Under Loyalty's Flag

by Gapeagle

Chapter 17: Split Loyalty (Part 1)

The Ragnarok glided on the mostly calm waters. The southern coast of Equestria was to the west of them. High palm trees and dense woods on the cliffs were all that could be seen. Equestrians still had not inhabited the lands south of Baltimare, so they remained wild and savage and certainly no place to ever stop on the journey.

As the ship went on towards Baltimare, Rainbow whistled a tune to herself while she walked about on high main mast, above the main sails. With the little amount of wind, she was releasing the sails to gain a little speed. She did this sort of stuff all the time. She was so used to it, she barely even thought about her actions. And since she was one of the best in terms of balance, she had no trouble staying up on the beams.

"Done!" she said.

She swiftly and expertly climbed down until she was safely on the deck. There, she casually dodged the other crew members who wandered about ,doing their constant chores. She did so until she spied Sunny, dangerously sitting on the ship's railing, once again, reading her book. Rainbow started to believe she was not actually reading it, but just using it to avoid socializing with the pirates.

To ruin this plan, Rainbow marched over to her and leaned on the railing she was sitting on. All Rainbow needed to do was give the young lady a light shove and she would be lost to the seas. It seemed enticing, but Rainbow knew better and simply tugged a little at the woman's dress.

"What is it?" Sunny responded through her teeth.

"Jus' wanted to say hello," Rainbow jeered.

"Well, you said it, now please let me read."

"Please, I know ya ain't reading it," Rainbow giggled.

"Oh?" Sunny removed her eyes from the pages. "Why the assumption?"

"Ya've been on the same page for three days."

Sunny's face turned a bright red instantly. She tried to focus on the book once more, but now that her secret had been found, she could not. Instead she cursed and closed the pages before casting the small book over and into the blue waters.

"Wasn't that good, huh?" Rainbow smiled.

"Not in the slightest," Sunny shook her head. "Why are you still here?"

"Well, I also wanted to know why ya snubbed Rares like that yesterday. I mean, what were ya tryin' to do?"

The young lady rolled her eyes. "I guess I can tell you. You see, she is a Bearer. This Assassin Brotherhood captures poor young women, well, I only can assume they are women, and force them into service. I believe that is what happened to my lost friend."

"Wait, ya think she's a Bearer?"


"That seems like a stretch."

Sunny finally removed herself from the railing and stood on the deck where it was much safer. "You do not understand the circumstances. My friend and I were very close and her leaving like this is extremely unlike her. Not only that, she's of high enough wealth that a ransom from her snatchers would have been expected. It's been months and no such word has been heard. I believe she is either dead in some alley or she is a new Bearer of the Assassins. Of course, I cannot confirm either one, but I believe this is a start. I must return to Canterlot immediately."

"So ya gonna jus' go when we reach Baltimare."

"Yes. Since Baltimare is merely an hour or so north, I shall ready my items already. Rainbow Dash, thank you for letting me take passage on your ship. You are pirates, but you have some ounce of dignity. I thank you and your captain."

"It's nothing. Ya still gotta pay something though."

She rolled her eyes once again and pulled out a small purse. "I had hoped you would forget with the flattery, but here is my only bitpieces. If it's not enough, I have much more in Canterlot. Now I must get ready."

"Wait!" Rainbow called to her as she was about to go below deck. "What's ya actual name?"

"I guess I can tell you. You most likely will never hear it again anyway. I am Sunset Shimmer," she said and smiled.

"Bring her in! Bring her in! Nice n' easy!"

The Ragnarok closed in on the Baltimare port and gently stopped next to a pier. When they tied the ship to the posts, just like last time, a Royal Guard approached them. When the gangway was placed and the crew could reach land, the Royal Guard walked up and onto the ship.

The Royal Guard in his dark blue armor walked over to Caramel. "G'day captain! I am Lieutenant Lazarus of the Night Watch. State your business to be on this dock. I-" he paused. "Oh, it's you."

"How ya do, Lazarus?" Caramel grinned. "Long time, no see."

"I wish it was longer. Last time, you're bloody excuse of being a tradesman with the Black Dragon Inn was proven false. You lied to me! That is an offense not only to me but to the Two Sisters! I should confiscate your ship and have you tried!"

