Enter Crimson

by milestails16

Chapter 6: Attack of the Timberwolves!

The two continued to stand there, Crimson and Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle, with a joyful grin on her face, and Crimson with a look of worry.

‘She’s one of the little girls from this morning! No doubt she remembers me’ Crimson definitely remembers his first encounter with Sweetie Belle; well not her, but her red haired friend’s soccer ball. What could he do? Just let it hit him in the head?

“Sweetie Belle, is someone there?” said a voice from upstairs. Descending from the stairs was a woman that looked like she could either be somebody’s mom, or their big sister. She wore a lovely white shirt that had a few gems on it, tucked into her midnight blue jeans. Her long, violet hair, was almost long enough to reach past her elbows.

“Oh, a customer!” she said, “Welcome to the Carousel Boutique! My name is Rari-” As she was about to finish her sentence, she noticed that both Sweetie Belle and Crimson were staring at each other.

“Excuse me, ma'am?” said Crimson kindly, “Can you please have your sister stop staring at me? It’s making me a bit uncomfortable” Can you blame him? Wouldn’t you feel uncomfortable having a kid just stare and point at you?

“Oh I’m so sorry sir” said Rarity as she pulled her little sister away from Crimson.

“Rarity! Rarity!” said Sweetie Belle, “He’s the guy I told you about! It’s him! It’s him!” Hearing that, Crimson started getting nervous. He just got here and last thing he needs is for everyone to know about him!

“Oh Sweetie, please stop with that!” Rarity said as she gently pushed her sister towards the stairs. “Go outside and play with your friends, whilst I speak to the customer” As Sweetie Belle walked up the stairs to her room, Rarity walked up to Crimson with an apologetic smile.

“I am so sorry about my sister” she said, “I hope she didn’t upset you” “Oh I’m fine Miss...Rarity, is it?” said Crimson. As Rarity started fixing up his clothes, unbeknownst them, a danger was slowly making it’s way towards Ponyville.

Just Outside The Everfree Forest

Just outside the entrance to the Everfree Forest was a pack of Timberwolves. They were sniffing around as they came out of the Everfree Forest, possibly looking for something; Or someone. As soon as they got the scent, one of them howled, then the pack ran towards Ponyville.

The mane 6 were doing just fine, going about their business. But, when they heard that howl, they immediately froze. Every single one of them, wore an expression of shock. Well, except for Rarity of course.

“D-Did you just hear th-that?” said Rarity, who was fixing Crimson’s jacket as she tried to keep a straight face; Failing miserably of course. She knew that sound all too well. She quickly looked out her window and saw the pack of Timber Wolves sniffing around.

“I gotta call the girls!” she said as she reached for her cell phone and started dialing each of her friends’ phone number. The first person she called was of course Rainbow Dash. She’s the only person she knows that would see this as a challenge. It took Rarity almost a minute before she was able to reach Dash.

“Rare!” she said with a bit of worry in her voice, “Please tell me I’m not the only one seeing this!” “Well other than the fact that people are screaming over a pack of Timber Wolves in the middle of Ponyville...no, you’re not!” Rarity said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Rarity just hates it when people ask stupid questions.

“Damn it, Rarity! This is no time for jokes!” shouted Rainbow Dash into her phone, almost making Rarity deaf on the other end. “You call Applejack and Pinkie Pie, and I’ll call Twily and Fluttershy!” Rarity heard a dial tone, meaning Dash must’ve hung up and started calling the others. Before she did the same, a question just came to mind.

‘Did Rainbow Dash just call Twilight...Twily?’

The Timberwolves were still looking around, having a bit of trouble finding what they were looking for; Once the mane 6 show up these beasts will be sent back to the Everfree Forest where they belong! Whilst one of them was sniffing around, they suddenly stopped. They finally found what they were looking for! Howling again, the Timber Wolves directed their attention towards the kids who were cowering in fear behind a flower cart; Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Spike.

“I-I told you it was a bad idea to go into the Everfree Forest, Applebloom!” said Scootaloo as Spike sat right next to her, grinding his teeth in annoyance. Not only had Scoots and Applebloom brought him into their little adventure because Sweetie Belle was busy, but now he was cowering for his life because of them!

“My idea!? It was your idea!” shouted Applebloom. The pack of Timberwolves slowly walked closer towards the two, stopping their little argument. They were getting closer and closer, until the one Timber Wolf that was closest to the three kids stopped. A lasso suddenly wrapped tightly around his muzzle, pulling him away from his pack. The rest of the wolves looked towards where the lasso came from, seeing Applejack hog tying her prize.

“Hey you varmints!” she shouted, “Leave those kids alone!” Pinkie then began to assault them with cupcakes, as Rainbow Dash attempted to make them dizzy by flying circles around them. As Dash started speeding up, a blue tornado started to develop; slowly lifting the two remaining Timber Wolves off of the ground.

Unbeknownst to them, as the mane 6 were fighting them, the currently tied Timber Wolf was already close to being free from his entanglement. After finally breaking free, an audible snap from the rope was heard; alerting Applejack.

“W-What?” she stuttered, as she turned to see the now enraged Timber Wolf walking up to her. “Th-The rope shouldn’t have broke!”

“What’re you talking about Appleja-Whoa!” screamed Rainbow Dash, interrupting her focus on the tornado, thus dropping the Timber Wolves. Once the Timberwolves reached the ground, they let out a fearsome roar; striking more terror into the citizens of Ponyville.

“D-Don’t worry girls, I’ve got this!” Twilight said as her hands and horn glowed brightly, shooting a ray of magic towards the Timber Wolves. But unfortunately, to their dismay, it did nothing to them. It seemed that whatever spell Twilight casted on the menacing creatures, didn’t seem to faze them.

“W-What?” she stuttered, “Let me try again!” She blasted the Timber Wolves again, using almost all of the strength she had; it still had no effect. She fell to her knees, both exhausted and flabbergasted.

Whilst her friends were rushing over to help her, they didn’t happen to notice the Timber Wolves running towards them. She tried to yell out to warn them, but she wasn’t able to in time; the wolves were getting closer and closer than expected.

While Twilight’s friends were helping her up, they suddenly saw a huge shadow hovering in front of them. It wasn’t until they slowly turned around, that they were face to face with their incoming doom; Fluttershy was so scared she couldn’t even utter a squeak!

“Get out of here girls!” screamed Twilight, “Save yourselves!” She closed her eyes tight, waiting for her end to come. She suddenly found herself caught in a group hug.

“Yeah right, Twi!” Dash said as she held Twilight closer than the others, “We’re your friends! There’s no way we’re gonna leave you behind!” Hearing this brought a tear to her eye. If she was going to die, at least she would have her friends with her.

“T-Twilight?” Dash started, cheeks already starting to turn bright red. “B-Before we die, I just want you to know...” Before she could finish her sentence, the Timberwolves were

Just as the Timberwolves were about to attack the girls, they felt a powerful kick; sending them straight through a restaurant. Luckily the place was already shut down due to complaints.

The mane 6 looked up to see who their savior was, seeing none other than Crimson; a man they hardly knew about! And yet he just took down 3 Timber Wolves with a kick?