Canterlot Wedding Aftermath Prt 1

by Lugitorix

Chapter 7

"Excuse me... excuse me...", a soft voice came, followed by an uneasy laugh, "Scuse me, I'm really sorry.", a purple mare came poking through the rows of Canterlot Royal Guard, either crawling under their legs, or between their tightly packed formation.

They paid her only enough mind to frown, smile, or just stare without question... but they didn't move. As sister to Shining Armor... she may have had good reason for interrupting their stance.

One guard, at the very front of the rank, suddenly grunted, and tripped over, with a loud, clanking thud. His armor was strong on him no doubt, but sounded so loose, and shrieking. Twilight had tried crawling under him to reach the main road... sending him onto his rump. With a glare, and a snort, he merely stood, and pushed her out into the middle of the street.

With an uneasy smile, her ears down, and teeth showing widely, "Sorry.", she hurried up the street, to the plaza not to far away... her final destination. It was under a tight watch, not because of any evils... just because it was such another special occasion. Yellow flags, baring Celestia's sun mark fluttered around in the wind, and the sounds of a stationed band... practicing for someone's nearing arrival could be heard. And of course, small, blue flower peddles littered the cobblestone streets, and roads.

The columns of the mighty Canterlot City Hall stood at the opposite end, decorated with many yellow lengths of cloth, tied about at the very top of each column, it was on these steps, that the most elite of soldiers stood, no longer in gold, or blazing blue... but now in Rose red headdresses, as well as silver, and brass armor... they resembled that of a Roman Centurion. These guards each carried a strong red banner, also bearing the mark of the sun, and the Canterlot Royal Seal, decorating the background, larger, yet behind each flowing sun.

Twilight Sparkle rushed up the steps of city hall. She had been able to redress her hair, and smoothen it out, even put a charming, little curl at the tip of her mane... and who could forget the purple lily that she'd stuck beside her left ear. She didn't really have time for much else, considering by the time she'd been freed from studies earlier that morning, she was too exhausted to come up with anything more than a simple... casual charm.

When she reached the top, she adjusted herself, facing the street. Standing beside on the elite guard, using him as shade from the bright noon sun... the flag fluttering about overhead was her shield.

At first she seemed like she was panicking, shifting, and fidgeting quite profusely, until she suddenly stopped, and blew upward on the small curl above her eye, before smiling confidently. Now she was what she would call "Presentable". In fact, she was so content, she looked up at the heavily armored warrior.

"Don't you ever feel like you're melting?", her eyes crossed over, with an odd stare into nothing... that was overstepping a number of boundaries. It must have just been the excitement of her brother, and new sister finally returning after a week-long honeymoon.

It's a good thing they never replied.

Her fluster was cut short when the sound of trumpets, more likely to the very edge of Canterlot's outer walls, sounded off that they were coming. The streets were now being crowded by more commonponies, separated from the street by the droves of line-ranking guards. The clear cobblestone street suddenly became horded along the edge by many cheering ponies, waiting for Canterlot's newly-weds to arrive home.

The carriage, i.e. the same on that had ridden off the night of the wedding, came rolling back down the street, and the music became louder, and more deafening. In a short time, shouting, and cheering became the music's distant background cousin.

Twilight smiled widely, her eyes bulging a tad bit, anxious to greet them home. She could see both Cadence, and Shining Armor, waving out the windows of their pleasant, little wagon. With a long, slow arch of movement, it whisked around the fountain at the center of the plaza, approaching from Twilight's left, and halting.

When the doors open, the guards raised their spears into the air, and as the flower peddles whom the many mares from the second floor above them, gazing out from the balcony cleared... both Twilight's Brother, and Cadence stood before her.

"Twili!", was the first thing that greeted her ears, as the purple Unicorn was pulled into a quick, tight hug.

"Shining Armor!", was her reply, rather gasping, and happy to see him of course, hugging back, not as hard, but still with a lot more ferocity. When they broke the hug... of course Cadenza entered their little fray, "Cadence!", she greeted as well.