Caramel was about to yell back at the Night Watch officer, but an "ahem" from a young woman interrupted them. Sunny stood beside them with her arms folded. Her turquoise eyes were sharp and threatening to them both, but mainly to the Night Watch.

"Lieutenant, what is the matter?" she asked authoritatively.

"I...Uh...Lady Shimmer!" he croaked. "What, why are you here?"

"That's my business, not yours," she stated. "I heard you threaten this great captain. If you touch a finger on him, I shall report your unfair treatment to the Empresses. Empress Luna likes you at this moment, but she is one to change her mind."

"Yes, Lady Shimmer!" he bowed, making some sweat from his face fall to the deck.

"Now away with you," she dismissed him.

He bowed again before he turned and left without looking back. Caramel laughed loudly at his victory. He looked down at Sunny and shook her curly hair up with his hand.

"Good on ya, lass. I would love to keep ya if ya helped me like that more often."

"I would stay a day longer, but my friend needs me," Sunny said as she tried to fix her hair. "Perhaps we could see each other some time?"

"If Fate is willing. Now get outta here!" he laughed.

Sunny bowed to him before she left as well. Caramel saw her reach the worried lieutenant and they shared a conversation he could not hear. They walked away together and she was soon marching through Baltimare with Royal Guards flanking her. He chuckled to himself once again, but soon stopped when he felt someone leaning on him. He slowly turned his head to see Rarity smiling up at him with her pearly teeth.

"Glad to be back in a civilized town, hm?" she asked.

"Ya supposed to be locked up," he stated coldly.

"Am I? What a shame," she remarked sarcastically. "I grew tired of my cell. I thought it was time to get some much needed fresh air. And what better place to get the perfect smell of the ocean than Baltimare?"

"I thought we made a deal."

"The deal has no true weight to it, Captain. Our little journey is over. This town, whether you like it or not, is Assassin-controlled. You see, you may think you could strike another Pyrate Deal like you did with Den Master Silverspeed. We know better now."

"Are ya threatening me, Miss Rarity?" he leaned closer to her.

"Threatening? Such a nasty and simple word. No, I am not. If anything, I'm warning you of what is to come. You see, Captain Caramel, you are a man of your word, I know, and that's why you are a great threat to the Brotherhood. In your ignorance of the subject, you believe that we are some enemy to Equestria. You are mistaken, we fight to ser-"

"Cut the talk!" he barked. "I know what ya stand for. You want Harmony and freedom? Pshaw! Ya don't even know that yaselves. From my studies of those Elements, I'd say you are more of a breathing vessel for that crystal than a living human. Can't ya realize those things are only usin' ya?"

"My word!" Rarity backed away from the pirate. "The audacity! I tell you that me and and my Element are beneficial to each other. It was...a blessing to be chosen."

"A blessing?" he scoffed. "Never thought a blessin' would come in by having ya chest ripped open and ya heart stolen. I'd rather count that Element as a parasite before anything else, or do ya think the leeches or the lice are having a wonderful relationship with their hosts?" he mocked.

He continued by jabbing a finger into her shoulder. "Now ya can stay out and get some air. However, I'll be watching ya and so will the others. If ya Assassins plan on having some bravado, then we'll be damn ready for ya. Ya thought ya had the edge on Sepulcher, but we tanned ya hide then and we'll smite ya asses 'ere!"

"You're fighting a pointless war. We are not your enemies. You are so fixated on what you believe is true that you can't see past the lies. If you knew better, you would focus on the Templar, not us!"

"Hehe, that's where ya wrong. I know both sides. Ya both are rotten apples."

"You had your chance..." she uttered under her breath and walked away, leaving the captain to himself.

"What're they planning?" he asked the air.

"I didn't know you played cards."

"Darling, I play many games. In my early days in Canterlot, I did go to the taverns to gamble some. It was how I made some side money."

Rainbow and Rarity sat at a tavern in the Baltimare square. Being just past midday, the tavern was quieting from the workers who were sharing their food breaks. Rarity had an expensive with her while the young pirate had a large mug of cider. The Bearer went about shuffling a deck of blue playing cards. Her hands were quick and the cards flew about between her long fingers. Rainbow was slightly mesmerized by how she moved the thin cards. Not even swiping a sip from of her cider made her remove her eyes from the skill that was being displayed.

