I Should Have Never Bought That Pony

by Final Draft

XV: Breaking the Seal

Instilled with courage, Tiffany and her ever growing parade of ponies left the apartment and took to the streets. The snow on the sidewalk was now knee high for the little girl, but she trudged along, forging a path for the three fillies to follow. She approached the very first person she saw (a woman wearing several layers of clothing while she shoveled her steps) and smiled at her.

"Excuse me," Tiffany said politely, "can you tell us how to get to 11th Ave?"

The woman put her shovel down and looked first from Tiffany to the ponies. As confused as she was at the sight, she replied, "Uh, yeah, if you follow Central Park all the way down, it'll be about four blocks to the west."

"Thank you!" Tiffany said happily, turning to her ponies. "Come on, let's go!"

Celestia trotted along side the little girl and looked up proudly. "We're glad to have someone as brave as you helping us, Tiffany. Together, we'll rescue your parents and put an end to Discord's plan."

"And then we can all be a big family forever!" Tiffany replied, running up to hit the crosswalk button.

Diamond Tiara opened her mouth, but found she didn't know what words would be best to say. Her and the other ponies exchanged glances, all feeling the same way. They had no intention of staying on Earth any longer than they had to, but for the time being, they needed all of Tiffany's cooperation. Even if that meant letting her believe they were going to be her best friends forever.

The crosswalk light changed and traffic came to a halt at the intersection. Tiffany and the ponies scampered across and continued their quest without interruption. Central Park came to an end and they made their way west until the large Potamkin Manhattan sign came into view.

"There it is," Celestia said, running forward and stopping in front of Tiffany. "Now we just need to find Snips and convince him to come with us, yet I feel it won't be that easy."

"I'm sure Diamond Tiara can sweet talk him," Scootaloo said, making smooching noises and grinning. She quickly ducked the snowball hurled by Diamond Tiara and ran to use Tiffany as cover.

"That's not what I meant," Celestia sighed, watching the furious Diamond Tiara tackle the pegasus filly into the snow. "The human that bought him is likely going to have some objections to us. We should first find Snips, and then sneak him out."

Scootaloo threw Diamond Tiara off of her and stood up. "I'll go in! Stealth is my middle name!"

"I was thinking that we send Tiffany in first," Celestia said, looking at the little girl encouragingly. "She would raise far less suspicion, and once we know where Snips is, we can devise a plan."

Tiffany looked across the street at the dealership and then back to her ponies. "Can Diamond Tiara come with me?" she asked nervously.

"Oh, come on, you can do it alone," Diamond Tiara said, brushing herself off.

"Please?" Tiffany asked with a heartbreaking expression on her innocent face.

Even Diamond Tiara couldn't refuse a look like that and she let out a long sigh. "Uuuuugh, fine. Let me in the backpack."

Scootaloo and Celestia took to the shadows of an alley and watched as Tiffany scooped the pony up and walked across the street. She wasn't even at the door yet and she was having second thoughts. Yet, knowing that her parents—and her ponies—were counting on her, she pushed forward.

The automatic doors slid open and Tiffany stepped into a well lit showroom with several expensive looking vehicles parked for display. The front desk was empty and there weren't any other humans in sight. She stood idle for a moment, not sure where to go. There were a couple doors at the back of the room, so she made her way toward them.

"Do you see him yet?" Diamond Tiara whispered from the backpack.

"I don't see anyone," Tiffany said, trying the knob on one of the doors. It was unlocked, but it only led to a small bathroom. She turned the knob of the other door, found it to be unlocked as well, and a shrill, yet unmistakable voice came from within.

"—President's Day Sales Event! We'll be cutting—pause to cut banner—our interest rates by five percent!"

The voice came from a metal cage in the corner of the lavishly decorated office, and Tiffany walked over to it. She stared inside until the unicorn colt within looked up from the reams of paper it had been reading from. "Hi," she said, sticking her hand through the bars and trying to pet the pony.

