Winter's Blossom

by X3n0heart

Saturday Night

Screeching tires on snow covered asphalt, twisting metal and breaking glass, as a solitary scream pierces the muffled night sky. Two figures could be seen on the ground not far from the remains of what looked like some kind of sedan laying upside down, the tires still spinning before coming to a stop. One of them slowly got to their knees as the other remained still.

14 Hours Earlier

Rainbow Dash yawned and reached slowly over as she pressed the snooze button on her alarm clock, letting her arm slowly fall off the side of the bed, her hand resting on the floor. Mumbling something into her pillow about it being so early she rolled over and pulled the blankets up over her head as she curled up into a ball, the warmth of her body heat keeping her comfortable.
A quiet constant buzz kept her from falling back asleep as she rolled back over and reached for her phone from under the covers. It took her a few tries before she grabbed it and pulled it underneath looking at the number. It was Fluttershy and she was probably calling just to make sure she got up for the day.
"Mmm...hello Fluttershy." Rainbow said drowsily.
"Good morning, Dashie! Are you still in bed?" she asked.
"Well get up sleepy head. We got a busy day today, or did you forget what day it was?"
"Huh, what...?" Rainbow asked as it finally dawned on her what day it was and she sat strait up knocking the covers off of her. "Oh that's cold!" she said as she placed her feet on the floor. Giggling could be heard on the other end as Rainbow started to get partially dressed. "Are we still meeting up for breakfast?"
"Uh-huh! I'll see you there in an hour, okay?"
"Sure thing."
"Okay, love you!"
"Love you too!" Rainbow said back as she hung up her phone and sighed to herself. I almost forgot that it's her birthday today... Rainbow looked at the pictures on the wall of both of them as she smiled to herself. She was halfway dressed before heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get ready for the day. As she got under the hot water Rainbow Dash thought to herself. Wait she said we had a busy day today. Does that mean she already has everything planned out for her own birthday?
She stood there under the heat letting the droplets massage her shoulders and back as she just smiled to herself. "Silly girl. Always thinking of others. Sometimes she let's her kindness over take her." Turning off the water Rainbow got out and started to dry herself off as the steam floated lazily around the bathroom. Wiping a hand across the mirror she stared at her reflection for a moment before getting out and heading back to her room.
"Geez it's still cold in here!" She exclaimed as she picked out what she was going to wear today. "I think I'll wear something nice for her today." Smiling she put on a light blue tank top, a darker blue sweater to go over it, with a pair of nice fitting jeans and her blue and white fuzzy boots. Grabbing her phone she checked the time as well as the weather for the day. "Hmm it says it's supposed to snow today." Opening her curtains Rainbow looked outside and saw that it was cloudy but didn't show any signs that it would snow.
Grabbing her shoulder bag she made sure she had everything she needed before heading out, locking the door behind her. The cafe was only about a ten minute walk from her place as she shivered against the cold. "Man why does winter have to be so cold here?" she asked herself as she rounded the corner and spotted the little coffee shop across the street. "I bet she's already there waiting for me." Rainbow smiled to herself as she waited for the light to change so she could cross.
Upon reaching the door she pulled it open and stepped into the brightly lit area inhaling deeply as the smells of fresh coffee and muffins along with other breakfast items filled her nostrils. Seeing Fluttershy sitting at one of the tables, she waved her over as she smiled brightly at Rainbow Dash. Yep. I was right. she thought as she returned the smile, making her way over to the table and sitting down.
"Good morning, Dashie." Fluttershy beamed as she watched her take her seat.
"Good morning, birthday girl!"
"I already ordered for you, if you didn't mind."
"Nah it's cool. Thanks. I'm starving." Rainbow grinned. "So," she added, "what's the big plans for today?"
"Well honestly I just wanted to spend the whole day with you today." she blushed as she partially hid behind her pink hair.
"That's a given." Rainbow laughed as she sat back. "Of course I was going to spend the day with you."
"Also this." Fluttershy reached into her bag and pulled out two tickets and passed them over to Rainbow Dash. Leaning forward Rainbow picked them up and looked them over before her eyes lit up and she looked back up at Fluttershy.
"No way!"
"Yes way." she giggled.
"But how did you get these? They have been sold out for months." Rainbow was curious as she questioned her lover.
"Well I was listening to the radio the other day and they were giving them away if you were the right caller so I just tried and I won."
"Oh my gosh! And it's tonight!" Rainbow just noticed the date on the tickets.
"I want you to go with me. For my birthday present." Fluttershy told her her cheeks slightly flushed still.