"What we playin'?"

"A nice game of Primero. It's a Canterlot favorite."

"Never heard of it."

"Well, it's not that complicated. All you need is to acquire the highest set of cards of anyone playing. Whoever does that wins the game. Of course, this is a gambling game, so we must have an ante to start with."

"I don't got many bits..."

"Well, we shall just use them sparingly then."

"I mean, I only got five," the pirate stated as she poured her coin purse on the table.

Rarity shook her head slowly. "Then this shall be depressingly short..."

"Not if I joined."

Caramel sauntered over to their table. He wasn't smiling and he was not showing any joy. His words were unusually dry and almost accusing. Rarity and Rainbow did not answer and simply watched him take his seat at their table. When he sat down, Zecora also joined them. It was a quiet gathering of the four.

"Ya deal, Miss Rarity?" Caramel asked with venom.

"I do deal, Captain," Rarity replied.

"Then place the cards that we shall play, so that we may begin on our way," Zecora ordered coldly.

Rarity looked to them all before shuffling the deck one more time. With her quick fingers, she distributed two cards to each of them, including herself. While she did that, the players put in one bitpiece each in the center of the table.

"Look at your cards and then I shall give you your second set," Rarity explained.

Rainbow looked down at her cards. She tilted them up awkwardly to see what they were. One was a two and the other was a five. Her eyes blinked as she did not know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. So she simply stared at them.

"I'll raise ya two bits," Caramel said as he tossed in two coins.

The others followed suit to match his bet. Rainbow was hesitant to separate from her bits as she only had two left at her side. Hope it doesn't go higher.

Rarity distributed two cards to each player once again. Rainbow was beginning to become nervous. The new two cards were an ace and a four. Her eyes darted to the other players. She noticed that Caramel nor Zecora were even looking at their cards, but right at the Bearer of Generosity. Rarity looked at them back with her devious sapphire eyes. The sly grin that was firming on her lips was making the young pirate uneasy.

"I shall raise you each three," she said and threw in the bits.

Rainbow threw in her remaining bitpieces. Apparently, it was time to show their hands. Rainbow showed her two, five, four, and ace hand. Zecora had three fours and a king. Caramel had two aces and two sevens. Rarity had a seven, a five, an ace, and a six.

"Well, I lost," Rarity shrugged. "I thought I had that. The old sevens won again."

"Wait? Why did Caramel win?" Rainbow demanded as the captain pocketed the bitpieces.

"He had the highest set," Rarity explained. "I only lost by four points. Zecora came in last, you just above her, then me, then Caramel."

"Ya should avoid gambling, Miss Dash," Caramel shook his head.

"But we have had enough talk, for the time is not for bite or bark," Zecora said as she continued to look at Rarity.

"What gives?" Rainbow asked. "Ya two are creepin' me out."

"Miss Dash, I think it's time for us to go back to the ship," Caramel said oddly.

The air was full of a weirdness hat Rainbow could not understand. The behavior of the three people in front of her was bewildering. Rarity was slightly sweating, but her grin showed complete confidence. Caramel and Zecora seemed unusually nervous and terribly on edge. The whole eerie feeling made even Rainbow short on breath.

"Miss Rarity, we need to leave," Caramel uttered sternly.

"And why should I? I have you all where I want you," Rarity smiled. "You should have never brought me to Baltimare. Even if I stayed locked up on the Ragnarok, what's about to happen would have happened anyway."

"Rarity!" Caramel growled.

She leaned back in her chair suddenly and kicked the table over upon the pirates. The cider and wine flew in the air and into the captain's eyes, making him scream at the horrid stinging. The Bearer fell back all the way and flipped herself upright before sprinting away down the Baltimare street. Rainbow was quick to recover the attack and spotted the fleeing Bearer.

"She's gettin' away!" Rainbow yelled and sprinted after her.

"Miss Dash! Rainbow! Stop!" Caramel screamed urgently.

The young pirate did not listen and ran after the Bearer. It was a chase to remember. The sand under her boots and the air dry air rushing past her rainbow hair was exciting. It was like she was preforming again in Manehatten.