"Ahh! Mr. Defranco! Help!" he shouted, backing up into the corner of the cage. Diamond Tiara jumped from Tiffany's backpack and immediately pushed the little girl out of the way.

"Snips! Shut up, you idiot!" she hissed. "I said shut up!"

Snips stopped his cries for help and looked out of his cage at the familiar filly. "Diamond Tiara, is that you?" he asked. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Ugh, I hate to say this, but we need your help," Diamond replied, looking for a way to open the cage. "Tiffany, check the desk, see if there's a key in it," she commanded.

The little girl nodded and pulled herself up into the leather chair that sat behind the mahogany desk. She began opening the many drawers of the desk, pulling out pens and business cards as she rummaged around.

"Look, can't it wait until after New Years?" Snips asked with a hint of apprehension in his voice. "We have three more commercials to shoot, and I don't think I'm going to have the time."

"What?" Diamond Tiara asked, taken completely aback. "You can't be serious."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, you know, lots of volunteer work to do," Snips replied nervously. He stood up and organized the papers he'd been reading from. "I'd love to help, but I don't think Mr. Defranco would like that."

"You're not staying here," Diamond Tiara argued. "Princess Celestia needs you to cast a spell so we can stop Discord!"

Tiffany walked in front of Diamond Tiara and dumped a pile of identical keys out of a small cardboard box she'd found inside the desk. "One of them might be it," she said when the filly looked up at her in disbelief.

"What do you mean Princess Celestia needs me to cast a spell?" Snips asked like it was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard. "And how do you know? Have you talked to her?"

Diamond Tiara sat on the floor, trying all the keys on the lock, yet none of them even came close to fitting. "Yeah, Discord turned her into a filly, got rid of her wings and her magic, and now he's turning humans into ponies. So, if you're done asking stupid questions, help us get you out!"

Snips stammered and looked around, unsure what to do. "I—but—Mr. Defranco!"

The door to the office opened and Celestia and Scootaloo hurried in, quickly closing it behind them. "They’re here!" Celestia said frantically, reaching up and locking the door.

"Who's here?" Snips asked, struggling to look from his cage.

Celestia ran up to the cage and stared in at Snips. "Don't worry about that right now," she said. "We need you to cast a very important spell, but we can't do it here. Do you think you can get yourself out of this cage?"

"What? No!" Snips answered, starting to panic. "Wait, are you Princess Celestia?!"

The knob of the office door shook and was followed by a loud knock. "Open up," a calm, female voice said from the other side. Scootaloo joined Diamond Tiara in trying the keys on the cage while Tiffany continued searching the desk.

"Look at me," Celestia said calmly, trying to ease Snips. "What is your special talent?"

"I, I can cut things," Snips said sheepishly. Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo had gone through all the keys and jumped up to the desk to help Tiffany. Meanwhile, whoever was on the other side of the door had resorted to banging on it with something much stronger than a fist. Fortunately, the office was designed against intruders and the metal frame held strong.

"Good, that's good," Celestia continued. "Do you think you can cut through these bars?"

Snips looked at the wrought iron bars of his cage and then back to the unfamiliar filly in front of him. "I can try," he said. His horn began to glow and with all his might, he focused his magic on a single bar. A slice appeared at the bottom of it, slowly going all the way through.

"Yes, very good," Celestia said, watching the colt struggle. "A few more cuts and you'll be free."

A dent in the door had formed and was growing steadily as the pounding on the other side continued. Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo, and Tiffany had given up tearing the desk apart and jumped down to watch Snips.

The second cut went through the top of the bar and it fell to the floor. Celestia and Scootaloo cheered for him, but Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. "Yeah, great, he gets out of his cage, but we're still trapped in this room!"