"Definitely! They are my favorite band in the whole world! Oh my gosh, I still can't believe you actually got a pair of tickets!" Rainbow Dash was still beaming when their food arrived. I still need to get her something though... she thought as they ate when Rarity walked in with some guy and waved to the two girls.
"That must be Rarity's new boyfriend." Rainbow shook her head as she waved back before turning back to Fluttershy.
"Sometimes I worry about her." she replied as she finished off her cup of coffee.
"Yeah but you know it won't last that long and then she'll move and find someone else." Rainbow sighed as she stared into her cup.
"What's wrong, my love?" Fluttershy asked noticing her change in demeanor.
"It's nothing..." Rainbow commented.
"Tell me, please?" she persisted.
"It's just...." she started as she looked away for a moment before turning her eyes back to Fluttershy. "You won't leave me, will you?"
"Oh Dashie, of course not." Fluttershy reassured her. "I'm not going any where. You don't know how happy you make me." Fluttershy smiled so softly that it made Rainbow Dash blush deeply and quickly take a sip from her cup which made Fluttershy giggle. As the girls finished their breakfast and got up they waved goodbye to Rarity and made their way outside, hand in hand as they walked down the street.
"So what's next on the agenda?" Dash asked.
"I didn't really plan anything out, but I would like to stop by the animal shelter, if that's okay with you."
"Sure thing, boss." Rainbow smiled as they continued down the side walk. A lot of places where not to far from each other around this part of the city and it was only about a twenty minute walk from the cafe to get to the shelter. As the girls entered the lady behind the desk greeted them and welcomed back Fluttershy.
"Good morning, Mrs. Johnson." Fluttershy returned the greeting.
"Go ahead and go on back, Fluttershy. They are about to feed the animals and I know you enjoy that very much." Mrs. Johnson smiled and waved a hand to the doors.
"Thank you!" Fluttershy said as she took Rainbow into the back area with her.
"You've always had a soft spot for these things." Rainbow chuckled as they met up with a couple of other employees who were getting everything ready. As Fluttershy talked with them, Rainbow took a look around the area seeing many different kinds of dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, and a few other types of animals she couldn't recognize. Getting her attention, Fluttershy waved Rainbow over to her as she handed her a small bag.
"They are going to let us feed the kitties today." she said happily. Returning the smile, Rainbow followed her over to where they were kept as she watched Fluttershy open the cage and pour some of the food from her bag into the bowl. The light brown and white cat that was in there rubbed against her hand as she giggled as she pet him gently.
"That's all you gotta do. Don't worry they won't bite you." Fluttershy told her as she pointed her to one that had a calico colored cat inside. Rainbow walked over and opened the cage just like Fluttershy did and poured a bit into the bowl as the cat came over and sniffed at her hand before hissing at her making her step back and quickly closing the cage.
"That thing almost attacked me!" she said as she pointed at it. Fluttershy came over and gave her a hug.
"You're silly. He probably didn't like your smell or something." As she walked away Rainbow lifted her hand to her nose and took a few whiffs not noticing any kind of bad smell. Stepping over to Fluttershy she handed her the bag and told her that she'll be in the waiting room when she is finished. Fluttershy nodded as Rainbow walked back into the lobby and took a seat, pulling out her phone to check the time.
A slight buzz was felt as a text message from Apple Jack appeared and she opened it right away. It looks like everything will be ready tonight after the concert. Good job as always AJ! she smiled as she sent a quick reply and put away her phone. She didn't have to wait for to long as Fluttershy waved good bye to Mrs. Johnson while Rainbow Dash stood up and took her hand once again, heading out the doors into the brisk air.
"I just want to bring them all home and take care of them." Fluttershy said.
"And if given the chance I bet you would too." Rainbow agreed. Fluttershy just shrugged and giggled at her friend as they walked along, no destination in sight. They spent the rest of the day together just walking around town before ending up at Rainbow's place in the late afternoon. Giving her close friend some hot chocolate, Rainbow Dash sat down next to her as they watched TV, enjoying each others company.
"The show starts around 8:30 tonight but they are opening the doors at 8." Rainbow said.
"Uh-huh." Fluttershy agreed. "I think we should meet up around 7?" she suggested.
"That sounds good. I'll come by and pick you up around then and we can head out from there." Fluttershy smiled as she started to gather her things and put her shoes on. Rainbow walked her over to the door and gave her a big hug and a kiss before she opened it for Fluttershy.
"Okay. See you then! Love you!"
"Love you too!" Rainbow called back as she watched her walk away with a happy skip in her step. Closing the door Rainbow squeed as she went to her room to find something to wear for tonight. She still had a few hours before they were to meet up but going through her closest just might take that long as she stood in front of it and sighed.