The Bearer was no easy target to keep up with. Her Assassin skills allowed her to climb up the buildings, rush past the civilian obstacles, and take quick routes through the city. Rainbow was like a spectrum racing through the city after the fleeing prey. Her short, but strong legs pushed her onward. Every misstep meant something. Every moment wasted had consequences.

"You really think you can keep up with me?" Rarity mocked.

"You ain't seen me go fast!"

Rarity latched onto a pole and made a sharp turn, completely pulling her legs off the ground. She then reached a pulley and sliced the rope, letting the weight at the top fall to make her fly up to the roofs. Rainbow saw this and altered her route. She pressed her foot into the wall and jumped up to another wall and then to another. It did not take her long to reach the roofs with the Bearer.

"You are skilled, I'll compliment you that!" the Bearer yelled.

"Keep ya mouth shut 'til I get ya and sow it shut!" Rainbow threatened.

"How violent."

The Bearer jumped from the roofs to the trees that surrounded the port city. They were going deeper and deeper inland. Rainbow followed swiftly after, tiptoeing on the swaying branches and swinging around the thick trunks. They swung on the overhanging vines and branches from one place to another, using everything to their disposal and advantage.

They soon were running by the outer huts of the town. It was the poorer side of Baltimare and its lowly residents watched them run by through the treetops. The white of Rarity and the cyan blue of Rainbow made it impossible to not see them among the hazy green leaves. Their colors shown bright, but their quickness made them blurs.

Rarity slid down to a dirt road where she started to run even harder. The sandy roads turned into loose dirt paths that had bridges over swamps and small creeks. Rainbow had not been this far in and the nature around was turning quickly into something she did not expect.

"Desperate times," Rarity said. "A lady like me should not been seen running through such filthy bogs, but it's for a greater cause."

"You know nothing of 'greater causes!'"

"Hmph! I certainly know it better than you, pirate."

The wooden bridges turned into fallen logs and the creeks turned into wide ditches of stagnant water. Rainbow was slowly catching up with the Bearer. Her legs started to burn and her eyes became teary in the air. Must not stop! Failure wasn't something Rainbow was fine with. She pressed on and pushed herself further.

Their running brought them to some abandoned bog village. Signs of a civilization were everywhere. Wooden docks for the swamp boats, small homes made on stilts, and even what appeared to be a town square. The enormous trees that towered over them blocked the majority of sunlight, leaving them in a frightful darkness. Rainbow placed her hands in front of her to fight the increasing amount of swarming bugs.

Rarity jumped off a dock and began hopping from one pole to the next over the green gooey waters. Rainbow jumped after her, jumping from the same polls. The green moss that was lying atop the water was separated in spots were alligator eyes watched them. There was no room for a mistake above the swamps.

"Do ya even know where ya going?" Rainbow called out.

"Of course, darling. Why else would I go this way?"

The Bearer leaped from the last poll to dry land once more and ran done a thin and winding dirt trail. Rainbow drew her swords and kept the pursuit going. She had almost caught up with Rarity. All she needed was to hold her down until Caramel found them. Yeah, just like that. The Bearer had to tire out, right?

Rarity was met with a mass of fallen trees that blocked the trail. She slid to a graceful stop and turned around to see Rainbow charging at her. A wide grin appeared on her face and she stood there with her arms crossed. It was a knowing grin and it made Rainbow suddenly uneasy.

Rainbow ran with her swords out at the Bearer. Suddenly, an armored arm swung out from behind a giant tree and clothes-lined the young pirate. The hit was so spectacular that it sent her head over heels made her roll on the ground upon landing. Both her swords dangerously flew into the air and land in the nearby bushes. Rainbow tried to recover, but her head spun with the attack.

"You are skilled, but you are not the smartest," Rarity said.

Rainbow looked to see that the person who smacked her was June, the Bearer of Kindness. Around her were half a dozen Assassins. All of them pointed their swords at her. She cursed loudly and punched the ground.

"Ya gonna capture me again?" she wailed.

"No, we aren't." Rarity said as she elegantly walked over to her. "We aren't in the slightest."

The Assassins grabbed the pirate and forced her into a spread eagle position. She activated her wrist blades, but they did nothing as the Assassins were out of harm's way while they held her tight. One Assassin did not help his Brothers and Sisters, but instead went to Rarity and handed her a box.