Snips focused his magic even harder and two more bars fell, allowing him to squeeze out of the cage. A surge of confidence like he'd never felt before overcame him and he turned to face the back wall. "I'll get us out!" he said, lowering his head. The tip of his horn glowed vibrantly and a grid of slices turned a small section of the wall into cubes. He moved through it like it was packing foam, and burst through the other side.

Celestia, Scootaloo, and Tiffany followed him as he sliced his way through another wall, leading to an alley behind the dealership. Diamond Tiara just stood in complete awe until Tiffany crawled back through and grabbed her. They hurried through the snow and got as far away from the dealership as they could. Unmarked black vans had the place almost completely surrounded, and they were lucky to not be seen.

Central Park lie just ahead and it looked like a good place to go, even though the sunlight was waning. Completely out of breath, Tiffany and the four ponies ducked into the trees and sat in the middle of a small clearing.

"Okay," Snips said, breathing heavily, "who are you?" He pointed to Tiffany and narrowed his eyes.

"I'm Tiffany, and I love ponies," Tiffany replied, giving the colt a big smile. She reached out and pulled Snips in for a hug which he didn't object to. "You're a boy pony," she said with a giggle. Snips began to blush and broke free from the girl's embrace when he found Diamond Tiara scowling at him.

"So, uh, you needed my help with something?" Snips asked, addressing Celestia. He suddenly remembered that he was addressing royalty and bowed before her, burying his face in the snow. A muffled "your highness" could be heard.

"Yes, we need to contact my sister and let her know of Discord's plan," Celestia said, putting her hoof on Snips' shoulder. He lifted his head out of the snow and gave her a dutiful look. "Now, it's very simple. I need you to focus on three phrases whilst you cast the spell. It will open a window of sorts through which I can communicate. The three phrases are Equestria, Harmony, and Luna."

"Oh, that does sound simple," Snips said, ready to help, but Celestia was etching several patterns in the snow with her hoof.

"Excellent, now here's everything you need to focus on to cast the spell itself," she said, finishing up a complex series of symbols.

"Well, we're doomed," Diamond Tiara said, throwing her hooves up in defeat.

Celestia looked at Snips encouragingly, and he looked back down at the symbols in the snow. "Well, I'll try," he said. He scrunched his face in concentration and mouthed the three words as the light from his horn wavered. Sweat was pouring down from his mane as his eyes tried to follow the correct order of the symbols.

Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara huddled up with Tiffany for warmth as the snow continued to fall around them. They watched as the light from Snips' horn began to expand until it formed a blobby screen in the air. A fuzzy image with a dark purple splotch in the middle materialized on the screen, but vanished as fast as it had appeared.

"We were so close," Celestia said, running up to Snips and trying to steady him. The young colt was on the verge of passing out, but fought to keep his consciousness.

"I'm trying," he said, breathing heavily. "It's just…not as easy as cutting paper!"

"Just imagine that you're cutting a square in the barrier between worlds," Celestia said softly. "A barrier no thicker than tissue paper." The symbols in the snow had begun filling in with fresh snow, and Celestia carefully redrew them.

Snips closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. "Just like paper," he said, exhaling. He opened his eyes to focus on the symbols again and continued mouthing the three words. The screen reappeared from his horn, and this time the purple blob became much more clear, forming the head of Princess Luna.

"Luna, it's me, Celestia," Celestia spoke into the screen. "I've found the children. Discord took them through the mirror into the human world."

Snips struggled to keep focus of the spell, but the screen had begun to fade. He grit his teeth and focused harder to stabilize the window. Blood trickled from his left nostril and his knees began to shake.

"Discord sold us to the humans as pets, but his plan is still unclear. I think he's trying to spark a war between our worlds. Please, sister, do not do anything rash! Find the one named David, he is the only one who can be trusted!

The screen disappeared and Snips collapsed into the snow. Celestia rushed to his side, followed by Tiffany and Scootaloo. Even Diamond Tiara approached, though she stayed behind Tiffany.

"He's fine," Celestia said, standing back up. "Let's just hope my message got through clearly."