"Twilight.", they hugged tightly, and with a soft laugh, "Wow, our week went by so fast. Didn't it, honey?", Cadence asked, her soft, very royal eyes blinking with a fondness.

Shining Armor could only blush uneasily, it was true, but around all the colts he commanded... and shared a small brotherly bond... it was rather cheesy, "Of course.", he gained his cool, and approached to her side, being rewarded with a soft kiss on the cheek.

Twilight Sparkle giggled herself, "I didn't think you two would come back so happy... wasn't you honeymoon fun?"

"Oh'hoo it was fun.", Cadenza winked with a soft smile, "But Shining Armor couldn't stay away from Canterlot for very long.", she smiled, understandingly... after all, he did have a job to do, "And besides... it was a great vacation spot but...", she chuckled sheepishly, "I kind of wore out all the things we could do after a few days..."

"She can't stay off her hooves very long.", shining added with a chuckle, "We didn't really have much to do other than lay around all day after that."

"Oh stop...", Cadence blushed, "It's not my fault I'm so active."

Twilight smiled widely, lowering her head, watching them with a fondness... would she ever find one like that? Ugh! Well... a question like that crossed her mind rarely. She knew she was a tad bit too young for the though anyway... a free spirit. So for now... all she could do was watch the couple bicker sweetly to one another.

But finally... it came to an end. And they found themselves walking through the front doors of city hall together. Cadence, and Shining Armor of course had to put one last wave in to the adoring public, before entering the very large building.

"Twilight, has anything gone wrong since we've been gone?", her brother asked, smiling as he set his rather displayable coat, and of course after taking his lovely mare's cloak, setting them both onto the coat rack.

Twilight looked back to them, frowning at first, and then smiling, "Nothing out of the ordinary compared to our last adventure."

Cadence closed her eyes, smiling with a soft laugh, "So nothing you all couldn't handle?"

"Not in the slightest.", she smiled back to her old foalsitter, stopping, and bowing to them both to continue up the stairs first, "The worst thing that happened was somepony asking for Celestia to give up her crown.", she chuckled, confidently, "But it was definitely just a ruse to take advantage of the whole changeling incident."

However, both Cadenza, and Shining Armor halted, "Someone ASKED Celestia to give up her rule?", Cadence asked, her ears pointing down, a tad bit confused, "And... that was it?"

"Well... as odd as it does sound... there wasn't really anything threatening about the pony that asked... he looked like any other Unicorn you'd see walking the streets of Canterlot anyway.", she looked back to them, "And he didn't really have much of a story to at least... help him seem convincing."

"And what did Celestia think about this?", Cadence asked softly, a tad worried, raising a hoof, pointing to Twilight questioningly, "She didn't just dismiss it completely, right?"

"Celestia seemed upset... but she did double the guard.", Twilight did not seem too worried, which relaxed Cadence of course... however, her brother was at first doubtful.

With a sigh, he shook his head, setting on his armor, "She should have spoken to me before she made a decision...", he strapped it tight, his horn glowing softly with his strong magic, "Something bad could happen at any moment.", now he seemed to be rushing, almost ready to re-assume position as captain of the royal guard once more.

"Shining Armor...", Cadence gave him a soft nuzzle, interrupting his rant, "I'm sure when Twilight believes everything is safe... then WE can believe her.", she didn't want to insult Twilight's judgment... and besides, she was probably right... a single Colt with no good background story, winding up asking the Princess to... and quite dishonestly, remove her crown... and give it to him. How absurd.

Shining Armor gazed a little cross-eyed to his sister, before looking aside, and then chuckling fondly, "Well... I suppose I can let it slide... after all, Twili's instinct did get us out our last mess.", he still clipped on shoulder armor... panic or not, he still had to get back to work... just, he wouldn't go overboard... he only equipped his lightest gear.

Cadence approached from his side, loyal, and faithful to her husband... her horn glowing, readjusting his helmet. She closed her eyes with a kind smile, "All ready...", she told him, with a giggle, "Don't keep your colt's waiting."