"Very peculiar times, we live in," she uttered.

"Gonna torture me?" Rainbow spat. "I won't talk! I'm Rainbow Dash! The hardest bitch you'll ever get to talk!"

Rarity said nothing and stood right in front of Rainbow with the box in her hands. Her grin now left her and some regret was seen in her eyes. Her hands slowly opened the box to reveal a red crystal Rainbow instantly recognized it as the Element of Loyalty.

"I know you..."

"Gah!" Rainbow shrieked as her heart burned. "Please..."

"Rainbow Dash of Cloudsdale, the Element of Loyalty has chosen you to be his new Bearer," Rarity said solemnly.

"No. No. No, no, no," Rainbow shook her head. "Ya can't be serious."

"Wish we weren't," June chuckled. "But the Elements don't lie. He chose you."

"As one who has gone through this, my advice is to not fight the pain," Rarity said.

She then picked up the glowing crystal. It pulsed a loud pulse as it was drawn closer to Rainbow's chest. Rainbow felt like it was a furnace being pointed right at her. An extreme heat that melted her clothes away. The Bearer touched the Element to the pirate's shirt and then let go.

"No! I'm not a Bearer!" Rainbow cried.

"Yes, you are."

Loyalty's magic melted a hole through her clothes and then started to rip into her flesh. The pain was excruciating as she felt her ribs and bones be broken and separated to create a path for the intruding crystal. The only thing louder than her screams was the sounds of her bones cracking as they were pulled farther and farther apart in a slow and agonizing ordeal. Blood started to run down her robes and onto the ground like a current. Loyalty pulled the ribs farther and farther, butterflying her entire cage.

"Don't fight it," Rarity said soothingly. "It's better if you don't fight.

Rainbow's body and mind fought the Element with all her strength. As her organs became exposed, her arms twitched about madly and her eyes bulged out of their sockets. The Assassins around her held firmer and tighter grips.

Loyalty dug into her heart, making it burst in one spot. Rarity backed away as blood spewed out from the vital organ. Rainbow could not help but watch her heart be burned and fall out of her chest, plopping soundly on the mossy ground. The muscle still beat as it lay there, as if it had some hope of living a bit longer. Her veins and arteries attached themselves to the Element, allowing glowing red blood to fill what was lost. Under her skin was this startling red color. The blue blood was not to be found.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!"

"Just a little longer."

Just as her body started to feel weak from the lack of a heart, she felt a shock of energy go through her that made her hair stand up. The opened ribs started to slowly go back into their original place. Loyalty was larger than her heart and when the ribs met the Element, they kept going, snapping in places where the tension was too much.


Rainbow finally squirmed free and with her free hand, she grabbed the Element. The pain she felt then was so much that let go instantly. The pain kept her frozen and she was losing the ability to even say words. The horrific screams were becoming desperate moans.

"Don't fight him!" Rarity shouted. "Please don't!"

"I rath...rather die than serve you..."

Rainbow said these words but made no action upon them. The Assassins took hold of her once more and Element sealed her broken skin. The end product had the Element sticking out of her chest at a jagged angle, just like Rarity. Rainbow's vision was fading and the pain was fleeting.

"It is done."

"Please....no...." she gasped.

"Rainbow Dash, please, this is not an attack on you," Rarity tried to sooth. "You will feel much better soon, I promise. The Element chose you. Take it with pride. It's for the best."

"No...no..." Rainbow repeated.

The Assassins let go of her and she fell to her hands and knees. Nothing felt right. The blood pumped in random beats. Her breathing was shallow. Her eyes were unfocused. Suddenly, she felt a shearing headache and she instinctively brought her palms to her forehead. After one blink, the world became a misty blue. Rarity and June faded away in this new world. She blinked once more and everything was back to normal.

"You'll get used to it," June chuckled. "Now, try to stand."

"Get up, Rainbow."

Rainbow struggled, but soon got to her feet. It seemed like her body was normalizing from the traumatic event. Rarity still held a face of concern. June gave a one-sided smile that had no Kindness in it. She laid a hand on Rainbow's shoulder.

"Welcome to the Brotherhood, Bearer of Loyalty."