Six Hours Earlier

"What a mess..." she said to herself. "Well I know there's something in here that will be special enough for tonight. Now let's see..." She was right, it took her almost two hours to find something to wear for the concert and her birthday party afterwards over at Apple Jack's place. What she ended up putting together was: a pleaded miniskirt with a matching button up shirt with short sleeves, both the colors of a light blue and orange. She had a pair of blue and white fuzzy boots to match with her outfit as she smiled to herself before there was a knock on the door.
"Rarity! Good you're here. Come in, come in." Rainbow said to her friend as she stepped inside.
"Well look who's all dressed up for the big night." Rarity beamed for this is a rare sight to see Rainbow Dash prettified let alone in any kind of dress or skirt.
"Yeah yeah."
"So what's the big emergency, dear? I got your text and came right over." Rarity asked.
"I need you to do my hair for me." Rarity's eyes sparkled as she turned Rainbow around and started pushing her towards the bathroom.
"Great! Let's get started right away. You don't have much time to waste now, do you?" Rarity grinned as she sat her down on the edge of the tub and started going through her things. "Not much to work with but I'll do my best!" she stated as she started to work her magic. By the time she was done Rainbow had her hair pulled slightly back as the lower half of it was in curls which hung around her shoulders. Rarity pulled some of her front hair on top and hung it loosely at the sides of her face.
"Wonderful! Come take a look." She helped Rainbow up and faced her towards the mirror. "You look beautiful." Rarity complimented her which made Rainbow blush in turn.
"Thank you Rarity." Rainbow said as she hugged her good friend.
"Anytime, darling. Now go out and have a great time. I'll see you later tonight at Apple Jack's party. I'll let myself out, you finish getting ready." Rarity smiled as she grabber her bag and headed out the front door. I really hope she likes it... Rainbow thought as she stared at herself for a few moments before grabbing a small shoulder purse and her jacket.
"Brrrr. It should has gotten colder tonight." she said to herself as she made her way down the street towards where Fluttershy lived. She had to take a short bus ride though for she wasn't really within walking distance, at least not in the cold. It was no surprise that when she got off the bus near her place that Fluttershy was actually waiting there for her. The girls hugged each other as they started walking down the side walk.
"You look very pretty tonight." Fluttershy said as she gently touched the curls. Once again Rainbow turned away from her her face a deep crimson color. Fluttershy placed a hand on her cheek and turned her face so she can look in her eyes.
"Thank you." Rainbow replied shyly which made her giggle. "So do you." Rainbow added as she now finally looked at her more closely. Fluttershy's pink hair was half way pulled back and tied off with a white ribbon while the back of it formed into a french braid keeping it all locked together. The girls made their way to a different bus stop which happened to be right on time so they did not have to wait long. It was a short trip down the street as they got off near the concert hall where the band was playing.
"Wow there's so many people here." Fluttershy said as they made their way to the front of the building, people in line eyeing them.
"Fluttershy the line's way back there." Rainbow pointed as they stopped in front of two people standing in front of the open doors. Fluttershy just smiled to her as she handed one of the gentlemen the tickets as he looked at them for a moment then let them pass through. "Huh, what?" Rainbow was slightly confused as they entered the building and into the coat room.
"I guess you were so excited about them that you didn't fully read them." She said as she took off her coat and gave it to the girl behind the counter. Fluttershy was wearing a pale pink dress that had a white floral design to it along with giant white bow where her lower back is. Rainbow wondered if that was a new dress for she has never seen it before. "Dashie, she's waiting for your coat." she giggled as she brought Rainbow back to reality.
"Oh, sorry." Rainbow said as she took off her coat and handed it to the girl as well. Fluttershy took her arm and headed into the main area where the stage is at noticing quite a few other people in there. "So what was special about those tickets?" Rainbow asked.
"They were V.I.P. passes. That's why we got to skip the line and come right in." Fluttershy beamed as they made their way to the front of stage area.
"Really? You got us V.I.P. tickets?" Once again Rainbow was in awe of her friend as she gave her a big hug. "You're the best, Fluttershy!" she exclaimed happily. Pulling out her phone she wrapped her arm around Fluttershy and took a selfie with both of them smiling, standing near the front of the stage. Both of them looked at the picture and Fluttershy gave Rainbow Dash a soft kiss on the cheek.
"Send that one to me." Rainbow smiled and sent a text message with the picture attached to it. It wasn't long after that when the place started to fill up with people and the energy that was building up inside was electrifying. Rainbow Dash was getting jittery like a small school girl as the lights went out before some pyrotechnics shot off and the band appeared on stage while everyone cheered like rabid animals on the hunt for weakened prey.

