Finding a Rose

by anonymouswolf

The Stallion Of The Hour... SorRawr

"Aunt Rose, how do you spell Ultra?"


"how do you spell boring?"



Finally Silence, Rose begin to dip The flower bud in the black glowing liquid.

"How do you spell, My aunt can't take a hint."

A hiss came from the concoction. She threw the bud in the trashcan, where rest of its companions lie. The offender was a red and black colt, that hasn't received his cutie mark. His name is Firestarter and rose knew him well, as Rose and her sisters has taken care of him over, the past 3 1/2 years.

"I know you're bored, but what I'm doing requires concentration." Rose "calmly" replied.

"What are you even doing?" The red and White colt asked.

"I'm trying to die a rose black every other pedal."

"Why are trying to kill a rose every other pedal?" The confused colt asked.

"No, die as in color it."

"OOH... That doesn't make sense either. Aren't there flowers already like that? I should know Daisy schooled me in everything flowers." The colt continued under his breath. "Maybe lily is right, she's going crazy."

"Yeah but those have magical compounds in them, making them react and explode when I try to put enchantments on it."

"Explode!?! I didn't know flowers are that cool, I want to try that."

"No you were not going to."

"I mean it's a flower how much damage can it do?"




"Completely not."

"Yes and that's Final."


"What were we fighting about?" The red colt asked.

A jingle from the front of the shop called the ponies attention. Somepony came in, Rose turned around it was him, the bane of Rose's existence, the blue pegasus pony. The pony that bought her rose... What's-his-name!!!

For the life of her she couldn't remember his name. She put on a smile that was more like a grimace.

"Good morning, how's it going, Roseluk?" He said in his evil smirk, emphasizing the last letters in her name.

"Oh, ha ha it's so funny, I might die." Rose said with a mouthful of venom.

It was at this point Firestarter's patented "Sarcastic Remarks MakerTM" kicked in. "If you die may I have your room?"

They started around of hysterical laughter. Roseluck succeeded in hiding her smile. "You guys are unbelievable."

"Good one, what's your name kid?" The blue stallion asked.

"Firestarter," Firestarter obviously stated. "Yours?"

"I'm Sor... Rawr." sorawr awkwardly said. And then with some quick thinking he added. "The weird pause there is necessary to say my name. It's a weird Northern Pegasus tribe name. You can just call me soar like the pony's do."

Some people say, "The suspense is so thick, you can cut it with a knife." I say, "The awkwardness is so thick, you could cut it with a semi dull butter knife."

"So... I guess you came back in here because your date was successful." Rose said trying to kill the awkwardness, but failing as "soar" started to sputter.

"U-um, y-yes, I guess."

"Did she enjoy the date?"

"Nan, I bet he got stood up," interjected Fire.

"Fire! what did I tell you about making rude assumptions." Rose said shaking her head.

"Never be negative, when you can be positive. I'm sorry aunt Rose. Sorry soar"

She turned to the stallion and said "So tell me about your date."

"It started, okay..."