Twilight smiled when her brother gave Cadenza a soft kiss on the cheek... turning out to the balcony, to receive a welcome home cheer from the crowds outside. She could see the droves of confetti behind released from even higher above the second floor... Canterlot seemed to forget about all it's troubles quite quickly... and mend it's wounds for a new day.

All seemed peaceful, as it should be.

Cadence looked back, smiling to her new sister, "I think we should have a talk about this later, though..."

"Oh Cadence...", Twilight laughed softly, looking aside, "I really don't think it's anything to worry about... and, besides.", she perked, standing straight, "We've a lot of work to do ourselves these next few days.", the Unicorn winked.

The royal Alicorn looked down at her for a moment, frowning, before looking back out to the balcony, watching her husband give a swift order of movement, most likely to disperse the crowds, and return a innocent harmony, "I guess you're right...", her lips curved into a smile, "Maybe I'm just a little too worked up about it all..."

This led to a moment of silence, as the two actually began to immerse one another in a quick, very recent memory regarding the Changeling invasion... what an interesting few days that turned out to be.

But at the very least... they can all say without Twilight... it would have never been possible.


The candlelight gave a quick flicker, and the small flame became... nothing more than a small stream of smoke. The image could only hold for so long... and be that might have been quite a long time, it couldn't hold all day.

They watched with a silence, now that the light was out, they, and the small ray of pale sun fuming through the small crevice in the ceiling... were the only things giving off a light. The eyes, and their red burning glow, "Mmm...", they rumbled, "Finally...", they spoke to nopony, as it seemed no one else was in the dark, dreary underground BUT themselves.

"Mere days remain...", the raised away from the charring wax candle, peering up... through that small hole, gazing at the small flicker that was sunlight... many meters above him. Separated by tons, upon tons of solid rock, and dirt, "Mere days until it will finally begin..."... only one eye was open, peering up through the crack.

But like any soul, they departed from this gaze, shifting back into the blackness... before halting. The sounds of hoof-prints on hard, wet, and mossy stone... however, it did not take long to confirm who was approaching this sanctuary.

"Old man.", the colt entered the room, his red, smooth mane hanging down from along his neck, his tail at ease, but you could feel he was on end without the candlelight. And he himself dare not make a fire of his own... he didn't want to upset the entity, "She's finally here."

They still looked ahead, facing the darkest corner of this cold place. Before looking back to Solster Fire.

"She is alone, yes?..."

"I don't really think the answer should surprise you...", the unicorn rolled his eyes, turning aside, "You can come in now...", he announced, his orange ember eyes glowing a tad bit, "And hurry up... moss ain't gonna kill ya!", that seemed more like a tease, rather than an order... which caught a slow glare from those eyes.

"Oh please!", came a sharp reply, "You can't honestly expect ME to wanna trudge through THIS place? It would have been nice had you told me WHERE we were going first!", the voice seemed cocky, a little boastful, and definitely full of pride. And it was most definitely a mare.

A blue hoof stepped around the corner, as she entered with a slow strut, the long pointed hat shrouding over her eyes, as a long, white mane draped down gracefully as he side. When she was in full silhouette view, a light sparked above her head. She was a unicorn no doubt... and soon, with a quick flash the room became illuminated.

She was showing off so soon.

The eyes narrowed, one to rid of the light, and two... this mare was a tad, rather irritating, "Mmmm... so you are the one...", he grumbled.

Her purple eyes flicked to lock on... them, and soon enough, her light show began to slow down. She seemed entranced at first, just staring with a simple gaze. She suddenly shook her head, and flared the light... needing to finish.

The eyes squinted harder, "Hmmm!", it was rather harsh.

Oh that wasn't good! Suddenly, the mare was grabbed from behind, a hoof covering her horn, "Trixie! Baby! Probably not the best idea.", Solster suddenly groaned into her ear.

The blue unicorn almost began to struggle, before halting, "What did you just call me?", she seemed insulted. But before she could even begin to smack him...