One Hour Earlier

As the cheering continued the band said their goodbye's and thank you's before walking off the stage. Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy, both girls sweaty and their hair somewhat messed up, and hugged her closely as the crowd started to thin out slowly. "Oh. My. Gosh." Rainbow squeed as her voice was a bit hoarse from the singing and yelling she was doing. "Thank you so much for this!"
"You're very welcome and thank you for coming with me." Fluttershy said, her voice almost normal but a bit scratchy. As the girls took each others hand they slowly made their way back to the coat room and received their own before putting them on and heading back into the cold night air. It felt good against their sweaty face as Fluttershy wrapped her other arm around the one she was already holding hands with.
The girls made their way down the street and stopped at the corner waiting for the neon sign to give them permission to cross. Rainbow Dash was still smiling as she told Fluttershy her favorite parts of the concert and how much fun it was to be there with her. Fluttershy listened to her lover as she then looked up as a small snow flake fell on the tip of her nose.
"Dashie, look!" She pointed up towards the sky which made Rainbow tilt her head and look up at the cloudy sky. "It's snowing!" Fluttershy said as happy as a little kid.
"Well they did say it was going to snow sometime today." Rainbow chuckled as the snow continued to come down on them. It was very peaceful out even if it was a bit cold. As the sign flashed for them to cross, Rainbow tugged gently on Fluttershy's hand and started leading her across the street. On the other side there was a music store which featured some brand new guitar designs in their front windows. "Oh wow!" Rainbow said as she made her way over and peered inside.
"Look Fluttershy! They already have the new 7 string! Man I wish I could play that right now..." Rainbow said as Fluttershy just giggled quietly to herself letting her drool over the instrument. Hearing something strange in the distance Fluttershy turned slightly and looked back down the street not seeing anything at first but just then, like a flash of lightning a car appeared which seemed to be moving very oddly. It only took her a moment before she realized that it was sliding sideways and coming straight for them at an incredible speed.
There was only one thing she could do: she turned quickly and shoved Rainbow Dash as hard as she could before the car's tires hit the median and started to tumble striking Rainbow in the left leg breaking it on contact as it spun her a few times before she landed in the street, the air being knocked out of her as her head hit the asphalt stunning her, making the world spin violently. There was no sound as she laid there the snow falling softly around her.
When her senses finally returned to her she tried to sit up and ended up vomiting all over the ground in front of her as her equilibrium returned to normal at the same time sharp pain from her leg finally registered in her brain and she screamed out in pain. Looking down she could see that, below the knee, her leg was bent at an unusual angle as she remained on her hands and knees. The next thing she heard was a scream and someone yelling to call 9-1-1 as she looked around as panic started to grip her heart.
"Fluttershy...?" she called out as she frantically looked for her girlfriend. "Fluttershy! Where are you?" She said louder as tears formed behind those ruby colored eyes. They went wide with shock as they found themselves resting upon what was left of the vehicle which was half in half out of the store they were just standing in front of. No....please no... she thought as she continued to look for her. Then she spotted a figure laying on the ground almost on the other side of the street.
Rainbow Dash moved as quickly as she could to them her worst fears coming true as Fluttershy lay still, her blood making the fresh white snow a rich crimson color. Her body was ripped and torn in multiple places as it looks like both of her legs were broken along with her right arm in a few places.
"FLUTTERSHY!" Rainbow screamed as she reached out to touch her but wasn't able to. "Nonononono. Please open your eyes!" she sniffed as the tears started to roll down her cheeks, leaving long black streaks from her makeup. "You promised you would never leave promised...." Rainbow could hear the sirens in the distance now as she took her lover's cold hand and held it tightly. There was a small crowd around when the paramedics finally got there and rushed over to the two girls.
Pulling Rainbow away and helping her to a stretcher, they checked Fluttershy's vital signs and pronounced her dead on arrival. As one of them went and got a body bag, Rainbow went into complete shock and wasn't responsive to the questions she was being asked before she ended up passing out from not just the physical pain but from the emotional as well.

