Rainbow protested, but before Sun could say anything, the train began to slow down to a halt as the group looked outside to find themselves at their destination… which was completely soaked.         You have arrived at Applewood Station. Thank you and have a nice day.         “Well, guess we're here… Sorry Dashie, but majority rules.” Sun chuckled as they all stepped outside and off of the train. The rain was now falling faster than before as the Faunus took a moment to find a map of the city in order to look for possible locations to investigate.         “Alright, based on this map… where do you think that they might be?”         “Hmm… Let me see on my ‘all-knowing’ app… Nope, I don’t have a phone.” Coco sarcastically remarked. “I don’t know them this well! Maybe Velvet’s sister might’ve known, she was always that kind o-”         Penny pointed to three parts of the map. “Bolin go high! Nadir try to leave city! And last two always find each other!”         Coco stared at Penny with disbelief while Sun did the same thing. However, the silence was short lived when the Pegasus that was with them soon said something. “Uhh… guys? There’s a dude with a pink ponytail running through the main plaza towards the park and rec’s center.” She pointed out, aiming her hoof in the direction of the fleeing individual.         “What!?” Coco yelped.         “That must be Nadir… based on what you told us Coco.” Sun replied, watching them. “Guess we better get started with looking then…”         “Uh… Penny, Rainbow, come with me. Sun, head to the highest point while Velvet goes after Nadir. Try to reason with him!” Coco yelled as she ran off after Penny. “Stop!”         Sun himself immediately got to work on getting to high ground, using his acrobatics and handy climbing skills to get up upon a nearby apartment building overlooking the city. True, it wasn’t as tall as some of the skyscrapers for certain businesses in town, but it was a close second. By looking down, he could see Coco and the others just barely.         “Wow… they look almost like ants from up here.” He said to himself as he began to try and scan the area to see where the monk like member of team ABRN could be. “Now… if I were Bolin… where would I hide?”         “Who says I’m hiding?” A male voice said behind him. Sun turned around to find the person he was looking for right behind him.         “I’m actually quite surprised… I honestly thought it would’ve taken longer in order to find you.” The Faunus replied, greeting him with respect.         “What do you want, I’m processing my situation.” Bolin said calmly. He was sitting cross legged on a bolder.         “Well… I want to help you,” Sun said. “What seems to be troubling you?”         “I fell out of the sky as a character I dressed as… That’s what’s troubling me. Also, the dominant race.” Bolin said simply.         “Trust me… the same thing happened to me… and a few others who are here… In fact, I’m going to guess that you are probably not alone.” The faunus said to him, trying his best not to intimidate him unintentionally.         “I’m not alone, no. You’re here.” Bolin said, smirking. “But until now, I thought I was the only one.”         “Yeah… may I be honest with you… I got brought here with three of my other friends as a team… So did RWBY, JNPR and CFVY. So it’s kind of a trend that you were brought here with a team as well,” Sun explained to him. “In fact, we saw one of them scurrying across town. I think his name was Nadir?”         “Yes, he’s the youngest of my friends.” Bolin said. “He came from a troubled past, and I’ve been trying to help him as much as possible.”         “Well, hopefully Velvet can be able to reason with him. When someone is afraid, it can lead to many misunderstandings…”         “I can agree… But tell me, what are you planning to do when you meet Reese?” Bolin asked as Sun readjusted himself.         “Penny was going to look for her, but she ran off and is probably causing Coco to go on a wild goose chase to track her down. At least Rainbow Dash is with them and she’s the fastest pegasus I know.” The Faunus said to him as the rain continued to pour. Though, one thing in particular about that sentence of his caught Bolin’s attention. “Hopefully Coco can find her before she tries to find Arslan-.”         “Did you say Coco? Like, Charlene Coco?” Bolin asked. Sun nodded his head briefly before noticing the expression on the human’s face change. “Would that indicate our entire class here?”         “Yatsuhashi and Fox are back at Ponyville, but the entire thing in itself is a lot to explain. I just hope that we can have this end-” Before Sun could finish his sentence, the sounds of gunfire in the distance caught both of their attention as he looked in the direction where he remembered Velvet went. “-peacefully.”         “Well… I can see Nadir is trigger happy.” Bolin stated. “I’ll take care of this, if you don’t mind.”         “Just don’t have him hurt Velvet. Coco would be pissed if something happened to a teammate. She was wanting Velvet not to startle him.” Sun replied before he watched Bolin take off. “And great, now I’m back to square one… I wonder how everyone else is doing...” However, instead of waiting around, he decided that it would be better to see if he could go down and help. He could still see Rainbow’s brightly colored mane from here, so they shouldn’t be having that much difficulty… right? Meanwhile…         “Coco, I think Penny is slowing down!!” Rainbow yelled from her vantage point in the sky. “Should I stop her before she does anything crazy!?”         “Yes!” Coco yelled, tired out already. With that, Rainbow took action as she swooped down to tackle Penny into the nearby grassy fields of the local park.         “Got her!” She triumphantly cried out to Coco as she held her down with her hooves as the human ran over. “Pheww… That was tiring.”         Penny licked Rainbow’s face. “Oh come on!!! I’m not a dog!” The Pegasus complained as Coco soon showed up.         “Penny, what the-” Coco stopped as a hoverboard nearly hit her head if she hadn’t tripped.         “Son of a b*tch! There’s more of you!?” Reese yelled, then soared away.         “Hey! Get back here-!” The pegasus yelled. She was about to take off, until she looked across the street and noticed a familiar face. “Wait a minute… Vinyl?”         “Rainbow?” Before any of them could turn around though, the white haired woman that was with the unicorn mare soon saw one another. But what Vinyl said next… didn’t go down so well with her. “Who’s the brunette with the prench cap?”         “It’s not a ‘prench’ cap… It’s a beret.” Coco spat out venomously.         “…… I’m sorry, did you say ferret? Because that’s not an animal-.”         “Vinyl!” Another voice snapped. “Can you quit with your antics? You’re the one who found Reese so she’s your responsibility!”         “Ugh… yeeeessssss Octavia.” The Unicorn groaned before disappearing with a brief teleportation spell. The pony named Octavia soon looked at the white haired woman, who was staring at Coco.         “Arslan dear, are you okay?” However, by saying her name, that only triggered something else in Coco’s mind.         “Ayisha…” Coco said, walking over.         The look on the woman’s face changed once she heard her real name along with the very familiar voice that came with it. Octavia herself was surprised that this new figure knew her, but before she could say anything, Aiysha beat her to it.         “Charl-lene!?” Ayisha quivered at the dark face of Coco.         “Yeah… So, what’re you doing around the freak, Bliss?” Coco asked cruelly.         “She attacked me! I kept my distance before this, why would I trust that druggy!?” Arslan coughed violently.         “To be fair, she’s right.” Octavia vouched for her. “I found her and when we opened the door, that green haired girl punched her in the face. Thankfully, she didn’t break her nose.”         Coco stared down at Arslan, before holding her hand out for the obviously sick girl to take. “This doesn’t mean I forgive you for what you did to me.”         “I’m not asking for forgiveness…” Arslan sniffed, took Coco’s hand before pulling herself up. This small moment though was interrupted by the nearby pegasus as she looked at the others.         “Not to rain on your parade… literally… But I think Sun just dropkicked that hoverboard lady.” Dash said, pointing in their direction as Coco and Arslan saw Sun drop down from above. “Also, what’s that huge black bird in the sky?”         It didn’t take long for them to immediately look to the sky in alarm as they saw the massive black bird with a white skull on it’s head and crimson eyes staring over the entire city.         “What the!?” Coco snapped,  surprised at the sight of the Grimm.         “What the hay is that!?” Octavia yelped in shock.         “I can’t remember!” Arslan panicked, hitting her head.         “Whatever it is, somepony needs to get Sun before that thing hurts everypony! Just what would bring a Grimm here?!”         “What is a grimm even!?” Octavia yelled, lost in translation.         “It’s a danger, that’s all you need to know right now!” Arslan yelled.         Coco transformed her handbag into it’s mini-gun form and began shooting. Seeing this though, the Nevermore turned back around and sent it’s feathers flying straight towards them. Landing bare inches from Coco’s feet. As it circled overhead though, the Grimm soon was going in a different direction. The same direction that Reese was running off towards.         “It’s going towards Vinyl!” Octavia shouted.         “No duh, Ms. Obvious!!” Rainbow snapped, using her wings to push herself off the ground to get back in the air. “We need to keep that thing away from Civilians. Where the hay is Sun?!”         The Grimm closed in on it’s target, and just as it was about to deal a deadly blow, Reese swooped in and grabbed the marshmallow DJ and almost made it out. Unfortunately, her hoverboard was knocked out from under her, which sent Reese and the Unicorn skidding across the ground.         Coco shot rapidly at the dazed monster, shredding it to pieces. However, as it died out, it fired off a few more feathers towards the pony and human on the ground. Only for a certain faunus to race over and use his staff to block the projectiles.         “You guys okay?” Sun asked as he looked back at both Reese and Vinyl.         Reese got up and went to her board. “Whatever…”         “I highly doubt that’s the last of them though.” Sun groaned. “That just makes me wonder… did Bolin settle things down between Nadir and Velvet yet?”         Reese hopped on her board and gave Sun a mock salute. “Later, I’m out.” Before Sun could react, Reese left him behind in the dust as Sun and Vinyl just stood there. Surprised by what just happened.         “She’s heading towards the community center. We better hurry before anything else happens.” Vinyl suggested. The Faunus nodded his head, following the Unicorn as they began to chase after Reese. Only to come across a few familiar faces as the began to make their way through the park.         Velvet was trying to hold her own against a freaked out Nadir… And Bolin was nowhere in sight.         Nadir was distracted by Sun, and looked like he was about to open fire. However, out of nowhere, Bolin threw his staff hard enough to knock Nadir’s weapon away from him. In shock, Nadir didn’t see the fist of Hori until it connected to his face.         When Bolin saw Sun, he shrugged. “Nadir didn’t see reason. Thanks for the opening.”         “Uhh… You're welcome?” The Faunus replied. “Nevermind that, we got a bigger problem here and that means that we need to get Reese back over here before anything crazy happens. Coco already had to deal with a nevermore on the other end of the city and who knows what else is with it.” When that was said, the sounds of multiple shrieks went off as Sun turned to see multiple forms of Grimm that resembled Hippogriffs. All of them were spread out and preparing to converge on their location.         “Ah crap…”         “What are we supposed to do!?” Velvet asked, slightly panicked. “I don’t have a weapon and it took us a minute or two to take down Nadir!”         “They must be attracted to something here that’s either sad or emotionally distressed! That’s the reason why they’re coming!” Sun replied, only causing Vinyl to look back at him in shock.         “Wait… these things are attracted by feelings?” She asked, when Sun gave her a nod of the head, Vinyl cringed as she gritted her teeth. “Oh damn… I think I might know a reason for why they are here.”         “What do you mean?” Bolin asked.         “Octavia told me that somepony she knew named Noteworthy had to cancel a lot of things he had on hold because his father died in the hospital. Him grieving over his loss must be the reason why they’re here!” Vinyl explained to them as Sun looked back at her.         “If that’s the case, then where is he? The sooner we get to him before the Grimm do, the better.” The Faunus told the Unicorn as she nodded her head and pointed a hoof in the general direction of the Applewood Hospital. To the faunus though, that was just one possibility. The other part that he could do was watch the Grimm and follow them. Having them lead him towards Noteworthy.         “Okay, now that we at least have a general idea of what is going on, does anyone have a plan of attack?” Vinyl asked the group as Sun prepared both of his weapons for combat.         “I have a plan… attack.” He smirked, looking back at the three others as he noticed Coco and Arslan racing towards their location with Rainbow Dash, Octavia and an unconscious Penny that was being carried over to where they were. “And here comes the cavalry.”         “Okay, tell me you have some kind of good news.” Coco panted.         “Well, we got Nadir to stop attacking Velvet, Bolin is here, Reese ran off again and we might have a general idea of what’s attracting all the grimm here.” Sun started off as he began to explain everything that Vinyl had told him to Coco and the others. By the time he was done, he had one last question for them. “So, what’s our first move?”         “I suppose the ponies should get Noteworthy to suck it up.” Coco started. “Reese may be a possible danger, but I think we should focus on the Grimm first.”         “If that’s the case, then we should have Octavia and Vinyl go find Noteworthy and then split into two groups. One to take care of the Grimm and the other to track down Reese. Unless anyone else has any better suggestions.” Sun then asked, looking at everyone else before redirecting his attention back to Coco. Shortly after that, Octavia and Vinyl galloped off to go find Noteworthy, leaving them to settle out how to proceed with the Grimm and Reese.         “I’ll help in getting Reese back.” Bolin said. “But there’s someone missing. Aiysha.”         “Missing?” Sun asked. “Coco, are we missing anyone? I thought everyone for the most part is here.”         “Arslan was too hurt to join us. So who’s going after Reese? I know I’m not.” Coco stated.         “Velvet should stay with you and I think Nadir and Rainbow should be good for now on your end. Bolin can help me track down Reese. Does that seem reasonable?”         “Sure.” Coco said, resting her gatling gun on her shoulder. Sun smirked a little as he turned towards Bolin and then walked over to where he was.         “So, ready to get started?” He asked Bolin as he had both of his weapons collapse into it’s bo-staff form.         “Yes.” Bolin replied simply. “Let’s go.” With that, both of them began to move quickly as they climbed up to the highest point that they could find in order for them to get a better view of the city. All that while also destroying Grimm along the way and looking out for any signs of Reese. It didn’t take long for them to pick up on her trail as they saw her whisk through a crowd of civilians who were waiting in line to see a new movie that was drawing a bit of crowds. But the fact that Reese was hoverboarding around like crazy put the entire crowd in a panic.         “Down there!” Sun replied, pointing her out to Bolin as Reese was now in a open clearing and completely exposed.         “I don’t have any ranged attacks!” Bolin shouted. Sun sighed, preparing one of his guns with a special kind of Dust ammunition as he fired on Reese’s location. The shot causing a cloud of smoke to erupt as it blinded Reese.         “Problem solved. Now’s our chance.” Sun said as he repelled down the building and went straight towards Reese.         Bolin took the first opportunity to attack, and knocked Reese off of her weapon. She grabbed ahold of it though and it changed into the duel guns and shot Bolin three times, sending him onto his rear. Sun soon followed suit, firing two shots at Reese’s hands to knock the weapons out of her grip and to also partially stun her, given that the shots had a small electrical discharge. Hoping that would do the trick.         It worked, and Reese fell forward.         “Damn it! Why won’t you leave me alone!?” Reese shouted.         “If you would give us a minute in order to explain instead of running off… Bolin, can you give me a hand here?” Sun asked him as he saw Bolin put away Reese’s weapons.         “With what?” Bolin asked.         “Carrying Reese back over to everyone else. Rather not have her slip away again and cause anymore trouble.” He said as he took her up on his shoulder. “You already secured her weapons?”         “Yeah.” Bolin said as he picked up the growling girl.         “Alright, let’s hurry and get back to the others to see if they need help.” The faunus replied as they carried her over to where everybody else was. Coco seemed to have no trouble gunning down the last few hippogriffs flying around in the sky as there was no grimm in sight for the most part.         When Coco saw them, she shouted. “You got Reese! One threat down, one more to go! What now!?”         “Well, I don’t see anymore Grimm, so my guess is that Octavia and Vinyl had probably calmed down Noteworthy,” Sun hypothesized. “Maybe we should catch the train back to Ponyville? Unless of course, you have any better ideas…”         “Well, we should thank the girls for what they did, get Arslan, then we can go.” Coco said.         “This world is dangerous. Any negative person could doom their town.” Bolin added.         “That depends on if they could keep their emotions in check. If not… well, you have seen what just happened.” Sun shrugged, using his tail to hand Coco Reese’s weapons. “Here, you might want to hold onto these. Might be a while before Reese can use them again.”         “Hopefully never.” Coco said, putting them away. “How are Grimm in Equestria?”         “They are rare, but still can be a problem depending on what shows up at a certain time. Most of the Grimm I have seen are the ones that are in the show along with some other types based on animals in the Everfree forest.” The Faunus explained. “So we shouldn’t have to worry about it too much.”         “Okay…” Coco said. “Bolin… Would you mind taking Reese to the train station?”         “Of course.” Bolin said, before making his way to the transport. Shortly after that, both Vinyl and Octavia returned with the Stallion named Noteworthy as Sun, Coco and the others thanked them for calming the stallion down. After everything was said and done, everyone walked towards the station in order for them to catch the train so it didn’t leave without them.         “Shouldn’t you get Arslan?” Bolin asked, and Coco groaned.         “I’ll get her, Penny, and Nadir…” She sighed. It took a little bit, but when she came back, she made sure that Arslan, Penny and Nadir were with her and that she was able to get tickets to accommodate all of them for the trip back to Ponyville.         “Thank you for keeping an eye on Reese and Arslan, and for saving this city, have a nice day.” Coco said quickly before getting on the train, still holding all three Displaced in her arms. “Wow, Penny weighs the most…”         “Well, she is a synthetic…” Sun shrugged, offering a hand. “Need some help carrying one of them?”         “No, I carry a minigun handbag, I can hold a couple of teens.” Coco said, dropping them on one of the seats. Sun smiled a little, taking a seat as the train soon went on it’s way back to Ponyville. It took a couple of hours, but it still gave Sun enough downtime to recuperate from the Grimm attack and to think about other things for the time being. However, when they came back to Ponyville, they were treated to an entirely new scene. One with Ponies cleaning up debris that had been scattered everywhere and a few ponies staying indoors, scared for their lives while others ran towards the hospital in the distance.         “What the hell is going on?”         “Hippos!” Penny yelled, jogging in one place. Coco groaned at that. Sun though, seemed a little more concerned when he say Penny’s dog run towards the direction of the hospital.         “Guys, I’m going to see what’s going on at the hospital, I’ll be right back,” Sun told them before taking off and making his way to the hospital’s lobby with Rainbow Dash right behind him. That was when he overheard a voice that sounded like Weiss as he turned a corner and saw her in the hallway with Raven.         “Oh Sun is not going to like this at all-.” Weiss stopped speaking the second that she saw Sun and Rainbow.         “What happened? There has been panic all over town since we got back a few minutes ago?” He asked them, only to be met with deep groans and silence. Something was wrong and the faunus and pegasus could tell. Not just by how they were acting, but because of all the tears on her clothes. “Weiss…… Where’s Blake?”         “S-She disappeared after the fight we have with Ruby and Yang’s father in ponyville.”         “Adam was here!?!” He gasped, looking at them before turning to see the girl that was in the room, fighting for her life. Something triggered inside his head and seeing her caused him to act in a way that Weiss had not seen before as Raven went upstairs to where Yang and Blake used to be. “Oh god no…… Not again…”         “They were able to keep her stable, but the damage that was done to her left her in a coma.” However, what Weiss said did little to ease anything and it looked like tears were going to form in his eyes. “I’m so sorry Sun.”         “...... Weiss… do you remember when my mother was here… before I was displaced… she was in the same situation as Ruby. Fighting for her life and I was nowhere nearby in order to help. Just like I felt that I let her down then… I feel like I let you guys down now… I feel like I let all of you down… I’m not going to let that happen again… Because if I can’t help you… I can’t help Fluttershy either.” With that though, he felt a third presence in the room as he turned to see another person standing there. This time it was a girl that resembled Neo, and she had the umbrella, hair and the clothes. THe only difference though was that she could actually speak.         “In a way, you kinda did. But then again, when you’re busy with other stuff, you tend to forget some of the other things going on around you.”         “And who are you exactly?” Weiss asked, eager to draw her blade.         “Easy ice queen,” Neo said as she had Weiss’s rapier in her hand. “I’m just here to see how things are going on.”         “You didn’t answer my question,” She said, noticing that the Faunus next to her was also tense. The girl herself chuckled, only focusing on Weiss as she walked over.         “I guess I can tell you, but in private.” Neo said as she placed a hand on Weiss shoulder and vanish along with her. All Sun could do was just clear the thought from his head as he looked back at Ruby in the bed. Fighting to stay alive. All before he began the long and sorrowful walk home to the cottage while praying for a speedy recovery. End Part 1