"Now, officer, I really don't have time for this right now," Discord began as he was pressed against the hood of the Corvette and was put into handcuffs. "Ouch! Hey, those are a little tight!"

"Please do not resist arrest," the police officer said. "You're driving an unregistered vehicle with no license and no plates; I have to take you in."

Discord spun his head around a full 180 degrees and looked at the officer with his crazy, yellow eyes. "What would happen if I did resist?" he asked, tilting his head. The police officer was too disturbed to answer and he stepped back cautiously. He fumbled for his radio, but it fell into the snow

"L-look pal," the police officer said, trying to keep his eyes on Discord, "you stay right there, you hear me?" He started reaching for his gun, hoping that he wouldn't have to use it. He doubted a bullet would even do anything to the thing in front of him anyway.

A few pedestrians had taken notice of the situation and took their phones out to record. Discord stood up straight and spun his head back around. Next, he slipped his wrists out of the cuffs and rubbed the spot they'd been. He looked at the police car parked behind him and noticed the license plate mounted to the front.

With a snap of his fingers, a pair of orange New York license plates with CHAOS in black letters appeared in his hand. "So these are the plates that need to be on the car?"

"What? Are you a friggin' comedian and magician?" the officer asked with a laugh.

"I am many things," Discord replied, snapping his fingers again. The plates flew from his hands and mounted themselves to his Corvette. "Most importantly though, I am late. What were the other things you needed so we can hurry this along?"

"Your drivers license and registration for the car," the officer replied.

"Let me see yours," Discord said, holding out his hand. At this point, the police officer believed Discord really was a magician, and he was being asked as a volunteer from the audience. He removed his wallet, hoping to see that his drivers license had been replaced with one of the strange man, but he saw only his own picture staring at him.

Some strange force overcame the officer and he willingly handed over his wallet. Discord stared at the rectangle of plastic within for a moment and snapped his fingers, producing one of his own.

The officer took his wallet back as well as Discord's freshly materialized drivers license. If it was a fake, it was the best damn fake he'd ever seen. "So, err, Discord," the officer said, handing him the license back, "I suppose now you'll tell me this car is registered?"

"Yes, yes, everything is up to code," Discord replied rather impatiently. 2014 registration stickers appeared on the plates just as the officer looked down to make sure.

"Am I on TV right now or something?" the police officer asked, looking around as if he might see a hidden camera crew. "This has got to be a prank."

Discord opened the drivers side door of his Corvette and slid into his seat. "Yes! Yes it is all a prank!" he said, getting ready to close the door. "Now am I free to go?"

After a moment of difficult consideration, the police officer finally managed to say, "I, uh, I guess I have no reason to hold you. So, yeah, have a good night and drive safe."

With a sigh of relief, Discord said, "Thank you, officer. Have a happy New Year!" He closed the car door and started up the engine, threw it into first, and took to the sky. The police officer and crowd below stared up in awe, and a few even began clapping as if it had been a marvelous end to the performance.

He kept a tight grip on the steering wheel with one hand and ran the other through his hair nervously. I'm going to be late, he thought. Who knows how much this delay will change things?! The Corvette sped across the skyline, now mostly invisible from the snowfall.

"It's okay, everything is fine," Discord reassured himself aloud. "Compose yourself. You have a meeting with the Princess!"

After a short drive, he brought the car down in the alley leading to his base of operation. He climbed out of the car and looked around to make sure he hadn't been followed. There wasn't a soul around, so he proceeded to the large metal door.

Once inside, he locked the door behind him and walked across the empty room to where he'd been hiding the mirror. He took the sheet off of it and looked at his reflection. It was of his draconequus form, yet it mimicked all of his movements.

"Okay," he said, watching his reflection, "now the real fun starts."