"I win again."
"I think yer cheat'n there."
"Am not."
"Are too!"
"Shhh!" Rainbow moaned slightly as she slowly opened her eyes but quickly closed them from the bright lights over head. "I think she's waking up." It was Rarity as she heard some movement next to her bed. "Rainbow? Are you awake, dear?" It was definitely Rarity as Rainbow opened her eyes once more. She was greeted with her perfect smile and a sigh of relief as she hugged her friend. Apple Jack followed suit also hugging her before the girls took their seats.
" I?" Rainbow said groggily.
"You're in the hospital." Rarity answered.
"How'd I get here?"
"There was an accident and you were brought here. Your leg was broken and you've been out for three days now." Rarity explained to her. Rainbow tried to sit up but was having difficulties so Apple Jack helped her by putting some of the pillows behind her. Her eyes watered and threatened to burst forth with tears but she was using all her strength to keep them in.
"You okay, sugar cube?" AJ asked worriedly. Rainbow just shook her head and placed her hands to her face as the tears just fell on their own accord. Apple Jack and Rarity just looked at each other before both of them came over and sat on her bed wrapping their arms around her.
"I'm so sorry...." Rarity said as she started to tear up.
"She's gone...." Rainbow sniffed as she let it all out. "She's gone and never coming back!" Her friends comforted her the best they could as Rainbow Dash cried her heart out in front of them. After a good while Apple Jack left to get them some lunch as Rarity and Rainbow talked about what transpired that night.
"So what happened?" Rainbow asked as looked at the cast on her leg and some of the signatures already on it. Huh? Even Twilight came to see me...I'm guessing it was Rarity who told her about what happened... she thought as she sighed, listening to Rarity explain that night's events.
"From the police report it seems like the driver lost control of the car when he took the corner to fast. It started spinning and when it hit the median it flipped over and over and crashed into the store that you were standing in near. If Fluttershy hadn't pushed you out of the way..." Rarity couldn't finish for her voice started to quiver on the thoughts of losing a good friend.
"It's okay Rarity. Thank you." Rainbow rested her hand on her's and did her best to give Rarity a smile. "When is it?"
"Next Sunday." She said as she wiped her eyes with a tissue.
"Okay." Apple Jack returned with some non-hospital food which seemed to lighten the mood a bit. As the girls ate they talked about the funeral arrangements and how were they going to live without one of their best friends. Apple Jack also mentioned that Pinkie Pie was going to come with them today but she had some errands to take care of.
One of the nurses came in to check up on Rainbow Dash and reminded her friends that they have only about 10 more minutes before visiting hours were over. Rarity and Apple Jack started to gather up their things as both of them hugged her, telling her it's going to be okay and they all will get through this together.
"Thank you, both of you." Rainbow said sincerely.
"No need to thank us, darling."
"You got that right. We're here for each other no matter what." Apple Jack agreed. Rainbow Dash smiled as they left her room waving goodbye before the door slowly closed and it was once again quiet and lonely. Rainbow laid down and clutched her stuffed turtle closely to her as she wept for her love and the hole it created in her heart.