"So this is the... Great, and Powerful Trixie... hm?", the eyes rose through the air... "Solster, I'm beginning to question your level of judgment...", that sounded so very discouraging, and they only sought to turn away, back to the blackness, "Be rid of her-"

"What? Dare you question The GREAT, and POWERFUL legibility of the Great and Powerful Trixie?", the blue mare didn't really attempt to struggle, her hooves were locked with Solster's which in turn kept her in a near choke-hold.

They stopped their slow decline into the blackness, and blinked dully, turning back to her, "You seem... far more of a bantering twit, little one..."

"Excuse me?", Trixie scoffed, her eyes giving that cold, shocked glance... how DARE he mock her like such.

Solster Fire tightened his hold, "Will you shut it?", he hissed to her uneasily, gritting his teeth, his eyes watching those eyes float about with a slow, smooth posture. However, he soon yelped, "OW!", and released her, "She BIT me!"

Trixie rubbed her mouth, and then fixed her dressings, as that long, very bright, and rather irritating cloak had become a little twisted while on the cold, mossy floor, "Trixie is not impressed.", she announced properly, still very high on herself, "What could you possibly think Trixie could find interesting about a pair of floating lightbulbs?", she grinned... as the eyes did give off that very luminous red glow.

Her confidence was undermined, as they suddenly rushed her, the air growing stagnant, and stiff... cold, and cruel, "So you've the confidence of a hungry lion?", they asked, beaming down upon her.

Now she laid on her back, eyes wide... they didn't look this frightening when they were across the room. But now, they were directly in front of her... and they were terrifying! "I-", she suddenly bit her lip... how did her feeling change this quickly? Did he just FORCE her to become fearful?... or was it... something about the power she could feel, coming off of them...

"Wha! Get away from me!", she commanded, raising a hoof in front of her, "What ARE you?"

The only flashed closer, burning into her gaze, "What I am is not YOUR concern...", they softened dullsomely, raising away from her, lingering aside, "What good are you to me... Solster Fire, you may guide her out.

"Naw hold on'a minute, old man... You said you wanted anyone who could be useful to ya... at least hear what she has ta say.", he nodded, looking from aside only though... he didn't want to upset him.

Trixie got to her hooves... she opened her yap to initially bark out the entity... but stopped, quieting herself, not wanting to be shown up again by something that didn't even have a body.

They stopped, just before they could seep back into the walls of this very dark place... in fact, how they were all able to see one another was strictly a miracle all it's own. They began to turn back, still unimpressed, but also a tad interested.

"... very well...", they agreed, the ancient elderly voice cleared it's... throat, "She has a very small... fraction of my time...", they loomed around to face Trixie alone, "Speak, mare... or forever hold that silence..."

Trixie reeled her head back slowly, and cleared her throat, "I-"

"What is it you hate most?...", they asked, the eyes narrowing slowly, "I know why you are chosen... but why you are here. I'm interested..."

The unicorn looked uneasy, shifting to the left a little, her cape flowing around, and covering her front legs. But it did not take long for her to gain enough confidence.

"Trixie despises the mare! The unicorn! Twilight-"

"Sparkle!", they became simultaneous.

"Ahhh... a vengeance...", they looked aside, rather amused. So the mare hated one of the handful he himself was to deal with? Marvelous... simply marvelous...

"And I don't care WHAT happens to her!", Trixie announced, "I just want to see whatever horrible can come to her wretched life, happen!", she closed her eyes, raising her head, satisfied with that wish. Oh, and how legit it actually turned out to be.

The eyes closed as well, holding like this for a rather long time... before they opened slowly, gazing upon her once more, "Mmmm... Your hatred... empowers me... It runs very deep... I can tell...", now it seemed that the eyes were entranced by the prospect of Trixie...

Though she seemed a tad nervous around this being, "And-... This less than admirable Unicorn-"


"-Told me, that somepony could make my wish come true...", she looked away, very properly, and boastfully, "I'm guessing that somepony is whatever you are?", she froze though, the chuckle emitting from his throat was more than unsettling.

"Very good...", they approached, the red glow they gave off became brighter, "Solster... I believe I owe you an apology...", however when they loomed over Trixie, sending the mare backing up to the jagged, and cold stone walls behind her... it seemed more like something terrible was going to happen.