He pushed through the viscous surface of the mirror and was transported back into the realm of Equestria. Several armored stallions were there waiting for him with spears pointed, and Discord opened his eyes wide with surprise. This was not the basement of Fluttershy's house where he'd left the mirror, no, this was somewhere in Canterlot castle—more specifically, the magical artifact vault.

"Princess Luna! Come quickly!" one of the stallions shouted. Discord looked around, trying to hide his grin as he got ready for his performance.

"Yes, Luna, come quickly!" he shouted, falling to his knees. "You must help me, dear Luna!"

The glorious dark blue alicorn stormed into the room and pushed past the guards. She levitated Discord up from his knees and pinned him against a wall. "Where is my sister?!" she shouted, glaring at him.

"Oh, it's terrible!" Discord sobbed. "Why, they've captured her—her and the children!"

"Who?" Luna demanded. "Who has captured them?"

Discord pointed to the mirror and tried to explain about the US government, but a strange, blurry screen formed between him and Luna. There was a voice coming from it, but it was faint, and too distorted to make out. After a moment, it got more clear, and the image of filly Celestia spoke through the static.

"—sold us to the humans as pets…plan is still unclear…war between our worlds. Please, sister…find the one named David…"

The transmission faded out and it left Discord face to face with Luna. She was visibly confused and kept staring not at Discord, but where her sister's face had been. "Why was she a filly? What did she mean, war? Who is David?!" Her eyes focused on Discord and she glared at him. "You! Explain!"

This was not something Discord was planning on. How?! How did she manage to communicate without her magic?! This ruins everything! He looked around, feeling the eyes of the guards digging into him. Think of something! Think!

Discord broke down into hysterical sobs and began pounding his fist against the floor. "Oh, it's all my fault!" he cried. "I tried to rescue them, but I couldn't!"

"Who captured them, and how?" Luna asked, showing no sympathy.

Sorry, Davey-Boy.

"A human. A human named David," Discord replied, standing up. "He was nice enough at first, but he used me to bring the mirror to Ponyville where he began foalnapping all the children! He even took the staff of Starswirl the Bearded! Oh, I tried to stop him, but my powers don't work in their world!"

"How did a human get into our world in the first place? You let it in, didn't you?" Luna accused Discord, jamming her hoof right into his chest. "And how did you get back through the mirror, but my sister didn't?"

"She made a great sacrifice so that I could get away, and I hid the mirror where no human would find it," Discord wept. "They're probably torturing her right now!"

Luna was livid now and her horn began to glow with magic. She turned to the guards. "We must go in and retrieve my sister and the children at once," she commanded.

"Didn't you hear me?" Discord asked. "Our magic doesn't work in their world. Not if you travel through the mirror anyway." Discord allowed himself to grin. "There is another way in, but it's a bit more…convoluted."

Luna halted at the mirror and looked at the human reflection of herself. The woman looked afraid, and maybe a little desperate, as she turned away. "Is this one of your tricks?" she asked, looking at Discord warily.

"Certainly not! I've been reformed, remember?" Discord replied, a small halo appearing above his head. "This is all my fault, and I'm looking to put it right!"

"Go on," she said after a moment. The guards looked at her with worry, but kept their mouths shut as they were trained to do.

Discord walked around the room of magical artifacts with his hands behind his back. After a minute, he came to a glass case containing two ancient coins. They both bore the same crude image of a unicorn head on all their faces. Discord opened the case and picked up the coins between his claws.

"These," he said, flipping one of the coins, "are the answer to our dilemma." The coin landed in his paw and he held it out to Luna. She had never seen the coins before and looked at it skeptically.

"If I bring one of these to the human world," Discord continued, "all I have to do is throw it into a fountain. Once the other one is thrown into a fountain in our world, it will open a portal between the two. You could send hundreds of troops through at once for the upcoming war, and they would suffer no adverse side effects."

"War…" Luna said quietly, taking the coin in her hoof.

"The humans have fired the first shots," Discord said. "Let's bring the war to them."