Apple Jack helped Rainbow Dash into her wheel chair, shutting the car door as Rarity got out from the other side and walked around standing next to AJ. Each girl was dressed in black as Apple Jack pushed Rainbow along the concrete path to where Fluttershy's service was being held at. Nearing the area there were quiet a few people gathered, most from Canterlot High, as they made room for the three girls to be up front where the closed casket laid above ground.
Rainbow was doing her best to not cry but in the end the tears fell uncontrollably down her face as the crowd seemed to grow little by little. Even some of the teachers showed up to give their support to her close friends as Rainbow listened to the priest. She couldn't help keep her eyes on the casket as he went on, her heart broken in a million pieces, never to be put back together again.
"And now I believe the one closest to her has a few words to say." he said as he held an open hand out to Rainbow Dash, inviting her to speak if she wanted to. Her gaze shifted from him to Rarity, who nodded, then to Apple Jack who also nodded to her. Drying her eyes the best she could she had AJ help her over to the small podium which she leaned against for support as Apple Jack stood nearby just in case she was needed.
"I didn't really have anything prepared for something like this." she started as she cleared her throat as it threatened to crack on her. "So firstly I would like that thank everyone that's here from the bottom of my heart. I know if Fluttershy could see all of you she would be smiling brightly. So thank you. Fluttershy was very dear to me, as some of you know. After the events of the Friendship Games we grew closer and closer until we confessed our feelings for each other and that's when it started. She was everything to me and I would give her the world if she wanted it.
"I remember the first date we went on. We were supposed to go to the fair but we got side tracked and spent all night trying to find a lost puppy's home. When we finally did it brought her so much joy that she beamed as bright as the sun. There wasn't really much that could bring her down and she was always the first to try and cheer someone up when they are feeling down. Fluttershy was kindness incarnate and would give you everything she owned if she thought it would help.
"I know that if Flutteshy is looking down at us right now she wouldn't want us to remember how she died but in how she lived. The great things she did for the community, the homes she found for all those animals she loved so much, and how much she cared for each and every one of us. I will never forget you, my love, and I will always remember that smiling face of yours and how much you loved me."
As Apple Jack helped her back to her chair it was silent around the area the only sounds coming from those weeping or sniffing at her speech. Rainbow noticed that even Apple Jack's eyes were watery as she tried to blink back the tears that started to form. The priest started up again as they began to lower the casket into the grave, the crowd watching in silence. Reaching the bottom, the priest finished up and said a small prayer before taking his leave.
A few people tossed some flowers into the grave and said their condolences to Rainbow and her friends before they all left one by one, leaving the three girls alone staring down at the dark brown casket. Reaching down next to her in her wheel chair Rainbow Dash pulled out a printed picture of her and Fluttershy from that night at the concert. The smiles on both of their faces brought tears to all three of them as they just stared at it before she let it float slowly down to the coffin landing on one of the roses leaving it at a slight angle.
A break in the cloudy sky let a small beam of golden sunlight through its dull grey color as it seemed to shine down on the three friends as each one of them looked up. Thank you. Rainbow thought as a single tear glistened down her cheek as she stared up into the warm light that seemed to be smiling down upon them all reassuring everyone that everything will be alright.