The black space above the eyes began to glow, a dark purple, and black tint sparked about, and a soft, thudding tempo, a single beat every second or so, pulsing off from that very spot in the air... took the shape of a curved horn.

Trixie looked uneasy, gritting her teeth, "What are you doing?", she asked, swallowing hard, before she began to give off the exact same color, outlining her own body, "Ah!", she gasped, not know what was going to happen to her.

But then... they released her, "Hmmm!...", they seemed to grumble, somehow upset with her, "She is... very meager.", he had scanned her.

When they turned away, leaving her to just watch, she cringed wildly, "Meager?", she snapped, getting to her hooves, glaring harshly as both her and Solster Fire watched them, float over to the opposite wall, more-so to the very left this time. "What is so meager about the GREAT, and POWERFUL Trixie, that you DARE call her enthralling abilities 'MEAGER'?", she narrowed her eyes, her face flushed very red, hunkered, almost like she was going to pounce on the eyes.

"You are rather confident...", they told her drullfully, "Perhaps a bit too overconfident... Therefore allow me to...", they looked back, to the two of them, the space where a curved horn appeared to be, glowing wildly once more, "Perhaps, even the odds..."

They looked down, spaces in the walls began to light ablaze, almost like they were being scorched... or cut out from the rock, "This place we reside in...", they began, looking up, as indeed, the lights he conjured, though black, perhaps with a white tint outline took shape on the walls, "It was once filled with powerful magic... until perhaps... many thousands of years ago, it was destroyed... brought down by the elements for being a place of sanctuary so powerful, and yet to lenient, that even the most powerful of all evils could live here... without threat of the outside world...", he chuckled, "That magic still resides here... yet it is faint...", they looked aside, the lights from his stone cutting, seemed to illuminate the room.

Not only did it give it a light for the first time in many, many years... but it also gave it that eerie feel, as the old stone carvings that at first, you'd stumble into in the dark... now became present. What must of been pegasi carvings, now looked grim, black, ancient... deformed by the thousands of damp, mossy conditions that you could hardly tell what they were. They looked like demons now... Water droplets now sparkled overhead, collecting on the ceiling, before dripping off, and splattering on the still very dark earth.

"With a piece of this stone... bent... to my will...", they chuckled, before the light became black, and it all died away. The sounds of stone being pulled across an equal surface... or in this case, whatever he had created, being pulled from the wall, and floated into the air.

"I can gift you both with the power you will need..."

Solster looked surprised, his mouth a little agape, still aside from them, and quite a distance away, he stood by Trixie.

She was equally stunned... something about all this didn't convince her. So now, she called him out, "What exactly do you plan on doing?", she glared.

It probably would have been best to hold her tongue, however... the entity was very lenient, but also very harsh...

"Do you want to take your vengeance upon Twilight, or not?"

With a question so clean, and simple, all Trixie could really say was yes.

The eyes turned to them both, closing with a very amusing chuckle, "Very good...", they announced encouragingly, very quietly though, "Come... claim your pendents..."

Solster Fire only gazed at him, before grunting, and shaking his head clean of all hesitation, "Right...", he stepped forward, "Trix... just do as he says.", he ordered calmly.

"Don't! Call me that, PLEASE...", she rolled her eyes, and walked alongside him. At first, she seemed rather neutral to all of this, yet as she got closer... she could feel the opportunity getting bigger, and bigger with every closing step. She narrowed her eyes... finally... after all this time, she'd finally get a chance to redeem herself! Once and for all she'd prove that she'd always been better than any unicorn in Equestria!

With this pendent, that not only she, but the Unicorn beside her, selected, they both held onto them.

"You will feel the differences when the time is right...", they told them, "For now... Keep them close..."

The mare looked up, "When do we show them all who's really in charge?", one of her eyes was narrowed, the other cocked... she could feel the power in which she now belonged to... and it... felt great.

The eyes cocked a brow, looking down at her with a passiveness, but they soon huffed deeply, "Very soon, Trixie... Very soon indeed..."


AU: only a few more chapters til part 1 is over...